Sandi's Family Photo Album

Sandi Dolitz Vasquez' Family Photo Album


My Favorite Seestor

My GodBaby Laura

Girlfriends/The Dali Vazquez Show


My Mudder

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My favorite (ok - only) Sister

Shirley visting NYC, when there were towers and she had hair...

Ripley and Auntie Shirley

Link to Shirley's webpage
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My Beautiful God-daughter Laura

Laura and her mom Millie

My two babies

happiness is a cuddly 50lb "puppy"

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Dali and Me...

looking good for almost forty!

as if we never lost touch...

The night before the wedding!

One of these things is not like the others...

Dali's Girls

Terra, Dali, Dali Jr, Sandi

Cheers! (is she really a blonde?)

The big day!

Idalia Vazquez' bridal party 12/01/01

Wedding was to start at 5pm. Please notice that by 4:55pm I was able to both stand and not vomit!
(I TOLD her that going out the night before was a BAD idea!)

My Recollection of my toast as Matron of Honor: "I will try to make this quick, so that I don't get sick while standing here in front of you all... although the bride was the one who wanted to go out the night before her wedding, why is it that I am the one standing here with a hangover?!?! Well, it was all a part of my master plan you see... The groom ordered me to keep a close eye on the bride yesterday, so I decided that if she was there, holding my hair out of the toilet all night... then I would know where she was every second! (after the laughter died down I went on with the rememberings and the God Bless yous, I love yous and other assorted mushy stuff) Dali, you ARE my forever friend...

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Kevin (aka "Boungie!")

my buddy Kevin's getting married!! (5/11/02)

Linda & Kevin

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Mom (aka JuliaBelle)

my Mommy and my Hubby

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