Red eyed tree frog
Riley Sharp
[email protected]
Frogs are amphibians.They live on land and in water.Frogs develops from small fishlike tadpoles.There are over 4000 known species of frogs. Frogs have a diet of mpostly insects so they are important to humans. Frogs are used in classes to teach about many different things. Frogs are good jumpers and some have sticky pads on the bottom of their feet.Some frogs skin is poisonous.Frogs are vcold blooded and can tolerate less temperature change than humans. Some frogs bury themselves under mud in colder months and hibernate. To catch an insect a frog whipps out its tongue that is covered in a sticky substance that attaches to the insect. Some male frogs can inflate their Vocal sacks to call females. Frogs lay their eggs in water. Frog Numbers have been declining rapidly in the last 20 years. Many species will become extink unless something is done to protect them.
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