The Dude Ranch-chapter 5
By SamPast and Huggedlots
Copyright (c) 1999, All rights reserved

Meanwhile, the girls had gotten up from the rock and continued to walk. Maggie thought it was important that they find the waterfall. Jennifer thought it would be better to stay put, and let the counselors find them.

"But, they think we're at the waterfall. Sheila would have told them by now. If we're not there when they get there, we could get lost!" Maggie said.

"WE ARE LOST!" Nancy shouted.

The girls kept walking. Finally, they reached the waterfall.

"There it is! Oh, isn't it beautiful!" Robin shouted. She had become nervous, but all that faded away when she saw the pretty cascading water.

The girls ran over to the waterfall. They were so happy to see it that they jumped in and danced around in the water. All except Jennifer. She was still blaming and pitying herself for getting into trouble once again. All she could think about was how disappointed in her, her Daddy would be.

Since she wasn't in the water, Jennifer was the only one who heard their names being called. She ran over to a rock, stood on it, and yelled, "OVER HERE!"

Bobby Jo, Adam, Carol, and Sam came running over.

"Oh, thank god!" Bobby Jo said. "Where are the others?"

Jennifer pointed. All four counselors gasped. The girls were soaking wet. They went over and fished each girl out.

"Let's go! Your parents are probably worried half to death," Carol said.

As they were walking back down the trail, Robin joined her sister in crying. She finally realized the trouble they were in. She tried to apologize to Jennifer, but she wouldn't listen.

"I'm sorry, Jenn, I guess it's all my fault," Robin tried.

"SHUT UP, Robin!" Jenn screamed.

Suddenly, Jennifer stopped dead in her tracks. Up ahead, she saw her father walking toward them. Charlie saw them, too. He was so relieved that they were all right. It had only been a little while since he heard the news that they were lost, but it was long enough to give him a good scare.

The counselors stopped in front of Charlie. "Mr. Clemente, we found them near the waterfall. They're a little wet, but they're all right. I'm really sorry about this, sir," Bobby Jo said. She was worried about her job.

"Don't worry. I'm just glad they are all right. You'd better tell your staff to keep a better eye on this bunch, though. They always seem to find themselves in some kind of mischief." Charlie looked right at Robin and Jennifer as he said this.

Both girls put their heads down. Charlie went over to them and crouched down, "I'm so glad you girls are all right. You scared your mother and I half to death!"

"I'm sorry, Daddy," Robin said. She went to him and he hugged her. Jennifer stood back. She was too ashamed of herself to even hug her father.

Bobby Jo said, "Uh, I have to get the other girls back. Are you coming?"

"Yes," Charlie said, "Let's go, girls. Robin, it looks like you need to change into some dry clothes. What'd you do, fall in the river?"

Robin looked up to see if her father was smiling or not. He was. Robin smiled, too. She thought things just might be okay. Robin and Maggie walked on ahead with Bobby Jo and the rest. Jennifer was still rooted to her spot.

"Come on, Jennifer," Charlie said.

Jennifer flopped down and began to cry. "You go on ahead," Charlie called to the others. He got down next to Jennifer and lifted up her chin. "I am glad that you are all right."

"But you must hate me!" Jenn said.

"Hate you? No, I don't hate you. Come on, now, let's go, we have lots to talk about," her father said.

Jennifer didn't move. Charlie, having lost his patience, just picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.

Charlie assured Bobby Jo that he would see to it that Maggie got changed. He wasn't too surprised to find out that Heather was still missing.

Charlie said, "Okay, Maggie, you change, and then go back to the camp."

"But I don't want to go by myself!" Maggie whined.

"All right, then go change, and come over to our cabin, but no more whining!" Charlie stated.

Charlie and Robin walked into the cabin, and Charlie put Jennifer down on one of the chairs.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Lisa said. "Robin, you're soaking wet, what happened?" Lisa took Robin by the hand to get her changed.

Charlie was just about to start lecturing the girls when Maggie came back in. Robin returned with Lisa a minute later. She was dry now.

"Okay, who wants to start?" Charlie asked sternly.

Jennifer looked at Robin. Robin said, "It was my fault, Daddy."

You could have knocked Charlie over with a feather, he was so surprised. He thought for sure it had all been Maggie's idea, and that Jennifer had gone along with it, and pulled Robin in, too. He looked over at Lisa. She was shocked, as well.

"Go on!" he urged Robin.

Robin explained to her parents how the whole thing started and how she thought the waterfall was behind the next rock, and so on and so on, until they were lost.

"I see," Charlie said.

The girls waited for the big blow-up. But it didn't come.

"You know what, I'm tired of repeating the rules to you girls. You know that you're supposed to stay with an adult at all times, or at least let someone know where you're going, but you break that rule over and over again. The only thing I can do is punish you over and over again until you learn that rule. I am very disappointed in you. All of you!" Charlie looked around, including Maggie in his statement.

"Now, Maggie, since your mother is still out, you will have to stay in here. You can color, while the girls are being punished," Charlie said. "Jennifer, go wait for me in my bedroom. Robin, go into your room. Either your mother or I will be right in."

"I'm coming in right now, Robin Elizabeth!" Lisa declared. She followed Robin into the bedroom. Jennifer started to walk towards her parents' room. She looked back forlornly at her father.

"I'll be there in two minutes, Jennifer Lynn," Charlie said sternly. He turned to Maggie, "Here, you can color while you wait."

"But. . ." Maggie said.

"But what?" Charlie asked.

"But what about me, Uncle Charlie?" Maggie asked.

Charlie smiled at the name. It seemed like a long time since their conversation in the stables. "What about you, Maggie?" he asked.

"I was bad, too. Shouldn't I be punished?" she said slowly.

"Well, yes, I think you should be. But that's for your mother to decide. When, and how. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some unpleasant business to take care of," Charlie said.

Maggie watched Charlie leave the room.

Charlie was shocked when he walked into his bedroom. Jennifer was curled up in a fetal position, and was almost hysterical. He knew that she was upset, and of course would be about being punished, but he knew that this was more than that.

He quietly walked over to his sobbing daughter and rubbed her back. "Hey, baby, what is this all about?"

"I know you hate me, Daddy," she sobbed in broken words.

Charlie wasn't sure why she was this upset and meant to find out. He sat down on the bed, and stroked her back and then turned her over and held her tight. "Tell me what is going on in your head, sweetheart," he said gently.

"I, I, I, let you down, Daddy, I, I, I promised, and I, I, I did something I didn't want to do, and knew was wrong, and now you ,you, you must hate me! I promised. . ." Jennifer couldn't continue.

She began to sob soooo hard Charlie was worried she was going to make herself sick. She was sweating and clammy and of course, had wet her pants in her agitation.

"Shhhhh, my little one, Daddy could never, ever hate you, no matter what. No matter what you do, no matter what trouble you get into, Mommy and Daddy will ALWAYS love you. Do you hear me sweetheart?" Charlie asked.

Jennifer wasn't getting any quieter, and Charlie was getting nervous. He had never seen her like this. He wasn't sure what to do, so he just rocked her for a bit until it seemed she was calming down.

Finally her sobs turned to hiccups and she turned confused eyes up at Charlie. "How can you not hate me, Daddy? I let you down. I didn't mean to, but I did."

"Honey, did you hear what I told you?"

"Yes, Daddy, that you could never ever hate me."

Charlie continued, "I am disappointed in your behavior, young lady, but not in YOU. Can you understand the difference, Jenn?"

"I don't know, Daddy," Jenn tried.

"Okay," Charlie sat her up straighter in his lap, and put his finger under her chin. "Now I want you to listen to me and really hear me, okay?"

"Yes Sir."

"Children are going to make mistakes, and sometimes do naughty things. It is all part of growing up. My job is to take care of you and your sister, to make the rules, and to keep you safe, but you know what?" Charlie asked.

"What, Daddy?"

"I do that because I love you and your sister so very much, that my heart would definitely break if something ever happened to either one of you. I love you that much!" finished Charlie.

He hugged Jennifer so hard after saying that, that she thought her ribs would break, but it felt so good she didn't care. It also felt wonderful to Charlie, and he was debating whether he should let her off the hook and not spank her, when Jenn looked up and said, "Okay, Daddy, I'm ready," and smiled at him.

He knew he had to be consistent, but his heart wasn't in this spanking. He asked her if she knew what she had done wrong. She responded that she knew it was wrong to wander away from the camp group. Then he quickly took off her soggy clothes, and pulled her over his knee. He spanked her hard on both cheeks, first one then the other about 20 times.

While he spanked, he delivered a somewhat different lecture. "I don't, SWAT, ever SWAT, want to SWAT, hear you SWAT, even SWAT, think SWAT, that your Mommy SWAT, or I, SWAT, could ever SWAT, not SWAT love SWAT you SWAT, got SWAT, it? SWAT. Young SWAT, Lady SWAT SWAT, SWAT"

"Yes, Sir!" Jenn answered, amid tears.

"Good SWAT."

Charlie stood Jenn on her feet, and she leaped back into his arms. "I will really, really try NOT to get into any more trouble this vacation, Daddy."

"I know, baby, but if you do, and I would like it if you didn't, always remember how much you are loved, okay?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Meanwhile, Maggie had been listening at the door, and slow tears were trickling down her face. She couldn't imagine anyone loving her that much, much less telling her that they did. "How lucky Robin and Jenn were," she thought. She also heard the spanking, but that also seemed like part of the love, and she understood that without really knowing that she did. She couldn't take it anymore, knowing that Jenn was being held and cuddled, and she slipped out of the cabin.

In Robin's room, things were going a lot differently. Lisa was really angry at Robin for instigating the little episode.

"Robin, this is so unlike you, whatever possessed you, young lady?" Lisa roared.

"I just wanted to see the waterfall, Mommy, honest, and I thought they were just right there?" Robin cried.

"Well, when they weren't, why didn't you go back to the group?"

Robin said, "Because I really thought they would be right at the next rock. I did, really!"

"And, why, did you think you had the RIGHT TO GO OFF THAT FAR BY YOURSELF, AND TAKE ALL THOSE OTHER CHILDREN WITH YOU, SOME OF WHOM WERE TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU ARE?" Lisa was yelling, and Robin was sobbing. She hated this part, sometimes worse than the spanking.

"I am sorry, Mommy, really, I am."

Robin didn't even think of asking her mother not to spank her. She knew her mommy was angry and she deserved what was going to happen.

"All right, young lady, let's get this over with," Lisa stated.

Robin almost heaved a sigh of relief, except she knew she was in for a BIG spanking. Her shorts and panties went down and in a flash, she was over her mommy's knee. Lisa spanked quickly and hard alternating cheeks, and Robin began yelling and crying almost immediately.

"Mommy, please, I am soooo sorry. Please Mommy, not sooooo HARD!" Robin sobbed.

Lisa paid her absolutely no attention as she was determined to make an impression that would last the rest of this vacation. By the time she was through, Robin's bottom was a fiery red, and she was limp over Lisa's knee. Lisa finished off by lecturing her some more, and then sent her to stand in the corner. Robin gratefully fled to the corner, glad that this ordeal was over.

Lisa walked back into the living room, and noticed Maggie wasn't there. She thought maybe Heather had come to get her, and went next door to knock. No one answered, so Lisa hoped that Heather had taken Maggie and gone somewhere. She heard the bath running, and figured that Charlie was giving Jennifer a bath. When he came out, Lisa told him that Maggie wasn't there.

"Well, maybe Heather came to get her," Charlie said.

"I hope so," Lisa told him.

Neither of them realized that Maggie had decided to run away.

Charlie and Lisa sat in the living room reading. Jennifer was still in the bath.

Lisa asked, "Honey, has it been fifteen minutes yet?"

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked confused.

"Robin's in the corner. I told her to stay there for fifteen minutes to think about what she'd done," Lisa said.

Charlie got up. "Oh, Lisa! Are you kidding me?" Charlie went into the girls' bedroom. Robin was kneeling in the corner. When she heard her dad come in, she quickly jumped up.

"C'mere," Charlie said and opened his arms to greet her in a hug. Robin shuffled over to him; her shorts and panties were still around her ankles.

Charlie reached down and pulled them up and pulled Robin up into his big arms. "I'm so glad you're all right, Robin. You and Jennifer had your mother and I worried half to death. Do you know that?"

"I'm sorry, Daddy. Are you still mad?" Robin asked tentatively.

Charlie looked down at Robin. "No, sweetie. Not anymore."

"Mommy is, though," Robin said sadly.

"No, she isn't. You've been punished, and so has Jenn, and neither Mommy or I are angry anymore. Come, let's go into the living room. When your sister gets out of the bath, the four of us can have a nice talk," Charlie said as he escorted Robin into the next room.

Robin sat cuddled in Charlie's lap on the couch. Suddenly they heard, "NO! Mommy!"

Jennifer ran out of the bathroom. Robin started to giggle. Jennifer had no clothes on.

"Daddy, Mommy said I have to put on my pajamas. It's the middle of the afternoon!" Jennifer whined.

Lisa came out of the bathroom holding Jenn's pantsies in one hand and her pajamas in the other. She looked at Charlie with a face that said, "Help me!"

Charlie said, "Jennifer, go put those pajamas on right now. We're going to have a family meeting and then you and Robin are going to take a nap."

"Do we hafta?" Robin asked.

"Yes," Charlie said sternly. "You were up late last night with Maggie, and you had a long day so far today. When you wake up, we'll all go to dinner."

Jennifer didn't move. "Now, Jennifer Lynn!" Charlie ordered. Jennifer turned to go back to the bathroom. Robin continued to giggle. Jenn turned around and said, "Shut up, Robin!"

"That's enough. Let's go, Jennifer," Lisa said.

After Jenn followed Lisa back into the bathroom, Robin asked Charlie, "Where is Maggie anyway?"

"Well, we're not sure, but we think Heather came and picked her up," Charlie said thoughtfully.

"Is she home? Can I see her?" Robin asked.

"No, to both questions. We're going to have a talk anyway," Charlie answered.

Lisa and Jennifer came back into the room. They all settled down on the big couch.

"Now, girls, what you did today was very dangerous. You know that, don't you?" their father asked them seriously. Both girls nodded.

"First of all, you should never, ever, wander away from the people who are supposed to be watching you. Do I make myself clear?" Again, two nods.

"And you already knew that rule. So, we're not sure why you did it!" Lisa exclaimed.

"It was my fault. Mommy, Daddy, I'm sorry I was bad," Robin cried.

Charlie turned to face Robin. "Robin, YOU were not bad, your behavior was bad. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry I behaved bad. I won't do it again," Robin said.

"Me neither, I'm sorry again," Jenn said.

"Well, it's over and done with now. But just know this girls, if you ever get lost again, like you did today, instead of moving, stay where you are. People will find you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy, but. . ." Robin began.

"What, honey?" Charlie asked.

"Sheila, that's a little girl in the group. She's four. She knew we were going to the waterfall. So, me and Maggie figured we should be there. Then they would find us," Robin said.

"Well, we're just happy they did find you, Robin. But listen to Daddy's advice, okay?" Lisa stated.

"Okay, Mommy," Robin said. She went over to her mother and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're not mad at me anymore."

"I can never stay mad at you girls. I love you too much," Lisa said as she hugged both girls. Only Charlie saw the tears in her eyes.

"Now, let's put you two down for a nap. Come on!" Lisa walked the twins into the bedroom. Charlie followed, and helped Lisa tuck them in. Jennifer was asleep before her head hit the pillow. They kissed both girls and closed the door behind them.

"Those are two worn out girls," Charlie stated.

"Well, they had a big day, quite an adventure," Lisa added.

"Hmm, and something tells me this day is not over yet. You know, I'm a little worried about Maggie. It's awful quiet next door," Charlie pondered.

"I hope Heather wasn't too hard on her," Lisa said thoughtfully.

"Heather? Too hard? I don't think she knows "too hard". I just hope Maggie's all right," Charlie sighed.

"You are such a gentle, caring man, you know that, Charlie Clemente?" Lisa asked as she kissed Charlie. "I think it's time you and I took a nap, too. I'm awfully tired."

Charlie smiled as he followed Lisa into their bedroom. "Good idea, honey, I could use a nap."


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