Please, Please, a Dog…a “Lizzie” story (M/mmf, M/f-belt)

Chapter 13

Ó 2002 by Sampast


(This story is dedicated to Chris, Jeff, and Joey.  Enjoy!)


I was so excited.  Lin and Uncle Dom were going away for the day, and I was going to spend it with my cousins, Jeff and Joey.  They were fun to play with.  I didn’t get to see them all that often, because they lived like an hour away.  I liked Uncle Marc.  And Aunt Lucy.  She was cool.  Jeff was older than me.  He was 9.  Joey was 4, but he was fun.  He was a little babyish but he liked to do the stuff we big kids was doing, and we always let him tag along.


Aunt Lucy greeted my sister and me at the door.  They kissed each other’s cheeks in the air.  That always made me laugh.  Uncle Marc and Uncle Dom shook hands.  Men always do that.  They were brothers, but I forgot who was older.  I think Uncle Dom.  I ran right past the grownups and went to find my cousins.


I found them in Jeff’s room.  He was sitting at his desk writing on a piece of paper.  “Whatcha doin?” I asked.


Jeff turned and looked at me.  “Hey, Lizzie!” he said.  “Me and Joey are just trying to sign my dad’s name.”


“What for?” I asked.


“We’s trying to get a doggie,” Joey said.


My eyes lit up.  I had wanted a dog for so long.  I was always bugging Melinda and Uncle Dom but the answer was always the same: “no”.  I had asked for a turtle, a cat, a frog, a mouse, a hamster, everything, but the answer was always: “No, no pets.”  It really stunk.


“How you going to do that?” I asked.

Jeff turned to me.  “Well, Daddy said when you got here, he would take us to the pet shop just to look at the doggies.”


“Really? Cool.  Maybe your daddy would buy me a dog and I could keep it here and just visit it.  Then it wouldn’t be like I really had a dog,” I said.


“Yeah, that’d be cool,” Joey said.  He turned to his brother.  “And if it was really Lizzie’s, Daddy wouldn’t hafta say he buyed us a doggie.”  We all giggled at what Joey said.


“But why you need your daddy’s name?” I asked, still trying to figure that part out.


“Well, you see, it’s like this,” Jeff started to explain, but then I heard Uncle Dom calling me.


“Be right back,” I told the boys and went running down the steps.


Uncle Dom had his arms out and I ran into them and hugged him tight.  “We’ll pick you up after breakfast tomorrow morning.  Okay?”


I smiled and nodded my head.  I was excited at the idea of having a sleepover with my cousins.  Lin hugged me next.  “You be good, lil sis,” she warned.


I just looked at her with my puppy dog eyes.  “Aww, I’m always good.”




I looked up at Uncle Dom then.  “Uh, yessir?”


He whispered something in my ear and I rubbed my bottom just thinking about it.  “I’ll be good, sir,” I said.  Then the two of them left.  “Have a good time,” I called after them, and ran back upstairs to join my cousins.


We had lunch and then Uncle Marc said we could go to the puppy store.  “Now I’m going to trust you kids.”


“Trust us about what, sir?” I asked, putting on my shoes.


“I know what you kids can be like around puppies.  Remember, we are just going there to look; not to buy.”


“But Daddy, Lizzie wants a puppy!” Joey said.


“Oh, she does, does she?”


I nodded.  Jeff nodded too.  “Will you buy me one, Uncle Marc?” I asked.


“No, Lizzie.  No one’s going to be buying any doggies today.  We’re just going to look.”


“But Daddddy!” Jeff whined.  “We really want a dog!”


“Jeffrey, we are not buying a dog today.  And stop whining.  Now we can go now, or we can just stay home.  Your choice.”


Jeff sighed.  I sighed.  And Joey sighed too because we were.


“Joseph Evan!” came Aunt Lucy’s sharp voice.


Joey looked up.  ‘Yes, Mommy?”


“Come here, please.”


Jeff and me looked at each other; then waited.  We had our coats on and were all zipped up.  When he came back, Joey was smiling so we figured everything was okay.


“What happened?” Jeff asked his little brother.


“Nothin.  She just made me go potty!” Joey said.


We giggled.  Grownups was always doing that; making you go potty and stuff before you left the house.  We helped Joey on with his coat and then we bundled into the car.


Jeff laughed and showed me a piece of paper in the car.  I looked at it.  My eyes opened wide.  “How’d you get that?” I whispered.


Jeff took back the paper and showed Joey.  He had gotten Uncle Marc to sign his name.  Then underneath Jeff had tried to sign it the same but it didn’t look all that good.  He never did tell me why he needed it, but there was no time to ask now.


We got to the puppy store and Uncle Marc let us loose.  But not before he gave us some warnings.  There would be no running, no yelling, and no whining when it was time to go.  And we could not, absolutely not, let the doggies out of their cages…he had been real firm about that one.  Geez!


I ran right over to the big pen in the front where many puppies were.  “Awww, they’re so cute!” I said.


“I yike that one,” Joey said, pointing to the dachshund. 


“It’s a hot dog, Joey,” I said.


“Chomp, chomp,” Joey said, pretending to eat a hot dog.  “Me likes hotdoggies.”


“With ketchup?” Uncle Marc asked.  We both giggled.


I sat down on the floor and reached in and pet the puppies.  They were so cute.  I wanted one so badly.  “Please, Uncle Marc, can you buy me this one?” I asked, pointing to a little golden retriever.


He kneeled down next to me.  “No, Lizzie, I already told you, we’re not buying any doggies today.”


I reached in and pet him some more.  Joey wasn’t next to me anymore, and I looked around.  I hadn’t seen Jeff since we came into the store, either.  “Where’re the boys?” I asked.


Uncle Marc stood up and looked around.  “I don’t know,” he said.  “I better go find them.  They probably went over to check out the snakes.”


Snakes? Yuck.  I was going to stay right here with the doggies.


Jeff came back and sat down next to me.  “Okay, I have it all set up. Which doggie do you want, Lizzie?”


I looked at him like he was crazy.  “What do you mean? Your daddy’s gonna buy us pets?”


Jeff smiled and held something up.  I looked at it real carefully and then my eyes opened real wide.  I knew exactly what it was because I had experience with them before.  “That’s a credit card,” I whispered, looking around.


“Uh huh,” Jeff said, “It’s Daddy’s.”


I knew then why Jeff wanted his daddy’s signature.  I also remembered the time my cousin, Olivia, had used Uncle Dom’s credit card and signed his name.  He was real mad and spanked her, and she was almost 22.  He told her that was stealing.  I looked at my cousin and shook my head.


“What?” he asked.


“You can’t do it,” I told him.  It’s wrong.”


“Why is it wrong?” Jeff asked.


“It’s stealing,” I told him, and then I told him about Olivia.  He shook his head. 


“I don’t care, Lizzie.  I’m gonna get a snake, and you can pick out a doggie.  It can be yours and Joey’s.  You can keep it at our house, and whenever you visit, it’ll be yours to play with.”


I liked the idea.  The way Jeff was telling it; it sounded so fabulous.  I wanted to do it.  But another little voice inside my head was telling me, ‘No No No’.  I knew my uncle and sister wouldn’t let me have a dog.  But then again, they said at our house, so maybe it would be different if it was at Uncle Marc’s house.  I thought about it and thought about it.  And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it.


I looked at my cousin.  “How you going to do it, Jeff?” I asked.


He told me his plan.  I shook my head.  I really didn’t think it was going to work, but I figured I’d go along with it anyway.  That was probably my first mistake.


I went up to the attendant and asked to go into a little room with the doggie.  She said I needed my parent’s permission.  I went to get Uncle Marc.  “Uncle? The lady said I could pet the little golden dog in the little room if you said it was okay.  Please?” I asked nicely.


“Sure,” he said.  He picked up Joey, smiled at the woman, and gave his permission for us to visit with the doggie.  Jeff looked at me and winked.


After a little while, Jeff came in and whispered something to Joey.  He nodded.  We all held hands and sort of prayed that this was going to work, but I didn’t see how.


“Daddddy!” Joey cried.


Uncle Marc poked his head into the little room.  “Yes, son, what is it? You okay?”


Joey rubbed his tummy.  “I hasta make, Daddy.  My tummy hurts!”


I had to hand it to him; he sure sounded like he was telling the truth.


Uncle Marc rubbed his head.  “I’m not sure they have a bathroom here.  Let me go ask.”


The attendant told him they didn’t but he could use the one at the diner next door.  Uncle Marc came back to us and said, “I’m going to take Joey next door to use the bathroom.  Let’s go!”


“Oh, can’t we stay here, Daddy?” Jeff asked.  “We’ll be good.”


“Dadddddy! I hafta goooo!” Joey whined.


Uncle Marc looked at us and then at Joey.  “Okay, kids, I’m going to trust you.  I’ll be right back.”  He picked Joey up and walked out of the store.  I gave my cousin a high five.


“Now for part two,” he said.  I sighed.  I had this really bad feeling about all of this, but then I thought of little Goldie.  That was the puppy; I had already named her.


We took a wagon and started putting all kinds of supplies in, all the things we needed to take care of the puppy: a leash, collar, dog bones, some dog toys, a little dog bed, dog bowls, biscuits, a big bag of dog food, etc.  Then we started with the snake stuff: a tank, rocks, little bowls, etc.  Jeff pushed the wagon right up to the counter.


The lady looked at the big wagon and at both of us.  “Where’d your daddy go?” she asked, as Jeff handed her the credit card.


“Next door, my little brother had to go to the bathroom, remember?” Jeff asked.


“Oh yes, I remember now,” she said absentmindedly.  She reminded me of Edith Bunker on that show my uncle sometimes watched.  I thought it couldn’t be more perfect.


“He said to let us pay for the stuff,” Jeff explained.  “See, he wrote this note.”


The lady took it and read it.  It said, “Please let my kids buy the pet stuff.  I’ll be back to help them put it in the car.”  She smiled.  “Okay, kids,” she said and started ringing the stuff up.


My heart skipped a beat.  I couldn’t believe she actually fell for it.  Well I had used my best school handwriting when I had written the note.  I held my breath as she rung it all up.


Before I knew it, we had all the pet stuff and were out back in the parking lot waiting for Uncle Marc.  I had no idea how Jeff was going to tell his daddy about everything.  I had this really bad feeling that everything was going to backfire.  We waited and waited.  I wondered what Joey was doing in there.  Geez!


Finally, I couldn’t believe it, but Aunt Lucy pulled into the parking lot.  She came running over to us carrying a bag.  “What’s all this?” she asked.


“We uh, won it, Mommy,” Jeff said.  “We was the 50th customer today, and we got to pick which animals we wanted.  Isn’t it neat?”


“Umm, uh,” my aunt said, looking around.  I knew she had no idea what to think.


“What’re you doing here, Auntie?” I asked.


She held out the bag.  “Here, Lizzie, bring this to your uncle.  He’s in the restroom with Joey.  He had a bad accident, and called me.”


I didn’t worry; I knew she didn’t mean an accident like he was hurt or nothing.  I would have to really reward Joey for a job well done.  All he had to do was keep Uncle Marc in the bathroom for about ten minutes, but he had really done it up.  I didn’t look at Jeff; I knew he was thinking the same thing, and we would have laughed hysterically.


“Yeah, Lizzie, go bring that to my daddy.  And I’ll help Mommy put this stuff in her car.  Then I’ll go home with her,” Jeff said, winking at me.


I thought Jeff really was a clever kid.  I would have to start hanging out with him more.  I went into the diner and found my uncle and handed him the bag.  I waited til he was done cleaning up Joey and then we went out to the parking lot.


Uncle Marc looked around.  “Where are Lucy and Jeff?”


“Oh, they went home in her car.  I decided to wait for you, sir,” I explained.


“I see.  Okay, well let’s get home then,” he said, buckling Joey into his car seat.  I held Joey’s hand the whole way home.  I didn’t risk saying anything to him but winked to let him know that so far, so good.


When he got home, we tried to keep Uncle Marc and Aunt Lucy away from each other.  We didn’t want them comparing notes, or anything.  We also tried to spend as much time with the pets, as we didn’t know if it would last.  I had a feeling that as soon as my uncle saw them, he would say they would have to go back.


We sat in Jeff’s room.  He was at his desk, feeding his snake.  Joey and me were sitting on the floor rolling a ball to each other and watching Goldie bark and try to pick it up.  She was so cute.  I loved having a dog.  I wished I could bring her home with me.


All of a sudden from downstairs, we heard, “THEY WHAT?”


“Uh oh,” I said.


Jeff looked at Goldie and then at the snake.  “I think the party’s over,” he said.  Joey and me nodded.  We heard footsteps on the stairs and Joey climbed into my lap.  I held him and waited.


Uncle Marc put his head into Jeff’s room and looked at him, then down at the puppy, then over at us.  I turned away.  He came into the room and then closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed.


“You three are in quite a bit of trouble,” he said.  Then he held out his hand to Jeff.  “Give it to me, Jeffrey Robert.”


Jeff sighed and stood up.  He took it out of his pocket and handed his daddy the credit card.  Uncle Marc took it from him and put it into his own pocket.  Then he looked at the three of us again and shook his head.


“I don’t even know what I’m going to do with you three,” he said.


Joey looked up at his daddy.  “Isn’t Goldie cute, Daddy?” he asked.


Uncle Marc reached down and stroked the dog’s fur.  “Yes, she’s very cute.  But she and that snake have to go back.”


“AWWWWW!” we all said at the same time.


“I’m sorry, kids, but I did not give you permission to buy them.  Elizabeth? Jeffrey? I trusted you in that pet store, and this is what you did.  I am very unhappy with both of you.”


I looked down.  I hated hearing things like that.  Uncle Dom and Melinda would be really disappointed in me too, and the thought of what they would say and do when they found out was too much to bear.  I burst into tears.


Joey stood up and went over to his daddy.  Everyone just looked at me, sitting there crying.  Finally, Jeff said, “I’m sorry, Lizzie.  I’m sorry, Daddy.”


“You will be,” he said.  “I’ll be back,” he told Jeff and me, walking out with Joey.


I knew they were headed for Joey’s room.  I hoped he didn’t spank Joey too hard; he didn’t really do that much.


Marc looked at his son.  “Well?” he asked.  “Tell me why Daddy is upset with you.”


“I gotted you outta the store so they could buy the pets,” Joey admitted, looking down.


Marc nodded.  “And you sure made a mess, didn’t you, Joseph Evan?”


“Yes, Daddy, but dat was real.  I didn’t meanta make in my pants.  I was nervous.  It jus happened.”


“I see.  Well, I’m not going to spank you for having an accident, Joseph.  But I am going to spank you for trying to trick Daddy.  That was very naughty.”


Joey nodded and let out a little sob.  “Uh, yessir.”


Marc sat down on the chair and pulled Joey over his lap.  He pushed the boy’s pants and underwear down to his ankles and raised his hand.  He brought it down hard over and over again on the boy’s bare bottom.  {Smack!} {Smack!}  Marc didn’t have to alternate cheeks as his large hand covered Joey’s tiny bottom.


{Smack!} {Smack!}  {Smack!} {Smack!}  {Smack!} {Smack!}  {Smack!} {Smack!} 


“What you did {Smack!} {Smack!} was wrong and you know it.  {Smack!} {Smack!}  You let Daddy be led out of the store, {Smack!} {Smack!} knowing what your brother {Smack!} {Smack!} and cousin were going to do.  {Smack!} {Smack!} That is not acceptable behavior, little boy!” {Smack!} {Smack!} 


“Owwww, yessssir.  I sorrrry, Dadddy!” Joey sobbed and sniffled.


Marc lifted Joey up and held him in his lap.  He rubbed his bottom and his back and said soothing words to him.  He hadn’t spanked the little boy all that hard.  He knew the real punishment was going to come, to his son and niece.  And he dreaded it.



I sat on Jeff’s floor, stroking Goldie’s belly.  I knew my time with her was limited.  I watched Jeff as he looked into the snake’s tank.  He hadn’t told me what he named the snake and I guess it didn’t really matter, now.  There was silence and neither of us looked at each other.  Next thing I knew Uncle Marc was back.  He motioned to me and I walked over to him.


“Go stand in the corner in my bedroom, young lady.  I will be in to talk to you momentarily,” he said.


I gulped and nodded.  I knew what he meant by ‘talk to’ and I wasn’t very happy.  “Yessir.”


I ran to his room and got right into the corner.  Uncle Marc came in a few minutes later.


He sat down on his bed and called me out of the corner.  “I have a feeling I know who was behind this, but I wanted to talk to you first, Elizabeth.  Why don’t you tell me what happened?”


I felt bad tattling on Jeff but since Uncle Marc already knew most of what happened, I decided to tell him the truth.  He sighed when I told him how Jeff had tricked him into writing his name.  I told him about the note I wrote the lady at the pet shop, too.  He nodded; he had called and spoken to her himself.


“That’s quite a list, young lady.  Busy day for three little kids.”


“Yessir,” I said, not knowing anything else to say.  I suddenly had a bad thought; what Uncle Dom had whispered in my ear that very morning; that if I got in trouble here, I would get spanked again at home the next day.  The thought did not cheer me at all.


“I’m very disappointed that you and Jeff thought you could trick me and your aunt like that, Elizabeth.”


“I’m sorry, Uncle Marc,” I said meaning it.  “I told Jeff I didn’t think it would work, but he was really um,” I stopped not knowing the word.




“Yeah, that’s it.  Really determined.”


“Well you know I have to punish you, Lizzie.  And you also know that as cute as that puppy is, she has to go back.”


I nodded, crying.  As much as I didn’t want to hear it, I had a feeling that was what was going to happen.


“None of this would have happened, Elizabeth, if you had just come and told me what Jeffrey was up to.  You kids ought to know better than to mess with a credit card.  Do you know how naughty that was?”


I nodded, and for the second time that day told the story about Olivia and the credit card.  Uncle Marc nodded.  ‘Yes, La-La told me about that.  Well, if you knew, Lizzie, why would you take part in this?”


“I dunno, sir,” I said, sobbing.  “I guess I just really wanted that puppy.”


“You know, Lizzie, I told you and Jeff, that I trusted you when I took Joey to the bathroom.  And as soon as I was gone, you turned and broke that trust.  I’m very disappointed in you, young lady.”


“I’s disappointed in me too, sir,” I said honestly.  I bit my lip to keep it from trembling.  “I’s sorry.”


“You’re sorry because I’m upset.  But you still need to learn a lesson, young lady.”


“I not do it again, Uncle Marc,” I said, looking at the floor.  I hated to see the disappointment in his face.


“Oh, I am sure you won’t.  This is going to remind you,” he said, putting me over his lap.  “And I’m sure your Uncle Dom will have something to say about this tomorrow morning as well.”


He lifted his hand then and brought it down on my bottom really hard.  He hadn’t pulled my pants or panties down yet, but I was sure that was coming.




“Owwwww!” I cried.  He had barely started but it hurt already.  Uncle Marc had big, strong hands and I felt like I was being spanked with a paddle.  I felt my pants and panties being pushed down.  I was not happy.




I cried.  It was worse on my bare bottom.  Uncle Marc’s hand kept spanking and spanking.  I was so sad.


{SMACK! SMACK!} “You’re a smart, little girl, Elizabeth.  {SMACK! SMACK!} I didn’t expect this from you.  {SMACK! SMACK!} I thought you had more sense than this,” he said.  {SMACK! SMACK!}


Boy, he really laid it on thick.  I was feeling terrible and in a lot of pain, to boot.


{SMACK! SMACK!} Uncle Marc aimed at my sit spot.  {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!}  I was not going to sit down for quite a while.  And then tomorrow when I told Uncle Dom what we did, I’d get it again.  Oh, how did I get myself into these messes?


Uncle Marc stopped.  He looked down at me.  “Are you ever going to do something like this again, Elizabeth?”


“Never, sir,” I sobbed.


“Okay then,” he said, letting me up.  I sobbed on his shoulder and he held me, rubbing my back and my bottom.  He rocked me back and forth.  “I’m sorry I had to be so hard on you, sweetie.  It’s all over now,” he said soothingly.


He kissed my forehead and my cheek.  I sniffled and sobbed.  “Shhh, shhh, it’s all over now.  I forgive you,” Uncle Marc said, pulling up my clothing.


“I’s sorry, so sorry.  I not do it again.  I promise.”


“Good girl,” he said, softly rubbing my back.  He handed me a tissue and I blew my nose.


“Is I a bad girl, Uncle Marc?” I asked.  I was thinking how this was the first time he had ever had to spank me.


“No, sweetie, you’re not a bad girl.  You just do bad things sometimes.  Right?”


I nodded.  “Does you love me, Uncle Marc? It’s okay if you don’t,” I said quietly.


Uncle Marc turned me around and looked at me.  “Oh, sweetie, I do love you.  I promise I will always love you.”


I smiled and Uncle Marc put me down on his bed.  I was asleep before he even left the room.


Marc sighed.  The worse was yet to come.  He went back to Jeff’s room.  He walked in and sat on the bed.  “Jeffrey Robert, come here right now,” he ordered.


Jeff went right to his father.  Marc stared at Jeff til he turned away, ashamed.


“You had quite the day, young man.  Tell me why I’m about to paddle you,” he said, resting his hand on a small paddle he had brought in with him.


Jeff looked at the paddle and gulped.  He hadn’t gotten it in quite a while, although he got spanked pretty often.  After all, he was a rowdy, mischievous nine-year-old boy.


“I tricked you, Daddy,” he said, his voice sounding young.


“You did a lot more than just trick me, young man,” Marc said, turning the boy around and giving him a hard swat to the rear.


Jeff jumped but knew there was a lot more where that was coming from.


“I took your credit card and used it, sir.  And I tricked you into signing your name.  And I told Lizzie to write the pet store lady a note,” he said, barely taking a breath.  He continued, “And I got Joey to get you out of the store.”


Marc nodded.  “What else, young man?”


Sniffling, Jeff said, “I lied to Mommy, sir.”


“Yes, you did.  She may want to speak to you about that, later.  But right now, you are going to get a paddling.  Take off your pants and underwear.  You won’t be needing them and you certainly won’t want them when I get through with you, little boy!”


“Yes, Daddy,” Jeff said, doing as his father said.


As soon as Jeff was bare from the waist down, Marc leaned down and pulled him over his lap.  He adjusted his bottom and raised his hand high in the air.  He brought it down over and over again on Jeff’s bottom, not stopping to lecture just yet.


{Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!} {Smack!}


“Owwwwwww, Dadddddy!” Jeff cried.


“You {Smack!} were {Smack!} very {Smack!} naughty {Smack!} today, {Smack!} little {Smack!} boy,” Marc said, punctuating each word with a smack.


Jeff sobbed, “Yessssir.”


Just when Jeff thought it couldn’t get worse, he felt his daddy using something different.  It was the paddle.  The hard wood felt very hard against his already burning bottom.


{Whack!} {Whack!} “I cannot {Whack!} believe {Whack!} you would do something {Whack!} like this, Jeffrey Robert.  {Whack!} And to bring {Whack!} your little brother {Whack!} and cousin {Whack!} into it {Whack!} is even worse.  {Whack!} Daddy has never {Whack!} been {Whack!} so disappointed {Whack!} in you ever!” {Whack!} {Whack!}


Jeff burst into a fresh new wave of tears.  There was nothing worse than his daddy telling him how disappointed in him he was.  Jeff knew he had gone too far today.


“Owwwwwww, I’m sorrrrrrrrry, Daddddy!” he cried.


Marc put down the paddle and resumed spanking with his hand.  He aimed for the sit spot.  “Are you {Spank!} ever {Spank!} going to {Spank!} do anything {Spank!} like this again? {Spank!} Will you ever {Spank!} use {Spank!} my credit card {Spank!} again?” {Spank!} {Spank!}


“Noooo, Dadddddy, Neverrrrrrrrr!” Jeff cried.


“Okay, then this spanking is over.”  Marc helped Jeff to his feet.  He rubbed and rubbed his burning bottom, jumping around the room like it was on fire.  “That hurrrrrrrrt, Daddy!” Jeff cried.


“I’m sure it did.  But not being able to trust you hurt me, son,” he said softly.


Jeff nodded, sniffling.  “I’m sorry, Daddy.  I’ll be good,” he promised.


Pulling Jeff into his lap on his knees, Marc ruffled the boy’s hair.  “I hope so, son.”  Jeff sobbed on his dad’s chest as Marc rubbed his back and kissed him on the head.  “You do know that snake and dog have to go back, right?”


Reluctantly, Jeff nodded.  “Yes, Daddy.”


“Tomorrow,” Marc said, smiling.


“You mean it?” Jeff asked.


“Yes, the pet shop closed early today.  We’ll bring them back after breakfast tomorrow.”


Jeff attempted a smile, too.  And his dad was right; he didn’t want anything to do with his pants or underpants for a while.


Aunt Lucy rang the bell.  That meant dinner was ready.  All three of us sat on pillows.  No one said a word.  I ate my spaghetti quietly.  Goldie was on the floor by my feet, and when no one was looking, I sneaked her part of my meatball.  Maybe Uncle Marc and Aunt Lucy would get so attached to her that they wouldn’t send her back.  I doubted it, but one could hope.  Since we didn’t have to bring them back til the morning, maybe Uncle Dom and Melinda would like her and let me keep her.  Yeah, right!  Now I was dreaming.


“Jeffrey?” Aunt Lucy said, breaking the silence.


“Yes, Mommy?”


“When you’re finished, you and I are going to the bathroom for your dessert,” she said slowly.


We all looked at her.  We knew she wasn’t talking about the jello I saw her making.  “Y-y-yes, M-m-mommmy.”


She meant soap for Jeff for lying to her.  Yuck, I thought.  Joey and me got to eat jello.  Cherry.  My favorite.


I went to bed thinking about Uncle Dom and Melinda coming back.  All of a sudden, I was in no hurry to see them.


The next morning, we heard Goldie barking and a car outside.  I knew it was Melinda and Uncle Dom.  I got dressed quickly and ran downstairs.  Aunt Lucy was just ringing the bell that meant breakfast.  I wondered if Uncle Dom did that on purpose.  He liked breakfast.


I ran to the door.  Uncle Marc was just letting them in.  I ran over to Uncle Dom and Lin and hugged them tight.  “How was your trip?” I asked, excitedly.


“It was good,” Uncle Dom answered.  Melinda hugged me tight.  “We missed you, lil sis.”


“I missed you too,” I said.  Suddenly Goldie was at my feet, barking up at Uncle Dom.  He looked down at the lil puppy and said, “Hmmm, what do we have here?”


I looked up at Uncle Dom and then down at the little golden retriever.  “It’s a puppy, Uncle.”


“Yes, I see that.”  He looked at his brother, wondering.  Then he looked at me.  “Where did it come from, Elizabeth?”


He had switched to my full name; that wasn’t good.  Suddenly I heard that bell again.  “Breakfast, Uncle Dom,” I stated.


“Hmmm,” he said.  “Okay, we’ll talk after breakfast.”


Uncle Dom took Uncle Marc aside.  I heard him say, “I hope you didn’t buy her a dog.”


“Not exactly,” came the answer.


I ate as slowly as I could.  I was not looking forward to the talk with Uncle Dom.  I knew exactly where it would leave me: lying over his lap, staring at the carpeting.


“Lizzie!” I looked up.  Uncle Dominic was staring at me.  I had been daydreaming about keeping Goldie.  “Are you finished?” he asked.  I wanted to say no but when I looked at my plate, there was nothing left on it.  I must have eaten everything while I was thinking about the puppy. 


“Uh, I g-g-guess so, sir,” I said reluctantly.


He stood up and reached for my hand.  I stood up and took it.  I looked at Jeff and he looked away.  He had apologized to me last night after his mommy washed his mouth out with soap.  I had accepted his apology but not before I told him that I had told him so, and that his plan had really stunk.


“Come along, Elizabeth,” he said.


I sighed, “Yes, sir.”


When the whole story came out about what Jeff, Joey, and me had done, Uncle Dominic sat there and stared.  I wanted to push his mouth back up as it was wide open, but I didn’t dare.  I just waited.


Uncle Dominic finally closed his mouth and sighed.  “What did your sister and I tell you about getting a dog?”


“That I couldn’t has one,” I said sadly.  “But then I thought maybe I could has one here at Uncle Marc’s house.”


He shook his head.  “No.  We told you no pets.  And furthermore, didn’t you learn anything a few months ago when Olivia used my credit card?  That’s stealing!” he said, his voice having risen a bit.


I nodded and tears started to roll down my face.  “I know, sir.  I tried to tell Jeff that.”


“I see,” he said.  I hated that more than anything.  ‘I see’ was always the start of the spanking.


“So you knew what you were doing was wrong, but did it anyway? You knew that using your uncle’s credit card was wrong.  You knew and told your cousin, but you still went and did it?” he roared.


I was afraid but I nodded.


Uncle Dominic pulled me across his lap then, and bared my bottom.  I guess I knew it had been coming, but hoped he was gonna wait til he calmed down some.  Uncle Dom seemed really angry.


{Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!} came his big hand over and over again on my poor tushie, which had barely recovered from the previous night.


{Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!} {Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!} {Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!}

{Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!} {Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!} {Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!}


“Owwwwwww, Uncleee, I gotted a spanking already!” I cried, knowing it was useless, but I tried anyway.


{Spank!} {Smack!} {Swat!} “I told you {Smack!} NO {Smack!} pets, {Smack!} and you knew {Smack!} that!” Uncle Dominic said.


“Owwwwwwwww, I knowwwww!” I cried.


Uncle stopped.  I was glad because I was not a happy camper just then.  He moved around a little and I heard him unbuckling his belt.  I started to sob even harder because I knew what he was doing.  He pulled the belt out of the loops of his jeans.


“Nooooooooooo!” I cried.  I cringed because I knew he was going to use it anyway.


{THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!} went the belt across my bare bottom.  I know Uncle Dom had doubled it before he swooshed it through the air.  My bottom was on fire.




I screamed.


{THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!} “You have no business using anyone's credit card!” he roared.


“Owwwwwwwwww, okaaaaaaaaaaay!” I cried really hard.  I wanted to put my hands back but knew that would only make my uncle angrier.


{THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!} {THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!} “And your sister and I both told you NO PETS !!!”


I was sobbing.  I didn’t know how much more I could take of this.  “But Uncle Dominic, pleeeeeeeeeease!” I cried.


{THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!} “No buts.  You knew it was wrong and you did it anyway, Elizabeth Marie.  You should be ashamed of yourself, young lady.”  {THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!}

“Owwwwwwwwwwww, I ammmmmmmmmm!” I cried.  “Pleeeease, no more!”

 {THWAAAAAAAACCCCK!} “There’s no excuse for what you did, Elizabeth!”


I tried to nod but I was crying so hard, I’m not sure it worked.  Finally, Uncle put down his belt.  He pulled me into his lap and cuddled me.  I sobbed on his chest and held on real tight.  He was rocking me as I tried to rub the sting out.  My bottom felt like it was on fire.  I couldn’t remember such a hard spanking before or since.


“That really hurt,” I managed to say when I had calmed down a bit.


Uncle Dominic nodded.  “Good, it was supposed to.  You were pretty naughty.”


I nodded, still sobbing and holding on tight.  “I didn’t wanna tell you, Uncle.”


“Then you’d have gotten another spanking for that.  You know you have to tell me everything you do, Lizzie.”


“Yes, sir.”  At least it was back to ‘Lizzie’; maybe things were okay now.


“You have to take the puppy back,” he said quietly.


I had known this fact, but I was hoping that once he saw how cute Goldie was, he would change his mind and let me keep her.  “Oh, please, Uncle Dom, please can I keep her?” I asked, sniffling.


“No, Lizzie.  The puppy goes back.”


“But I want it, Uncle.  I love Goldie,” I said.


“You don’t need it and you can’t have it.  And that’s final, Elizabeth.  Now do you want to argue with me and go back over my lap?”


I shook my head.  “N-n-no, sir.”


“I didn’t think so,” Uncle Dom said, reaching down to kiss my cheek.  That meant I was forgiven and I smiled up at him. 


It was going to be a long ride home in the car, especially since I couldn’t sit down.  But first we all went back to the pet shop to say goodbye to Goldie and the snake.  I kneeled down and stroked her soft fur.  “I love you, Goldie,” I told the little golden puppy.  The tears ran down my cheeks and I turned and put my face into Melinda’s leg.   I couldn’t even watch as the lady came in and picked up the puppy and took her away.


“I wanna go home,” I sobbed.  My sister picked me up and held me against her.


Lin nodded and held me tight.  I said good-bye to Jeff and Joey.  I gave Uncle Marc and Aunt Lucy a big hug.  “Thanks for having me over,” I told them.


“Next time maybe you won’t be so much trouble, youngun,” Uncle Marc said, smiling.


“Uh, yessir, I’m sorry,” I told him.


“I know, sweetie, it’s all over now.  You’ve been punished and forgiven.”


“Yeah,” I said, “twice.”


And it was a long car ride home.


The end.


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