My Parents
Clyde D. Lee
Velma (Spry) Lee
   Sometime after 1920 Clyde D. Lee and two of his brothers moved to a small community in West Texas called Plaska, Texas. The Lee Brothers had been living in Oklahoma, I have no idea what brought them to this area. I have been told that Clyde (my Father) worked as a barber in Oklahoma City in 1920.

     Plaska was a well settled community of cotton farmers, and their families. One of these families was my Mothers's. Velma Spry still lived with her parentss Thomas J. and Sena Permilia (Ramsey) Spry, or as they were known Tom and Senie Spry.

     Clyde met Velma Spry at a church function, and they started to date. Clyde also played the guitar in a small local band, which later in years after my Dad quit playing for them became known as "Bob Wills and The Texas Playboys."

    November 25, 1933 Clyde and Velma were married by Reverend W. A. Barber at Plaska, Texas.

     Mom and Dad's first child Samuel Don Lee was born October 2, 1935, five years later my twin brother Danny Ray Lee, and myself Sandra Kay Lee were born.

Mom and Dad were also cotton farmers in the Memphis, Texas area, where they worked hard, and raised their family.
     Clyde D. Lee died April 7, 1977, 20 years later my mother Velma (Spry) Lee died on January 26, 1997, they are both buried in Memphis, Texas.
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