Robin Wants Attention (Multi-Part Story)

This story contains spanking of (fictional) children. If this is not your thing, then don't read it. It also contains lots of love and emotional interaction, written as well as the author could manage. If all you want is a spanking scene, with no emotions, this story may not be for you, because you won't find that here.

This story is a work of fiction. The author does not endorse or encourage the actual spanking of real children in any way. All characters are the products of the author's imagination.

This story is Copyright © 1999 by SamPast. Do not copy or distribute this story without written permission from the author. Permission to keep one personal archive copy is hereby granted. Do not write other stories using these characters without permission from the author.

This story is presented in multiple chapters, or parts, due to its length. The copyright notice and disclaimers apply to all the parts. These parts form one entire story, and are not to be distributed separately.

Send any comments to [email protected]. Praise or constructive comments are always welcome.



Robin Wants Attention-part 1

Robin Wants Attention-part 2

Robin Wants Attention-part 3

Robin Wants Attention-part 4

Robin Wants Attention-part 5

Robin Wants Attention-part 6

Robin Wants Attention-part 7

Robin Wants Attention-part 8

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