The Mall...a twin story (M/ff)

(c) 2000 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill


The twins were 13, and old enough to do many things on their own.  They stayed home by themselves and even watched their little brother and sister.  But Charlie and Lisa were very strict with them, and didn’t let them do things that other kids their age were doing.  Jennifer really wanted to go to the mall with her friends one Saturday afternoon, but she dreaded asking her father.


She found him in the living room a few days before.  “Dad?”


Charlie looked up from his paper.  “Yes, baby? What is it?”


Jenn took a deep breath.  “Dad? Would it be okay if I met Karen and Cindy at the mall this Saturday?”


Charlie looked at his daughter and said, “Well...are any of their parents going to be there?  I don't like you on your own at the mall, Jenn.”


Jennifer sighed in disbelief.  “Oh, Daddy, I'm 13.  We're too old to have parents with us.  Besides, we want to be able to walk around and look through any stores we want.”


“I wouldn’t be too happy about your being there alone, aside for Cindy and Karen, and they are even a bit younger than you, if I recall correctly.”


Jennifer tried hard not to be disrespectful but she was getting agitated.  “But Daddy, I'm 13, and they will be soon.  Pleeeease!”


Charlie seemed to think about this.  Jennifer thought maybe she had gotten through to him.  “Was this for you and your sister, or didn't you want to let her in on this?”


Jennifer was completely impatient now.  Her friends didn’t have to go through this, but she thought better of bringing that subject up to her father.  He didn’t care what her friends were allowed to do.  For crying out loud, she still got spankings when she misbehaved.  She would be mortified if her friends knew that.


She looked down at her dad and then collapsed into the chair next to him.  “Robin? I don't want to hang out with Robin at the mall, Daddy.  Her friends are so...well, anyway, it was just a chance for me, Cindy and Karen to do something fun.  Please, Dad?”


“I see.  You shouldn't exclude her like that, Jennifer.  I'll tell you what, if Robin goes with you, I'll let you go.”


Jenn threw up her hands and whined, “But, Dad, I don't want Robin to come!”


Charlie turned to stare at his seemingly impossible daughter.  “Well then, you don't have to go either.  And don't whine like that, Jennifer.  You think about it and talk to your sister and let me know if you both want to go.”


“Oh, all right,” Jenn said, getting up.  She went to her room to seek out her sister.


It was decided that Robin would invite a friend and they would all go to the mall.  That Saturday, Charlie dropped Robin, Michelle, Jenn, Karen and Cindy off at the mall. 


“Now I want you all to stay together.  And remember, Cindy’s mother is picking you up at 4:30.  Do you know where you’re going to meet her?” Charlie asked as they were getting out of the car.


Jennifer turned back and said, “Yes, Daddy, inside the main entrance.  Now go, you’re embarrassing me.”


“See you later, Daddy,” Robin said, leaning in the window to give her dad a quick kiss.


“Oh brother!” Jenn thought to herself.


The five girls walked into the mall.  They took the escalator up to the second floor and wandered around for a bit.


Jenn said, “Let’s go into the record store.  There are some neat new CDs out that I wanted to find.”


Both Karen and Cindy were all for it.  But Robin and Michelle wrinkled their noses.  Robin spoke up, “I don't want to go to the record store, Jenn.  Can't we go there later?”  She looked at Michelle who nodded in approval.


Jennifer sighed.  She knew there was a reason she didn’t want Robin along.  She was going to be a drag the whole day.  She looked at her sister and started to say, “But...” 


Then she had a better thought.  “Look, Daddy was just being silly asking us to stay together.  Why don't we split up, and meet back at the main entrance by 4.  Then there will be a full half hour before Cindy's mom picks us up.  We can trade information and make anything up about what we did together.  Okay?”


Robin stared at Jenn while she thought about her twin’s suggestion.  She didn’t think it sounded like a bad idea.  She had no desire to be dragged through record, jewelry and make-up stores and to listen to conversations about those things and boys all day.  Robin looked at Michelle who was nodding her head in agreement.


“Okay, sounds good.  We'll see you then.  4:00, right, Jennifer?”


“Yep!” Jenn said, but she and Karen and Cindy were already walking away.


Robin and Michelle went to a book store, some stationery stores, a gadget store, and had lunch.  They were having a great time.  Robin had never been to the mall with just a friend before, and she found that she really liked it.


When it was getting closer to the time they would have to meet Jennifer, Michelle suggested to Robin that they stop for an ice cream cone.  Robin thought it was a good idea, and they headed in that direction.  The ice cream place was right near the main entrance.  They could sit outside the shoppe and watch for Jennifer and her friends.


There they were sitting, enjoying their cones, and laughing about something silly they remembered from school, when Robin heard a familiar voice.  She looked up and saw her parents, her brother, and her sister.  She couldn’t believe it.


The little ones ran up to Robin to hug her.  Then Lisa took their hands and Robin watched as they went up to the counter.  Charlie said, “Robin? Where are Jennifer and her friends?”


Robin looked up at her father.  “Daddy! What are you guys doing here?”


“We were across the way at the furniture store and thought we’d bring Stephen and Melissa here to get an ice cream.  Now answer my question,  where is Jennifer?”


Robin knew she had to stall her dad.  Jenn would be there soon.  Maybe she could make something up and he would go away.  Yeah, right, she knew that wouldn’t happen.  She looked at Michelle and then around.  “She's uh, well, she's, she's around here somewhere.”


Charlie pulled a chair away from the next table and sat down with Robin and Michelle.  “Robin, when did you see her last?  Did she and her friend get ice cream too?”


Robin didn’t know what to say.  If she outright lied to her father, she would be in extra big trouble.  “Um, well, um...”


“Robin Elizabeth, don't even try to make up a story.  You were all supposed to stay together, remember?  I want to hear what happened, and I want to hear it now.”


Michelle looked at Robin.  Even she knew that the use of Robin’s middle name was not a good sign.  She wished she could leave the state or at least crawl under the table.


Robin said, “Well, Daddy, I'm not really sure where Jennifer is.  We didn't want to go where they were going, so we decided to meet up later.”  She looked at her watch then.  “We're meeting in front over there at the main entrance at 4.  That's in 20 minutes.”


Charlie sighed and said, “I see.  We will talk about this at home, but when you've finished your ice cream, we’ll all go over and meet them.”


“Okay, Dad,” Robin said.  She talked quietly to Michelle while her parents got their ice cream.  She knew she and Jenn were in trouble.  Michelle knew it, too, and did not know what to say.  At five minutes to four, they all walked over to the main entrance and sat down to wait for Jennifer and her friends.


They waited the five minutes but they didn’t come.  They waited ten more minutes, then 15.  There was still no sign of Jennifer or her friends.  Robin looked at her watch again.  It was almost 4:15.  She couldn’t believe that Jenn had not kept her word.


“Cindy's mother is supposed to come at 4:30, Daddy.  You can go, I'm sure Jenn will be here any second.”


“No doubt.  She is already fifteen minutes late for her meeting with you, after you decided to split up.  I think we will wait right here -- I want to talk with her as soon as she shows up.”


“Um, yes, Daddy,” Robin said, sitting down again.  She was really nervous.  At exactly 4:30, Cindy’s mom came into the mall.  Charlie and Lisa greeted her and told her the situation.  She was surprised, as she had told Cindy to follow the same directions.


The three adults sat down to talk, while the two little ones ran around.  Robin and Michelle continued to sit, making small talk.  Robin was very nervous.


Finally, at 4:45, Jenn and her friends showed up.  They didn't see the adults right away, but saw Robin and Michelle.  Robin saw their faces and were aghast.  She tried to motion to Jenn about their parents being there, but as Jenn was nearsighted, she didn’t notice until too late.


As they got closer, Jenn yelled out, “Hey, Robin, look at my face!”


When she got to the meeting spot, she noticed her parents, her brother and sister, and Cindy’s mom all sitting down.  Charlie had his arms crossed and jumped up when he saw Jennifer’s face. 


“Mommy! Daddy! What are you doing here?” Jenn asked.


Charlie frowned.  “More important, what are you doing *not* with your sister, and *what* have you done to your face, young lady?”


Jennifer looked at her dad and swallowed hard.  “Um, we uh, oh, Daddy!”  She looked at her friends and then back at him.  “You're embarrassing me.” 


While the two of them were having a staring contest, Cindy’s mother was scolding Cindy for not following directions and for wearing all that makeup.  It turns out the girls had gone to Macy’s and had gotten free makeovers.  They put on way too much makeup for thirteen-year-olds.


Karen just stood to the side.  She didn’t know what to do or think.  She looked over at Robin and Michelle and just sort of smiled.  Robin did not smile back.  She knew that separating from Jennifer was her own fault, but she couldn’t believe that Jenn had come to meet Cindy’s mother looking like she did.  It just made it worse that her parents were there.


When it looked as though Cindy’s mom was ready to leave, Charlie walked over and said to her, “Thank you for agreeing to pick up the girls, but I think I need to take the twins directly home.”


“That's okay.  I will drop the other girls off.  Cindy and I are going to be going home to have a discussion about the appropriateness of makeup,” her mother said.


Robin said goodbye to Michelle and assured her that she would call her later.  Jenn waved goodbye to Karen and Cindy and turned back to her parents.  Charlie frowned and said, “Jennifer, we will be having a similar conversation.”


This time it was Jenn who frowned.  “Yes, sir,” was all she said.


They gathered the little ones and got into the car.  Not much was said on the way home.  When they got there, Lisa agreed to take Stephen and Melissa to the playground, so that Charlie could speak with the girls.  They sat down in the living room and waited for their father to scold them.  Neither twin met each other’s eyes.


Before she left, Lisa gave Jenn a wet washcloth and instructed her to wipe off as much as the makeup as she could.


Charlie watched her and then said, “Well, young lady, explain yourself.”


“Daddy, I just wanted to do something to feel more grownup,” she said quietly.


“We have discussed make-up before, haven't we?  Not until next year, and not much then, I think we said?” Charlie asked Jenn rhetorically.  Then he turned to include Robin in his next question.  “And what about you two staying together?  That was a condition of this trip, remember?”


Robin swallowed and quietly said, “Yes, Daddy, I remember.”


Jenn turned on Robin then and said, “Oh please, Robin, you're such a goodie goodie.  You were the one who didn't want to come to the record store with us.”


“Well, it was your idea to split up, Jennifer!” Robin spit back at her sister.  The two girls continued to argue until Charlie put a stop to it. 


“Girls!  I asked for an explanation, not a fight.  You both knew that you shouldn't split up, and you both agreed to do so, right?”


They both nodded.


“And Jennifer, you got that make-up job although you knew we wouldn't approve, and you didn't meet your sister when you said you would, isn’t that correct?”


Jenn sighed and said, “Yes, Daddy, but we were only a few minutes late.  And besides, I didn't know you were gonna be there!”


Robin rolled her eyes.  She didn’t think Jenn could be so stupid as to make that kind of statement.


Charlie looked at her.  “Jennifer Lynn, does a promise to your sister not count if I'm not there?  And it was a good deal more than a few minutes, wasn’t it, young lady?”


“Oh, I guess, but, I’m sorry, Daddy!” Jennifer said. 


Robin spoke up then.  “Daddy? I'm sorry we split up.  It's just that we have different friends and we like different things.  Are we in big trouble?” she asked cautiously.


“Well, you both disobeyed, so you are both in trouble,” Charlie said to both of them.  Then he turned to Jenn and said, “Jennifer, you not only split up from your sister, you disobeyed about the make-up and you broke your word to your sister, too, so you are in much bigger trouble.  I want you to stand in this corner.  I will come back for you shortly.  Robin, come with me.”


Jenn didn’t know when to quit.  She said, “Oh, Daddy!”


Charlie just shot her a look.  She murmured, “Fine,” and went right to the corner.  Robin followed her father to his bedroom. 


Charlie moved some of Lisa’s clothes off the big red chair, which when the girls were in trouble, was known as the spanking chair, and sat down.  Robin stood in front of her dad and said, “I’m sorry, Daddy.”


“I'm glad to hear it, but that isn't enough to make up for outright disobedience, Robin.”


She nodded and said, “Yes, sir.”  


Charlie pulled Robin to his side and looked right at her.  “Robin, do you understand why I am going to spank you?”


She nodded again and said, “Yes, sir, cuz I disobeyed you and didn't stay with Jennifer at the mall.  Right?”


“That’s right.  However you felt about that rule, you should not have disobeyed it.”


Charlie pulled down Robin’s pants and panties and pulled her over his lap.  He started to hand-spank her. {smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}


Robin hadn’t been punished in a while and forgot how much it hurt.  She started to cry like a little girl.  “Owwww, DADDDDIIIEEEE, I'm sorrry!”


{smack}{smack} “You should be, {smack} young lady. {smack} I will not tolerate {smack} disobedience {smack} and defiance. {smack}  You can always {smack} discuss a rule, {smack} at least at the proper time {smack} but you may *not* {smack} just ignore it.” {smack}


Robin tried to nod, but in this position found that was quite impossible.  “Owwww, yes, sir!  I'm sorrrry!” she said again, knowing that it would not do much good.


Charlie spanked on.  {smack}{smack} “I was trusting you {smack} to do as you {smack} said that you would. {smack} You know better {smack} than to act like that.” {smack}


“Owwww, yes, Daddy, I won't do it again, plleeeease!”


Charlie spanked both cheeks and made sure to get her sit spot before he stopped.  {smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack}{smack} “All right, Robin, your spanking is over.”


He helped Robin stand up.  She rubbed her bottom and just looked at her father.  She leaned over and hugged him hard.  “I’m really sorry, Daddy.”


Charlie smiled and hugged Robin back, just as hard.  “I know you are, lovey. But next time try to remember this and not break the rule, okay?”


“Okay,” she said.  Charlie held her for a bit more, like when she was little.  When she calmed down some, he helped her up with her pants.


“Now I want you to go up to your room.  I need to deal with your sister.  When I am done with her, I will bring her up and we will all talk.”


“Yes, Daddy.”


Robin went upstairs and laid down on her bed, on her stomach.  Charlie went back to the living room and saw that Jenn was still in the corner where she was supposed to be.  He was relieved of that, at least.


“Jennifer, please come with me.”


“Yes, Daddy.”


Jenn followed Charlie to his bedroom.  He noticed that her make-up was completely off now.  He sat in the red chair again, and Jenn sat opposite him on his bed.  Charlie said, “I'm glad to see your face again, Jennifer.  That’s how I like to see you.  The kind of makeup you had on really was far too much for a girl your age.”


Jenn did not know when to stop.  With an attitude, she said, “But Daddy, I was just trying it out, what's the big deal?”


“Well, the big deal is that it is not appropriate for someone your age, and even more important, we had discussed this and you were told no make-up without permission.  So you were breaking a rule, and that is a big deal in and of itself,” Charlie said sternly.


Jenn sighed and rolled her eyes.  “Okay, whatever, Dad.”


“Jennifer Lynn, you will lose that tone and attitude, or I will wash it right out of your mouth, is that clear?”


With a proper tone, Jenn answered, “Yes, Daddy.”


“Very well then.  Jennifer, you broke the rule against make-up, you separated from your sister after you had been told not to, and you broke your word to your sister.  Do you have anything to say for yourself before I paddle you?”


“I guess not, sir.”


“Then come here.  You were very naughty, and I am going to have to be very severe with you, young lady.”


Jenn stood up then and walked to him.  “But Dad, I'm sorrrry!” she whined, in a last minute attempt to try to get out of her impending punishment.


“Whining will *not* help your case, Jennifer,” Charlie said strictly.


He pulled down her pants and panties and took her over his knee.  "I had hoped to be able to have fewer spankings as you two got older, but I can see it will be a while."  He picked up a ruler, which he had left on Lisa’s dresser and started to paddle her. {Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}


It had been a while since the last time Jenn was in this position.  She had hoped not to be there that day either.  Jenn shouted, “Owwwwwwww!  DADDDDDY!  Why the ruler?”


{Crr-ack!} “Because you {Crr-ack!} are being punished for {Crr-ack!} *three* things at once, {Crr-ack!} young lady, {Crr-ack!} and because {Crr-ack!} you didn't seem {Crr-ack!} to appreciate {Crr-ack!} how serious they were.” {Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}


Jenn realized she had gone a bit too far this time, but unfortunately, it was a little late.  “Okkaaaaaay, DADDDDDY!” she cried.  “I’m sorrrrrrrrry!”


{Crr-ack!} “You will not {Crr-ack!} wear make-up without permission {Crr-ack!} until we say you are {Crr-ack!} old enough.” {Crr-ack!}


Jenn was already crying.  “Owwww, yes sir!”


Charlie spanked on.  {Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!} “You will not {Crr-ack!} break promises {Crr-ack!} to your sister {Crr-ack!} or anyone else.” {Crr-ack!}


“Owwwwwwwww, yess, sir, I won't!  It was an accident, really!” Jenn cried.


{Crr-ack!} “It was your responsibility {Crr-ack!} to watch the time. {Crr-ack!}  You kept your sister *and* {Crr-ack!} Cindy's mother {Crr-ack!} waiting. --{Crr-ack!} And when I give you {Crr-ack!} a rule {Crr-ack!} or an order, {Crr-ack!} you will not {Crr-ack!} deliberately {Crr-ack!} disobey.” {Crr-ack!}


“Yes, sir, owwwwwwwwww, Dadddy, this hurrrrrrrrttttttts!”


{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!} “It's supposed to hurt; {Crr-ack!} that's why it’s a punishment. {Crr-ack!} Am I getting through to you, {Crr-ack!} Jennifer Lynn?” {Crr-ack!}


Very sincerely, Jenn answered, “Yes, Daddy, you are, I won't do it again, I promise.”


{Crr-ack!} {Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!} “I should hope so.”


“Yes, sir, waaaaaaaaaaaah!”  Jenn was in agony.  She hadn’t had a spanking like this in a long time, and she was in pain.  She knew it would be days before she could sit down properly again.


Charlie finished up with a few more strokes.  {Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!}{Crr-ack!} “All right, Jenn, your paddling is over.”


Jenn tried to stand up.  She was hurting.  She put her hand back and rubbed her bottom real hard.  She was still crying, and didn’t even think to be embarrassed standing there in just her shirt.  Her pants and panties had been kicked off sometime during her paddling.


“Daddy, that hurt!  I'm so sorry!” Jenn cried, as soon as she was able to find her voice.


“Then I trust we won't need to repeat this discussion anytime soon.”


Jennifer shook her head.  “No, sir.”


“Okay, then,” Charlie said, beginning to relent.  He knew that now that she was punished, the slate was clean.  He took her in his arms and held her.  “There, there, baby, I know you're sorry, but there are things that I just can't tolerate, do you understand?”


Jenn climbed into his lap, like when she was a little girl and hugged him back. She said, “Yes, sir.  I won't do it again, Daddy, I'm sorry.  I want to earn back your trust, so you'll let me go to the mall another time.”


Charlie cuddled Jennifer.  “Well, that may take a little bit of time, but I'm sure we can work it out.  I want to talk with both of you about that, when you are ready to go back and join Robin.”


Jennifer nodded and said, “Okay.”  She let him hold her a little bit longer.  It wasn’t often that they had quiet time together anymore.  Most of the time it was Jenn who didn’t want it.  But since she had just been spanked, she felt a little more vulnerable.


After a time, Jenn sniffled and stood up.  She found her bottoms and gently pulled them up.  She took Charlie’s hand and together they walked up to the twins’ bedroom.


Jennifer went right to her bed and laid down on it, on her stomach.  Robin looked up when she heard the door open.  Charlie sat down on the edge of Robin’s bed.  Robin sat up and turned to look at her dad.


“Girls, I want to talk about the future.  I think it will be a little while before either of you goes to the mall again, but when you do, I guess that you are old enough not to have to stay together -- if you promise to be responsible about what you do and when you get back to your meeting place.”


Jenn turned to look at her dad and said, “You mean next time we go, we don't have to stay together?”  She was shocked.


Charlie nodded.  “Yes, that's what I mean.  I think I’ve realized that you are a bit old for that rule  -- but, if you misbehave at the mall, I may change my mind, and you will surely be grounded from the mall for a while and get other punishments as earned.  Is that understood?”


“Yes, Daddy,” Robin answered.


“Yes, sir,” Jenn said, a little more brightly.


“Now I think that you, Robin, will do without the mall for the next week, and Jennifer, two weeks for you.   If you behave for that time, you can visit on your own with proper permission.”


Since this seemed fair to both girls, and they knew better than to argue, they just nodded.  They waited to hear what else their dad had to say.  He had that look about him that he was not done yet.


“Now about the make-up issue -- on that, I have not changed my mind, and neither has your mother.  If I see either of you using make-up like that again, you will be in big trouble, is that clear?”


Robin nodded.  She didn’t like make-up anyway.  “Yes, Daddy.”


Jenn, though, was not ready to give up her viewpoint.  “I guess, although I don't see what the big deal is.”


Instead of being angry, Charlie was a bit exasperated.  He turned to Jenn and said, “Well Jennifer, it gives people a false impression of who you are and what you want, and when overdone, it looks cheap and trashy.  Talk to your mother, she can explain this one better.  But even if you disagree, this is not a rule you can expect to change by arguing, is that clear?”


“I'm not trying to argue, Dad, I just didn't get it, but okay.”


“Good.  For now, I'm just glad to have my good girls back.”


Charlie opened his arms and the twins ran into them for a three-way hug.  All was okay again in the twins’ world.


The end.

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