From the book: "Migliarina e la sua Parrocchia, 1838 - 1988"

written by Gianni Donati

The decree that separates Migliarina St. John the Baptist from Isola St. Jacob is dated June 16, 1838.

The prehistorical road that linked Luni with the ligurian coast was "romanized" in 155 b.C. by M.Claudio Marcello. That road used to pass near the Boron oppidum, a borough corresponding to St. Venerio church and port, from 4th century, first christian signes in the east part of La Spezia gulf. The famous St. Venerio church was situated eastern of "Mecarìna", that in the following centuries changed its name in "Megiaìna" and "Meliarina".

Our territory was dominated by Greek-Byzantines, Longobards, French, Obertenghi, but spiritually was dominated by the figure of St. Venerio (530 - 630). After the Longobard invasion, the population was devoted to St. Victor from Lombardia. St. Victor church was built before 950 on Mt.Albano, near Isola Castle. Both Migliarina and Isola churches must be considered "sons" of St. Victor church.

From an idea of the Bishop, in 1160 was founded the Hospital of St. John the Baptist of Migliarina, and a Chapel was added (unknown date). The Parish was created from that Chapel. First rector of the Parish was Girolamo de Facio (or Fazio), that appears in Luni Bishop's Archieve in 1558. In 1584, during apostolic visit of Angelo Peruzzi (Bishop of Sàrsina, a town in Romagna - near Bologna), St.John the Baptist hospital was annexed to St. Andrew city hospital, while the old Migliarina Church was still in good conditions ("satis bene se habet").

At the end of 16th century there were many secular confraternities. The St. John the Baptist confraternity was formed in Migliarina, although the congregation used to pray in St. Bernard Oratory of Felettino.

In the last years of 19th century it was obvious that a new church was needed; the old one was declared unsanitary by the Royal Commissar Menzinger. In 1904 Bishop Giovanni Carli conferred to St. John the Baptist Church the title of head parish (title that Isola detained since 1729). Monsignor Stefano Danè saw the first brick laying on June 20, 1926 operated by Bishop Bernardo Pizzorno. Bishop Giovanni Costantini unveiled the new Church on September 3, 1933, designed by Lorenzo Basso and Ermelindo Panconi. Here are some dimensions of this impressive building: Façade height 25mt, Church length 37.15mt, central aisle height 18mt, lateral aisles height 7mt and long 33mt; On the façade a forged iron cross (1.80x1.50mt). Original stained glass windows were distroyed during May 10, 1944 bombardment.

Other parishes were created from Migliarina: in 1952 Felettino was annexed to Isola (St. Anne - the parish church was built in 1986); in 1955 Favaro was entitled to Virgin Mary Immaculate Heart; in 1963 Bishop Giuseppe Stella created St. Peter Apostle Parish for La Pianta area.




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