The Lil Devil...a “Missy” story (M/mf)

(c) 2000 by Sampast


“Well, I’m gonna be a cowgull,” Debbie said.


“A girl cow? You gonna give milk, sis?” Joey asked, laughing.


“Notta gull cow, a cowgull.  I’m gonna have a rope an a big hat and am gonna wear lawng boots, an a big skirt!” Debbie insisted.


“Oh, okay,” Joey said.  “What’re you gonna be, Katie?”


Katie looked at Joey.  “I not sure.  Something glittery, though.”


“I know what I’m gonna be, something you won’t guess,” I said, grinning.


Everyone was interested.  We were sitting at the dining room table having breakfast.  Mommy and Daddy were busy in the kitchen.  My brothers and sisters all looked at me.


“Well, what?” Joey asked.


Debbie stared at me.  “What you gonna be, Missy?” she asked, then sneezed.


We laughed and said, “Bless you.”


Billy was quiet, til I announced, “I’m gonna be a devil.”


He looked at me and said, “Oh well, then you’re all set, Missy, you don’t even need a costume!”


“BILLY!” I shouted, “That’s not nice.”


Joey laughed and said, “Yeah, she’s already got the horns.”


“STOP! That’s not funny, Joey!  What are you going to be, a dummyhead?” I shouted.


“No, I’m gonna be a pirate, so you better watch out, matey!” Joey said, brandishing his butter knife.


“Oh, I’m scared!” I said, pretending to jump back.


Mommy and Daddy came in then.  “What is going on out here?” Daddy asked.


“The boys are teasing me, Daddy.  They said I don’t need a costume,” I cried.


“Mommy? Guess what Missy’s gonna be?” Joey asked.




“A devil.”


I was so mad; even Mommy and Daddy laughed when Joey told them.  Billy had been pretty quiet but he was getting into things now.  They all had a good laugh about me being a devil.  Okay, okay, so I did get in a lot of trouble pretty often.  But I wasn’t really a devil.


I got up from the table and walked over to the couch.  Daddy came over and put his arm around me.


“I really do need a costume, Daddy,” I said, quietly, biting my lip.


“I know you do, baby, we were just teasing.  We’ll go tonight after dinner to buy them.”


I smiled.  I was so excited.  Like any other kid.  Who wouldn’t be?  Halloween was just two weeks away.  Mommy kept promising to bring us to buy our costumes, but things kept coming up.  I guess in a family of five kids, that happened.


Things were crazy that day, as usual.  Mommy and Daddy had thousands of errands, and us kids all had to be in different places at different times.


In the late afternoon, while Joey was at baseball practice, me and Billy were sitting and watching TV.  Debbie and Katie were taking naps.  I looked at Billy and said, “Hey, you never said this morning what you were gonna be?”


“Me? I’m not going trick or treating.  That’s for babies!”


“It is not,” I said.  “Besides, you’re only ten.  That’s not a baby.”


“I’m almost eleven.  And almost eleven year olds don’t go trick or treating.  None of my friends are.”


“Suit yourself.  But you’re gonna miss out on all the good candy.”


“I don’t care,” Billy said, but he didn’t sound like he meant it.  I couldn’t imagine not going trick or treating, myself.


Billy was a bummer so I went upstairs to my room.  I knew I wasn’t supposed to bother my sisters while they were napping, but I was bored.  Maybe if I made just a tiny bit of noise, they would wake up.  They couldn’t blame me, then.


But I didn’t have to do a thing.  When I got to our room, I heard sneezing.  I went in and Debbie was sitting up in her bed, sneezing her head off.  I looked over at Katie.  She was sound asleep.  Man, that kid could sleep through anything.


I walked over to Debbie’s bed.  “Hey, sis, you okay?” I asked.


Debbie shook her head yes.  “Yeah, I just sneezin, Missy.  Don’t tell Mommy, k?”


“Why not? Why shouldn’t I tell Mommy?”


“Cuz I sick.  My head hurts and I not stop sneezin, and I feel all snuffy.”


“Snuffy? You mean, stuffy?”  She nodded.


I sighed.  “Well, I won’t tell her, sis, but she’s gonna notice.”


Debbie started to cry then.  “But I wanna get my costume tonight!  She not gonna let me go if I sick!”


“No, I’m not!”


We both turned to see Mommy standing in the doorway.  “Mommy!” Debbie said.  “I okay, I fine!  Honest!”


Mommy came over and felt Debbie’s forehead.  “I don’t think so, Deborah Nicole.  You feel very warm.”  She turned to me.  “Missy, can you go get the thermometer for me? I think it’s on the second shelf in the medicine chest.”


“Okay, Mommy.”  I gave Debbie a sad look.  If she did have a fever, Mommy would never let her leave the house, costume, or no costume.


An hour later, I could still hear Debbie crying about not being able to go buy her costume.  Daddy came in with Joey and asked me what was up.  Me and Katie were sitting on the living room rug coloring.  I told him about Debbie being sick.


Mommy came down and told Daddy that Debbie had a temperature and a bad cold.  She was going to move Debbie into their room so that Katie and I didn’t get it.  It never worked.  I mean, in a house with five kids, we always got EVERYTHING.  But I guess they had to try.


“Well, maybe we shouldn’t go tonight,” Daddy suggested, when he heard how upset Debbie was about not going.


“No, Daddy!” Katie yelled.  “I wanna go tonight.”


“Me too!” I said.  “Me too!” said Joey.


Daddy looked at our faces.  “Please? You promised,” I reminded him, with puppy dog eyes.  They didn’t always work, but I sure had to try.


“David, you really do have to go today, if you want to catch that sale.  It ends tonight at the discount store.  And we have five costumes we need to buy,” Mommy said, in that ‘we don’t have much money’ voice.


“No, Mommy, only four,” I said, thinking I was helping.  “Billy said he isn’t getting one.”


“Why not?” Mommy asked.  “Where is he, anyhow?”


“In his treehouse, where else!” Katie said, giggling.


We all laughed.  “Yeah, he said he was too big for trick or treating,” I told her.


Mommy shook her head and went to find Billy.  Maybe she would talk him into it.  I wished her good luck and went back to coloring my picture.


After dinner, Daddy told us to go upstairs and get ready to go to the costume store.  I checked in on Debbie but she was sleeping.  I had made a list earlier of all the things she said she needed for her costume, and had promised to get them for her.  If it had been me, I would have found a way to sneak out and go.  Maybe I was a lil devil after all.


Billy refused to go.  He insisted he was too old to get a costume.  He stayed home with Mommy and Debbie while the rest of us piled into the van.  I sat with Katie in the back seat.  She was in her car seat.  Joey got to ride shotgun with Daddy.


We talked about the costumes we were going to buy on the way there.  I said, “I’m gonna have a red hat with horns and I’m gonna carry a pitchfork.”


“Well, I’m going to have a black and white striped shirt, a black hat with a skull on it, and a patch over one eye,” Joey said, excited.  Then he added, “And I’m gonna have a sword.”


“What about you, Katie?” Daddy asked.


“I dunno, Daddy.  Maybe if Missy’s gonna be a devil, I gonna be a angel,” she said.


Daddy laughed.  “That would fit, honey.”


We continued to talk on the way to the costume store.  It wasn’t that far away, and before we knew it, Daddy pulled into the parking lot.  We waited for him to unlock the doors.


“Now, kids, I know I don’t have to tell you to behave yourselves in the store.  I want you to stay by me at all times.  And no running or yelling,” Daddy said, sternly.


“We know, Daddy, can we go in already?” Joey asked.


“Joseph!  I don’t want to have to repeat these rules.  Am I clear?” Daddy asked.


“Yes, sir,” Joey said sadly.


Daddy looked back at me and Katie.  “Melissa? Did you hear the rules? Katie?”


“Yes, Daddy,” I said, obediently.  Katie nodded.  She started to bounce in her seat.  “Can we go? Can we go?” Katie asked.


“Okay,” Daddy said, pushing the button that unlocked the doors.  “Missy, help your sister.  Then when you get out, wait for me to take your hands.”


I undid the buckle on Katie’s seat and helped her out of the car.  I stayed and waited til Daddy came around to our side.  He put Katie on his shoulders.  “Joey, hold your sister’s hand.”


Joey looked at me.  He looked like he wanted to disobey Daddy, but then thought better of it, and took my hand.  We walked into the store.


I couldn’t believe it.  There were so many costumes.  It was amazing!  I let go of Joey’s hand and just ran for the display.


“Melissa Erin! Freeze!” Daddy scolded.


I froze.  I turned back to look at Daddy.  He crooked his finger and pointed to his side.  “I’m sorry, Daddy, I forgot.  I was just so excited.”


“Melissa, I don’t want to remind you again.  You must stay with me.  This is a busy store and I don’t want anyone getting lost.”


With that said, he took Katie down from his shoulders and set her on the floor in front of him.  I looked around.  There were a million kids with their parents and the store was pretty noisy.  I guess I could understand why a Daddy might get upset if his kid wondered away.


“Okay, Daddy,” I said. 


I started looking through all the costumes.  There were so many different ones.  I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a devil after all.  “Maybe I’ll be Cruella DaVille.  What you think, Katie?”


She giggled.  “Yeah, and I can be a dalmatian puppy,” she said.


I laughed.  That would look cute, but nahhh!  I couldn’t believe the different costumes.  “I want this one, and this one, and this one,” I said.


“How many Halloweens you having, sis?” Joey asked.


I looked at him.  He had a scary mask on.  I jumped.  He laughed.


I ran over to see the costumes on his side.  Daddy didn’t see me for a minute and said, “Melissa? Where are you?”


I picked my head up.  I had a pumpkin head on.  “Here I am, Daddy,” I said.


“Missy, I’m not going to tell you again.  Stay with Daddy.”


“But I’m right here!  I wanna look at the costumes,” I whined.


“Missy, would you like to look at the carpet?”


I knew what he meant the minute he said it.  I shook my head.  “No, sir.”


“Then you’ll stay by me,” Daddy said, joining me and Joey on the other side of the table.  Katie was right behind him.


I looked through the costumes and picked one out.  “Look, Katie, here’s an angel costume.  It gots a halo and wings and everything.”


Katie came over to see.  “It look real big, Missy.”


I held it up to her.  It was enormous.  “Well, maybe they have it in your size.  We can keep looking.”


It was only two weeks before Halloween.  The store was a mess.  There were costumes everywhere.  And the store was packed.  All the parents knew the big sale was ending that day.  Who knew why!


Katie held up a monkey costume.  “Lookie!  I finded Joey’s costume.”


We both looked.  I laughed.  “Yeah, Joey, it’s perfect.”


“I don’t think so, but here, Missy, here’s one for you.  You almost don’t even need a mask.”  He held up a monster costume.




“Kids!  Be nice!” Daddy warned.


We was just having fun.  We weren’t really being mean to each other.  He would have known if we were serious.


Katie was looking through the little costumes and getting upset.  There wasn’t an angel costume among them.  Then Daddy said, “Wow!”


“What, Daddy?” I asked, looking over.  He was holding up a pretty dress.


“Look at this, Katie,” he said.  Katie scampered over.


“It’s a fairy princess costume,” Daddy told her.  “And look,” he said, pointing, “it has lots of sparkles.”


“Yeah, wow, sis, you could be a fairy princess instead of an angel,” I said.


“It’s perfect,” Katie said, gliding her hand across the ruffles of the dress.


“And look at this, sweetie,” Daddy said, holding up a stick with a star at the end.  “It comes with a magic wand.”


“I loves it!” Katie shouted, with that lil kid joy.


Joey came over too to see what the fuss was about.  “Look, Katie, it comes with a crown, too,” he said, putting it on her head.


Daddy led her over to a mirror and she studied herself.  “I want it, I want it, Daddy!”


“Okay, sweetie, let’s slip it over your clothes and see if it fits,” Daddy said.


We watched Daddy try the costume on Katie.  She was so cute.  There was a pink ruffley dress with sparkly sequins and huge wings.  She wore a crown on her head, and held the magic wand.  Daddy brought her over to the mirror and she just stared.


“Wow!” she said.  “I loves it!”


“Fits well,” Daddy commented.  Joey and I smiled.  It was really cute on her. 


“It’s great, Katie.  You look beautiful!” I said, giving her a big hug.  She hugged me back.


“I never gonna take it off!” Katie said, spinning around.


Daddy laughed.  “Well, sweetie, you have to take it off, so we can pay for it.  Besides, you don’t want it to get dirty before Halloween.”


“Maybe she could wear it home, Daddy, like at the shoe store,” I suggested.


Daddy frowned at me.  “No, Missy,” he said.  I guess he didn’t want me encouraging her.  I turned away and something red caught my eye.


“A devil costume!” I said, running over.  It had been buried, but I guess another kid had unleashed it when she was searching through the costumes.  I pulled it out.  “Look, Daddy, it comes with a pitchfork.”


Daddy had managed to get the dress off Katie and was putting it back in the bag when he looked over at me.  She was refusing to take off the crown or let go of the wand.  I guess Daddy gave in and came over to me, pulling her by the hand.


“Wow, sweetie,” he said, looking at the costume I held out.  “A pitchfork, and little red horns.”


“Yep,” I said, “a devil needs horns.”


Katie looked at me and said, “I thought you had your own horns.”  She smiled. 


I glared at her.  Why, that little imp!  I reached my hand up as if to smack her, but Daddy grabbed it.


“Melissa Erin!”


I yanked my hand away.  “I wasn’t gonna, Daddy!”


He pointed to the devil costume and said, “See how red that is?”


I nodded.


“You know what else would be that red if you hit your sister?”


“Yes, sir, but I wasn’t gonna!”


“Yeah, my face where you hitted it,” Katie said.


“That’s not what Daddy meant, Katie.  He meant my tushie,” I said.


Daddy frowned.  “Yes, I did.”


Joey came over to investigate.  He took the costume from me and held it up.  He turned it around.  “Hey look, it’s got the big long red tail, too.”


I smiled.  I loved it.  “Can I get it, Daddy?” I asked.


“If it fits, baby.  Try it on,” he said.  His anger at the thought of me hitting Katie had gone as quickly as it had come.  He had to know I would never hit Katie.  She knew it, anyway.  We loved each other too much.


I took the costume out of the bag and tried to put it on.  It was too confusing.  “I can’t do it, Daddy.  It’s too hard,” I said, throwing it down in disgust.


He looked at me.  “Why is it hard?”  He came over to me and stared at the costume, now lying on the floor, at my feet.


“Would you like to pick a different costume, Melissa?” Daddy asked, taking my hands in his.


“No,” I said, almost ready to cry.  “I wanna be a devil, Daddy.”


“Would you like me to help you put the costume on?” Daddy asked, gently.


I nodded.  “Okay, then what do you need to do?”


“Ask you?” I asked.  Daddy nodded.


I picked the costume up off the floor and held it out.  “Daddy? Will you help me try this on?”


“Of course I will, baby.”


Daddy helped me then.  I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.  “I love it.”


“Is this the one you want, Missy?”  I nodded.  “Are you sure?” Daddy asked.


“Uh huh.”


Katie stood close by, watching me.  She looked so cute, standing there in her little blue jumper, with the crown on, and holding the magic wand.


“I yike it, Missy.  You look scary!” Katie said, hugging me.


I hugged her back.  Then Daddy helped me out of it and put it back in the bag.  “I wanna hold the pitchfork, Daddy,” I told him.


“Okay, but be careful with it,” he told me.


Just then, Joey popped out in front of me, brandishing a fake sword.  “A-ha, matey, now you must walk the plank!” he yelled.


Katie jumped.  Joey had on a pirate’s outfit, complete with a hat with a skull and crossbones on it and a patch across one eye.  In his hand, was a long, plastic sword.


I laughed at him, and held Katie close.  “You look better with just one eye,” I said.  Joey only smirked at my remark.


“I see you found a pirate costume, Joey.  Does it fit?” Daddy asked.


“Yep,” he said, smiling. 


“Okay, take it off.  We just have to find Debbie’s cowgirl costume and then we can go.  This place is a zoo and I want to get out of here,” Daddy explained.


“What about Billy, Daddy?” Katie asked.


“Billy told us he didn’t want a costume,” Daddy said, finding a cowgirl costume and holding it up.  He turned to me.  “How about this one, Missy? Does it have everything Debbie wanted?”


I looked closely, checked the list, and nodded.  “Yep.  Do you think it’s the right size?” I asked.


Daddy held it up to Katie.  “Well, it’s bigger than Katie.  And smaller than you.  It should be all right.  Mommy can always take it in if she has to.  Okay, let’s get it.”


Daddy put the cowgirl costume into the cart he had gotten, and took Katie’s hand.  He said, “Come on, let’s go.”


We walked towards the front of the store.  There was a long line.  I mean, really, really long.  We couldn’t believe it.  It practically reached the back of the store.  Daddy sighed.  So did a lot of the other parents.


I tried to be good while we waited, but it was hard.  There were so many things to look at.  I wanted to go touch everything.  Katie started getting really tired and cranky.  Daddy picked her up and put her in the cart, in the front, and she just sat there and watched everything.


Meanwhile, I took my pitchfork and for lack of anything else to do, poked Joey with it.  He returned the favor by trying to stab me with his sword.  “On guard!” he said, laughing.  The two of us were having a grand old time, trying to stab each other, when Daddy said quietly, “Okay, that’s enough!”


But he didn’t say it soon enough.  Joey poked me in the ribs with his sword.  I knew it was only plastic, but it hurt.  “Owwww!” I cried.  I took my pitchfork and tried to jab it into his gut.


“Melissa!  Joseph!  I said that’s enough!” Daddy said, his voice rising.  Several people turned to stare at us.


I dropped the pitchfork to my side and looked up at Daddy.  He did not look happy.  Joey took the sword away from my chest and held it in his hands, studying Daddy.


“I’m sorry, sir,” he said.  “Me, too, Daddy!  We were just playing!” I cried.


“We will talk about this when we get home,” Daddy said.  “Come now, the line is moving.”  He took my hand and moved me further as he pushed the cart.  “I think I’ll take that now, Missy,” he said, trying to take the pitchfork away.


“No, Daddy, I wanna hold it, I’ll be good!” I promised.


Daddy just stared at me.  “You already defied me a few times tonight, Melissa.  I suggest you give me that pitchfork, right now, young lady,” Daddy said sternly.


I bit my lip and handed it over to him.  He turned to Joey then.  “I’ll take the sword as well, young man.”


Oooh, ‘young man’.  That’s as bad as ‘young lady’.  Joey handed Daddy the sword, and watched as he dropped it into the cart.  Katie continued to just stare.  Her eyelids were closing; she was getting sleepy.  Daddy noticed this, too, and hoped they would open up another register.


Joey and I stood around, watching everyone.  We started to tease each other again, just out of boredom until Daddy said, “Melissa Erin, Joseph Scott, enough!  If you don’t behave, we won’t buy anything.”


I looked at Joey and he looked at me.  Parents always said those kinds of things, but they never meant it.  I was sure of it.  But that was enough to wake Katie up.  She just glared at us.  “If we don’t get nuffin-I’s gonna bite!”


“You better not,” I said.


Katie opened her mouth and said, “See my teefs.  They’s sharp!”


Joey said, “Don’t you bite me, Katie, or I’ll take your teeth and hide them.”


Katie clamped her hands over her mouth.  “No take my teefs!” she cried.


Joey just grinned.  Daddy said, “Katie, no one’s going to take your teeth and you are not going to bite anyone.  You are being good; let’s keep it that way, please.”


When we got closer to the registers, I saw the big racks of candy.  “Ooooh, candy!  Daddy? Can we get candy?”  Before he could answer, I grabbed the economy size bag of candy corns and held it up for Katie to see.


She reached for it, and dropped it into the cart.  Daddy didn’t even notice.  I just smiled and Katie smiled, too.  We were next in line.  Then I remembered something.


“Oh, Daddy, wait!  We need those plastic pumpkins to hold our candy!” I said loudly, looking around.


Joey chimed in.  “Yeah, or a loot sack with a skull and crossbones on it.”


We both ran off in different directions to try to find what we were after.  Gone was the promise to stay by Daddy.  Gone was the promise to behave ourselves.


“MELISSA!  JOSEPH!  Get back here this instant!” Daddy yelled.


I think he was beyond caring who and how many people heard him yelling at us.  Now I knew I heard Daddy call my name, but that was just as I found what I was after.  I grabbed three of them and headed right back to the register.


“Look, I found them.  One for me, one for Katie, and one for Debbie,” I said.


Joey was right behind me with a loot sack.  “See, it has a skull and crossbones on it!” he pointed out for me to see.


Daddy just stared at us.  “You both know better than to run off like that.  We will be discussing this further at home,” he said.  His voice sounded a bit funny.  If I had been older and wiser, I would have realized he was trying to keep from yelling.


Daddy grabbed the pumpkins and the sack and put them on the counter, as it was our turn.  The lady behind the register took the costumes and the candy out of the cart and rang everything up.  I held my breath, wondering if Daddy had noticed the candy or not.


“We’ll buy all this stuff, because we’ve been here so long, and because your sister has been good.  Buttttttt,” Daddy began, taking me and Joey’s hands and making us look right at him.  “We will be having a long talk at home.  Both of you.  Is that understood?”


We both nodded.  We knew what Daddy meant by a “long talk”.  It wasn’t a talk at all.  It was a spanking. 


The lady put the bags back into the cart, and Daddy paid for everything.  As we walked to the car, I tried to find the bag with the candy in it. 


“Don’t touch, Melissa.  You can look at your costume later.  Much later,” he added.


I watched Daddy put the bags into the van.  He picked up Katie and put her in her seat.  “Do you want to sit up front, Missy? Since Joey got to on the way over?”


I looked back at the bags.  They were right behind the back seat.  “Umm, no sir, I’ll sit in back, with Katie.”


“All right.  Joey, get in,” he told my brother, as he opened the front door.


I got in next to Katie and played with my seat belt.  Daddy got in the front seat.  “You buckled in, Melissa?”


“Yes, Daddy,” I lied.


When the car was in motion, I reached back and tried very quietly to search through the bags.  Katie watched me and giggled.  Daddy must have heard the rustling of the plastic bags and looked at me in the rear-view mirror.


“Melissa, what are you doing? Get in that seat and buckle up this instant!” he screamed.


I think Daddy’s patience had worn out.  I jumped when he said my name, but meanwhile had managed to find the candy corns.  I slipped the bag to Katie while I buckled myself in.


“I saw that, Melissa,” Daddy said, from up front.


“Saw what, Daddy?” I asked, trying to play innocent.


“I saw the candy in the store, and I see it in your lap now.  Put it back in the bag.  It’s okay for you to have the candy but you know what you should have done first, and young lady, don’t try to fib to me.  You know I will not stand for it.”


I looked down.  I had crossed the line.  “Yes, sir,” I said, putting the candy back into the bag.


“We will discuss this at home as well, Melissa,” Daddy said.


“Yeah, Missy, you’re gonna have a lot of discussions,” Joey said, teasingly.  He really shouldn’t have said that, considering how much trouble he was in, but he did.


“Shup, Joseph!” I said.


“You shup!”


“You shup, piratebreath!”


“Enough, you two!” Daddy shouted.  “I have had it!”


“Shup.  Shup, shup, shup,” Katie tried out.  “I learnedid a new word,” she said.


“No, Katie, don’t say that,” I said, putting my hand over her mouth.  I looked toward Daddy and said, “Sorry.”


Daddy didn’t respond to me but turned his attention to Katie.  “Kaitlyn Rose?  That is not a nice word, and you are not to say it.”


“Yes, sir,” she said sadly.  “I didn’t know.”


“Well now you do.”


There was no more talking on the short ride home.  Katie managed to stay awake and we each carried a bag into the house.


Mommy greeted us at the door and saw the tired expression on Daddy’s face.  Before she could ask what happened, Katie grabbed her costume from the bag and ran over to Mommy.


“MOMMY!  LOOK!  I gonna be a fairy princess!” she squealed with delight.


Mommy let Katie show her every inch of the costume, including the wings, crown, and magic wand.  We all smiled as we watched.


We put the rest of the bags down.  Daddy turned to me and Joey and said, “I want you two upstairs, washed up, and in your pajamas.  I will be up to speak to each of you in fifteen minutes.”


Mommy raised her eyebrows as she heard Daddy scold us.  We both said, “Yes, sir,” and turned to go upstairs.  We watched as Daddy sat down on the couch and held his head in his hands.  We ran up before he caught us watching.



Mommy sat down next to Daddy on the couch.  She pulled Katie into her lap.  “Rough trip, David?”


Daddy looked at Katie and then at Mommy.  He nodded.  “Christine, it was the longest night of my life.  Don’t ever make me do that again!”


They both laughed.  Daddy filled Mommy in on what went on and she frowned.  She picked Katie up then and got up.  “Come, sweetie, let’s get you ready for bed.  Then you and I can come back and watch a little TV.  Okay?”


“Okay, Mommy,” Katie said, snuggling into Mommy’s chest. 


“Go easy on them, hon,” Mommy said to Daddy.  “It’s Halloween and they’re excited.”


Daddy looked at Mommy.  “They crossed the line from excitement to disobedience too many times, dear.”  He sighed and stood up, “Guess I may as well get started.  Where’s Billy?”


“He’s in the den, all gloomy.  I can’t get him to tell me why he won’t dress up for Halloween,” Mommy said, holding Katie, halfway up the stairs.


“I guess we just have to let him make his own decision.  Maybe he’ll come around,” Daddy said, starting to follow Mommy up the stairs.


“I hope so,” Mommy said.  “Come on, Kaitlyn.”


Daddy went upstairs and knocked softly on Joey’s door.  He opened it, already washed and in his pajamas.  Daddy walked in and sat on the edge of Joey’s bed.  He looked at Joey, took a deep breath and sighed.


“Well, Mr. Joseph Scott? Would you like to tell me why you are getting a spanking?”


Joey hung his head.  He hated disappointing Daddy.  As of the past summer, he had been a real Daddy’s boy, but now he was becoming a bit too big for his britches.  He sure had a mouth on him, and Daddy wasn’t liking it one bit.


“I disobeyed you in the store, sir.”


“How many times?” Daddy asked.


Joey thought about it.  “A lot, sir, and in the car you had to yell at me.”


“Yes, I did, Joseph.  Don’t you think having to remind you about family rules once should be enough?”


“Yes, Daddy, I’m sorry.”


“I know you are, but that is just not acceptable.  You ran off in the store after I warned you and after I had scolded your sister a few times.  You didn’t quit when I asked you and Melissa to stop fighting with the costume props, and you teased your sister several times after I asked you not to.  I think, young man, that you need a little reminder to follow our rules!”


Before Joey could say a word, Daddy pulled him to his side, and lowered Joey’s pajama bottoms and his underwear.  He lifted Joey across his lap, raised his hand and began to spank his bare bottom.


{Spank!} {Spank!} {Spank!} {Spank!} {Spank!} {Spank!} {Spank!}


“OWWWWWWWW!” Joey cried.


“You will follow {Spank!} {Spank!} our rules or this is what will happen.  {Spank!} {Spank!} Is that understood? {Spank!} {Spank!}” Daddy scolded as he spanked.  {Spank!} {Spank!}


“Owwww, yes, sir!” 


“I do not like repeating myself, Joseph.  {Spank!} {Spank!} You are much too old {Spank!} {Spank!} to have to be reminded {Spank!} {Spank!} about behaving.  {Spank!} {Spank!} I don’t want to discuss {Spank!} {Spank!} this with you again {Spank!} {Spank!} anytime soon.”


“Owww, yes, Daddy, I’m sorrrrrry!” Joey sobbed.


Daddy finished up with five more smacks to his sit spot and then stood Joey up.  He reached down, pulled up his bottoms, and hugged him to his chest.


“I love you, son, but you went way beyond the limits today.”


“I know, Daddy, I’m sorry.  I’ll be good,” Joey said, rubbing his bottom.


Daddy smiled and ruffled Joey’s head.  “I know you will, honey.”


Joey smiled back.  Daddy never stayed angry for long.  And once Joey got a spanking, he was usually really good for a while before he needed one again.


“All right, into bed.  Mommy will come in to tuck you in, in a few minutes.  I need to go have a word or two with your sister.”


Joey climbed into bed, carefully.  He reached up to give Daddy a big hug.  “I love you, Daddy, good night.”


“Good night, son, sweet dreams,” Daddy said, getting up.  He walked out of Joey’s room and down to mine.



He peeked in.  Mommy was changing Katie into pajamas.  “Christine, Joey is waiting for you to tuck him in.  Melissa, I will be right back to speak with you, young lady.”


I sighed.  I guessed there was no way avoiding this.  Oh wait, I had an idea.  Once Mommy was gone, I got into bed and hid under the covers.


I heard Daddy open the door a few minutes later.  “Melissa?” he asked.


“She moved,” I said, from under the covers.


“Melissa Erin!”


I peeked out from under the covers.  “Oh, hi, Daddy!” I said, feigning wonder at him being in my room.


Daddy sat on the edge of Katie’s bed and looked at me.  “Come here, Melissa,” he said, patting the bed.


“But I’m in bed, Daddy.  I tucked myself in.”


Daddy just frowned.


I pulled back the covers and showed him.  “Look, I got my jammies on and everything.”


I knew this stalling was not working on Daddy, but I had to try.  Daddy took a deep breath and began to count.  “10, 9, 8, 7, 6...”


My time was limited.  If he got to one and I was not at his side, I was dead.  I leaped out of bed and ran to his side.  “Okaaaaaay, I’m here, Daddy!” I said, biting my lip.  I looked up.  It was not a pretty sight.


“What did I just tell you not two minutes ago?”


“That you were coming in to talk to me, sir,” I said.


“Well, what makes you think I changed my mind?”


“Ummm, uh, nothing.  I’m sorry, Daddy,” I said, staring down at the floor.


Daddy sat me on the edge of my bed, which was right across from Katie’s bed, where he sat.  It was a small room, and three little girls’ beds and dressers were practically on top of each other.


“Melissa, you have a lot to be sorry about tonight, don’t you, young lady?”


“Yes, sir,” I admitted.


“Tell me all the things you did tonight and why I’m going to spank you,” Daddy encouraged.


I thought back to the whole night.  “Well, I ran off in the store,” I began.


“How many times?” Daddy asked.  I shrugged.


“Several? Do you think?”


“I guess.  I was just excited, Daddy, I forgot!”


“Melissa, you must not run off.  Do you know why I am so strict about that?”


I nodded.  “Cuz you wanna know where I am all the time.  You don’t want a bad person to take me, or for me to be lost,” I said.  I could say that in my sleep, but for some reason I couldn’t follow it.


“That’s right,” Daddy said.  “I love you very much, Melissa, and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.  This is a very important rule that you must follow.  I’m afraid I’m going to have to continue to be very strict about this.”


“Yes, Daddy,” I said.


“Continue, please,” Daddy said.


I continued to list all the things I had done at the store, and in the car, and also just now in bed.  It was pretty bad.


When I mentioned about the candy, Daddy nodded.  “I don’t mind you having candy, but what should you have done, Melissa?”


“I should have asked you first, Daddy.”


“Yes, you should have.  And then you tried to lie to me in the car about it.  And you DID lie to me about having your seatbelt fastened.  How do I feel about fibbing, young lady?”


“You hate it, Daddy,” I said sadly.


“Yes, and why should you keep your seatbelt fastened?”


“Cuz it’s dangerous not to,” I said.  I was already crying.  Poor Daddy.  I was the worst kid in the world.


“Melissa, you really crossed the line tonight, young lady.  You misbehaved and disobeyed several times in the store, you snuck the candy in without asking, you lied to me, and did some very dangerous things.  What do you think Daddy should do about this?”


“You’re gonna spank me, Daddy,” I stated.


“Yes, I am.  And I’m going to use the hairbrush,” Daddy said, pulling it out from nowhere. 


When I saw it, I started to cry.  Daddy had only ever used it one time before, and it was not too long ago.  I didn’t even try to argue with him.  I knew I had done lots of bad things and didn’t think I’d get out of it.


Daddy pulled me up to a standing position.  He reached down, lowered my pajama bottoms and my panties and pulled me over his lap.  He raised his hand, with that awful hairbrush, and brought it down really hard on my poor bottom.


{Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!} {Whack!}


“Owwwww!” I cried out.  He had only just started and already it killed.  I hated that darn brush.


“You will follow all rules I give you.  {Whack!} {Whack!} You will stay {Whack!} {Whack!} with me {Whack!} {Whack!} in the store and not run off.  {Whack!} {Whack!} You will not fight with your brother, {Whack!} {Whack!} and you will ask {Whack!} {Whack!} if you want something at the store.” {Whack!} {Whack!}


“Owwww!  Yes, sir!  I’m sorrrrrry!  Waaaaaaaaaaah!”


“But most of all, {Whack!} {Whack!} Melissa Erin, you will NOT {Whack!} {Whack!} fib {Whack!} {Whack!} to me.  That is not EVER {Whack!} {Whack!} going to be tolerated.  {Whack!} {Whack!} Do I make myself clear, young lady?” {Whack!} {Whack!}


“Owwww, yes, sir, yes, Daddy, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, I promise!” I screamed.  That darn hairbrush was making a fire on my backside.  I didn’t think I could stand one more whack of that brush.


Daddy, probably sensing I had had enough, dropped the brush.  He did, however, give me those last five smacks with his hand on my sit spot.


“Okay, baby, your spanking is over,” Daddy said, rubbing my bottom with his hand.  He must have felt how hot it was.


I jumped up, rubbing my bottom.  I did the little girl’s spanking dance, rubbing and crying and hopping around.  Daddy watched me and waited.  Finally, I ran into his arms and he hugged me tight to his chest.


“I’m sorry, Daddy, really sorry,” I cried.


“I know, baby, all forgiven now,” he said, pulling up my panties and pajama bottoms, carefully.  Ouch, that smarted!


Daddy pulled me into his arms and just cradled me until I calmed down.  I sobbed on his chest and very quietly asked my age-old question.  “Do you still love me, Daddy?”


“Of course I do, Missy, always and forever, baby.”


“But Daddy?”


“Yes, baby?”


“Even this time?  Even after all the bad things I did?” I asked, cautiously.


“Yes, sweetheart.  I must admit, though, that you did go above and beyond your usual misbehavior.  I hope we won’t be repeating anything like this anytime soon.”


“No way, Daddy.  I learned my lesson,” I informed him.


“Good,” Daddy said.


I leaned into Daddy’s chest.  He loved me.  It didn’t matter what I did; he still loved me.  Yeah, maybe he’d spank me, hard, even, but after it was over, he still loved me.  I knew he did.  But I always had to ask, and be reassured.


I nestled into Daddy’s lap and whispered, “I love you, too, Daddy.”



Halloween was great.  Debbie got better long before the holiday.  She loved the costume we picked for her.  We decorated the house and got pumpkins, too.  And at the last minute, Billy decided to come trick or treating with us.


He took part of Joey’s baseball uniform and an old baseball cap of his and went as a baseball player.  Katie was the fairy princess, Debbie was the cowgirl, Joey was the pirate, and I, was the lil devil.  As always.


The end.



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