
                by  Samartha Vashishtha


I know ways

to take the awe

out of the most horrendous.

Brown eyes; eyes brown; I say

she had luminous brown eyes

that seared like two embers

in the blistering heat of the sun.

Words like pale torches of lies

break deep into my realm of silence.

Truths I’ve deemed to be truths all life

stare like rigid obsessions in the eye –

Like calling this morbid whip

lashing the bare back of my dreams


The man jumping down the speeding bus

the basket of groundnuts in his hand

reduce to a mere particle in trajectory.

I toss my coin in the air

watch its skilful landing on the table

and get my work done.

Burning tyres in Gujarat

brown as her eyes

my country weeps;

I dream of white women

and the firmness of their breasts.

Then sipping at my glass of Coke

letting the deluxe bus go

I dream of a place called New York

miles and miles from my bus-stand

cleaner than a river called Ganges.

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