Virtues Of The World Sansei Goju-Ryu Karate Organization

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"A tree that reaches past your embrace grows from one small seed." (TAO64)

We shall always practice and study.

 We shall always be humble and kind.

We shall be quick to seize opportunity.

We shall always practice patience.

We shall believe that nothing is impossible.

We shall discard the bad. 

We shall keep the good.

We shall always be courteous.

We shall always be loyal: to ourselves,
karate, family, community, and country.

Love is our Law.
Truth is our worship.
Form is our manifestation.
Peace is our shelter.
Nature is our companion.
Order is our attitude.
Beauty and perfection is our life.



The ownership of   all pictures and material related to the Hombu Dojo (Vaalpark) belongs to the publisher of this website. Permission to use any of this information can be obtained from Johan Reyneke. Permission to use any of this material for non commercial use will not be withheld.

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