The Dude Ranch-chapter 2
By SamPast and Huggedlots
Copyright (c) 1999, All rights reserved

After lunch the girls wanted to head back to the stables. "Okay, girls, but this time, we all stay together, agreed?"

"Yes, Mommy," they answered, running out the door.

"Wait," Jenn said to Robin, "let's see if Maggie wants to come."

They turned back, and headed over to her cabin door, and yelled in, "Hey Maggie, you there?"

There was no answer, so they turned again, and hoped to catch up to her at the stables. The girls each skipped holding on to a parent's hand. Together they started to sing, and as they passed, people began to look and smile at them.

Back at the stables, the wrangler was making up a list for the afternoon trail ride. Charlie walked over and asked if they can all go.

"Well, the girls will need some arena time before they are ready for the trail, sir," the wrangler replied.

"Okay," Charlie said, "when can they get that?"

"Well, not till tomorrow morning, I'm afraid. Every one is heading out on the trails now, lessons are in the morning," he said.

The girls were really disappointed, but Charlie reminded them of the many other things the ranch had to offer, and gave them some choices. Just then, the girls saw Maggie riding her pony and lining up for the trail ride.

"Where's your mom?" Charlie asked her.

"Don't know," Maggie replied.

"Well, is it okay for you to go riding?" he asked concerned.

"Sure, my mom lets me do whatever I want to around here. She is probably off with some of her friends."

Maggie shrugged as if it didn't mean anything, but Charlie saw the pain in the little girl's eyes, and knew how much she was hurting for some attention.

"Okay, tell you what, when you get back, come on over to our cabin, okay?" Charlie asked.

"Sure," Maggie said. "What are you guys gonna do now?"

"I don't know," Charlie said, "we haven't quite decided yet."

They waved and turned away, and didn't see the yearning in Maggie's eyes.

The girls decided that they wanted to explore, so Lisa packed some drinks and snacks and off they went climbing rocks and wandering the property until they came to a beautiful waterfall. They all decided to sit, and have drinks and talk for a bit.

"Daddy?" Jennifer asked.

"What, sweetie?" Charlie replied.

"Umm, does Maggie seem happy to you?"

"Why do you ask, baby?"

"I don't know, Daddy, I just don't think she is, that's all, and it makes me sad for her," Jennifer said as she climbed into her Daddy's lap and snuggled in.

Not to be outdone, Robin climbed into Lisa's and they all sat happily watching the waterfall.

Maggie got back from her ride and returned to an empty cabin. She went next door. The Clemente's were gone too, and Maggie was bored. Digging into her mom's purse, she took out some money, and went across the road to the country store for some ice cream. Just then Robin and Jennifer and their parents came back from their walk.

The girls ran over to Maggie, and told her about their rock climbing afternoon. Seeing her with ice cream the twins asked Charlie if they could have some.

"Sorry girls, it's too close to dinner," he answered.

"But, Daddy," Robin whined, "Maggie has some, please?"

"No whining, Robin," Lisa said. "You heard your dad."

"Can we just hang out here for a bit?" Jennifer asked.

Lisa looked around. "Well, I'm not too thrilled about you crossing the road by yourselves. Come, we'll cross you over and you can hang out with Maggie over there for a little while. I would like you to play quietly for a bit before dinner, okay?"

"Yes, Mommy," they both said.

Charlie and Lisa crossed the girls over to their side of the road. It was still a distance from their cabin, but they would be able to see them from their cabin window and keep an eye on them.

As soon as they are out of sight, Maggie said, "Look, I have money, I can buy you two some ice cream."

"We can't," Robin sighed, "our dad said no."

"Well, so what?" Maggie said, "I get what I want, when I want it. Besides, we can go sit on the side, and he won't know."

"Yeah, but then we'll have to cross the road ourselves," Jennifer said doubtfully. "They wouldn't like that."

"Oh, please, this road? There's no cars here. Your parents are just being silly. I do it all the time. Come on!" Maggie said.

"I don't think so," Robin said, "it'll get us into trouble, and we don't need any."

"Ohh, come on Robin," Jennifer said, "I really want some ice cream, and I know you do, too. Daddy won't know unless YOU tell him."

"Jenn, you KNOW what'll happen if we get caught," Robin said.

"What?" Maggie asked. She was curious about why the twins both seemed so nervous. "Geez, its just ice cream."

"No, it's not," said Robin. "It's defying our dad, and he is pretty strict."

"Well, so what?" Maggie asked again. "What's he gonna do?"

"You don't want to know," Robin said nervously.

"Sure I do. Tell me," Maggie said.

"Well, first he'd tell us how disappointed in us he was. Then he would drag us back to the cabin, and we would be in big trouble," Robin replied.

"Big trouble, how?" Maggie was pushing, and Robin was squirming a bit.

"Well, he would, umm, ahhh, ohh. . ." Robin began.

"Sheesh, Robin," Jennifer said impatiently. She turned to Maggie and said, "He would spank us, Maggie."

Maggie said, "Really? Wow, I have never been spanked in my whole life."

The girls were shocked. They had never known anyone who was never spanked. "What does your mom do when she is mad at you?" Robin asked.

"Well," Maggie thought about this, "well, she yells, then she, she, she says. . ." Maggie began to cry.

Robin and Jenn were bewildered, and didn't know what to do, so they both hugged Maggie.

"What does she say?" Robin asked her quietly.

"She tells me, that," Maggie was crying, but managed to tell them that Heather sometimes tells her she wishes she were never born, and that she should be having fun instead of always having to take care of her. "She always apologizes, of course, and says she doesn't mean it, and cries a lot, and then buys me lots of stuff."

Maggie pulled herself together, and shrugged. "Well, there are lots of good sides to it. I can do whatever I want, when I want. I really have no rules! And my grandmother's the same way!"

Jennifer thought that would be wonderful, and told her so. Robin was not too sure, but said nothing. Just then, Maggie jumped up and asked them if they had seen the swings yet.

"No," they replied, "but we can't go." "We have to stay here, like we were told," Robin said.

"You can come, it's not far. COME ON!" Maggie yelled as she ran away.

Robin knew this was a really bad idea, and said so, but Jennifer told her she was a scaredy cat, and ran after Maggie. Robin was torn, and didn't know what to do.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she called to Jenn, and ran back to the cabin.

Charlie was surprised to see Robin without Jennifer. "Where is your sister?" he asked.

"She, ahh, umm, I have to go to the bathroom, Daddy."

"Ohh, okay," Charlie smiled. He went back to reading his book, then looked out the window. He was surprised not to see Maggie and Jennifer. As Robin came out of the bathroom, he asked her again, "Where is your sister?"

Robin didn't want to be a tattle tale, and said, "Well, I left them right outside, Daddy."

Sensing there was more to this than she was telling, Charlie went over and hugged Robin. "Honey, look at me."

Robin looked up and saw the concern in her Daddy's eyes. "You know you need to tell me, right?" Charlie asked gently.

"Yes, Daddy," Robin said, and sighed. "Jenn and Maggie went to the playground." Robin looked down at her feet as soon as she said it. She felt bad telling on Jennifer.

"I see," Charlie said. "Stay here with Mommy, okay?"

"Yes, Daddy," Robin replied.

Charlie headed to where he remembered the playground to be and found the girls happily swinging away. Jenn looked over and saw her father, and knew she was in trouble. Slowing her swing down, she said, "Uhh, hi, Daddy."

"Let's go, Jennifer. You and I have some talking to do, young lady," Charlie said sternly.

"We were just swinging," Maggie said.

"I know that Maggie, but I told the girls to stay down the road," Charlie said.

"I don't want to play by myself! I want Jenn to stay here!" Maggie said and stamped her foot.

"That will do you no good, young lady, so I advise you to stop that right now!" Charlie said sternly. Maggie was startled, never having had a father figure in her life. "You may do as your mother has told you you can, but Jennifer is coming back to the cabin right now."

With that, Charlie took Jennifer's hand, and they headed back.

"I'm sorry," Jennifer told her Daddy. "Please don't be mad."

"Jennifer, you know better than to go off on your own like that, without permission. You know how your mother and I feel about that! Whatever possessed you to do that? " Charlie asked.

"I don't know, Daddy," Jennifer said quietly.

"That is NOT an acceptable answer, young lady, and you know it!"

Charlie marched Jennifer right into the cabin and into his bedroom. Standing her between his knees, he started his lecture. "First of all, young lady, when you are told to do something, you do it, understood?"

"Yes, sir," Jennifer answered.

"I am not sure I like Maggie's influence on you," Charlie stated.

Jennifer looked up and said, "Please, Daddy, don't say I can't play with Maggie, please?"

"Jenn, tell me what you did wrong today."

"I disobeyed you, Daddy."

"And what do little girls that disobey their Daddy get?" Charlie asked.

"Please, Daddy, I'm sorry, please don't spank me, please?" Jenn started to beg, knowing it wouldn't do her any good.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry, and I am sorry you CHOSE to disobey me, but I need you to understand that I make rules to keep you and your sister safe because I love you."

Jennifer started to cry, and knew that she couldn't talk her way out of it, but also knew that she chose to go to the swings, knowing that she would get in trouble.

"I really am sorry, Daddy."

"I know you are, baby, but we still need to do this. Come on, let's get this over with."

Charlie quickly pulled down Jennifer's shorts and panties, and put her over his knee. He began first on one cheek, then the other, and gave her ten swats on each cheek before letting her up. Jennifer was surprised to be let off that easily, but was relieved.

Charlie took her into his arms, pulled up her shorts, and whispered in her ear, "Jenn, I want you to really know and understand how loved you are."

"Yes, Daddy," Jenn answered as she hugged him hard.

"Now, young lady, I don't want to have to punish you again this vacation, is that clear?"

"I don't want you to have to, either, Daddy," Jenn smiled through her tears, and knew her daddy loved her. "I'm sorry I let you down, Daddy. I'll be good, I promise."

"Okay, little one, I don't want you to get hurt. That is my first priority, okay?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, Daddy," Jenn answered. Charlie pulled her onto his lap, and held her for another minute. As he was about to put her down, they all heard a loud crash outside the door.

Charlie dropped Jennifer down like a sack of potatoes, and ran outside. His first thought was that something had happened to either Lisa or Robin. When he and Jennifer got outside, they saw Lisa bending over something.

"What on earth was it?" Charlie asked bewildered.

Lisa moved to the side so her husband could see what she was seeing. There on the ground, lay Maggie, dirty, but not crying.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Lisa asked. "What were you doing?"

Maggie looked up at the four sets of frightened eyes, and said, "I'm okay, really, I was just, um, fooling around, I guess, and I, uh, um. . ."

"Come, let me help you up," Charlie said as he offered her his hand.

She took it and said, "Thanks, I guess I'd better go wash up before dinner."

Maggie started to walk away. She was filthy. Apparently, as far as Lisa and Charlie could figure, she must have fallen from a great height. They couldn't figure out what she had been trying to do.

Jennifer looked at her parents. "Help her, Mommy, Daddy, please!"

"She has nobody," Robin said, referring to the fact that Heather was never around.

Lisa said, "Wait. Come here, Maggie. Why don't I give you a bath?"

Maggie stopped. She turned around slowly. "What do you mean? I can wash myself."

"Come on, it'll be nice. We'll put bubbles in it. Come on," she urged Maggie.

"It's really nice, with the bubbles," Jennifer encouraged.

Charlie said, "Okay, Robin, Jenn, let's go inside."

Robin and Jennifer didn't want to leave Maggie.

"Come on," Charlie insisted.

"Hope to see you later," Robin called, as Charlie pulled them inside the cabin.

Maggie looked up at this young, pretty woman. She couldn't believe that someone else's mother wanted to help her like her mother never did. She didn't know why, but she was drawn to this family. All of a sudden, being given a bath, sounded like the best idea.

"Okay, I'll try it," Maggie tried to say reluctantly. Lisa hid her smile. She knew how much attention Maggie was needing.

At first, Maggie was reluctant to have Lisa see her naked, but soon found herself drawn to the loving care of having being given a bath. At home, Maggie just took showers. Her mom had never checked to see if she had washed behind her ears.

After her bath, Charlie and Lisa told the three girls to play quietly in the bedroom. It would be about fifteen minutes until the dinner gong.

Alone in the bedroom, Jennifer said to Maggie, "What were you doing out there, anyway?"

"Oh, nothing," Maggie said.

"No, really?" Jennifer insisted.

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk about it, Jenn," Robin said.

"Oh, Robin, you're always such a goody-goody," Jennifer said nastily.

"At least, I keep myself out of trouble most of the time," Robin shot back.

"Okay, I'll tell you, if you promise to stop fighting, and also not to tell anyone, especially your folks," Maggie said. She had gotten the twins' interest. They were both staring at her, waiting for her to go on.

"Well," she turned to Jennifer, "when I saw your father leading you away, and I remembered what you had told me earlier, I wanted to see what would happen, so, I, uh, um. . ."

"You were eavesdropping?" Robin asked.

"What's that?" Maggie asked.

"It's when you listen to someone else talking and they don't know you're there," Jennifer explained.

"Yeah, I guess, I mean, I was trying to, but I couldn't hear what your dad was saying. So, I tried to get closer. And closer to your dad's window, was getting up on top of the roof of the cabin, and. . ."

"You climbed on the roof?" Robin asked.

Maggie answered, "Yeah, but I still couldn't hear, and so I was trying to bend down closer to the window, but that's um, uh, when I fell."

Jennifer stood there wide-eyed. She couldn't believe the lengths Maggie went to, to see her punishment.


"Come on, girls, time for dinner!" Charlie called.

"Come on, let's go, I'm starving," Robin said.

"You're always hungry," Jenn said.

They got up to leave, but Maggie pulled them back. "Remember, not a word about what I did, to your parents!"

Jennifer said, "No, we won't tell, right, Robin?"

Robin agreed, "I won't say anything. Man, if Jenn or I did something like that, we'd be spanked for a long time. Come on, let's eat!"


Maggie went to dinner with the Clemente's. Heather never even showed up.

"She probably went to dinner with some of her friends. It's okay. I'm used to it," Maggie said sadly.

"So, you eat by yourself?" Lisa asked.

"Well, she doesn't usually disappear on the weekends. During the week, she has me enrolled in the camp they have here." Maggie turned to Robin and Jennifer. "Are you two going to the camp tomorrow?"

The twins looked at Charlie and Lisa. "Are we, Daddy? Mommy?"

Lisa said, "Well, if you want to go, we can sign you up. We figured you would want to stay with us, though,"

Robin said, "I want to stay with you. I like doing things as a family."

Jennifer nudged Robin under the table. "Yeah, but wouldn't it be fun to hang out with other kids our age, Robin?" Jenn said, pointing towards Maggie.

Maggie pretended not to be listening, by studying her dinner.

Charlie said, "If you girls want to, you could try it out for a week. We'll be here for two weeks, and if you don't like it, you don't have to do it next week. And Robin, we can still do things together at night, and over next weekend."

"I, actually, think you two would like it," Lisa said.

"Okay, I'll try it," Robin said.

"Cool, then it's settled. Right?" Jennifer asked.

"Yes, we'll see to it in the morning. Come on, if you're all done, let's go back. Maggie, I'm sure your mother is frantic with worry right about now," Charlie stated.

"I doubt it," Maggie said.

When they got back to the cabin, Charlie went next door and knocked. But as he suspected, there was no answer. He came back in and said, "Okay, how about a game of Monopoly?"

"Yea!" they all shouted.

"Oh, count me out, I'm never good at that one," Lisa said.

The three girls and Charlie played Monopoly for a good hour and a half. Maggie enjoyed being with the Clemente's. It made it seem to her as if she were a part of a real family. She liked how they all got along, and how Charlie would make funny little jokes, and kind of tease them, but not in a way, where anyone's feelings were hurt. Maggie was really enjoying herself.

After playing Monopoly for awhile, and Charlie deciding he'd had enough, the girls called it quits, too. Lisa let them color for a little while, and then told them to put on their pajamas.

"Maggie, why don't I come with you next door and you can put your pajamas on, too?" Lisa asked.

"Why?" Maggie asked.

"Well, your mom must have been delayed. You'll just stay here with us until she gets back," Lisa explained.

Maggie replied, "Well, usually I just watch t.v. until my mom gets home or I fall asleep."

"Well, not tonight," Charlie said, "go on, Lisa will go with you. Go put on your pajamas."

Maggie thought about defying Charlie and throwing a tantrum, but then remembered when she stomped her foot in the playground. He hadn't liked that, and said it would do her no good. So she just relented and went next door with Lisa.

Robin let Maggie sleep in the small bed with her. And after kissing each girl, Maggie included, and tucking them all in, Charlie and Lisa carefully closed the door to their bedroom. They returned to the living area.

Lisa sighed, "That poor little girl. It breaks my heart."

"I know, sweetheart, it's sad. But what can we do?" Charlie asked.

"We're already doing whatever we can do," Lisa said.


About an hour later, there was a loud knock on the door. It was Heather, finally.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you guys, but I just got home, and . . . Well, have you seen Maggie? She's not in the cabin, and. . ."

Charlie cut Heather off. "Come with me!" He led her to his daughter's bedroom, and carefully opened the door. There was just enough light for Heather to see that Maggie was sound asleep in Robin's small bed.

Heather tried to go into the room, but Charlie held her back. He nudged her away from the door, and closed it. Then he gently pushed Heather back into the main room.

Heather said, "I was just going to take Maggie with me."

"I don't think so, Heather. It's real late, she's sound asleep. You can see her in the morning," Charlie said.

"In the morning? What. . .! That's my daughter, you can't. . ."

"Your daughter? Did you think about your daughter at 5:30, when she lay on the ground, after having fallen down, or at 6:00, when the gong sounded for dinner, or at 9:00 when she was falling asleep coloring? MY GOD, HEATHER, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Charlie shouted.

Lisa went over to her husband. "Charlie, calm down, you'll wake the girls!"

She turned to Heather, "Heather, have you been drinking?"

"What if I have?" Heather told Lisa, "Goodness, you are NOT my mother! I really haven't had THAT much to drink anyway!"

Charlie and Lisa saw that Heather was not quite steady on her feet, and was slurring her words a bit, and realized that arguing with her would be useless.

"Why don't you just go home and get some sleep, and we will see you first thing in the morning, okay?" Charlie asked her.

"OKay, sounds like a plan," Heather replied flippantly. Charlie and Lisa watched her go back to her cabin sadly.

"That is one hurting young lady", Lisa said.

Charlie was slowly simmering, and was not ready to excuse Heather just yet. "What I think that young lady needs is a wake up call to the fact that she is a mother, and has responsibilities. No wonder Maggie tries so hard to get attention. And, while we are talking about this, I can only conclude that she was on the roof! There is no other place she could have fallen from. Did you see any bruises on her during her bath?"

"No, but they wouldn't really show till tomorrow. I will see if I can sneak a peak at her and check her out. I think she likes us and the attention, but remember Charlie, all this is new to her. She is confused and doesn't know how to respond to us. Don't think she will respond like our girls do," Lisa cautioned. Charlie sighed, and said, "Of course my love, you are right. But know what?"

"What?" she asked.

"I think it is time to forget about little girls, and get into bed, and be adults. What do you say?" Charlie asked mischievously.

Lisa smiled broadly, wrapped her arms around Charlie's neck, and purred like a kitten. "Whatever you say, Dear," she replied happily.



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