Change of Scenery-chapter 9
by SamPast and Huggedlots
Copyright (c) 1999


As soon as the door closed, Jennifer and Robin were all over Charlie, asking what special thing he had planned. Lisa chuckled and went into the kitchen to start making dinner.

"Daddy, please tell us!" Jenn said.

"Yeah, Daddy, we can't wait!" Robin shrieked.

Charlie looked at Lisa and then said, "Well, I thought we could go into Manhattan and see the store windows."

Lisa looked at Charlie to see if he was kidding. He wasn't.

"Oh, yes, Daddy, yes, we want to," both twins screamed.

"Wouldn't you want to wait until a day when Maggie could come, too?" Lisa asked, with her fingers crossed behind her back. She thought her husband was crazy. It was the weekend after Thanksgiving and everyone would be in the city, then.

The twins paused. They would like their friend to come. But this was a really special thing. Did they want to give it up?

"Wellllll, I don't know," Robin replied.

"Yeah, it would be fun if Maggie were there. But it would be nice for just our family to do something. No, let's go tomorrow!" Jenn decided.

"Yeah," Robin agreed.

Lisa looked at Charlie. Charlie stated, "Well, I guess it's settled then."

"Wonderful," Lisa said fliply.

The next morning, the girls were up early, excited about going to the city. Lisa made them breakfast and they dressed warmly.

"Do I have to wear a sweater, too?" Robin whined.

Lisa replied, "Robin, if you start the day whining, we won't even go."

"Sorry, Mommy," Robin said.

"It's going to be very cold today. And we are going to be doing a lot of walking. I want you bundled up," Lisa stated.

Charlie and Lisa made sure both girls used the bathroom. Lisa brought a change of clothes for Jennifer; just in case. Then they drove their car to the Merrick station and parked in the lot. Charlie went in and bought their train tickets.

The girls were excited. It had been awhile since the family went into Manhattan. The last time had been over the summer when they had seen a concert at Central Park.

On the Long Island Railroad, the girls sat facing their parents. They liked the sensation of riding backwards. They began jumping up and down on the seats. Charlie gave them several warning looks, but when they wouldn't stop, he reached over and swatted their legs.

"Oh, Daddy!" Robin cried.

"Daddy, that hurt!" Jennifer shrieked.

Charlie said very calmly, "It was supposed to hurt. Now, listen, you two, this is a special treat. I don't want you to ruin it with any bad behavior. If I have to spank you today, you will be two very sorry little girls. Do I make myself clear?"

Both girls nodded and said, "Yes, Daddy."

Then they settled back in their seats while Lisa read to them from a book she brought along. Robin fell asleep, and Jennifer moved to sit with her parents. She cuddled against them while they talked.

"So, what do you think?" Lisa asked Charlie.

"I think it's very possible," Charlie replied.

Jennifer thought her parents must be talking in code. She couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"What's possible?" Jenn asked.

Lisa looked at Charlie. He nodded.

"We think Uncle Bob might really like Heather. And we were wondering if they might end up together," Lisa said.

Jennifer tried to hide her smile. "Really? That would be cool."

"Yeah, then Maggie would be your cousin," Charlie stated.

Lisa frowned. "Oh, great, then the three of them would be forever getting into trouble, together."

All three of them laughed.

Finally, the conductor announced that they were pulling into Penn Station. Robin woke up and went to sit in Charlie's lap. She was a little dopey from her nap. When the train stopped, Robin wanted Charlie to carry her.

Charlie carried Robin off the train. But when they got inside Penn Station, he went to put her down.

"No, Daddy," Robin cried, holding onto his leg.

Charlie pulled Robin's hands from his leg. "Robin, we are in the city now. Mommy told you that we would be doing a lot of walking. You are too big for me to carry around. Now tell me right now if you want to turn around and go home!"

Jennifer stared at Robin. She would kill her if she ruined the day for them.

"No. I'm okay," Robin said.

"Okay, let's go, then. I want you to each hold either mine or Mommy's hand," Charlie ordered.

The girls did as they were told. They knew they were too close to having a fun day to ruin it at the beginning.

The family took the E train to 53rd Street and Lexington Ave. Then they walked down to 5th Avenue. They looked in all the store windows. Macy's had the most beautiful decorations of all the stores.

Charlie put Jennifer on top of his shoulders so she could see better. Then it was Robin's turn. They were amazed at how each window had a different scene. Even though the family did not celebrate Christmas, the twins could picture themselves in each little room.

After awhile, Lisa announced, "Boy, I'm getting hungry. How about you?"

Robin said, "Yea, me, too!"

"You're always hungry, Robin," Jenn teased.

"I am not!" Robin said, taking what Jennifer said personally.

Jennifer sighed. "I was just kidding, Robin. Don't take it so hard!"

"ENOUGH, girls!" Charlie declared. "Let's go find some lunch!"

They ended up at Bennigan's at 59th Street and 5th Avenue, right by F.A.O. Shwartz.

"Oooh, Mommy, Daddy! A toy store!" Robin called.

Jenn pointed and yelled, "Can we go?"

Lisa sighed. "If you both eat a good lunch, we'll take you in."

"Goody!" "Yay!"

Robin ordered a cheeseburger and Jennifer got chicken fingers from the children's menu. Both girls were allowed to get a soda. They thought they'd be fancy and each got a Shirley Temple.

After four bites of her burger, Robin announced she was full. Jennifer said the same thing.

Charlie looked at their plates. "If you want to go to the toy store, you have to eat more than that. Robin, take five more bites; big bites. And Jennifer, you have to eat at least four of those pieces."

"Five more? Daddy, do I have to?" Robin whined.

Lisa leaned in close to Robin and whispered, "I thought I told you this morning that there would be no whining, young lady. You will be very embarrassed if I have to take you into the bathroom and spank you."

Charlie heard what his wife said, and whispered, "And if Mommy has to spank you, here, in the city, you will get another spanking when we get home. From me. Do you understand, little girl?"

Robin nodded and pushed away a tear from her eye. Jennifer had heard what both parents said, and kept her mouth shut. She was full, but she didn't want a spanking. Finally, not thinking she could eat one more bite, she put her chicken finger down and said, "I'm full."

Counting the pieces left on Jennifer's plate, Charlie announced, "Well, then I guess you didn't want to go to F.A.O. Schwartz after all."

It was Robin's turn to stare at Jennifer. She wanted to go into that giant toy store so badly. Jennifer grabbed the fourth chicken finger and stuffed it into her mouth. It took her awhile to chew it, but she finally finished.

"There," she said. Robin laughed.

While Charlie paid the check, Lisa took both girls to the bathroom. Then they walked up to F.A.O. Shwartz. Since there were so many people that wanted to go in, they had to stand on line.

"Maybe we should just come back another day," Charlie said thoughtfully.

"No, Daddy, No!" Robin shouted.

Jennifer screamed, "I stuffed all that chicken in, Daddy!"

Lisa laughed, "She's right, honey, we promised!"

Charlie laughed, too. "Okay, okay. Now girls, remember what we call this store!"

"The toy museum!" Jennifer shouted. That was because you could look, but you couldn't touch, and you definitely couldn't buy!

They were finally let into the store. It was amazing! Even Charlie was astonished by all the sights, colors, and sounds. The four of them had fun stepping and dancing on this giant piano on the floor. Each time they stepped on a key, they could hear the sound it made. The girls squealed with joy.

When they got to the Barbie section, Lisa crossed her fingers. She whispered to Charlie, "Here's the hard part, making it out of this area without buying anything."

"Well, it's a museum," Charlie chuckled.

"I want that, and that, and that, and that," Robin said as they passed each item.

Charlie was amazed at all the accessories that Barbie came with these days. "She owns more things than we do!" he said to Lisa.

"OOh, Robin, look at that!" Jenn pointed.

It was the Barbie dreamhouse, complete with a swimming pool that you could fill with real water.

"Oh, my god, I want that! I have to have that! Mommy! Daddy! Please get that!" Robin screamed.

"Not today, sweetie, come on, let's go!" Lisa said while trying to pull Robin away from the dreamhouse.

"NO! I WANT IT!" she shouted.

"ROBIN!" her father yelled.

"Please, pleeeeeaaaase! I NEED IT!" Robin cried.

"You don't need it, Robin, now let's go!" Charlie called.

He and Lisa started to walk away, with Jennifer in tow. When they saw that Robin was not following, they turned around. Lisa grabbed her hand and told her to come.

"NO! Mommy! Daddy! Please! I want it!" Robin screamed again.

Charlie looked around. Several people were staring at this little girl who was starting to throw a fit. Very calmly, he said, "Robin, it is time to go now. Take my hand, and let's go!"

"NO! I NEED THAT!" Robin cried, and threw herself on the floor.

Jennifer went over to her and said, "Robin! Mommy and Daddy are getting mad. Come on, let's go!" She tried to pull Robin up, but she would not budge.

Finally, Charlie went over and peeled Robin off the floor. Through clenched teeth, he said, "You do NOT NEED a Barbie dreamhouse! What you NEED, young lady, is a good spanking!"

He picked Robin up and carried her over his shoulder, right out of the store. Lisa and Jennifer walked around a little more, and then met Robin and Charlie outside. They were sitting on a bench. Robin was still over Charlie's shoulder, screaming and crying.

Lisa asked Charlie if he had spanked her. "I didn't even touch her, Lisa. She is still screaming that she wants a Barbie dreamhouse!" he replied.

Lisa took Robin from her husband and sat her in her lap, facing her. "Look at me, young lady, enough is enough! You need to calm down. You're going to make yourself sick!"

Robin sobbed and gulped. Charlie took out his handkerchief and handed it to Lisa. She wiped away Robin's tears and tried to dry her face.

"Now, you knew going in that we weren't going to buy anything. I know you know better than to act up like that, Robin. Now, because of your behavior, we are going to call it a day!" Lisa said.

Jennifer started to protest, but Lisa held up her hand. "No, Jenn, I don't want to hear it!"

Charlie leaned over to Robin and said, "And, young lady, you will get a spanking when we get home!"

"NO! Daddddeeee, pleeeeeeease! No, I want the dreamhouse, please! Mommy, I need it!" Robin shrieked.

"Enough, Robin! Now calm down!" Lisa screamed.

"Oooh, Mommy, Daddy, look, a clown," Jennifer said, pointing.

Charlie and Lisa looked over to where their daughter had pointed. On the street corner, they saw a man doing magic tricks, a clown, and a few street performers.

"Can we go see?" Jennifer asked politely, "Please?"

Lisa gave Charlie a look that said 'give her a break, she was good today'.

"Okay, you two go ahead," he said, taking Robin back from Lisa. Charlie put Robin back against his shoulder. Lisa took Jennifer's hand and walked to where the people were performing.

Robin continued to cry against her daddy's shoulder. After a few minutes, her crying turned to sobbing, and then to a few sniffles. Charlie pulled her away from his chest, and wiped her face with his handkerchief.

"That was quite a cry you had, little girl!" Charlie said frowning.

Robin looked up at her father. "I'm sorry, Daddy," she sobbed.

"Do you know what you're sorry for?" he asked.

Robin nodded her head. "I'm sorry I yelled, Daddy."

"Yelled? You're sorry you yelled?" Charlie said harshly.

Robin began to cry again. "I don't think we're ready to discuss this yet. When you have completely calmed down, we will talk. Come, let's go!" Charlie said.

He put Robin down on the ground, took her hand, and met Lisa and Jennifer at the corner. Jennifer was laughing and so was Lisa. Charlie let Robin watch for a few minutes. When the street performers passed their hats around to collect donations, Charlie gave each of the twins a quarter to drop in the hat.

When the crowd dispersed, Charlie said to Lisa, "Why don't we walk across to the park? We'll be able to get a cab going the right way over there."

While they waited for a cab, the twins saw a Mounted Policeman. "Ooh, look a horse!" Jennifer said.

The police officer got down off his horse and started talking to the twins. He even let them pet the horse. He told them his horse's name was Brownie. The girls laughed. Charlie was glad to see both girls smiling. He knew it would be a long, difficult afternoon with Robin.

Charlie successfully hailed a cab, and the girls waved goodbye to the policeman and Brownie. Getting into the back seat, Jennifer said, "That was cool!"

They talked a little on the short ride back to Penn Station. Once there, Lisa took both girls to the bathroom and got them something to eat and drink. Then they got on the train to go back home.

Jennifer fell asleep pretty quickly. Even though they had cut their day short, it had still been a long day. They had done a lot of walking around. Charlie looked at his watch. It was already 4:00. They probably wouldn't have stayed much longer.

Charlie looked at Robin. "Are you ready to talk now? Or do you want to wait until we get home?" he asked her.

"I'm ready," she replied.

"Well?" Charlie asked.

Robin took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for screaming in the store, Daddy!"

Lisa sighed. "Do you know why that was wrong, Robin?"

"Yes, Mommy, I shouldn't have screamed inside the store," Robin replied.

Charlie said, "You did more than scream, Robin. You threw a fit! And that is completely unacceptable. Do you understand me?"

Robin began to cry. She nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Daddy, I'm sorry, Mommy!"

"Well, Robin, I don't think 'sorry' is good enough. You are much too big to act the way you did. There were children much younger than you in that store, behaving much better than you were. Can you explain that?" Charlie asked.

This time Robin shook her head from side to side. "I don't know why," she cried, "I just saw that dreamhouse and I wanted it!"

"But what did we tell you before we went into the store?" Lisa asked.

"That it was a museum. And we weren't gonna buy anything," Robin stated.

"So, we don't understand why you threw that fit, young lady," Charlie spoke.

Robin took a deep breath. "I guess I was just acting like a big baby! I'm really sorry! I just wanted the dream house!" Robin began to cry again.

Charlie was angry. He felt that Robin was crying because she reminded herself that she didn't get to buy the Barbie dreamhouse. Lisa sighed.

"Look at me, Robin," Lisa said. She waited until her daughter looked at her. Then she continued, "It is almost Chanukah time. I'm not saying that you will definitely get this toy, but it is something to think about and look forward to. We told you we weren't going to buy anything in that store today. Now you said you acted like a big baby. But you're not a baby, and we expect you to act your age! We were very disappointed in your behavior today, young lady. And when we get home, you are going to be punished. Now, I want you to close your eyes and think about that for the rest of the trip home."

Robin began to cry again. But one look at her mother told her she had better close her eyes and do what Lisa said.

Charlie took Lisa's hand and squeezed it. He had been very proud of her little speech.

Finally, the train pulled into Merrick. Both girls were asleep. Charlie picked up Jennifer and Lisa picked up Robin. They carried the girls to the car. Neither of them even woke up. When they got back to the apartment, Charlie carried Jennifer up and put her into bed. Then he went back and did the same with Robin.

Lisa went in and put a pair of pantsies on Jennifer. She was so proud of Jennifer for not having any accidents the whole day in the city. Then Lisa went and sat in the den with Charlie. They were exhausted, as well.

A little while later, Robin woke up and went to find her parents. When she found them in the den, she went over to her father and gave him a big hug. Then she hugged Lisa. She was crying.

Lisa pulled Robin into her lap. "What's the matter, sweetheart? Did you have a bad dream?"

Robin nodded. "Tell us about it, honey," Charlie said.

"I dreamed, I dreamt that we were in the toy store, and I was screaming, and a big man came and took me away, and you let him because you were mad at me!" Robin cried.

Charlie pulled Robin to him and held her tight. He wiped a tear away from his own eye. Robin was now sitting half on Lisa's lap and half on Charlie's. Both of them hugged her and shushed her and comforted her. Finally, when Robin had calmed down a bit, Charlie moved her so that she could see his face.

"Honey, I'm sorry you had such a terrible dream. You know that Mommy and I would never let a big man or anyone take you away. You know that, don't you?" Charlie asked.

"Uh huh, I know, but it felt so real," Robin sobbed.

"Well, it wasn't. It's over now. So don't worry about it," Lisa said. "Okay?"

Robin nodded. She seemed relieved.

"But, you are still going to be punished for your behavior in the store today!" Charlie said sternly.

"I know," Robin said.

"Well, let's go do it right now, then. Come on!" Charlie took Robin's hand and led her to his bedroom.

Once there, he sat on his dressing chair and put Robin in front of him. "Tell me why you are going to be punished."

Robin took a deep breath. "Because I had a fit in the store today. I was bad!" she replied.

Charlie put his hands on Robin's shoulders and said, "NO! YOU were not bad. Your behavior was bad. Do you understand that, honey?"

"Yes, Daddy, that's what I meant," she said.

"Okay, as long as you understand the difference. Okay, now promise me you will not act up like that again. We will not tolerate behavior like that!" Charlie exclaimed.

"I promise, Daddy, I won't do it again!" Robin replied.

And Charlie believed her. Then he pulled down her pants and panties and lifted her up. He positioned her across his lap. He began to spank her, alternating cheeks. Charlie spanked Robin over and over again, until she was sobbing. After about two dozen spanks, and taking into consideration all the grief she had undergone, Charlie stopped.

He stood her up and pulled her to him. He gave her a big hug.

"I love you, sweetheart. Don't ever forget that!" Charlie informed her.

Then he reached down, pulled up her panties and pants, took her hand and led her out of the room. They waited until Jennifer woke up, and then had dinner. They couldn't wait to hear about Heather and Maggie's day with Bob.

to be continued...


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