The Party...a twin story (M/ff)
Copyright © 1999 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill

(Regular disclaimers apply.  If you don't know what they are, then you shouldn't be reading this anyway. This story is written in several different viewpoints. You will be able to tell whose side is whose throughout the story. Enjoy!)

I came home late from work one Saturday night. It was a real lousy day; I barely had time for dinner. I was supposed to be off at 6, but the night manager called in sick, and I had to close the store. And on Saturday nights, Foodtown doesn't close until 10:00. It was now almost eleven, and I was exhausted.

I opened the door to the house. Lisa had left the hall and kitchen lights on for me. The house was quiet. I turned off the hall light as I made my way to the kitchen. I was about to reach for the kitchen light, when I noticed a note on the kitchen counter. It said, simply, "Daddy" on the cover.

I picked it up to read. The girls were now 14. It'd been awhile since they had left me any love notes. Maybe it was a phone message. I scanned the note quickly. Then I sat down to read it more carefully.


Dear Daddy,
Hi, it's me, Jenn. How was your day? Robin and I wanted to talk to you after dinner, but then you called and Mommy said you wouldn't be home until real late. So we decided to leave you this note. It's probably chicken of us to do it this way, but we are worried about your reaction. Especially Robin. By the way, if you had a bad day, maybe you shouldn't be reading this so late at night.

Well, Daddy, it's just that...well, you know the party Robin and I went to last night at Amy's house? Well, you asked us if Amy's parents would be there, and we told you yes. But Daddy, we lied. I know you are probably very disappointed in us. But we really wanted to go, and knew you wouldn't let us if you knew. So, first off, we're sorry about that.

I think if Robin or I knew what was gonna happen at that party, we probably wouldn't have gone. You see, some of Amy's brother's friends came, too. Amy's brother is 16, almost 17. He and his friends were drinking beer. We didn't have any, though. Amy had one and we were shocked. We didn't
know that she drank beer. She offered us one, but we said no. I know Robin has never tried it, and neither have I. We were too scared.

Well, Daddy, then we saw that Amy's brother-his name is Robbie-was smoking. Right in their living room. We couldn't believe it! He took a puff and then passed the cigarette to his friends. We had never seen anyone share a cigarette before. Of course, I guess you know, that it wasn't a cigarette. It was a joint.

Well, once Amy told us that it was pot, she asked us if we had ever tried it. We both shook our heads no. We were shocked that we were in the same room with drugs. And then right in front of us, Amy took the joint from one of Robbie's friends and inhaled on it deeply. Then she offered it to me.

Daddy, I didn't know what to do. I knew how wrong it was to smoke, especially pot.

I said, "No, thanks, I don't do drugs." Well, Amy and Robbie and his friends just laughed. Robbie said, "Good, more for us then." Robin and I just looked at each other and sat on the edge of the couch. We didn't know what to do, and you were at work, and Mommy was home with Stephen and Melissa, and we knew she couldn't leave to come pick us up.

Robin said we should call you at work, but I was afraid. I knew you had to close the store last night, and you wouldn't be picking us up until 11. So we just waited. We listened to music and talked with some of our other friends. They weren't smoking or drinking either, and I think they felt as uncomfortable as we did.

At 10:30, Amy's parents came home unexpectedly. They were really angry to find all us kids in their house. I didn't even know that they didn't know about the party. Amy tried to explain, but she was pretty wasted. That means, high and drunk. Amy's parents found the pot and completely flipped out. They said they were gonna call all our parents and tell them that we were all drinking and smoking pot.

Daddy, Robin and I tried to tell Mr. and Mrs. Vernon that we hadn't done either, but they were too mad to listen. We were scared that when you got there at 11, they were gonna come out and tell you. But then you came, and they didn't say anything. You waited outside and honked and me and Robin ran
to the car. We looked back and saw Mr. and Mrs. Vernon just standing there waving. It kind of scared us.

Well, Daddy, I didn't want to tell you any of this, but Robin said we'd better. She's afraid you are gonna get a phone call from Amy's parents. I said that if they didn't tell you already, they probably wouldn't. I told Robin they were just trying to scare us. I know you didn't get a call from them, 'cuz you would have said somethin' already.

Daddy, we're really sorry we lied to you about Amy's parents not being at the party, but that's really all we did wrong. I know we should have called you the minute things got out of hand, but, well, like I said, I was scared.

Robin says you're gonna be mad just 'cuz you know we should have known things were bad and that we shoulda got outta there. Daddy, please don't be mad at us, okay? We did the right thing, by refusing the drugs and alcohol, didn't we?

Well, I know tomorrow you are off. I guess you'll come up and wake us up when you get up, right? Daddy, please don't be mad. Daddy, I love you.

Love Jenn.
And Robin says she loves you, too.

P.S. We didn't tell Mommy this story. We figured you two would talk about it. Talk to you later.


I read the note and then reread the note several times. I was fuming. Then I looked into our bedroom, and Lisa was sound asleep. I didn't know if I should wake her or not. I decided not to. I sat down at the counter, and started putting my feelings on paper.


We woke up early. Actually, Robin woke up early and woke me. She said, "Come on, Jenn, get up."

I sat up and looked at her and said, "What? What is it, Robin?"

"Let's go see if Daddy saw our note!" she said.

"Why?" I asked. "We'll find out soon enough. You know that, Robin."

"I know. But I'm hungry anyway. And I don't want to go downstairs by myself."

"Oh, okay. I'm up."

We tiptoed down the stairs. We went into the kitchen. Our note was gone, but there was one in its place. I picked it up and read it.


Jennifer & Robin,

When I first read your note, I was very mad. I almost got you two up in the middle of the night for the spankings of your lives.

But then I thought again. You are right, you did make a right choice by not accepting any of the drugs or drinks. You know that we permit you to sample small amounts of beer or wine if you want, here at home where we can see what is going on, so that it will not be a total shock when you do encounter it.
Neither of you have taken us up on that offer. Maybe you should. We will talk about it.

I am not happy to learn that you lied to us about the party. That was wrong and you knew it was wrong. You are more than old enough to know that rule perfectly. I am going to punish you for lying.

I am also not happy that you were willing to go to a party without any adults present. That is also against the rules, as you know. Now maybe you understand why a little better. Things can easily get out of hand when there is no adult around. You said that you "didn't know what to do"? If Amy's parents had been home, you could have gone to one of them and asked for help in getting home, and besides the party probably wouldn't have gotten out of hand anyway. We are going to have a long talk about parties and the rules for them and the reasons. I am not sure what the consequences for going to a party where you knew that there were no adults will be -- I am thinking in
terms of a week or three of grounding, but I have not decided, and I will see what your mother says and what you have to say for yourselves.

I am also not happy that you didn't tell your mother about this right away, but you did come clean in this note, so that is not too big an issue for me.

In spite of the things I am not happy about, I am proud of you for not giving in to what "everybody" was doing and doing pot or beer when you knew that that would be wrong. That was a very mature thing to do, and I am very happy about it. I am also happy that you told the truth now. Had you tried to cover this up and I found out about it, you two would have been in very
big trouble indeed.

Of course you know that I love you both very much and I always will, no matter what else happens or how upset I might be at something you did.

I am sleeping in tomorrow, since it is Sunday. After we are all up we have a lot to talk about. Please do not leave the house until we have had our talk, and decided what comes next.

Your loving,

I looked at Robin. She was reading over my shoulder. "Well, that doesn't sound so bad," I said.

She looked at me, surprised. "It doesn't? He sounds pissed."

"No, he doesn't. He seems upset that we lied, but proud, too, that we didn't give in to peer pressure. I don't think it will be too bad. Let's leave him another note."

"You can. I'm going to make some breakfast to bring upstairs. I don't want to be down here when he wakes up," Robin said.

"Okay, your choice," I said. So I sat down and wrote Daddy a note.


Dear Daddy,

Robin and I are partially relieved. We know we can expect our mouths washed out with soap for lying. But three weeks of grounding? I hope you will reconsider. We will stay in our rooms until you come up for us. Hope you had a nice sleep. See you a little later.

And Daddy? We love you, too.
Love Jenn


I woke up late. Thank goodness. I was exhausted. After reading the girls' note and then responding, I had ended up staying up incredibly late. I sat up in bed. Lisa was gone. Then a few minutes later, she came in carrying Melissa, with Stephen in tow.

"Hi, Daddy," he said.

"Hi, son," I said, ruffling his hair. Stephen was now four years old, and very cute. I liked having conversations with him. Before I knew it, he was telling me the plot of the latest Batman and Robin cartoon.

"C'mon, son, let's go get some breakfast."

Lisa carried two year-old Melissa into the kitchen. Once we settled them with their breakfasts, I filled her in on the girls' note. She was very shocked.

"Charlie! I'm surprised you didn't wake them to give them spankings!" she said only half-kidding.

"I almost did. I left them a note, actually," I said, looking around for the note. I didn't see it, but I did see the one they left me. I read it and smiled. Then I handed it to Lisa to read.

"Well, they do know you pretty well, don't they?" she said.

"Yes, let's have some coffee and breakfast. Then I'll go up there."


I finished my coffee, kissed Stephen, Melissa and Lisa and started for the stairs.

"Good luck, hon! Sure you don't want me to come up with you?" Lisa asked.

"No. Stay here with them," I said, pointing to our little rugrats.

I walked slowly up the stairs, and knocked on the twins' door. When I heard "come in", I walked in saying, "Girls! Good morning! Did you sleep well? It's time to get up. We have a lot to talk about."

Jenn was sitting up in bed, reading. "Oh, hi, Daddy, we've been up for hours. We even had breakfast already."

Very cautiously, Robin asked, "Hi, Daddy! Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, after I calmed down a bit. Okay, if you have had breakfast, it is time for our talk."

I went over and sat on the edge of Robin's bed. She went and joined her sister so that they were facing me.

"First of all I am very glad that you didn't drink, smoke or do drugs the other night."

"Well, Daddy, we know better," Jenn said.

"Yeah, it was too scary!" exclaimed Robin.

"That's good. However, I am NOT happy about your lying to us nor about your agreeing to go to a party where you knew there would be no adults. That is right, isn't it, you knew that ahead of time?"

"Well, yes, Daddy. But. . ." Jenn began.

But Robin cut her off. "Forget it, Jenn, we knew it, and we purposely lied so we could go. We're sorry, Daddy."

"Well, I thank you for coming clean about that. Do you understand why that is against the rules a little better now? Do you have any objections to this rule? I want to hear what you have to say, girls, both of you," I said, looking from one to the other.

Jennifer seemed to take a while to think. Then she said, "Well, Daddy, I guess if we knew what was gonna happen at the party, we wouldn't have gone. I guess all that stuff wouldn't have happened had Amy's parents been home."

Robin agreed. "Yeah, things wouldn't have gotten out of hand. I guess that's why you want adults to be there, huh?"

"That's right. We really don't just make rules to spoil your fun, you know," I said, smiling. "The rules have a good reason behind them."

"I always hated rules, Daddy, but I guess there was always a reason for them," Robin said thoughtfully.

I nodded. "Is there anything else you want to say about this? Do you feel that I am being unfair in any way?"

"No, Daddy," said Robin.

"No, sir. We expected that you would wash our mouths out for lying to you. Is that what you're gonna do, Daddy?" Jennifer asked.

She always did get right to the point. Robin would never have asked what I was planning to do. She would have just waited to see how nature took its course.

I looked at both of them when I answered, "Yes, you are both getting a good mouthwash. You are also each getting a spanking. And since you abused the privilege of going out, you will be grounded for a while."

This got Robin's wheels turning. "A spanking, too, Daddy? Why?"

"Both, because the lies were deliberate and pre-planned, and for going to the party in the first place when you knew there were no adults. I want to make it VERY clear how important I think these two rules are."

"Daddy? Just a question, did Mr. and Mrs. Vernon call you?" Jenn asked.

"No, they didn't call, which upsets me a bit. I will be talking with them later."


I nudged Robin and said, "See? I told you!"

"Shut up, Jenn!"

I waited for them to stop their minor squabbling, which I ignored, and said, "Now do either of you have anything else to say before we get started?"

"No, Daddy, I have nothin' else to say," Robin stated.

"No, oh wait, Daddy? What would you have done if we had tried the drugs, or don't I want to know?" Jenn asked.

I had to think about that one. Jennifer, she was a real pip. I decided not to pronounce a firm decision at this time. So I simply said, "I don't really know myself. I find it hard to imagine. But it would have been something much worse than you've ever had before, I think."

That seemed to settle their inquiring minds, for the time being, anyway. I knew I would have to give a better answer another time.


I was deep in thought, thinking about what Daddy said. I almost didn't hear him say, "Jennifer, you are first. Come over here, please."

Then I realized he called me. I went over to him and said, "Yes, sir."

As Daddy pulled my pajama bottoms and panties down, I looked back over at Robin. She had her hands on her ears and was laying on my bed, face down. Daddy took me over his lap.

I tried not to cry right away, even though it hurt. I guess I was just glad he was using his hand, and not his belt or a hairbrush.

While he spanked, Daddy lectured. I tried to listen, but it was hard.

"You will not Ever lie to me, or to your mother. Is that
clear, Jennifer?"

"YES, Dadddy!" I cried. It was getting harder not to really cry aloud.

"You are not to go to a party with no adults again. If you find
out at the party you will call to be picked up right away."

I was really crying hard now. Daddy may only have been using his hand, but he was very adept at spanking. He had lots of practice, with me and Robin, and now Stephen, too.

"Okay, Daddy, I will. I promise." I would have promised the world then, if only he would have stopped.

But he didn't. Not yet anyway.
"All right, Jennifer, your spanking is over," Daddy finally said. I thought this moment would never come.

Then Daddy pulled me up onto his lap and gave me a big hug. I hugged him back.

"I'm really sorry, Daddy. I promise it won't happen again."

I think Daddy was glad I said that. He comforted me for a while. Then I asked, "Daddy? Are you proud of us for telling you the truth? Even though it was in a note?"

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that," he said. He continued to hold me for a while.

Then he said, "All right, Jennifer, it is time for your soaping."

Oh man! My bottom was on fire, and he wanted me to sit down on the top of the toilet seat? I tried something. I wasn't sure if I would get away with it, but I said, "Daddy? Can't I lie down for a little bit first? Please!"

He seemed to consider it. "Well, all right. I will change the order. You can lie down for a little while and you two can be soaped together."

I guess I was a little surprised that he actually said yes. I looked at Robin. She shrugged her shoulders. I put my arms back around him and said, "Thanks, Daddy."


I watched you two girls trade places. Robin stood up and got off your bed. You kicked your pajama bottoms and panties off, as you used to do, and laid down on your bed, on your tummy. I looked at Robin and motioned her over to me.

"All right, Robin. It is your turn now," I said.


I walked over to Daddy. My lip was trembling. I don't know why I was so scared. It wasn't like I had never been spanked before. I guess it was because I was fourteen. It had been awhile since I was over Daddy's knee. Usually, he made me lean over my bed, and he whipped me with his belt. Not that I wanted a whipping, but I suddenly got shy at the thought of Daddy pulling down my pants.

I hesitated, but then, it seemed like old times. Daddy pulled down my pajama bottoms and panties. They slid to my ankles. Then Daddy pulled me over his lap.

He didn't waste any time in starting my spanking.

I started to cry and beg, as when I was a little girl. "NO, Daddy! I'm sorry, please!"

"Good. You will be even more sorry when I am done. You are never to lie to me or your mother. That is always
unacceptable. Is that clear, Robin?"

"Yes, Daddy, I know, I'm sorrrrrrry!" I cried.

"You will never again go to a party when you know no adults will be there. And like I told Jenn, if you find out when you get there, you will leave right away."

Very quietly, I said, "Yes, Daddy." This spanking hurt so much. I hadn't remembered a hand spanking could hurt so much.

"All right, your spanking is over, Robin."

Daddy pulled me up and into his lap, like when I was a little girl. I clung to him desperately and cried, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Daddy. I knew it was wrong to go, and then we did, and it was cool, you know? But when everyone started drinking and smoking, I got scared. I wanted to call you, but Jenn was too scared. I was scared, too, but I didn't know which thing was more scary.
Next time, if there is one, I will call. Okay?"

Daddy smiled and said, "Okay, that is very good. I am glad to hear that. I hope there won't be a next time, but if there is, I'm glad you will call me."

I just nodded and held on to Daddy a little longer. Finally, feeling more secure, I let go a little. Daddy put me on my bed and said to both Jenn and me, "I want you both to know that I love you very much, and that these rules are only because I am concerned about you."

"We know, Daddy," I said.

Jenn sat up on her bed and winced, then rolled to her side, and said, "Yeah, we know, Daddy."

Then I found some courage and asked, "Daddy? Are you still mad at us?"

"No, I am not mad at you anymore. We will finish your punishments, but I have already forgiven you. Now both of you lie down for a little while, and then I will be back for your soapings."

"Okay," we both said.


I left the girls' room and went to fill Lisa in on the events. She wasn't too surprised that I administered two spankings. I played with Stephen while the girls rested. I waited for about half an hour. Then I went back to their room.

Their door was open. I walked in. I saw that they were both awake. "All right, Robin, Jennifer, it is time."

"Yes, sir," said Jennifer.

"Yes, Daddy," Robin answered.

They followed me into their bathroom. I took out two matching bars of soap. "Now open up, both of you."

They knew better than to argue, and both opened their mouths. I put a bar in each mouth. "Now close up and hold them there."

I could tell Jennifer was about to say "yuck". But I shot her a warning look and she bit down, as did her sister. I waited for about seven or eight minutes. This was a longer time than usual, because this was a serious lie.


Finally, Daddy said we could rinse. I went first and then Jenn.

Then Jenn asked, "Daddy? How long did you say we were grounded for?"

My sister was unbelievable. We had just been spanked and had our mouths rinsed out and she wanted to know how long we'd be grounded for! She is just too much!

Daddy answered, "I didn't say. I think that since you told the truth, and took your punishment well, that a week is enough."

We both breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Daddy," Jenn said.

"Unless you feel that you need more?" Daddy asked.

I looked up to see if Daddy was smiling. He was. "No, Daddy, a week is plenty," I answered.

"But you had both better behave while you are grounded. And I will have a talk with her parents before you go to another party at Amy's. Understand?" Daddy warned.

"Yes, Daddy," I answered. As far as I was concerned, I didn't want to go to any more parties at Amy's anyway. Her parents were weird.

"Yes, sir! Daddy, are you gonna call Amy's parents?" Jenn asked.

Daddy said, "Yes, I am. I will be asking them why they didn't call me, for one thing. And unless I am comfortable about their level of supervision, Amy's house will be off-limits."

"But Daddy!" Jenn whined.

I nudged Jennifer. What was she, crazy? "Okay, Daddy, we understand."

Daddy looked at me and then at Jenn. Then he said, "All right. Now I want you two girls to stay up here for a while. Mommy and I will call you to come down for lunch. And I will be available if you want to talk again later. Okay?"

We both nodded. "Okay, Daddy."


I placed the call to Amy's parents later that afternoon. Mr. Vernon was very cordial, when Amy put him on the phone. I introduced myself and told him of my concern.

"Well, Mr. Clemente, your daughters convinced us that they weren't doing anything, and Amy backed them up. So my wife and I didn't see any reason to trouble you."

"I see," I said. "Well, I would appreciate it if ever there is a problem with my daughters again, that you would give me a call. Then I can decide if there is any trouble."

"Of course, of course. Well, you can bet that Amy and her brother have been dealt with. There won't be any more wild parties here," Mr. Vernon told me.

I winked, as I hung up the phone. I knew exactly what he meant. And I knew that my daughters were safe and wouldn't be causing any more trouble. For a while, anyway.

The end.


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