Unresolved Jealousy...a twin story (F/f, M/f)

(c) 2001 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill


It was a busy Saturday.  It was always busy in the Clemente household.  It was extremely busy ever since Lisa had baby Stephen and the family moved into the new house.  They had been there for several months but it still seemed like there was stuff everywhere.


Saturdays were the days Charlie set aside for doing all the errands he didn’t get to during the week.  He used to work Saturdays too, but ever since Stephen had come into the picture, he had had off.


It was a tough time for the twins.  They had always had Charlie and Lisa to themselves, but now they had to share their parents with the baby.  Jennifer was extremely jealous, and while she wouldn’t show it with the things she said, she was having frequent accidents, both at night and during the day.  Charlie and Lisa were worried about her.  After stopping wearing her pantsies for most of the time, she was back to wearing them every night and sometimes during the day as well.  Something she was not happy about.


Robin, on the other hand, had become a lot quieter since the baby was born.  She was jealous, too.  But she hadn’t spoken up about it.  Charlie and Lisa were so busy, they barely noticed.  As bad as it seemed, they knew they didn’t have to worry as much about Robin as they did about Jennifer.


The twins were ten, and often busy, though, with plans and friends of their own.  On this particular day, Jennifer was sitting at the dining room table trying to finish a project.  It was only after the project was completed that she would be allowed to go to the mall with her friend, Deb.


Robin had plans this Saturday too.  She was supposed to go to her friend, Kayley’s house.  Robin liked Kayley.  She was an only child, had her own room, and lots of toys.  She got pretty much whatever she wanted.  Robin really liked playing over at Kayley’s house.  Her parents were really nice and often gave them lots of treats.


“Jennifer, I’m going to the hardware store and then to the drugstore.  I will be back in an hour.  Then we’ll have lunch and then Deb’s mother will be here to pick you up.  And that’s if you have your work done, is that clear?” Charlie told Jennifer.


“Yes, Daddy, I’m almost done anyway,” she replied.


Meanwhile Lisa was doing laundry upstairs and telling Robin what she could do to help.  Robin got sassy with Lisa.  “Robin, I’ve given you several warnings about the way you speak to me.  I think you need to cancel your plans with Kayley.”


“Mommy, no!  I’m sorry!” Robin whined.


“This is exactly what I mean, this sassing, and whining.  You’re ten years old.  I won’t stand for it.  I need you to be agreeable and help me around the house, not whine and sass me.  Now you’ll stay home and clean your room instead of seeing your friend.”


“NO!” Robin said, hands on hips.


Lisa turned Robin around and gave her two smacks to the rear.  “Go call Kayley and tell her you’ll have to see her another time.  Then I want you in your room.  Is that understood?”


Robin was so mad.  She ran to the phone in the other room.  She dialed Kayley’s number, but when Kayley answered and was all excited for their playdate, Robin didn’t want to tell her she had to cancel.  So she didn’t.  After she confirmed their date, Robin went to her room to get ready.  Later, she slipped out the door.


After lunch, Charlie asked Jennifer if her project was complete.  “Yes, Daddy, see?” she asked, showing him the assignment.  “Now I got the whole weekend to do stuff I want to.  Daddy? Can I bring my money that's in my piggy bank?” she asked, all excited.

“If you want, you may.  But Jennifer, you have been having a lot of accidents lately.  It isn't fair for Deb's mommy to have to clean up after one, so I want you to wear your pantsies to the mall, understand?”

Jenn was shocked.  She looked up at Charlie and said, “Oh, Daddy, no!  I won't have an accident at the mall, I promise!”

“Jenn, you haven't been having them on purpose, have you?  They were *accidents*, right?”

“Yes, Daddy, of course, I didn't do it on purpose, honest.  But I won't do it at the mall, pleeeease don't make me wear my pantsies.”

“Jennifer, if they were accidents, you couldn't control them.  You might have one at the mall in spite of your best intentions. So that's why you will wear the pantsies.  I know you don't like them, but this is not open for discussion.  Is that clear?”

Jennifer started to whine.  “But, Daddy, I don't want to!”


Charlie looked down at Jennifer, with his hands on his hips.  “Well you have a choice.  You can wear them, and go, or not wear them, and stay here.  And in any case, no whining, Jennifer.  Now which will it be?”

She pouted, but nodded.
  “Fine, I'll wear them, Daddy.”


That's my girl.  I know you don't like them, and I'm sure that you will stop having accidents soon; then you won't need them any more.  Now go put them on.  Deb’s mother will be here very soon.”


The rest of the day went quickly.  Charlie and Lisa cleaned the house, worked in the garden, and tended to the baby.  Except for Stephen’s occasional screams, the house was pretty quiet.  Lisa almost forgot Robin was in her room.  She had checked on her right after lunch, and Robin had been busy cleaning.  Then Lisa had gone back to her own tasks.


In the middle of the afternoon, Charlie returned from doing some of his errands.  He hadn’t known Robin was grounded to her room.  “Lisa, what time did you tell Robin to come home for dinner?” he asked.


“She didn’t go, Charlie.  I thought I told you.  Robin sassed me this morning and lost her chances for a playdate.  She’s up in her room.”


“She is? I was just up there and I didn’t see her.”


“Are you sure, Charlie?”


“Yes, I just went in and she is not there.  You told her to go to her room? Then she is in trouble when I do find her.  Where do you suppose that young lady could be?”

Lisa pursed her lips.  “Well, if she is at Kayley's house, then she is in big time trouble.  I told her to call and cancel and she told me she had.  After lunch, she was in her room cleaning.  That was the last I saw her.”


“That was a while ago, hon,” Charlie said.  “Well she knows better than to sneak out, but I’ll call Kayley’s house and check.”


Kayley’s dad picked up on the first ring.  “Hi, Victor.  This is Charlie Clemente.  Is Robin over there?”


“Yes, Charlie, she's here; she and Kayley had a playdate today.  I'm pretty sure Lisa knew about it.”  

Charlie covered up the mouthpiece, sighed and looked at Lisa, nodding.  Into the phone, he said, “Okay, thanks, there was a bit of a problem, but it wasn't your fault or Kayley’s.  I’ll be right over to pick up Robin; please be sure she doesn’t go anywhere, okay?”

Victor said, “Sure, thing,” and replaced the receiver.

Charlie walked over to Kayley’s house.  She didn’t live too far.  Victor opened the door and the two men shook hands.  Kayley and Robin came by the door.  Charlie said, “Hello Kayley, nice to see you.  Hello Robin.  Are you ready to come home? We have some things to discuss.”

Robin looked up at her father.  Hi, Daddy,” she said quietly.  “Just give me a minute to get my stuff.”  When Charlie nodded, Robin and Kayley ran back to her room.


“See what I mean?” Robin said to her friend.


“Well, he doesn’t seem angry,” Kayley said.


“But he is, or at least disappointed.  I told you.  I was supposed to cancel today, but I didn’t wanna.  I like being at your house.  You have so much freedom.”


Kayley nodded.  “I have rules, too, Robin, just not a twin sister, or a baby in the house.”


“I know, and that’s why you’re so lucky!”


“Robin! Let’s go!” Charlie barked from the front door.


Robin hugged Kayley goodbye and thanked her parents.  As she and Charlie walked down the sidewalk, she bit her lip and then asked,  “Are you and Mommy very angry with me, Daddy?”


Well I am unhappy with what I think you did, Robin.  Is it right that Mommy sent you to your room, and told you to cancel your visit with Kayley, and you went over there anyway, after telling Mommy that you had canceled?”

Very slowly, Robin nodded.  “Uh, yessir.”


“That’s not like you at all, Robin Elizabeth,” he said, disappointedly.  He paused.  “Well, can you tell me what was wrong with that set of actions, and why I would be upset about it?” he asked, just as they reached their front door.


The two walked in and Charlie led Robin into the living room.  He sat down and waited for her to answer.

“Cuz I disobeyed Mommy?  And cuz it's wrong, Daddy?” she responded.


“Yes, and you lied to Mommy, too.  Plus you were out of the house and neither of us knew where you were.  You remember the rule about that, young lady?”


Robin looked up at Charlie.  “That I'm not supposed to do that? Because then you don't know where I am, right?”

Charlie nodded and said, “Yes, that's right.  Now that was quite a lot of misbehaving for a little girl for one afternoon.  So now I want you to go to your room -- for real this time -- and wait in the corner.  I will talk with Mommy and then one of us will be up in a little bit.”

Robin nodded and said, “Yes, sir,” and ran up to her room.  She knew she would be getting a spanking for sure.

Charlie found Lisa in the nursery.  “Robin’s in her room waiting in the corner.”


“I can’t believe she just snuck out like that, Charlie.”


“Well, I think she understands what she did wrong.  Do you want me to handle it, or should you take over? And just what got her sent to her room in the first place?"


“Well, hon, she sassed me one time too many,” Lisa said, scratching her head.  “I still can’t believe she disobeyed me like that.  I'm going to go take care of her right now.”


Lisa finished changing Stephen and handed him to Charlie.  She went upstairs and right into the twins’ room.  Robin was waiting in the corner.


"Robin Elizabeth, what do you have to say for yourself, young lady?  I am most upset with your behavior today."

Robin looked up at Lisa.  She was surprised to see her.  Mommy? Where's Daddy?”

“Daddy is downstairs with Stephen.  I am the one who sent you to your room; I am the one you lied to and disobeyed, and I am going to punish you.  Now do you have anything to say to me before I start?”

Mommy, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, but I wanted to see Kayley,” Robin said, being careful not to whine.

Lisa looked at her daughter, disapprovingly.  “Well, I hope you had a very good time, because you are grounded for the next three days.  No TV, no stereo, and no phone.  Maybe that will help you remember that when I tell you to do something I expect you to obey, even if you don't want to.”   

“Yes, ma'am,” Robin said sadly.  “Are you very angry, Mommy?”

“Well I am pretty upset and disappointed, young lady.  You sassed me.  Then when I sent you to your room, you lied to me, you faked that telephone call, and you snuck out.  No one knew where you were, Robin.  You know how important it is that we always know where you are.”  Lisa took a deep breath and continued.  “This was not just careless naughtiness; this was intentional defiance, and I won't stand for it.”

Robin began to cry.  She hated disappointing her parents, even if deep inside her she felt she had reasons for doing what she did.  They weren’t anything she wanted to share, though, so she simply said, “Yes, Mommy, I'm sorry.”

“You are going to be much sorrier before long, young lady.  You have a good hair-brushing coming, and some soap for lying.  Do you understand just how naughty you acted today, little girl, and why I am going to spank you?”

Robin nodded, the tears still coming.  She wiped at them and said, “Yes, Mommy, cuz I was supposed to tell Kayley I couldn't come over, but instead I told her I could, and then when you sent me to my room, I snuck out.  I'm so sorry.”  

“That's right.  Now come here.  You are about to be even sorrier.”


Very slowly, Robin walked over to her mother.  Lisa pulled Robin’s pants and panties down in one motion and lifted her up over her lap.  She picked up the hairbrush that she had brought over, and began raining it down on Robin’s bottom.  


{Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!}  

“Owwww, Mommmy!  I'm sorrrrry!!!” Robin said, not very convincingly.  She just wanted her mother to stop or at least go easier on her.  It had been a while since her last spanking, and she hadn’t missed it at all. 


Robin had forgotten how hard her mother spanked.  While Lisa was pregnant, she had left the disciplining up to Charlie.


{Smack!}  {Smack!} “You should be.  {Smack!}  You will not  {Smack!}  {Smack!} lie to me or sneak out {Smack!}  {Smack!} of the house.” 
”Owwwwwwwwww, okaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy, Mommmmmmmmieeeee!” Robin cried.


Lisa continued with the spanking.  {Smack!}  {Smack!} “When I send you {Smack!} to your room, {Smack!} you will go there {Smack!} and stay there {Smack!} until Daddy or I {Smack!} let you out.  {Smack!}  {Smack!} You will not {Smack!} leave your room or the property {Smack!} without permission. {Smack!}  {Smack!}  You  {Smack!}  *know*  {Smack!}  that!!”  {Smack!} {Smack!}  

eeessss, maaaaaa'mmmmm, I really am s-s--s-sorrrrrrrryyyyy!!!” Robin cried, more convincingly.  She was really feeling bad: both physically and emotionally.

{Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!} “I should hope so.  {Smack!}  The very idea. {Smack!}  I don't want anything like this {Smack!} to happen again.  {Smack!} {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  {Smack!}  All right, Robin, we’re finished here,” Lisa finally said, putting down the hairbrush.


She helped Robin to her feet.  She was crying hard and trying to wipe at her tears.  She didn’t even want to rub her bottom; it felt like it was on fire.

“D-d-do you forgive me, Mommy?” Robin asked, stammering a little.  That was all that was important to her.  She had gotten some attention, at least, from her mother, without the baby around.  Robin figured she would have to find a better way than this so her bottom wouldn’t be on fire.


Lisa hugged and cuddled Robin.  “Yes, I do, but we still have your lie to take care of -- you know that.  Come with me,” she said, leading Robin to the bathroom, still bare.

Robin was reminded that lies are never acceptable.  She was made to put the soap in her mouth for several minutes before being told she could rinse.  When it was all over, Lisa hugged Robin tight to her.


“I’m sorry, Mommy.  I won't do it again,” Robin said, crying into Lisa’s chest.


That's all right, sweetie.  I’m sure you'll act like the good girl I know from now on.  I don't know what got into you this afternoon, but I'm sure we've seen the last of it.  Haven’t we?”


Robin nodded.  This would have been the perfect opportunity for her to tell her mother about her jealous feelings.  But she just couldn’t bring herself to open up, and her mom didn’t ask.


“Now why don’t you lay down for a bit?  Jennifer will be home from the mall soon, and then we’ll have dinner.”


“Okay, Mommy,” Robin said.  Lisa helped Robin pull up her panties and pants.  Before she left the room, she hugged her daughter again and said, “I love you, sweetie.”


Robin smiled.  Things had been bad but they were all right again.  At least in some respects.  “I love you, too, Mommy.”


Lisa went back downstairs.  She found Charlie in the living room playing with the baby.  She told him the events of the past half hour.  Charlie just shook his head.  “I wonder what got into her.”


“I don’t know.  But hopefully she got it out of her system.”  It never even dawned on either Charlie or Lisa to probe further and find out if anything particular was wrong.


Before they had more time to reflect on what had gotten into Robin, the front door opened and Jennifer walked in.  Charlie handed the baby to Lisa and went to greet his daughter.

”Hello, Jennifer, did you have a good time at the mall?” Charlie asked. 


Jenn closed the front door, looked up at her dad and nodded.  “Yeah, it was great.  I have to go upstairs,” she said quickly, trying to rush past him.


But Charlie stopped her.  “What’s wrong, Jennifer?”


“Uh, nothing, Daddy.  I just need to go upstairs.”


“Well, Robin is resting,” Lisa said from the living room.  “I would rather you didn’t go up there right now.  Come in here and tell Daddy and me about the mall.”


“Yes, what did you buy, Jenn?” Charlie asked.  He looked at Jenn’s bag and was surprised to see the Victoria’s Secret logo.  He and Lisa exchanged a glance.


“I’ll talk to you guys in a minute,” Jennifer said, trying to walk past Charlie.  But he grabbed her arm and pulled her back.  In the process he felt that her pants were much thinner than if she had her pantsies on.


“Jennifer, don’t,” he said, about to warn her not to continue up the stairs.   Jennifer Lynn, did you take your pantsies off at the mall?  What is going on here?”

Jennifer stopped and looked at both her parents.  “I, uh, but, I,” she stuttered.  She couldn’t speak; just began to cry. 


Just then Stephen started to cry, too.  Charlie led Jennifer into the living room, while Lisa took the baby to the nursery.  As much as she wanted to stay to hear what Jenn had to say, the baby needed her immediate attention.


Charlie took Jenn in his arms and comforted her.  Oh Jennifer, it will be all right.  What happened?  Did you have an accident and have to change?” he asked sincerely.

”Ummm, uh, yeah, Daddy, that's what happened.  And, um, uh, I forgot to bring an extra pair of pantsies with me, so I went to a panty store,” Jenn said, not too convincingly.  


“Really, Jennifer?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.  She started to nod, but Charlie shook his head.  “Jennifer, I just want to hear what happened, the real story, okay?”

Jenn was sobbing.  Daddy, I don't want to tell you the real story.”


Charlie sighed.  He continued to hold Jennifer and try to comfort her.  “It’s okay, Jennifer.  I love you very much and I always will, no matter what.”  Charlie paused and then said, “But Jennifer, I think I need the real story, so don't get yourself in trouble by trying to make something up; you know that always makes things worse, whatever may have happened.”

Jennifer looked up at him.  She felt lucky because whatever happened, she knew her daddy really did care about her.  But she didn’t want to tell him what she had done that day.  Daddy, I really messed up,” she sobbed.


“What happened, Jennifer? Tell me, and we'll see what can be done about it.”

“Well, I, uh,” she began, not knowing what to say next.


“Jennifer, no matter how bad it is, it will be worse if you try to hide it from me, so tell me the real story and don't let yourself get in extra trouble for lying, okay?”

“Yes, Daddy.  But Daddy?   You're gonna be so mad at me.”

“Jennifer, I may be upset with some things you have done, but I love you and I always will, no matter what.  Is that clear?”


When she nodded, Charlie continued.  “Now, what happened at the mall?”

“Well, Daddy, remember you told me I hadda wear my pantsies or I couldn't go?”

“Yes, I certainly do.  And?”

Jenn didn’t want to have to say it.  But she thought about what her father had said about not making anything up to get into further trouble.  She took a deep breath and said, “Well, when I got to the mall, I went to the bathroom and took them off and threw them away.”

“You...” Charlie was completely taken aback.  He just stared at his daughter and said, “Why did you do that, Jennifer?  You knew I wouldn't approve, didn't you?”

Jenn nodded.  “Uh, yes, sir.”

“So, why did you do it, and what happened then?”

I did it cuz I didn't wanna wear them and figured I wouldn't have an accident.  Well, I told my friend I needed to buy underwear, so we went to this store, but they didn't have the kind I wear, Daddy.”


At this point, Jennifer picked up the Victoria’s Secret bag and pulled out a pair of magenta thong underwear.  “I got these.”


Jennifer, those are underwear for a grown-up lady, not for a ten year old girl.  That store sells things for grownups; it will be some years before you should be shopping there.”  Charlie sighed.  “Okay, then what happened?”

“Well, I put these on.”  Jenn stood up, lowered her pants so her daddy could see the black lace panties she was wearing.   She saw him raise his eyebrows.  Then she pulled her pants back up, wondering why she even bothered.  She knew they would be going down again very soon.  She had messed up big time; wait til he heard what happened.


Jennifer, what in the world made you think those were suitable underwear for you?”


“They were the only ones I could find, Daddy.”

“Well, that is why that is not a store for you to be shopping in,” he said.  He shook his head.  “But then what happened?  Was that all?”
Jenn shook her head.  Here was the hard part.  “Well, Daddy, everything was fine, until I uh...”  She paused to look up at him.  “Daddy, I hadda accident.”


I see, just as I had said might happen.  And did Deb’s mother help you clean up?  For that matter, did she know about your underwear shopping?”

Jennifer shook her head no.  “No, Daddy, Deb's mother didn't stay with us at the mall.  She told us a time and place to meet her.  I didn't tell Deb I wet myself, Daddy; it would have been too embarrassing.  I’m sorry, Daddy, I didn't mean for it to happen.  It really was an accident.  We were in a store and it just happened.”


Jennifer continued to cry.  Charlie didn’t say anything for a minute; he was trying to let all of what she had just told him sink in.  Jenn said, “You're really mad, aren't you?”

”Well, I am not happy about your taking off the pantsies after I told you to wear them. That was direct defiance.  And your accident only makes it clear that I had good reason for what I told you.  I am also not happy that you let me think that Deb’s mother would be with you -- you knew she was just dropping you off, didn't you?  You know you are not to go to the mall alone, and being with just Deb doesn't count.”

I didn't know, Daddy, honest.  And I really didn't think I would have an accident, Daddy.  I'm sorry; please don't punish me!” Jenn cried.


I know you didn't think that you would have an accident, but I told you the rules and you should have followed them.  And if you really didn't know about Deb's mother leaving, then that isn't your fault, but it was your decision to take off your pantsies, and it was a very bad one, wasn't it?”

Jennifer nodded, “Yes, Daddy, but I’m sorrrry!”

“I'm sure you are, but only afterwards.  You know that isn't enough to get out of trouble.  Now I want you to go to my bedroom and wait for me in the corner.  I will be in with the hairbrush in a few minutes.”


“Y-y-yes, sir,” Jenn said.  She obediently got up and walked from the room.  Charlie sighed and shook his head.  He waited a few minutes, then got up and slowly went to his bedroom. 


Jennifer was standing in the corner.  He told her to turn around and come over to him.  He moved some clothes off the big red chair, which the girls had started to call ‘the spanking chair’.  He sat down, and pulled down Jenn’s pants.  When he saw the black lace panties, he sighed again.  He pulled those down too.  They were fairly damp.


“I think you need to be cleaned up first.  Come with me,” he said, standing.  He took her hand and led her to his bathroom.  He opened the shower door and took the nozzle down.  He pulled off Jenn’s shirt and told her to step into the stall.  Charlie turned on the water and hosed Jenn down.  He used a little bit of soap and rinsed her off.


When she stepped out of the shower stall, Charlie dried her off with his big towel.  She looked up at him.  Dadddy, I really am sorrrry,” she tried.

“I'm sure you are, now, but you took off the pantsies after I had told you to wear them.  I am going to make sure that you remember what happens when you break rules on purpose, and maybe this will help you to not do that again.”  


Charlie led Jennifer back into his bedroom.  He went to his dresser and took out one of his large undershirts and slipped it over her head.  Then he went back to the spanking chair and resumed his position.  He pulled Jenn over his big lap and raised the t-shirt.  Then he picked up Lisa’s wooden hairbrush and started to paddle Jennifer.


{Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} Crack!} {Crack!}

“Owwwwwwwww, nooooooooo, I'm sorrrrrrry!” Jenn yelled, already trying to wriggle away from the smacks.

{Crack!}{Crack!} “You will not {Crack!} defy me, {Crack!} young lady. {Crack!} When I tell you to do something, {Crack!} you will do it!” {Crack!}{Crack!}


{Crack!}{Crack!} “There are good reasons for the rules here {Crack!} as there was for this one, {Crack!} and I expect you to obey {Crack!}{Crack!} even when you don't agree. {Crack!}{Crack!} Is that clear, {Crack!}{Crack!} Jennifer Lynn?” {Crack!}

“Oowwww, yes, Dadddy, I'm sorrrrrry, pleeeease!” she begged.


{Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!}  “All right, Jennifer, your spanking is over.  I forgive you, and I love you very much.”


Charlie helped Jenn stand.  She leaned over and put her arms around his neck and sobbed into his chest.  I'm so sorrry, Dadddy.”


Charlie hugged her and cuddled her for quite a while.  Then he said, “Jenn, do you understand where you went wrong now?”

She nodded.  “Yes, Daddy, I shouldn't have disobeyed you.  Are you mad about the panties I bought?”

“Well, I am a bit surprised about them.  Didn't you think that you should have found a store that sold something more like what you usually wear, if you were going to buy panties at all?”

Jennifer thought about it.  “Yeah, I guess so, Daddy, but Deb thought they were cool and she didn't know why I needed them, and, and, uh, yes, sir,” Jenn said, finally, figuring she was fighting a losing battle.

”Okay, well, listen close.  New rule,” Charlie said and looked down at Jenn to make sure she was listening.  


“No buying clothing unless Mommy or I have okayed them, understand?  And no buying anything at a store like Victoria’s Secret until you are at least 16 or Mommy says it’s okay.  All right?  From now on these will be spanking offenses.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Jenn said.

Charlie lifted Jenn’s chin so that she was looking right at him.  “And, if you are supposed to be supervised by an adult and you get left alone, call Mommy or Daddy as soon as you can, okay?”

“Okay, Daddy.”


“Good girl,” Charlie said.  “Now it is almost dinner time, do you want to take a nap until then? You had quite the busy day.”


Jennifer nodded.  Charlie smiled.  He went to get her a pair of pantsies.  He helped her on with them and smiled as she lay down on his big bed.  He kissed her forehead as he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.


Charlie found Lisa in the kitchen. 


“Are all our kids napping?” she asked.


Charlie smiled as he nodded.  “Hmmm, who would have thought?” she asked.


Lisa and Charlie talked a little about what Jennifer had done.  They also pondered what was going on in Robin’s head.  “Maybe the girls need some Daddy-time,” Charlie announced.  “Maybe next weekend, I’ll take them to the amusement park; just them and me.  What do you think?”


“I think that’s a good idea.  Maybe they need a day away from the baby.  Oh, Charlie, do you think that’s what this is all about?” Lisa asked.  She realized all of a sudden that maybe, no not maybe, but probably, they had been giving too much attention to the baby, and not enough to them.


They both said they would work on not doing this, and hoping the twins’ behavior changed.


The end.

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