Robin's Camp...a twin story (M/ffm, F/f)
By SamPast and Huggedlots
Copyright © 1999

It was late spring, approaching summer. Robin was trying to get her summer planned out by applying for a summer job. She was hoping to work at this camp not too far from her house. Her parents had promised her that as soon as she was old enough, she could get a job as a C.I.T (Counselor in Training). But when she went to the camp, the director told her that she could work as a CIT at the age of 13, but she would have to pay them one hundred dollars for the summer. He told her the next summer when she worked, she would be paid one hundred dollars for the summer. Robin was disappointed. On one hand, she loved kids and wanted so desperately to work in the camp. On the other hand, she couldn't imagine having to pay to work there. The whole idea was to get paid for her first real job.

"Forget it, I won't do it," Robin insisted.

"But honey, you wanted to work there so badly," Lisa reasoned.

"Mommy, I'm not going to pay the camp so I can work. Forget it, I'll find something else. The whole idea is to get some extra spending money," Robin said.

The next day at school, Robin told her friends what happened when she went to the camp.

"That sucks," Debbie said.

"Yeah, I know, oh, what am I gonna do? I want to work with kids so much!" Robin whined.

Karen said, "Me, too. I was going to join you at the camp. I guess I'll be a mother's helper like my mom suggested."

Robin said, "Yeah, I guess me, too, but I want more responsibility. I don't want to just be with a kid while the mother is there, I want to babysit and be in charge. Also, I would get more money, then."

Debbie suggested, "Why don't you make a babysitter's club like in that book?"

Karen said, "Yeah, right! Like we could pull that off!"

"Hey, why not? We could do it!" Robin got enthusiastic; she loved the idea.

"Would you do it with us, Deb?" she asked.

Debbie said, "Oh, Robin, you know I don't like little kids, like you do. Besides, this summer, I have to help my father paint houses. He's counting on me, Sorry!"

"Okay, well, there's me, you-Karen, and we'll find a couple other girls, and I can get Jennifer." The wheels in Robin's head were already turning.

Debbie said, "Hold on. Somehow I can't picture Jennifer babysitting a bunch of snotty-nosed kids. You'd better count her out, too."

"Hmmm, we'll see," Robin thought.

Later, when Robin met up with Jennifer at the flagpole, she couldn't wait to tell Jennifer her summer idea. But when she saw Jennifer's face, she decided to wait.

"Jenn, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, I'm in big trouble!" Jenn cried.

"What happened?" Robin asked.

Jennifer showed Robin a piece of paper, "I failed my Spanish test. Mommy and Daddy are gonna kill me!"

Robin looked at the test. Jennifer had got a lot of it wrong.

"Well, did you study?" asked Robin.

"NO, that's why I'm gonna be in trouble. I didn't know about the test. It was today, and she already marked the papers and returned them. Wasn't that nice?" Jenn asked sarcastically.

Robin said, "Well, Mommy and Daddy are gonna want to know why you didn't know about the test, so try it out on me, and tell me the whole story."

Jennifer said,"Well, on Friday, I don't know why, I just didn't feel like going to class, so I cut."

"You cut? What, are you crazy? Why would you cut class? Oh, Jennifer, this is really bad," Robin stated.

"I know, Robin, you don't think I don't know that? That was the stupidest thing to do. And then I didn't even call anyone to find out what I missed! That was my second mistake. So I walked in today totally blind and we had this big test. And I know if I had studied, I would have done pretty well." Jennifer continued to cry.

The girls had been walking home while having this conversation. Now they were almost to their house.

"What am I gonna do, Robin? I have to walk in that door, and show Mommy and Daddy this test, because I have to get it signed. Then I have to explain why I failed. What do you think? Should I tell them that I tried my best, but it was just too hard?" Jenn asked.

They were standing in the driveway, now.

"Jenn, I don't think you should lie. It'll only get you in more trouble, you know that. Besides, if you tell them you did the best you could, they'll want to get you a Spanish tutor, and believe me, having a tutor is no picnic. And also, you know that eventually, you'll feel guilty for lying, you'll tell the truth, and you'll be in double trouble. So just tell the truth now. The punishment will be bad, but then you'll be over it," Robin advised.

"I know you're right, Robin, but I don't want to do it," Jenn said. "Oh, well, here goes nothing."

The girls walked into the house. Robin said hello to her parents. Her dad was off today, otherwise he wouldn't have been home until later. She wanted to tell them all about her plan, but what with Jennifer's test, she knew that now was not a good time. She would wait. She grabbed a snack and went upstairs.

Jennifer walked into the living room where her parents were sitting.

"Hi, Mommy, Daddy, uh, I need you to sign this test," Jennifer said slowly.

Charlie looked up at Jenn with a questioning look. "What is it, Jennifer?"

Jenn felt very frightened, but decided that the truth was her best plan. "Umm, Daddy, Mommy," Jenn paused, looked at the floor, and scuffed her foot on the carpet not able to go on.

"Come on, Jenn," Charlie said, "it can't be that bad, can it?"

"Yes, Sir, it really can," Jenn replied. "Um, I cut Spanish class on Friday, so I didn't know that we were going to have a test today, so I didn't study, and I failed it."

Jenn talked so fast that her words almost slurred together.

Charlie sighed. "Jennifer, look at me, young lady!"

Jenn quickly looked up as she heard the stern note in her father's voice. He continued, "First of all, I am very disappointed in you. You know that cutting class is wrong. Have you done this before, Young Lady?"

"Yes, Daddy," Jenn replied, knowing better than to lie.

"And, how long has THIS BEEN GOING ON?" Her father's voice was getting louder by the moment.

Jenn started to shake, knowing that this was not going to be easy. "I don't know, Sir," Jennifer said tentatively.

"You What?" her father bellowed at her. "You had best begin to explain, young lady!"

"Well," Jenn began, "I just get bored in class sometimes and I, I, I . . ." She just couldn't go on, and began to cry.

"Let me get this straight. You get BORED?"

"Yes, Daddy, I do, I'm sorry," Jennifer said quietly.

Lisa suddenly interrupted and said, "Jenn, you usually get straight A's, so I am going to believe you."

Charlie looked at his wife in amazement. She said, "Sometimes, Charlie, we have to listen to the girls, not just get angry. That doesn't mean, Jenn, that you are in any way to take that to mean I agree with what you did. You will definitely be punished. But sweetheart, why haven't you told us this?"

"I don't know, Mom. I thought you would think I was bragging or something. I don't know why I didn't just tell you," Jenn said.

Lisa continued, "Charlie, her test scores are way above average, and her grades are excellent. I think that maybe we were wrong to put her in regular classes. I think we need to move her up to Honors classes, so that she will be more challenged."

Charlie relented a little, "You might be right, but that doesn't mitigate what she has done."

Lisa said, "I know that. They are two separate issues, but I also think we need to consider the validity of what she is telling us as well."

Jenn was so confused at this point she didn't know what to think. Her dad sure looked a lot less angry, and her mother was actually taking her side.

Lisa turned to Jennifer. "Jenn, tomorrow we are going to call the school and speak to the counselor, okay? If they won't move you now, they will at the end of the semester. And the work in Honors classes will keep you challenged, I promise you that."

Jenn wasn't worried that she could keep up; a lot of her friends were in Honors classes, and they got to do really cool assignments. She smiled at her mom and said, "Thank you."

"Now, young lady, that does not get you off the hook," her mom said.

"Yes, Ma'am," Jenn replied. "I know what I did was wrong, and I know that Daddy is going to punish me, but I am soooo relieved that you understand."

Charlie said, "Let's go into the bedroom."

Jennifer followed her father into her parents' bedroom.

"Come here, Jenn," he said.

"Yes, sir," Jenn said.

Reluctantly, Jenn moved over to her father, where he quickly pulled down her pants and panties, and swiftly pulled her across his knees. He spanked hard and fast, and Jenn was soon crying in pain.

He paused, and asked her, "Jenn, you realize that what you did by cutting classes was wrong, don't you?"

"Yes, Daddy," Jenn replied through her tears.

Charlie continued, "And, SWAT, you SWAT, won't SWAT, do SWAT, it SWAT, again SWAT SWAT, will you SWAT SWAT SWAT?"

"OUCHHHHH, No, Sir, I won't, I promise."

Charlie quickly put her on her feet, and held her close. He spoke softly, "You know what you did was wrong, Jenn, but you should also know by now, young lady, that you need to tell your mother and I about these things. You really could save yourself a lot of trouble that way."

"Yes, Daddy, you're right!" she answered, while her head was buried on his shoulder.

Charlie patted her back and pulled up her pants and panties. Jenn knew that her punishment could have been a lot worse and was relieved that it wasn't, until her dad said, "Jennifer, you are also grounded for two weeks, no phone, no TV, no friends over, understood?"

Jennifer knew better than to argue. "Yes, Sir," Jenn sighed. So much for thinking she had gotten off lightly.

"Now go up to your room until dinnertime," her father said.

Jenn ran quickly up to her room where Robin was doing her homework. Robin looked up and saw that Jenn wasn't crying as hard as she figured she would be.

"You okay, Jenn?"

"Yeah. Daddy wasn't as hard on me as I thought he would be, but I am also grounded for two weeks. Damnnnnn, I had plans," Jennifer said while rubbing her sore bottom.

"How rotten is their mood, Jenn?" Robin asked.

"I think they are okay, why?" Jennifer asked her sister. "Did you get in trouble, too?"

"No, nothing like that. I just wanted to run an idea by them," Robin replied. She filled Jenn in on her babysitter's club idea.

Jenn said, "Count me out, please. I don't like taking care of kids. Besides I can think of ten better ways I can spend my summer. But good luck with Mommy and Daddy. They almost still think WE need babysitters."

"Hmmm, I better give this some thought before I approach them," Robin said, "Thanks for the advice. And I'm glad they were easy on you."

"Well, it wasn't that easy," Jennifer chuckled as she rubbed her sore bottom.


A few months later, Robin sat at the dining room table with Karen, Christy, and Rebecca.

"Okay, so we got four kids booked so far. What do you guys think?" Robin asked.

"I think it's great, Robin," Karen said. "My mother's not too sure, though. She thinks we're too young."

"Yeah, and my mother doesn't think I'm responsible enough," Christy said.

"Well, my parents were a little down on the idea in the beginning, but they trust me to make it work," Robin said.

"My mother's just glad that we're using our backyard," Rebecca stated. "I guess because it's got a built-in pool, and a fence around the whole yard. It makes me feel better, too."

Robin agreed, "Yeah, at least we can't lose anyone that way. And it's cool that you live right next door to a playground. That's why it's like we're having our own summer camp. I'm so excited. I can't wait until school ends and summer begins."

The excitement was contagious, and the other girls started to really get into the plans.


The day had arrived. Robin had taken out several books from the library for the children to read, along with books of making arts and crafts projects. She had used the money that the parents had given her in advance for purchasing arts and crafts supplies, and other things.

Lisa and Charlie couldn't help but be proud of all the effort Robin was putting into this. They knew deep down that it would not last, and Robin's camp would be closed before the end of the summer, but they didn't have the heart to tell her this.

Jennifer, on the other hand, was taking two classes in summer school. Her parents wanted her to pull her grades up before she would be placed in Honors classes next year. She wasn't too happy about going to summer school, but she was glad she didn't have to help Robin out with watching a bunch of bratty kids.

"Well, good luck, Robin, you'll need it!" Jenn said as she walked out the door, schoolbag in hand.

"Thanks a lot. Have fun in school!" Robin called out after her sister. She was glad she didn't have to go to summer school. She could think of nothing worse to do in the summer than have to sit in a sticky, hot classroom and learn more Spanish, or even math, which she usually liked.

Lisa gave Robin some last minute advice before she headed to Rebecca's house.

"Mom, I know! We have a first aid kit, and besides Rebecca's mother will be around sometimes. And we know not to let the kids in the pool without us there, and the yard is fenced in, so they have nowhere to get to. I know all this. I have to leave," Robin whined.

"Big babysitters do not whine, Robin, remember that, or big babysitters will have a bar of soap in their mouths, got it?" Charlie warned.

"Yes, Daddy, I got it. Can I go now?" Robin asked a little too impatiently.

"Do you want to ask that question again, young lady?" Charlie asked.

Robin took a deep breath. "I love you, Daddy, Mommy, but I really have to go. I don't want to be late my first day. Okay?" she said.

"Okay, have fun, and try to stay calm. And remember these are little kids, they get tired and whiny, like other kids I know, anyway, try to stay cool and don't lose your patience," Lisa suggested.

"Okay, Mom, see ya later! Bye, Daddy!" Robin left before her parents could give her any more advice.

The first day was a big success. Robin, Karen, Christy, and Rebecca had no problems with the twelve kids who were signed up. The youngest kid was four, while the oldest was ten. Ten? Could you believe it? Those few kids were only three years younger than the babysitters! But there were only two ten-year-olds. The girls didn't need to really watch them too much.

They did art projects, had a story time, went swimming, went to the playground, had lunch, even had a nap time, while the two ten-year-olds and the four babysitters watched t.v. When the little ones woke up, they had a snack time, and then the parents came to pick them up. All in all, it was a very successful day.

"I'm exhausted," Christy said. "I didn't realize how much work it would be."

"Yeah, only 39 more days to go," Karen said as she plopped down on the couch.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad. I thought it was great. How about you, Rebecca? What'd you think?" Robin asked.

"I thought it was good. But I am tired. I had better get to sleep early tonight," she said.


The next few weeks went smoothly also. Sure, they had their share of fights and a few little scrapes, but the camp kept going. Around the fourth week of the summer, they got some bad news.

"What are we gonna do?" Robin asked Rebecca.

"I don't know. I can't believe Christy's mom won't let her do it anymore, and Karen is sick. Man, I had the chicken pox when I was five," Rebecca said.

"I'm afraid I have some more bad news, girls," Rebecca's mom came out to join them in the backyard.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Rebecca asked.

"Your Aunt Mary, in Idaho, is sick, and I have to fly out there to take care of her. And you have to come with me," she said.

"What? Why?" Rebecca asked.

"Why is she sick or why do we have to go?" Mrs. Hearst asked.

"I mean, why do I have to go? Why can't I stay home with Daddy?" Rebecca asked.

"Daddy has to work," Mrs. Hearst said. She then turned to Robin, "I'm sorry, Robin, I'm afraid you won't be able to use our backyard for the next two weeks."

"But you promised it. I'm sorry Aunt Mary is sick, but all these kids and their parents are counting on this," Robin whined.

"Like I said, I'm sorry, Robin, you'll just have to find somewhere else for a little while. Hopefully, we'll be back soon. Come on, Rebecca, let's go pack," Mrs. Hearst said.

"I'll be right there, Mom. Oh, god, I'm so sorry, Robin, I wish I could stay and help you. My mother won't let me, though. What are you gonna do?" Rebecca asked.

"I have no idea," Robin said wistfully.


Robin sat on her bed, wondering how she got stuck all alone with this babysitting idea. All but four of the parents had pulled their children out, and she was determined to show her parents that she could pull it off, no matter what. Deciding that sitting there, wasn't going to help, Robin got on the phone and started calling friends to see if any of them would help her. After exhausting her entire phone book, she decided to call Libby. She knew that Libby was a little wild, and one of Jenn's friends, but hey, a warm body, is a warm body and she was desperate.

"Hi, Libby," Robin said, "How are you?"

"Fine, Robin, I'm surprised to hear from you. Where's Jennifer?" Libby asked.

"Ohh, Jenn's around, she's doing homework, and I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay, I'm listening," Libby said.

"Well, did you know that I started a babysitting service?"

"Yeah," Libby said, "how's it going?"

"Well, everyone had to leave and I have four kids left and no partner, and I was wondering if you would consider helping me out, for a cut of the money," Robin said quickly.

Libby thinks for only a split second. She had been in trouble with her folks and had quite a large debt to pay off. She hated kids, but hey a job is a job, and how hard could it be?

She startled Robin by saying, "Sure, I'll help. When do you need me?"

"Well, Monday morning, around 7:30, here at my house. That would be great. Okay?" Robin asked.

"Sure, I'll be there," Libby said. Robin sighed a huge sigh of relief.

Jenn came up to their room shortly after Robin's phone call to Libby, and Robin filled her in.

"What? Are you nuts, Robin? Jenn asked, "After all the trouble Libby got me into last year, you would even think of asking her?"

"Well, desperate times call for desperate measures." Robin answered fliply.

"I sure hope she doesn't get you in trouble, Robin," Jennifer warned.

Monday rolled around all too quickly, and Robin was up and ready for another week of kids. The four kids arrive and are all there by 8 am, but as yet, no sign of Libby. Robin starts some games, and Libby strolls in around 9 am.

"Where have you been?" asked Robin.

"Well, I couldn't get a ride, but I am here, aren't I?"

Robin introduced Libby to the kids, and told her that they will each take two to watch, so that neither of them are overloaded. Libby decided to take her two inside and watch some TV. Robin's kids wanted to play outside, so they split up. About an hour later, Robin went in to prepare a morning snack, and was shocked to see Libby on the phone, and only one of the two kids were watching TV.

"LIBBY!" Robin yelled, "Where is Jeff?"

"Well, ummm, he was here just a minute ago," Libby said as she looked around.

"GET OFF THE PHONE!" Robin yelled.

"Okay, okay, don't blow a gasket, Robin. Sheesh, how far can a four-year-old go?" Libby said.

They both searched the house, and Robin finally found Jeff in her parent's room, coloring on their new comforter with some markers that Libby had let him draw with.

"Oh MY GOD!" Robin yelled.

Jeff started to cry, and she immediately went to comfort him.

"What am I gonna to say to my parents?" Robin asked aloud.

Libby said, "Robin, this is a drag, I don't know why I let you talk me into this! I am out of here."

Libby stalked off, leaving Robin to take the blame and watch all of the kids. Robin managed them all, but wondered how she was going to tell her Mom, who really didn't think this was such a good idea in the first place.

Around three, Lisa came home with Stephen and Melissa after spending the day with Aunt Joan.

"How is everything?" Lisa asked.

"Well Mom, I really need to talk to you," Robin answered glumly.

After taking one look at Robin's face, Lisa knew something was up. "What is it Robin?"

"Mom, I can't talk now, I have to get the kids up from their naps, get them changed, and fed some snacks. Can you help me please?"

Lisa is a little surprised that Robin has asked her to help. She knew how independent Robin had been trying to be. "Where is Libby, Hon?"

"Well, that is one of the things I have to talk to you about, Mom," Robin answered.

Lisa helped Robin and finally they got a moment to talk.

"Mom, I know you are going to be mad at me, and I know you have every right to be, but it really wasn't my fault!" she said.

Lisa was becoming impatient. "Robin, please take a deep breath and tell me what you are talking about."

"Well, it's like this," Robin began and proceeded to tell her Mom what had happened.

Lisa went to her bedroom to look at the damage, and stood there in shock. Her beautiful new bedspread was ruined, and she's sure none of those marker spots will come out. Robin finally says goodbye to the last of her four charges and heads to her parents' bedroom.

"I am really sorry, Mom," Robin said.

"I know hon, and although this really isn't totally your fault, I do wish you had used better judgement in asking Libby for help. You knew she was irresponsible, and you promised your dad and I that she had changed," Lisa said regretfully.

"I had hoped that she had, Mom, really I had, and well, I guess I was desperate. What can I do to make this up to you?" Robin is so tired that tears slowly roll down her face.

"Robin, go get me Libby's phone number please. I am going to call her Mom and discuss this," Lisa announced. Robin wants to ask her mom not to do that, but knows that it would be useless, so she goes to get the number. Lisa called Libby's mom, who agrees to come over and discuss the situation.

A while later the doorbell rings, and Libby and her mom are there. Lisa offers Mary, Libby's mom some coffee and they all go into the kitchen. Libby is glaring at Robin, trying to figure out how to get out of this. After Lisa gives Mary the rundown of what happened, and how Libby walked away, Mary is furious.

"Well, young lady, do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Libby looks at her feet and says nothing.

"I can't hear you, young lady. Apologize right this minute!"

Libby looks at Lisa and apologizes for not watching Jeff more closely. Mary then says, "You have another apology to make, young lady!"

Libby mumbles sorry to Robin.

"Well, Lisa, you can be sure that Libby and I will thoroughly discuss this when we get home," Mary said.

Libby winces, knowing full well what her mom means by the term "discuss". She knows that shortly after she gets home she will be across her mom's knee receiving a lecture accentuated by the hairbrush her mom usually used.

Mary continued, "In addition, I would like Libby to reimburse you for the bedspread, Lisa. How much was it?"

"Well," Lisa said, "it was not that expensive, but on sale it was $99.00."

"Okay, I guess if Libby works with Robin, and is careful and does a good job, then she will be able to pay you off in about three weeks with her share of the babysitting money," Mary stated firmly.

"But MOM," Libby said, "I hate babysitting, and I don't want to be stuck here for three weeks."

"Well, I would say that that is too bad for you, young lady. YOU will do as you are told. AND if I hear that you are not doing your share of the work, or watching these little ones, you will be standing up ALL day as you do your job. IS THAT CLEAR?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Libby said, looking at her feet again.

"Well Lisa, Robin, I am very sorry that Libby was so irresponsible, but I can assure you she will be here on time tomorrow morning, and with a much different attitude," Mary said, and then grabbed Libby's hand and marched her daughter out.

Lisa couldn't help but chuckle out loud; she knew what was going to happen to Libby once she got home.

Robin turned to her Mom, "Are you going to punish me, Mommy?"

"Tell me, Robin, what have you learned here?" Lisa asked.

Robin is a bit confused, wondering what her mom wants her to say. "Well, first of all, I learned that just having someone here isn't so great, it has to be someone good. And I guess I have to keep a better eye on people I work with."


Since that wasn't entirely the answer Lisa wanted, she said, "Well hon, not only that, but you also have to be sure that your instructions are very clear. If you didn't think that Libby knew the rules of the house, then you should not have trusted her in here by herself, now should you?"

"No, Mom, I guess not," Robin said carefully. She knew she was on thin ice already. She was just waiting for her mother to tell her she was going to get a spanking.

But all her mother said was, "Okay, enough said. I know you are tired, and it has been a traumatic day. Come help me with dinner, and we will hope for a better day tomorrow."

Robin couldn't believe it. She wasn't going to get punished for stupidly trusting Libby. She promised herself then and there that the rest of the summer would go by without any more incidents.


Robin was able to keep that promise for about a week and a half. Libby was there every day, unhappy, but there, none-the-less. She didn't make any more mistakes, but then again, Robin didn't let Libby out of her sight for a second. Robin couldn't trust her. The kids didn't seem to notice that Robin and Libby weren't friends. They did everything they had to do, and tried not to get in each other's way.

A few more parents had brought their kids back after hearing good things from the other parents. Now they had seven kids. And even better news was that Karen was given a clean bill of health and was able to come back to the camp. Robin was very happy about that.

It was Wednesday morning, when Karen came back to work. When she saw Libby, her mouth dropped open.

"Wh-what's she doing here?" Karen asked about Libby.

"Oh, she works here now, too. Don't worry, I don't like her either," Robin admitted.

"I absolutely hate Libby. And I won't work with her. It's either her or me!" Karen announced.

By this time, Libby had come over to where Robin and Karen were standing, and had overheard what Karen had said.

"Well, I don't like you either, Karen, if it makes you feel any better," Libby said nastily.

Oh, God, not again, Robin thought to herself, "Aww, come on girls, we can all work together for the sake of the kids, can't we?"

"NO, I'm sorry, Robin, I can't work with Libby. You have to decide, either she goes or I do," Karen said, and then crossed her arms across her chest.

Robin didn't know what to do. Even though she would have liked at this point to get rid of Libby, she knew that Libby owed her mother money.

Libby said, "I'll make it easy for you, Robin. I'll go, but then you have to pay the rest of the money to your mother. How's that?"

Robin looked at Karen and then nodded, "Yes, okay, I'll do it."

"All right, I'm outta here," and with that, Libby was gone in a flash.

Having settled that matter, Karen got right to work setting up for the children. They would be arriving any minute.

Robin sat down to count the money she had made so far over the summer. After having to buy stuff for the camp, and then paying her mother back for what Libby did, she didn't have much left for herself. But she had proven she could make it work, and that's all that mattered to her at the moment.

Of course, when her mother came home that afternoon and wanted to know where Libby was, Robin was too afraid to tell the truth.

"Oh, Mommy, she quit. She and Karen aren't friends, and when Libby saw Karen, she just left," Robin sobbed. She hoped her mother didn't know she was faking it. "But I don't care, I'll just give you the rest of the money that Libby was supposed to give you. I'm glad to be rid of her anyway."

"Are you sure, Robin?" Lisa asked concerned.

"Yea, it's fine, it's worth it to me, to be rid of Libby," Robin answered.

Unbeknownst to Robin, Lisa called Mary to tell her about Libby's latest irresponsibility. Of course, Mary told Lisa that Libby said Robin had fired her. Neither mother knew which girl to believe.

After dinner, Charlie and Lisa called Robin into the living room.

"Robin, is there something you didn't tell us today about why Libby left?" Charlie asked, always wanting to give the girls the chance to come clean.

Of course, Robin didn't know that her mother had spoken to Libby's mom, so she continued with her story. "NO! Whadda ya mean, Daddy? I told you she saw Karen, and just quit. They hate each other!"

"Hmmmm," Charlie said.

"It's funny, Robin, because Mary said Libby told her that you fired her. Was she lying?" Lisa asked.

Robin's mouth dropped to the floor when she heard Lisa say Libby's mother's name. She hadn't thought that her mother would call to check her story. She didn't know whether to continue to lie or come clean. She decided she had better tell the truth.

Robin sobbed, "Well, um, I guess Libby wasn't lying, Mommy."

"You'd better tell us the whole story, little girl," her father said.

Robin told her parents what happened when Karen came back that morning. "And she would have left if Libby didn't. I didn't know what to do. I would have rather worked just with Karen than with Libby," she sobbed.

"So you thought lying to us was better, too?" Charlie asked.

"And in addition to lying to us, now you have to pay back all that money, too," Lisa said.

"Yes, ma'am," Robin said.

"And," Charlie said, "you're going to be punished for lying to us. And it won't just be washing your mouth out with soap, young lady. Because you not only lied to us, but you lied and almost got Libby in trouble. You might not like her, but that's no reason to get her in trouble. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy," Robin said.

Lisa said, "Now, I want you to go call Libby and apologize to both her and Mary about your lie." Robin didn't move. "Right now!" her mother shouted.

Robin turned to leave the room. "And then you can meet me in my bedroom," her father said.

Robin looked back at her father. "Yes, sir."

She called Libby's house, and even though it was difficult, managed to apologize to both Libby and Mary for her deception. She thought she could hear Libby smiling over the phone. Then she went into her parents' bedroom.

Charlie heard his daughter hang up the phone and went to his room to take care of the unpleasant business of spanking her.

"Come here. You know why you're getting a spanking, young lady?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, Daddy, I lied to you and Mommy, and I almost got Libby in trouble," Robin said glumly.

"And I really don't understand it, Robin. This all could have been avoided," he said.

Then Charlie pulled Robin's pants and panties down to her knees. As he laid her over his lap, her pants dropped to her ankles. He brought his hand down again and again on Robin's backside, alternating cheeks until she was sobbing. Then he stood her up, and told her to lay on his bed and cry it out.

After Robin calmed down a bit her mother came back into the room.

"Okay, Robin, you still have another punishment to go," Lisa said.

"Please, Mommy," Robin sobbed, "please don't use soap in my mouth. I promise I wont lie again, I promise!"

Robin is almost hysterical, and Lisa feels kind of sorry for her, but she doesn't want her to know it. She walks over to Robin, and gently takes her face in her hands. "Robin, you know you could have avoided all this, don't you?"

"Yes, Mommy, I know, but I just didn't know what to do," Robin wailed.

"Well, right now you do, you will come with me into the bathroom, and you will sit on the edge of the tub, and hold the bar of soap in your mouth for five minutes. Now come, and let's get this over with," Lisa said.

Robin sat, unable to move. Her mom took her by the hand, and pulled her up. Robin still didn't move, so Lisa gave her a quick swat to get her moving in the right direction. Robin sat on the edge of the tub and kept the soap in her mouth for the full five minutes while Lisa lectured her on lying, and its consequences. After her time was up, Robin rushed to rinse her mouth out again and again, and almost threw up.

"Now Robin," her mom said, "go to your room and think of all the trouble you got into today and I will call you when dinner is ready."

Robin feels so sick to her stomach that she asks to be excused from dinner. "All right," Lisa tells her, "but you may not watch TV or talk on the phone either. You may read until bedtime if you don't want to eat with us."

Jenn came home shortly after Robin slipped into bed. Seeing her sister there, looking pale, Jenn was immediately concerned. "What happened to you?"


Robin decided to give Jennifer the short version. "Um, basically, Libby and Karen hate each other, and Libby left and I lied about it and I got into trouble, and, and . . .," Robin just couldn't go on. She started to sob again, and Jenn went over and held her until she calmed down.

"I am soo sorry, Robin, but Libby is SUCH a loser. She will do anything to get out of work," Jenn explained.

Trying to change the subject, Robin asked, "How was your day, Jenn?"

"Well, I hate to admit it, but I didn't do very well on my midterms. Mom and Dad are definitely NOT going to be pleased, after they paid for my summer school classes. I really thought I could do this, and I studied and studied, but I still got C's on everything. Damn, Daddy is gonna be mad," Jenn said.

"Maybe not Jenn, he knows you have been working hard. Just tell him," Robin advised.

Jenn walked downstairs and saw her dad reading the paper in the living room. "Umm, Daddy? I need to talk to you for a sec, okay?"

"What is it, Baby?" Charlie asked.

"Well, I got my midterms back and they weren't the grades that I had hoped for. I got all C's. But Daddy," Jenn rushed on, "I really studied hard, I did!"

Her father sighed. "Jennifer, I know you did and if a C is the best you could do, then that is the best it is. Look, I know you are used to being a straight A student, but that is in regular classes. You took these classes so that you could catch up and be in honors next year. So just do your best, okay?"

"Yes, Sir," Jenn answered with a smile. "Thank you, Daddy." Then Jenn said to herself, well, Robin was right, I can't believe he didn't get mad. Maybe Daddy's softening in his old age. Then she chuckled and ran upstairs to tell Robin.

Charlie shook his head and went to the kitchen to help Lisa. She is over by the kitchen sink scowling as she peeled vegetables.

"What's up, hon?" Charlie asked as he sees her face.

"Well, it's Stephen. He has been surly and unpleasant ever since we got home from Joan's. I swear I don't know what's wrong with that boy. One minute he's the cutest thing, and the next, he's just plain bad. I realize he's only four, but I think you need to have a talk with your son," Lisa stated.

Charlie went down the hall to Stephen's room. He knocks and his face drops open as he walks in. Stephen's room looks as if a tornado has hit it.

"What on earth happened here?" Charlie asked rather loudly.

Stephen glanced up, and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just playing, Daddy. Don't have a cow!"

"Where did you hear that from, young man?" Charlie asked.

Stephen didn't answer. He was too busy building with his legos. Charlie pushed all the toys off the chair at Stephen's desk and turned it around.

"Come here, young man," he said firmly.

Stephen looks up from his building at his daddy's angry face and knows he is in deep trouble. He can't seem to move from his spot.

"I said, COME HERE!" Daddy is now shouting, but Stephen is sooo scared that he remains still.

Charlie takes this as total defiance, and says, "If I have to come get you, you will be one sorry little boy."

Stephen rushes over to his dad, and Charlie pulls him between his legs. "For one thing, young man, when I talk, YOU LISTEN, understood?"

Stephen just nods, afraid to speak.

"Secondly, I hear you have been a naughty little boy this afternoon for your mom. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Stephen has no clue what his daddy wants him to say, and looks at his feet.

"I don't know," he says.

"That is NOT an acceptable answer. You should know why you have behaved this way." Charlie pauses. "Well, young man, you have earned yourself a trip across my knee."

Stephen didn't move. He wasn't sure what was expected of him. He knew he had been bad and that Mommy had yelled at him a lot, but still. Charlie quickly pulled down Stephen's pants and underwear, and pulled him over his knee. He spanked first one cheek, then the other, over and over again. Stephen couldn't believe how much it hurt, and began to cry almost immediately.

"I be good, Daddy, I be good!" he shouted, hoping that would make his daddy stop.

"I am sure you will be son, and SWAT, I SWAT, better SWAT, not SWAT, get SWAT, another SWAT, report SWAT SWAT like this SWAT, from your SWAT SWAT mother SWAT, understood? SWAT SWAT SWAT?"

"Yes, Daddy." Stephen was hysterical by now, and Charlie quickly pulled his pants up, pulled him to his feet, and into his arms. "I am sorry, Daddy, really sorry."

"I know that, son. I know you can be a good boy. Now I want this room cleaned before dinner. When I come to get you, I will check, do you understand?" Charlie asked.

Stephen nodded. His tiny bottom was on fire and he would have promised his father anything at that point. Now that he had his first spanking, he knew there would be more if he didn't mind his parents.

After Charlie leaves, Jennifer goes into Stephen's room and gives him a big hug. She had heard the spanking and realized it was his first. Stephen starts to cry all over again, and Jenn holds him close and whispers in his ear soothing nonsense until he quiets down.

"I got a spanking, " Stephen tells his sister.

"I know, I heard, but you'll be okay, it only hurts for a little while. You just have to remember what you did wrong, and not to do it again, okay?" Jenn asks him.

"Okay, and I have to clean my whole room, too," Stephen cried.

Jenn offered to help, and immediately the two set to work. Jenn tells Stephen that Robin would have come to help too, but she was grounded to her room.

Stephen looks at Jenn and says, "I am gonna be soooo good, Daddy won't ever spank me again."

Jenn laughs, and says, "Good luck, little brother."


There was one more week to go before summer ended. Robin said to herself, "Okay, I've made it this far, with a few problems. I only need to make it one more week. I know I can do it." After this little pep talk, Robin got her supplies ready for the day ahead.

Karen came, and the girls set up. They were having a carnival, and had gotten all kinds of special treats. They even got those little hot dogs in the blankets. The kids arrived, and practiced the play they were putting on for their parents. At the end of their rehearsal, Robin and Karen clapped and clapped.

"Bravo! Brava!" "Hooray!" "I think you guys are ready!" they both said.

After lunch, the kids went through the tents, and played the games. They had so much fun. Robin noticed that Karen was sitting on a crate clutching her stomach.

"Karen, what's the matter? Are you okay?" she asked concerned.

"Yeah, I think so, uh, no, oh, god, I'll be right back," Karen put her hand over her mouth and ran inside. She came out ten minutes later. "Robin, I'm really sick. It must have been those hot dogs. Sometimes they don't agree with me. I'm really sorry, but I'm gonna have to go home."

"Um, yeah, of course, Karen, you go. I'll be all right. Jennifer will be home from summer school soon. She'll help me clean up. I hope you feel better," Robin said.

"Yeah, thanks, I'll be okay. Sorry to leave you this way," Karen said.

Robin said, "Don't worry about it, just feel better. We only have four more days to go and I need you here, okay?"

After Karen left, Robin tried to get the kids to go inside and watch a video, but they still wanted to play the carnival. It was difficult for Robin to keep an eye on all seven kids. She heard the door slam, and knew Jennifer was home.

Looking over her shoulder, she yelled to Amy, the eight-year-old, "I'll be right back, Amy, you watch everyone for a minute, okay?" She nodded.

Robin ran into the house and called out to Jennifer. "Jenn, come here, I need you!"

Jennifer appeared in the kitchen, saw Robin's face, and said, "What's the matter, Robin?"

"Look, I haven't asked you all summer, but I really need your help, please!" she begged.

"What do you need my help with?" Jenn asked.

Just then, they heard a scream.

"Oh, my god!" Robin yelled and ran out the back door. Jennifer soon followed.

Little Tommy Jones was lying on the ground next to the old stump in the backyard. He was crying, and his knee was bleeding.

"Tommy, what happened?" Robin asked. Tommy didn't answer; he was crying too hard. "Jennifer, please go get the first-aid kit. It's on the kitchen counter."

"Where's Karen?" Jenn asked.

"Jenn, please, I'll explain later, just get it," Robin yelled. Then she turned to Amy, "What happened? You were supposed to be watching!"

Amy shrugged. "I don't know. We were all playing, and then I saw him crying."

Susan, who was standing nearby, said, "I saw, Robin, Tommy jumped off the stump, and when he came back down, he hit his knee against it. It looked like it hurt, too."

Robin scowled. "Thanks, Susan." Robin tried not to be mad at Amy. After all, the kid was only eight, and Robin shouldn't have left her in charge, even if it was only for two minutes.

Jennifer came back with the first-aid kit. Robin cleaned the scrape, and put on a Batman band-aid. Tommy was happy again.

"Tommy, you know better than to jump off that stump. I must have told you a million times this summer," Robin warned.

Tommy looked down. "I know, but I just wanted to try it once. And you weren't here, so I thought I could do it. Sorry, Robin. Please don't tell my mom."

"I won't, Tommy, now run along," Robin said. She was thinking the same thing as Tommy. She didn't want her mother to find out either, so it was good that Tommy wasn't going to say anything.

"C'mon kids, it's time to go in," Robin called. Jennifer helped Robin round up the kids and clean them off. Then the twins popped on a Disney classic and made some popcorn. Once the movie had started, Jenn pulled Robin aside.

"Now what's going on, Robin? Why are you here by yourself? If Mommy and Daddy knew, they'd have a fit!" Jennifer said.

"That's why they're not going to know, Jenn. Look, Karen got sick and had to go home. I knew you'd be home soon, so . . ." Robin looked into Jenn's face.

"Oh, no! I am not helping you to babysit these bratty kids. I have homework to do," Jenn stated.

"Please, Jenn, it's only for a few more hours, please!" Robin begged.

"A few more hours? You mean, THREE more hours! I don't think I can stand it, Robin!" Jenn protested. "Besides, I have homework to do!"

"Jenn, look, they'll be busy watching this movie for the next two hours, and then there will only be one more hour. I'll do an art project or have story time or something. Really, it won't be that bad. You can do your homework here in the dining room," Robin said gently, "Please! I'm desperate!"

"Okay, fine, I'll sit here, and they will be right there watching tv, right?" Jenn asked.

"Yeah, okay, I'll be outside," Robin said.

"Wait, why?" Jenn asked.

"Someone has to clean up the carnival. YOU want to do it?" Robin asked.

"No," said Jenn.

So Robin went out back to clean up. Jennifer went upstairs to get her homework. When she came down, she assumed the kids were still in the den watching the movie. There was a large sliding door on the room to the den with no windows and she didn't bother to check. She heard the Disney music and Robin had said that would keep them entertained for a good two hours. Jennifer sat down to do her homework.

About forty-five minutes later, Robin came back in.

"Oh, finally, I'm finished. It's a lot easier setting up a carnival with two people than it is to clean up with one person. How're the kids?" she asked.

"They're fine. Still into the movie," Jenn said.

Suddenly they heard a loud crash coming from upstairs.

"What was that?" Robin asked, running into the den. She was shocked to see the movie running but no kids. "Uh-oh!"

Both Robin and Jennifer ran upstairs and into the playroom. They could not believe their eyes. Every game, every toy, everything they owned was scattered all over the room.

"Oh, my god!" Robin yelled. She started to cry. Jenn took her aside.

"You can't cry in front of them, Robin. Don't you know that? You can't let them see that they got to you!" Jenn said quietly.

"But they did get to me," Robin whined, "Look at this mess. This will take hours to clean. Mommy and Daddy'll freak!" She continued to sob quietly.

Jennifer said, "You kids are bad. I want you to clean up this mess right now!"

The kids just laughed. Jennifer had no patience. She just turned towards Robin. Robin had her mouth dropped open. She was staring at their bedroom.

"What is it, Robin?" Jennifer asked concerned.

Robin just pointed toward their bedroom. "LOOK! Oh, Jenn, I-am-in-so-much-trouble!"

Jennifer looked toward where Robin pointed. Their bedroom looked almost as bad as the playroom. All the desk and dresser drawers had been dumped, and clothing, books, papers, and other tchotchkes were strewn around the room.

Robin and Jennifer walked into their bedroom. They could not believe the kids had time to make this much of a mess. Robin looked at Jennifer with a question on her face.

"Oh, no, Robin! I AM NOT GOING TO HELP YOU CLEAN UP THIS MESS! You can forget it!" Jenn said and turned to leave.

Robin grabbed her sister. "Please, Jenn, if you help me, it won't take as long. Please!" Robin knew she was begging, but she didn't care.

Suddenly, Robin looked around. "Wait a minute, where are the boys?"

Susan answered, "They were in your brother's room."

Jennifer and Robin exchanged looks. "Oh, no!" They both ran down to Stephen's room. It was as they expected it to be. A bigger tornado than when Stephen himself messed it up, had been there.

Robin crumpled down in the hall outside his room. "What am I gonna do? Mommy and Daddy are gonna kill me!"

Jennifer said, "I have homework to do. This is your mess, Robin, sorry I can't help you."

"I'll tell them that you were helping me, Jenn. You'll be in trouble, too. You said you would watch them while I cleaned up outside. How could they get past you? The dining room is right next to the den. This can't all be my fault, Jennifer!" Robin yelled.

Jennifer said, "I told you these kids were bratty. And they are sneaky, too. Who knows what they did! But they are your responsibility. That's what Mommy and Daddy will say, so it's your job to clean up the mess they made!" Now she was shouting.

"Fine!" Robin shouted. "Okay, c'mon boys. Let's go. GIRLS, come down here, please!"

Robin ushered all seven kids back into the den. "Okay, you didn't wanna watch the movie, you should have just told me. What you did upstairs and in my brother's room was really bad! Now are you gonna help me clean it up, or do I tell your parents?"

One smart kid said, "Go ahead, tell my parents, and I'll tell them that we didn't know where you were. Then you'll get in to trouble, too."

Robin looked at the kids. They were all shaking their heads, even the little ones. "Fine, who wants to do an art project?"

"Me!" "I do!" "I wanna!" "I want the blue one!"

Jennifer couldn't believe it. When she went into the dining room, she saw Robin sitting with the kids doing an art project.

"Uh, Robin, what about the mess?" she asked.

Robin answered, "Well, you didn't want to help me clean it up, so I have to entertain these kids. I guess the mess will have to wait until they leave."

Just then, the front door opened. Robin looked at the clock. "What was that?" she asked.

Jenn answered, "I think, my dear sister, that it's Mommy coming home. Boy, are you in trouble!"

Lisa came in with Stephen and Melissa. "Jennifer! Robin! Come here, please!"

Both girls greeted their mother at the door.

"Hi, Mommy, what are you doing home so early? I thought you were going food shopping!" Robin said innocently.

"Yes, well, I have to meet your father at the store, and I thought it would just be easier to drop the kids off here. Jennifer, you don't mind looking after them for a little while, do you?" Lisa asked.

"Well, I have homework to do," Jenn said.

"Jennifer, it will only be for about an hour. Besides, they can join Robin's camp, and Robin and Karen are here, too," Lisa said.

Robin jumped in. "Oh, yeah, that's no problem, right, Jenn?"

Jennifer looked at Robin. "If you say so, Robin."

"Okay, great, it's settled. Do you girls need anything from the supermarket?" their mother asked.

"No, we're fine. See you later, Mommy," Robin said.


Robin kept tight watch of the clock, wishing the last of the parents would come so she could start cleaning before her mom came home. She heard a car door and rushed to open it, startled that it was her mom. Robin began to panic not knowing how she was going to clean everything and not get into trouble. Her mother asked her to give her a hand with the groceries, so she took Stephen with her to help unload.

After the third trip to the house, the last mom arrived and all of Robin's charges were gone. Looking around, she didn't see Stephen and suddenly she heard this loud howl of indignation coming from his room. Lisa and Robin looked at each other, and Lisa rushes to Stephen's room before Robin could stop her.

Stephen stood in the middle of his room crying. Melissa, having been woken up, started to cry as well. When Jennifer heard her sister crying, she came running to see what the matter was. She looked over at Robin and tried to figure out how her sister was going to talk her way out of this one.

"Stephen, look at your room," Lisa said. "How on earth did you make this much of a mess in such a short time?"

"But, Mommy, I didn't do it! Somebody wrecked my room!" Stephen said and started howling again.

"Stop that this instant," Lisa warned. She turned around to Robin and asked, "Is there something you want to tell me, young lady? Why weren't you and Karen more careful? We have discussed this and you knew that your charges were not allowed in Stephen's room. How could you let this happen?"

Robin knew that her mother was beyond mad. She didn't know where to start. "Well, Mom, it's, umm, kind of a long story. I'll help Stephen with all this, I promise."

Lisa took Stephen into her arms, and said to Robin, "Okay, I'm listening."

Robin began, "Well, you see, Karen got sick, and had to go home, so I was all alone with the kids. I knew Jennifer would be home soon, and I asked her for some help. I put a movie on in the den, and the kids were supposed to be watching it while I cleaned up the carnival, but they got away from Jenn because she was studying really hard."

Jennifer looked over at Robin, touched that she tried to shield her.

Lisa turned to Jennifer, "Did your sister ask you for help, Jenn?"

"Yes, mom, she did," Jenn admitted.

"And did you agree to help her?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, Mom, but I had a lot of homework, and I thought they were all watching t.v. and I didn't know they had gotten away," Jennifer said carefully.

Lisa, also speaking carefully, said, "Well, it seems to me that I have two very irresponsible daughters. I have had it with this camp idea. Robin, this was your responsibility, and Jennifer, if you promised to help, you HELP. You do not promise and then just decide NOT to do something!" Their mother was now shouting.

"Mom, look," Robin said, "I know you're angry, but I really did the best I could under the circumstances."

"Did you, Robin? You left your sister alone with the kids, which I might remind you were your responsibility. Was that fair or right?"

"But I went to clean up, Mommy!" Robin whined.

"Stop whining, you are supposed to be a big girl. So you chose to clean instead of watching them, right?" Lisa asked.

"But Mom, I thought you would be mad if you came home and the yard wasn't cleaned up," Robin said defensively.

"So instead, we have this whole house a mess, instead of the yard, which could have waited until the kids left, right?" her mother asked.

Robin answered slowly, "Well, I guess so, I didn't think of that."

"You just didn't really think, either one of you. I'm going to take Stephen and Melissa upstairs into the playroom for awhile, while you and Jenn clean his room, together. I will call your dad and discuss this whole camp situation with him. I'm afraid this might have been your last day!" Lisa said and turned to leave.

"But Mom," Robin said, "the camp has four days to go, and you have told me many times to finish what I start. How can I let those parents down at the last minute like that? They won't have a place for the kids to go!" She tried not to whine as she said that last part.

Her mom must have noticed, and said, "I will think about it. And your father and I will discuss it. Now get to work."

Lisa grabbed Stephen's and Melissa's hands and turned to leave. Jennifer coughed to get Robin's attention.

Lisa turned around and asked, "Jenn, is there something you wanted to say?"

Jennifer said, "Well Mom, umm, I think Robin should tell you."

Lisa's eyebrows went up as she asked, "Well? Robin? Is there more I should know about?"

Robin gulped as she realized that she had to tell her about the playroom and her bedroom. "Well, Mom, the kids kind of split up and messed up more than Stephen's room. They also ran wild in our bedroom, and the playroom."

Lisa let go of the little kids' hands and left to survey the mess upstairs. Shaking her head, she returned to Stephen's room where the girls were still standing where she left them.

"Looks like you two will be busy for quite awhile," is all she said.

"But Mom," Jennifer whined, "I have homework to do. Isn't schoolwork more important?"

"Nice try, Jenn, but you will work with your sister, clean up this mess, and we will discuss all of this again when you are done," their mother said.

By the look on their mom's face, the girls knew they were in for a spanking. She walked away, bringing Stephen and Melissa with her, while Jenn turned on Robin.

"This is all your fault, you and your stupid camp idea," Jenn said.

"Look, Jenn, I didn't mean to get you into trouble, but if YOU had just watched the kids a little closer, this wouldn't have happened," Robin reasoned.

The girls quickly started bickering and yelling at one another, and neither of them saw their mother come back into the room with a hairbrush in her hand.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" she yelled.

The girls stopped and saw their Mom, hands on her hips, staring at them.

"You are both in trouble. This is both your faults. Robin, I will see you in my bedroom, NOW! Jenn, keep cleaning."

"Yes, ma'am!" Jenn said.

Lisa took Robin into her bedroom, sat down on a chair and quickly pulled down Robin's shorts and panties and turned her over her knee. Without even a warmup, Lisa started in with the hairbrush. She alternated cheeks, first one, then the other. After the third smack with the hairbrush, Robin started to yelp with pain She cannot believe how much it hurt.

"Robin, SMACK, you were trusted, SMACK, with a job, SMACK, and I SMACK, trusted SMACK, you to do it, SMACK SMACK SMACK, is that right? SMACK."

"Yes, Mommy, ohhh please Mommy stop, it hurts soooo bad," Robin cried.

"It is supposed to, SMACK, young, SMACK, lady, SMACK. And instead, SMACK, of cleaning just now, SMACK, you decided, SMACK to argue, SMACK with your SMACK sister, SMACK SMACK. I am SMACK very SMACK disappointed in you SMACK!"

Her mom continued until Robin was hysterical, and her bottom was a uniform crimson color. As Lisa stood her up, she said, "You may go to your room and compose yourself for five minutes, and then I want you to be back out and cleaning something. I do not want you and your sister in the same room. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes, Mommy, I do," Robin sniffed. She tried to stop the tears but her bottom was burning and hurting terribly. She couldn't remember her mom ever spanking her so hard.

"You can also count on another spanking later tonight, young lady, when your father gets home," Lisa said.

Robin was shocked. She never got spanked by both parents in one day. She was too nervous to ask why, so instead ran to her room for her five minutes.

Lisa went next door to get Jennifer. "Okay, young lady, your turn."

Jenn had hoped that her mom was only going to spank Robin. After all, it was her camp, and her job. She tried to tell that to her Mom, who already was not too pleased with her attitude.

"I think, young lady, what you need, is an attitude adjustment," Lisa stated.

Quickly, she pulled down Jenn's shorts and panties, and flipped her over her lap. SWAT, the hairbrush went to work on Jennifer's bottom quickly and painfully. Jenn, not being too stoic, began to sob and howl as the hairbrush worked its magic. Her mom didn't leave an inch of her bottom alone.

"I SWAT, do not SWAT , like SWAT, your SWAT attitude SWAT young SWAT lady SWAT. It will SWAT change SWAT immediately SWAT, understood?" SWAT SWAT SWAT.

"Yes ma'am," sobbed Jenn.

After about 50 hard swats with the hairbrush, Lisa was done with Jennifer. She pulled her up and sent her to stand in the corner.

"I want you to think, young lady, about what it means to be in this family, to help when you are asked, and to do it competently. Understood? Your father and I will be discussing this again with you tonight," Lisa stated.

Jenn's heart sank. She knew she couldn't stand another spanking in one day. After about 10 minutes, Jenn was breathing normally and her tears have about stopped, and Lisa came back in.

"Robin is cleaning Stephen's room. You may start on your own. I don't want to see you until it is entirely clean. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jenn said.

Lisa went to the kitchen to make dinner. Jenn snuck into Stephen's room, before going upstairs.

"Are you okay, Robin?" Jennifer whispered.

"Noooo," Robin said, "my bottom hurts soooo bad and Mommy said I will be spanked again when Daddy comes home."

"Yeah, me too!" Jenn sighed.

The girls hugged and united in sympathy for one another.

"I'm sorry about all this, Jenn," Robin said.

"Me too, Robin. We better get going. Maybe Daddy won't be as mad if he doesn't see the mess that Mommy saw," Jenn said.

"Good idea," Robin said.


Robin finished cleaning Stephen's room, so she went upstairs to see how her sister was doing in their bedroom. When she walked in, she thought to herself, "Not too bad."

"Hey, Jenn, how's it going?" she asked.

Jenn smiled when she looked up and saw Robin. "Okay, I finished my side. I'm having a little trouble with your knickknacks. I don't really know where they all go."

"Here, let me help you. If we work together, we'll get done twice as fast," Robin said.

So they did. Before long, they had finished their bedroom. It never looked so neat.

"Hey, Robin, let's go do the playroom together, too. Maybe we could even finish before dinner," Jenn said.

"Yeah, and before Daddy gets home," Robin added. Both girls laughed.

A little while later, Stephen came upstairs to the playroom. "Hey, Mommy sent me to tell you that dinner was almost ready, and she wants you to . . . Whoa! This place is a big mess!"

"Yeah, we know, thanks a lot, Stephen. But your room is nice and clean now. Why don't you be a good boy and run along?" Jennifer said.

"Well, you're supposed to come and set the table for dinner," Stephen said.

"Okay, tell Mommy we'll be right there," Robin said.

"But Mommy said . . ." Stephen began. Jennifer cut him off, "Okay, we'll be right there!"

"ROBIN! JENNIFER!" The girls heard their names over the intercom.

Jennifer ran to the hall and pressed the button, "Yeah?"

Their mother's voice said, "Please come down and set the table. Your father just walked in."

Jennifer pressed the button again, "Okay, Mommy, we're coming!"

Jenn went back into the playroom. She looked at Robin. "Well, I guess the rest of this will have to wait until after dinner."

"Yeah, it's a shame, too, 'cause we're almost done. If only all these little toys would just disappear," Robin said.

Jenn looked around. "Why don't we just shove everything under the couch? Then if Daddy comes up to look, it will look all finished, and then we can come back later and put it all away."

"You think we should?" Robin asked.

"Sure, why not? We'll be back up after dinner," Jennifer said as the two of them threw all the little things under the couch.

"We'd better get down there. We're already in enough trouble!" Robin said.

"GIRLS!" This time it was their father's voice on the intercom.

"Sheesh! We're coming!" Jennifer said under her breath.

The girls ran down the steps and quickly set the table. It was pretty quiet during dinner, except for the occasional chattering of Stephen and the baby talk of Melissa. Both twins were quiet. They were afraid of getting into any more trouble.

Lisa began telling Charlie about what happened that day. Charlie raised his eyebrows and looked at both girls. They looked into their food.

"Sounds like you have a lot of cleaning to do," Charlie said.

"We're almost finished," Robin said.

"Not in the playroom. I was just up there, and it's a big mess!" Stephen shouted.

"If you're finished, Stephen, you can go watch t.v." Lisa said. Melissa was let down from her highchair. "Here, take Melissa with you," she added.

"Well, girls, seems like you had an interesting day today," Charlie said.

"Yes, sir," both girls said.

"I'm not too happy about this, Robin," Charlie said.

"Me neither, Daddy, I didn't mean for it to happen," she said.

"Are you girls finished?" Lisa asked. They both nodded. "Okay, then go back up and clean some more. Your father and I have to talk. We'll call you back down when we've finished."

"Yes, ma'am!" "Okay, Mommy!"

The girls got up from the table and started to walk away. Their father called them back.

"Uh, girls, take your plates in, please!" They did.

Robin and Jennifer went back up to the playroom. With both of them working together, it wasn't long before they had finished cleaning the room. Even the stuff they had thrown under the couch was removed and put away. Like their bedroom, the playroom had never looked so clean. They even found stuff they had thought they lost.

They went into their bedroom. Robin sat down on her bed and picked up a book she had started reading earlier in the summer. Jennifer sat down at her desk to work on her homework. Neither of them could concentrate. They both wondered what their parents were discussing downstairs.

They were both startled when the intercom buzzed. Their parents had originally installed the intercom when Steven and Melissa were babies. If they needed to talk to the twins, they wouldn't have to yell up the stairs and wake one of the kids. Now, they had just gotten so used to using it.

"Girls!" It was their dad. "Please come downstairs!"

Robin and Jennifer went down the stairs quickly, but walked rather slowly back into the dining room. They sat opposite their parents.

"I've heard everything, and your mother and I talked. Robin, our first thought was to close down your camp. We really didn't think it was going to last this long. But you worked hard, and despite several problems, you made it work, for the most part. We really thought 13 was too young of an age to be responsible. But you did prove us wrong! Until today!"

Charlie paused to gage Robin's reaction. She put her head down. She knew she had let her parents down. She had let herself down.

"I know, Daddy, and I'm sorry," Robin said quietly.

"What did you learn from your experience today?" Charlie asked.

"That even though I wanted to, I couldn't handle the kids on my own?" Robin asked.

"Are you asking us or telling us? What should you have done, young lady?" Lisa asked.

Robin didn't know which question to answer. She decided that her mother's first question was a rhetorical one. "I thought it would be okay, once Jennifer got home," she said.

"You could have called one of your aunts. Aunt Sam is home, and Aunt Joan is always home. One of them could have come over and helped you!" Lisa said.

"Or you could have called me at work and told me it was an emergency. I might have been able to help you, Robin!" Charlie said.

"I didn't think of that, Daddy!" Robin said.

"Well, now you know. Anyway, so Mommy and I talked, and decided that since it's only four more days, you can keep your camp open!" Charlie stated.

"Oh, you mean it?! Oh, thank you, Mommy, thank you, Daddy!" Robin ran and gave each of her parents a hug.

"And Jennifer, when you are asked a favor, and you say 'yes', we expect you to do it. Your sister does a lot of nice things for you," Charlie said.

"Yes, Daddy," Jenn answered.

"And to help you remember that, you are going to help her in the camp every day after school for the rest of the week!" he added.

"WHAT?" Jenn said.

"WHAT?" Robin said.

"You heard your father. You will do it, Jennifer, and you will like it. And Robin, you and Karen and Jennifer will all get along, too. Got it?" Lisa asked.

"Yes, Mommy!" they both said.

"Now, I think we have some business to take care of upstairs," Charlie said. "Something that your mother promised you when I got home," he added.

Both girls looked down at the floor. They were hoping their punishment was over. They followed their father upstairs. First, he went to look in the playroom.

"It looks very clean in here. You girls did a great job!" Charlie said.

"Thanks," said Jenn. "Yeah, thank you, Daddy," Robin said quietly.

Next he went into the girls' bedroom. They walked in behind him.

"And your room is so clean. Boy, I should hire those kids to mess it up all the time. I've never seen this room so clean. You should keep it this way," their father chuckled. The girls laughed along with their father.

"Well, I know your mother promised you another spanking when I got home. Didn't she?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, sir," they both said sadly.

"And it wouldn't be right, if I didn't punish you. It wouldn't be consistent of me as a parent, now would it?" Charlie paused, thinking.

The girls didn't know what their father was talking about. Could he actually be thinking of not spanking them? While they were wondering, Charlie said he would be right back. Robin and Jennifer exchanged a look. Their father returned with one of their beanbag chairs from the playroom.

"Okay, let's get this over with," he said. He motioned them to come and stand next to him. The girls did this. Then they watched quizzically as their father went over and touched the intercom button. He fixed it so it would be held down. That meant anyone listening downstairs would be able to hear what was going on upstairs.

"Okay, girls, pull down your pants. Robin, you're first!"

Jennifer and Robin looked at each other again. This was the first time they had to pull down their own pants for a spanking. It was also the first time their father punished them together. Sure, they'd seen each other get spankings from time to time, but never when they both were going to get it. They decided they'd better do what their father asked. He sure was acting weird.

Charlie mouthed to the girls, "Make it sound good," as he pointed to the intercom. All of a sudden, he slapped the beanbag chair.

Robin didn't understand. But Jennifer did. She realized that to their mother the sound of their father's hand hitting the beanbag chair would sound like he was slapping their bare bottoms. Jenn tried not to laugh.

Charlie hit the beanbag chair again. He pointed to the intercom again. Finally Robin got it!

"OUCH! Ow, Daddy, that hurt! Ow! Please stop, Daddy, I'm sorry! I've learned my lesson!" Robin yelled.

Then Charlie really did smack Robin's backside. One loud smack that you could probably hear in the next town. Robin, who had no idea it was coming, was shocked. Then reality set it.

"Ow, Daddy!" and she started to cry for real.

"Okay, it's over now, Robin, go lay on your bed and cry it out. Your turn, Jenn."

Jennifer went and stood next to her father. Her shorts and panties were around her ankles. She knew there would be at least one real spank. You would have thought Jennifer was trying to win an Emmy for this performance. She really laid it on thick.

"Oh, please, Daddy, don't spank me. PLEASE! I'm sorry. I'll be good, I promise. Please, my butt still hurts from this afternoon. Daddy, please don't sp. . ." Jennifer's words were cut off, when Charlie bent her over his lap and gave her one good solid smack."

"OUCH! DADD-EE! Ow, that hurt!"

"It's supposed to hurt, young lady. Now lay still while I finish this," Charlie said.

Jennifer stood rubbing her bottom while her father hit the beanbag chair over and over again. She put in the occasional "ooh" and "ow" and "ouch". Eventually, Charlie went over and turned off the intercom.

Downstairs, Lisa was shaking her head and grinning. She figured the girls had gotten what they truly deserved.

And that's exactly what Charlie thought upstairs, too. He felt the twins had had enough when Lisa spanked them with the hairbrush that afternoon. He told the girls to pull up their pants and come to him.

Charlie sat on the beanbag chair and pulled both girls into his lap.

"I think you both learned some good lessons today. I know this," Charlie pointed to the beanbag chair, "will be our little secret."

The girls hugged their daddy. It had been years since they had a secret just with him. They knew better than to ever tell their mother the truth.


The last four days of Robin's camp went off without a hitch. Robin and Jennifer and Karen had it all under control. And everyone got along. On the last day, the children put on the play for their parents, and they were all a big hit (no pun intended). Robin and Karen each got a lot of money in tips. That made their whole summer worthwhile. But Robin knew she would have to wait until she was older before she would ever run another camp!

The end.


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