The Museum…a twin story (M/ff)

© 2003 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill


(Note to readers: Something happened one day on my way home from work.  When I told Don about it, we decided to write it into a story.  What had happened was I found a young girl lost in a subway station.  I thought I was doing the right thing when I took her to her stop.  But when we didn’t find her sister, I thought maybe I should never have taken her away from where I found her.  I called the police when I got to the stop and they took her home.  But I keep wondering if her sister went back to the subway station looking for her, and how long it might have taken until they were reunited again.  I thought that was a good lesson for all parents to have a talk with their kids about what to do if ever something like that happened to them. J sam)


(Regular Disclaimers Apply.)


It was a Saturday.  The Clemente family was in the Big City.  They were at the Museum of Natural History.  They walked through many of the rooms together, and saw an IMAX film.  They had lunch and were still walking around, but everyone wanted to go to a different place.  Stephen wanted to check out the dinosaurs one more time.  Melissa wanted to see the gem room again.  Charlie and Lisa wanted to see another film, but none of the kids would agree to it.  It was on the history of the Native Americans, and the kids got enough of that at school.  Finally it was decided that Jennifer would take Stephen to the dinosaurs, Robin would take Melissa to the gems and they would all meet back at the coat check room at 3:30.


Charlie looked at the twins.  “What time does your watch say?” he asked each of them.


“Oh please, Daddy, we’re not spies.  We don’t have to synchronize our watches!” Jenn moaned.


But they did anyway, and the moan was frowned on, even though Jennifer, as well as Robin, was 17 now.  It didn’t matter; Charlie was still in charge.  He said he’d use his firm hand on them til they were out of his house for good; maybe when they were 25, he always joked.


Finally they went their separate ways: Jenn and Stephen to the dinosaurs, Charlie and Lisa to the Native American film, and Robin and Melissa to the gem room.


“I like this one the best!” five year old Melissa stated, running over to a giant gem.


“Yeah, that one’s neat,” Robin said.  When she was little, this room had been her favorite too.


After a while, Melissa finally got tired of the gems.  Robin was glad because she was getting bored, too.  They went to a few other rooms that they had seen earlier that day.  “Oooh, it’s the tree room; let’s go in there,” Robin said.


Melissa nodded and followed her sister in there.  They looked at the animals that looked so real.  They counted the rings on the giant redwoods.  They looked in all the glass windows.


Melissa noticed Robin’s watch.  It said 3:15.  “Don’t we have to go soon, Robin?”


Robin looked at her watch.  “Yeah, I guess we should head back.  The coat check is at the other end of the museum.  Let’s go!”


They started for the main hallway when Robin noticed a group of kids.  She recognized them from her school.  It sure was a small world, even if they were in New York City.


She ran over.  “Hey, Keith!” she called.  A really cute boy looked over and smiled at Robin.  “How’re you doing?” she asked.  They started to talk.  Melissa stood next to Robin.  She noticed that her big sister had let go of her hand when she saw the boy.


They started to make small talk.  Melissa pulled on Robin’s arm.  “We have to go, sis.”


Robin looked down at Melissa.  “We have a few minutes, Mel, relax.”  She turned to Keith and said, “My little sister.  She’s five.”


Melissa was getting bored and impatient waiting for Robin to stop talking to the big kids.  She noticed Robin was playing with her hair and blinking her eyes a lot.  “Oh brother!” she thought.  She looked around.  They were right near the displays of animals in the glass cases.  Melissa thought they were so neat.


“Robin? Can we go back over there if we’re not going to meet Mommy and Daddy?” Mel asked.


Robin looked at Melissa and sighed.  “We are going in a few minutes, baby.  Just hold on.”  She turned back to the boy.  They were discussing a class they had taken together.  Robin kept staring at Keith.  It was still a secret but she really liked him.  She was so excited to have run into him here.

Mel was bored.  Her sister was ignoring her.  She would teach her a lesson.  Melissa walked over to the display of animals.  Then to the next display and then the next, until she no longer remembered where Robin was.  She wasn’t feeling so good now; here she was alone in a big place.  Melissa didn’t know what to do.


Meanwhile, another quick glance at her watch told Robin she had better get going.  She did NOT want to keep her father waiting.  “I have to go.  I’ll see you at school on Monday.”  She watched Keith walk away with his friends; then turned to take Melissa’s hand.


“Come on, Mel,” she said, turning.  Robin jumped because she did not see her little sister.  She took a quick glance around the perimeter of where she was standing.  “Oh my god!” Robin said out loud.  “Where is she?”


Robin started running through the now familiar rooms of the museum.  She tried retracing their steps.  She ran back to the gem room half hoping Melissa was hiding behind the big rock.  But she wasn’t there!  Robin’s heart stopped and she started to panic.  She knew this was all her fault; she wasn’t watching her sister carefully enough.  What would her parents say?


Meanwhile, Melissa had sat on a bench and started to cry.  She had been angry with Robin for ignoring her but now more than anything; she wished she were with her big sister, again.


A nice red-haired woman approached Melissa.  “Oh, what’s wrong, honey?”


Melissa looked up.  She knew she wasn’t supposed to talk to strangers.  But she looked around.  Everyone here, except her family, was a stranger.  She would have to talk to someone if she were ever to find them again.  “I’m lost,” Melissa told the woman.


“Oh, you are? That’s terrible, honey.  Come with me; I’ll help you find your parents.”


Melissa didn’t know what to do.  She knew she’d never find Robin sitting on this bench.  She took the red-haired lady’s hand and went with her.


At the coat check room, Lisa stared at her watch.  “Charlie, it’s 3:45, where could they be?”


“We’re here, Mommy,” Jenn said.


“Yes, I know that, Jennifer.  But where could Robin and Melissa be?  They knew what time to meet us.”


“We’ll give them a few more minutes and then I’ll go looking for them.”


“I know what you’re gonna give them when you find them, Daddy,” Stephen chuckled.


Charlie gave his son a look.  “Watch it, young man!” he said.


At 4:00, Charlie gave Lisa a peck on the cheek.  “Don’t worry; I’ll find them.  Be back in a bit.”  He looked at Jenn and Stephen.  “You two stay here.  I don’t want to have to go searching for you when I get back.”


“Yes, sir.”  “Yes, Daddy,” they both said.


Charlie went to the gem room first, but his kids were not there.  He checked the room with the tree rings.  He checked the main halls where the animals were in the glass cases.  Charlie remembered what all his kids’ favorite places were and checked all those places.  No luck.  He couldn’t find Robin and Melissa anywhere.


Just then, he literally bumped into Robin.  She had been running and not looking where she was going.  “Dadddy!” she screamed, half scared, half relieved.


“Robin! Where on earth have you been?  You were supposed to meet us over half an hour ago.”  He looked around.  “And where is your sister?”


Robin started to cry again.  She had been crying while she was looking for Melissa, but had stopped.  One look at her father and the tears came back full force.  “I don’t know, Daddy.  I kinda lost her!”


“You WHAT?”


“She was right next to me one second and then the next second she was gone.  I was just looking for her, but I can’t find her, sir,” she sobbed.


Charlie ran his hands through his hair.  “Okay, okay, we’ll find her.  And we’ll talk about responsibility later on!” he said in a warning tone.  “Where was the last place you saw her, Robin?”


The two of them walked through all the familiar rooms one last time, but there was no sign of Melissa.  Charlie held onto Robin’s arm as they walked.  Neither of them spoke.  Robin was beside herself with worry and she also knew she was in pretty big trouble with her father.  Charlie was angry and upset all at the same time.  This was one of the biggest museums in the city and his little five year-old was lost somewhere in it.  That’s if she were still in the museum.  Charlie tried not to think like that.


“Let’s see if they have a LOST KIDS room,” he finally suggested.  “Maybe we should go tell Mommy what’s going on first,” he said.  He didn’t want Lisa wondering where he was too.


As he was approaching the coat check area, he heard his name on the loudspeaker.




Charlie looked at Robin.  “That’s her.  Let’s go!”


They raced to the spot.  There they ran into Lisa, Jennifer, and Stephen.  Lisa was putting her arms around Melissa.  Charlie ran over and scooped Melissa up. 


“Are you all right, sweetheart?” he asked.  His heart had stopped when he saw her; so glad she was all right.


“I’m okay, Daddy,” Melissa said, still a little shaken.  She turned around and spotted the lady with the red hair.  “She helped me!” Mel said pointing.


Charlie and Lisa went over and shook the woman’s hand.  They thanked her for helping Melissa.  There were so many crazies in the world; they were thankful a nice person had been there for their daughter.  The woman was just so glad she had been able to help.


When they were sure Melissa was all right, they headed back for their coats.  “I would like to know how you two got separated,” Lisa asked Robin and Melissa.


“Yes, we want to know the whole story about that,” Charlie stated.


They all got their coats and bundled up to head back out into the cold, cold city.  They hopped on the C train and headed downtown to Penn Station.


Robin was quiet, thinking about what had happened.  She knew she would be in trouble.  She was so glad Melissa was okay but she was also really angry with her little sister.  She wouldn’t even look at her.  On the subway train, she could feel her parents’ eyes on her.  Jennifer hadn’t said a word.  She was probably glad it wasn’t her in trouble.


At the Long Island Railroad, they caught the 5:23 train back to Merrick. They got on the train early enough to get the five seater and four seater.  Jennifer sat with the two little kids in the five seater, while Robin sat with her parents in the four seater.  Charlie gave the tickets to the conductor and then turned to Robin.


“Okay, tell us please, how you and Melissa got separated.”


Robin looked at Charlie.  “I don’t know, sir.  She was standing right next to me.  I was talking to this kid I knew from school.  When I turned around, Melissa was gone!”


“Why weren’t you holding her hand, Robin?” Lisa asked.  “You were in a very crowded place.”


“Well, we were, but then.  I don’t know, we weren’t, Mommy.”


Robin felt like she was getting the third degree.


"Daddy, she was taking too long!" Melissa shouted across the aisle.  Charlie and Lisa both shushed her.  Then they beckoned Melissa over to join them in the four seater.  Luckily the train wasn’t too packed and there were plenty of seats.  No one would want to be sitting with them once Charlie found out just what had happened.

Taking too long for what, Melissa, and why didn't you stay with your sister?”

Melissa rolled her eyes.  “She was talking to a boyyyyyy, Daddy!”


“Don’t roll your eyes, Melissa,” Lisa said sharply.


Charlie looked at Robin.  “What boy?”


“Keith, from school, Daddy.  I only stopped to talk to him for a few minutes.  Melissa walked away from me,” Robin said.  She was hoping to shift some of the blame to her little sister.  But Robin knew she was responsible for her sister.


“She was ignoring me!” Melissa added.  “I kept telling her we had to go.  Finally I got so bored; I just went to look at another animal.  Then I got lost.”


“Melissa, weren’t you told to stay with Robin, no matter what?”


She started to whine.  “I did, mostly, Daddy.  But Robin was busy making goo goo eyes at this boy.  She was nasty to me!  She didn’t even notice that I walked awayyyy!”


Robin listened to her little sister whine and thought to herself that she was right; she hadn’t noticed her walk away.  But she wasn’t making goo goo eyes.  Keith was just a friend.  Although he was cute!


“Melissa, don’t whine!  You’re in enough trouble already!” Charlie said sharply.  “You still should have stayed with your sister.”  He turned to Robin.  “Is what your sister saying true, Robin?”


Robin sighed.  “I was only talking to Keith for like two seconds, Daddy.”


“She was NOT!” Melissa said loudly.  Lisa hushed her.  She looked around and hoped people were not bothered by their loud voices on the train.  More quietly, Melissa said, “She was talking to him for a long timmmmme.”  She started to cry.


Lisa pulled Melissa into her lap.  “Don’t cry, Melissa.”


“Robin, how long were you really talking to this Keith? And did Melissa try to speak to you while you did so?” Charlie asked.


Robin looked at her father.  She started to speak but then stopped. She shrugged her shoulders.  “I don’t know, sir.  It wasn’t that long, Daddy, maybe a few minutes.”


“And did you keep an eye on Melissa at all during this time? You were supposed to be responsible for her, weren't you?”


Robin nodded.  She already felt awful.  “I thought she was there,” she said.  “I wasn’t staring at her every minute!” she said starting to get an edge in her voice.


“You watch your tone, Robin Elizabeth.  Did Melissa try to talk to you during those minutes?”


“Dadddddy!” Robin whined.  “You keep asking me the same questions.  I don’t rememberrrrrr.”

Robin, I want to find out what happened, and you don't need to speak like that.  Melissa, did you say anything to Robin before you walked away?”

”Not right when I did, sir, no,” Melissa admitted.  “But Daddddddy, I kept telling Robin we hadda go.  But she kept shushing me.  She didn’t seem like she wanted me around.”


Robin wanted to kill Melissa.  What she said was sort of true, but she would never admit it.  She looked at her father.  He was waiting for her to respond.


“That isn’t true, Daddy.  I was talking to my friend, for like two minutes.  Then Melissa just disappeared without telling me.  She scared me half to death.  I couldn’t find her anywhere.”


Just then Jennifer butted in.  “I think you should just spank both of them, Daddy.”


Lisa frowned.  “Jennifer Lynn, quiet.  This doesn’t concern you.”


Charlie sighed.  “Robin, do you mean to tell me that Melissa is lying when she says that she reminded you it was time to go?”


Robin thought how to answer.  She didn’t want Melissa in trouble for lying when she knew it was true.  “Well, she did remind me once before I saw Keith and then maybe another time,” Robin admitted.

I see. And you were supposed to keep an eye on the time, weren't you, young lady?  And you told her not to bother you while you talked with Keith, didn't you?”


Slowly, Robin nodded her head.  Crying softly, she said, “I'm sorry, Daddy.  I didn't think Melissa would walk off like that.  I should have watched her closer.”


Yes, you should have.  You are in trouble, Robin, and so are you, Melissa.  You may both consider yourselves in time out for the rest of the trip.  We will discuss this further at home.”


“Yes, sir,” Robin said.


“Yes, Daddy.  Daddy? I’m sorry!” Melissa cried.


“I know you are, sweetie.  Close your eyes now for the rest of the trip.”


Charlie looked out the window and realized they were only at Jamaica.  They had a ways to go until the train stopped in Merrick.  At least it would be quiet.


When they got home, Charlie said, “Robin, wait in your room please.  Melissa, come with me.”


Melissa followed her daddy into his bedroom.  Lisa, Stephen, and Jennifer went elsewhere: as far away from the spanking as they could get.  Robin sighed and headed up to her room.  She thought she was much too old for a spanking, but knew her father would not change his mind.


Charlie went into his bedroom.  He took the clothes off of Lisa’s big, red chair, nicknamed the spanking chair when the twins were little.  He sat down in it and pulled Melissa in front of him.  He looked right into her face.


“Melissa, do you understand why you are in trouble?”


She looked at her daddy and nodded.  “Cuz I didn’t stay with Robin?”


“That’s exactly right.  You knew you were supposed to stay with her, no matter what, right?”


“But I didn't go far, Daddy, and anyway, she wasn't talking to me or being nice.”


“Melissa, I’m sorry Robin was acting that way, but you were still supposed to stay with her, understand?”


The little girl sighed.  “Yes, sir.  But it’s still not fair.”


“It was not fair that you wandered off and we had to find you at the desk for lost children.  No one knew where you were.  Something bad could have happened.”  Charlie paused, sighing.  He hated this.  “Now come here, Melissa.”


She burst into tears.  “But I’m sorry!” she cried.  “I didn’t mean to get losssssssst!”


“I know you didn't, but you did leave Robin, right? If you had stayed with her you wouldn’t have been lost.  You chose to walk away.  That was the wrong thing to do, Melissa.”


The little girl nodded.  She was getting tired of arguing with her daddy.  Besides, she kind of knew he was right.  “Yes, Daddy.”


Charlie bent down and pushed Melissa’s pants and panties down to her ankles.  Then he lifted her over his lap.  He adjusted her bottom just so and raised his hand.  She started to wiggle over his lap, but he held her firm.


He started to hand-spank her, fairly hard.



“Owwwww, Daddddddy, I'm sorrrrry!” Melissa cried.


{Swat} {Swat} “Melissa, {Swat} you will not {Swat} wander off {Swat} even if {Swat} you are bored {Swat} or unhappy!” {Swat} {Swat} 


“Owwwwwww, okaaaaaaaay!” she sobbed.


{Swat} “When you are supposed {Swat} to stay with your sister, you will stay with her; {Swat} no matter what!” {Swat} {Swat} 


“Owwwwwwwwww, Dadddddddy, Okaaaaaaaay!” the little girl cried.  This was probably the hardest spanking she had ever gotten in her five years.


Charlie aimed at Melissa’s sit spot.  {Swat} {Swat} {Swat} {Swat} {Swat} Finally he stopped.  “All right, Melissa, your spanking is over.  I forgive you.”

Charlie helped her down and opened his arms to her.  She ran right into them and cried against his chest. 


“I’m sorry, Daddy.  I won’t do it again.  I promise.”


“I'm sure you won't, Melissa.  I love you very much and I don't want you to get lost or have bad things happen to you.”


Melissa nodded.  She was sobbing and clinging to her daddy with all her might.


“I'm sorry I had to spank you,” Charlie said, wiping a tear away from his own face.  He hoped Melissa didn’t see that, though.


“Me too, Daddy.  I’m gonna be good.”


“Of course you will.  Aren't you one of my good girls?” he asked, smiling.


Melissa smiled too, through her tears.  “Uh huh,” she answered.


“That’s my girl.  Now run along, and tell Robin to come down here, please.”


“Yes, Daddy.”


Melissa was glad to get away from the spanking chair.  And she was also glad that Robin was going to get a spanking.  After all, this was her fault.  Even if it was Melissa who had decided to walk away.  That wouldn’t have happened if Robin hadn’t ignored her for that dumb old boy.


Pretty soon, Robin was in Melissa’s place in front of Charlie.  He sighed again.  He looked at his almost grown-up girl.  “Robin, I am very disappointed in you. You were supposed to be watching Melissa.”


“I know, Daddy.  But I only looked away for a second.”


Charlie looked at Robin.  He knew it was possible for a little girl to disappear in a second but he had a feeling it was a little bit longer.


Robin was fidgeting.  “Well, maybe a minute, but it was only a minute, Daddy.  SHE walked away, Daddy.  No one took her.” 


“She was getting bored staying in one place, and tried to talk to you, and you didn't listen, right?”


Robin still didn’t want to admit to that but she said, “Yeah, uh, I guess so, sir.”


“You guess so? Well, that’s what made her want to walk away, and made her able to do it, right?”


Robin sighed.  “I'm sorry, Daddy.  I should have held her hand.  I was just talking to a friend from school; I didn't know she'd do that.”


“Holding her hand would have been good, but it was more than just that.  If you had paid a little attention to her when she spoke to you, that would have done it -- and your "friend", Keith, -- is he cute?”


Robin blushed and looked away.  “Oh, Daddddddy!”


Charlie nodded.  “Uh huh.  You wouldn't have been as distracted or as rude to your sister if it had been one of the girls from school, would you?”


This line of questioning was embarrassing Robin.  “I wasn't rude to her.  Daddy, oh come on, we were just talking!” Robin said, getting impatient. 


But if Robin was impatient, Charlie was already getting the picture of what had happened in the museum.  “Robin, she says you were 'not nice’ and ‘mean’ and she tried to talk to you several times and you didn't answer. Doesn't that sound like you were dismissive, brushed her off, in short, rude?”


Robin tried to deny it, but her father kept pressing her.  She finally just nodded her head and said, “I guess so, sir.”


Charlie nodded his head and sat back in the big, red chair.  “I thought so.  I’m glad you admitted it.  Robin, it is okay to notice boys, and to have friends.  It is not okay to neglect your sister, or your other tasks, because of them, understand?”


Robin took in a big breath and let it out slowly.  She was starting to get upset herself, realizing what could have happened.  “Yes, sir.  I'm sorry.  And I'm glad Mel is okay and nothing bad happened, Daddy.  It scared me to death when I couldn't find her,” Robin admitted.


“It scared us too, although after living through you and Jenn's growing up, we should be used to it,” Charlie joked.  Robin smiled, but just a little bit.  Charlie continued, “Now, as for you -- anything to say before I punish you?”


Robin knew it was no use to try to talk her daddy out of it.  She shook her head.  “No, Daddy, I know you're going to, but I am sorry,” Robin said sincerely.


Charlie nodded.  “Good.  I'm glad to hear that.  You are grounded for a week, Robin, in addition to the spanking you are about to get.  Now I want you to bare your bottom and bend over the back of the spanking chair for a paddling.”


As he said that, he stood up.  He watched as Robin did as he asked.  Charlie reached for the paddle that he had laid on his dresser.  It was a more severe instrument than the hairbrush he usually used on one of the twins.  He raised it high and brought it down on her bottom, hard. {Crack!}


Robin jumped.  She was usually fairly well behaved, and it had been quite a while since her last spanking.


{Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} 


Robin cried as each blow hit.   “Owwwwwwwwww!” she yelled.


Charlie continued to spank and started to lecture her.  “When you {Crack!} are in charge {Crack!} of your little sister, {Crack!} you {Crack!} will {Crack!}  pay attention {Crack!} to her.” {Crack!} 


“Owwww, owwww, okaaaaaay!” Robin cried.  She was trying to pay attention to her daddy’s words, but the sharpness of the paddle was getting to her and to her bottom.  She knew she would be feeling sore for several hours, if not, days.


{Crack!} {Crack!} “You will not {Crack!} {Crack!} put her off {Crack!} for something more interesting {Crack!} to you. {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} You will not {Crack!} let her get lost.” {Crack!} {Crack!} 


“Owwwww, okaaaay, Dadddy, Okaaaay, I get the picture! I'm sorrrrry!”


{Crack!} {Crack!} “I should hope {Crack!} {Crack!} you get {Crack!} {Crack!} the picture. {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} {Crack!} All right, Robin, I think your paddling is over,” Charlie said, putting down the paddle.


Robin was in so much pain.  She just cried and cried.  Charlie pulled Robin to him and held her.  He tried to relieve some of her pain by rubbing her bottom, but he knew she would have to sit on it the rest of the evening and weekend to remember exactly what had caused so much pain.


Robin sniffled, as Charlie allowed her to pull up her panties and pants.  It hurt so much to have the material rub against her sore bottom.  Charlie handed Robin the cream to bring upstairs.  She would rub as much on as she could.


Charlie sat back down in the spanking chair and allowed Robin to sort of lean against him.  She did not want to sit, of course, and she was much too big to kneel on his lap.


“I really am sorry, Daddy,” she snuffled.


“I know, sweetheart.  I also know that in the future you are going to be much more careful when you are responsible for watching your brother and sister.”


Robin nodded.  “Yes, sir, definitely.”


Charlie put his arms around Robin and hugged her tight.  “You know that I love you very much, sweetheart, and I only punish you to help you learn right from wrong.  Okay, Lovey?”


Robin smiled.  Now that her dad had called her by her childhood nickname, she knew she was forgiven.  She would pay much more attention when she was babysitting from now on.


“Okay, now go on up to your room.  You’re to stay there for the rest of the night, and you’re grounded for a week, as well.”


“Yes, sir.”


“You might want to stop by Melissa’s room, as well, and apologize for not paying her proper attention.”


“I will, Daddy,” Robin said, hugging him tight.  She may be 17, and think she was way too old for a spanking, but she also knew her daddy loved her a lot, and wanted all his kids to be all right.



The next day, Charlie and Lisa sat down with Stephen and Melissa.  “We wanted to talk to you two about what happened yesterday,” Lisa began.


“Yes,” Charlie said.  “Not that we think something like this will ever happen again, but just in case, we want to make sure we talk to you about it.”


“Talk about what?” Stephen asked.


“What you should do if you ever get lost, or separated from the grown-up you are with,” Lisa explained.


Melissa nodded.  She thought maybe they should have had this discussion the day before.


“What Melissa did was all right,” Lisa began.  “She found a grown-up who could help her, and take her to the ‘People Lost and Found’.  But sometimes not all grown-ups are as helpful and nice as the lady Melissa found yesterday.”


“That’s right,” Charlie added.  “Some people are mean and might try to do bad things or hurt you.  So you have to be very careful.”


“The best person to find is a police officer,” Lisa suggested.  “Or someone with a uniform who works in the place you are in.”  She looked at her two little ones.  “You both know your address and phone number, don’t you?”


They both nodded.


“Good,” Charlie said.  “Because that’s important.  If a police officer ever has to bring you home, it’s good to know where you live.”


“Melissa? Stephen? If you ever get separated from Daddy, or me, and you can’t find someone to help you, I want you to stay in the place we were last together, and we will come back to find you.  All right?”


“All right, Mommy,” Melissa answered.


“Yes, Mommy,” said Stephen.


The kids started to look a little scared.  “Of course we don’t want anything to happen to you.  But you should know, just in case,” Charlie reassured them. 


“We love you both, very much,” Lisa said, putting her arms around the kids and hugging them tight.


Just then Robin and Jennifer came into the room.  Charlie knew they had heard Lisa’s last statement.  He motioned them over for a group hug.  “You know we love both of you very much, too, don’t you?”


Everyone smiled.


The end.


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