DODGE!!That's the word I always bring with me because there are many obstacles to dodge.
Like problems, I have many problems with me. Problems from home, family, friends, school, and myself.
Obstacles that i have to dodge is like my problems, humiliation, embarrassment, insults, and arguements.
Many people will try to humiliate, insult, argue, embarrass and especially many people will try to step on you
because of the insecurities, jealousy or enviousness they have or maybe they have problems in theirselves
but I don't hate them because they are like that, instead, i pity them because they don't have anything to do
but to ruin other's life. Maybe because that's their specialty, destroying one another's life. But there are kind
people who are willingly to help, just like my bestfriend, Salam P. Gabriel,who is always there for me. Thank you very much.. :-)