Change of Scenery-chapter 5
by SamPast and Huggedlots
Copyright (c) 1999


An hour later, Jennifer woke up. She looked around, trying to remember what time it was, and why she was in her bed. She felt wet, and the pain in her bottom reminded her about the morning. "Oh, yeah, now I remember," she thought to herself.

She got up and wandered around the house looking for her mother. She found Lisa sitting on the couch in the den, reading. Robin was on the floor working on a puzzle.

"Hey, Sleepyhead, did you have a nice nap?" Lisa asked.

Jenn didn't answer. She was still half-asleep. She just went to Lisa and let her mother cradle her in her arms. They sat that way for awhile: Lisa holding Jenn and she just cuddling against her mother.

Then Lisa heard Jennifer softly sobbing. "What is it, baby?" she asked.

"I'm so sorry, Mommy. I disobeyed you. I was really bad," Jenn sobbed.

Lisa pushed Jenn up and turned her around so that she was looking into her eyes. "Listen to me, young lady, YOU are not bad. Your behavior was bad. We've talked about this before. Do you understand the difference?" Lisa asked sternly.

"Yes, Mommy, I'm sorry," Jenn said quietly.

Lisa sighed. "It's okay, honey. I just don't want you thinking you're bad. Now, how 'bout we go change you and get you some lunch? It's getting late." She stood Jennifer up, then turned to Robin and said, "Robin, please go get Maggie up so they can have their lunch."

Robin got up reluctantly. So far, Jenn hadn't said anything, but Robin still felt bad about telling on them. She didn't want to face Maggie. She walked down the hall to her parents' bedroom. She opened the door and was surprised to see Maggie awake.

"Hey!" Robin said. "Hey!" Maggie said back.

"My mom said it was time to get up and have lunch," Robin said and then turned away.

"Okay," Maggie answered. She got up and went over to the mirror near where Robin was standing.

Robin wouldn't look at her. "Hey, what's the matter?" Maggie asked.

"Nothing, forget it," said Robin.

"Why won't you look at me?" Maggie asked impatiently.

"Because I feel bad that I told on you," Robin replied.

"You told? So that's how Aunt Lisa found us in the basement? Why would you do that, Robin?" Maggie asked.

"I had to," Robin said impatiently. "My mom said I'd be in as much trouble as you if I didn't."

Robin walked out of the room, towards the kitchen. Maggie followed. "So you just snitched on us?"

Jenn came out of her bedroom and could feel the animosity in the room. "What's going on?"

"Robin just told me that she told on us. That's how your mom found us in the basement," Maggie uttered.

Jennifer turned on Robin. "YOU TOLD?"

"I had to, Jenn! Mommy said if I didn't I would be in big trouble, too," Robin tried hard to explain.

"You couldn't just lie? You couldn't just say that you didn't know where we were. I mean you were at Caroline's! You could have just said you didn't know where we were because you were at Caroline's!" Jenn shouted.

"That's enough!" Lisa said walking into the kitchen.

All the girls stopped and stared at Lisa. Jenn looked down. She knew her mother had heard her trying to convince Robin to lie.

"What Robin did, was the right thing," Lisa said as she turned to face Jennifer and Maggie. "What you two did, was the wrong thing, and you know it. What if Robin didn't tell me and something happened to the two of you? I don't even want to think about it. Now, the case is settled. Sit down and have your lunch before it's dinnertime."

The rest of the afternoon passed slowly. Maggie and Jennifer were punished, and couldn't go anywhere. Therefore, they were bored. Robin was bored, too, and Maggie and Jennifer were ignoring her. No one was happy. Lisa was getting aggravated looking at three gloomy faces.

"All right, that's it. I want you all outside," she said to them.

Maggie and Jennifer jumped up. "You mean it?" Jenn asked.

"Yes, but you have to be friends with Robin again, or you can't go," Lisa said sharply.

Maggie looked at Jennifer and Jenn looked at Maggie. "Um, okay," Maggie agreed.

Jenn touched Maggie's arm. "But- - - ?" Maggie shrugged it off. "It's okay, come on, Robin, let's go outside."

Robin was happy. Even if Jenn wasn't ready to forgive her, Maggie was. They all put on their coats and headed for the door.

"You can go to the playground downstairs, and that's it!" Lisa demanded. "If I come down there and you are not where you are supposed to be, then. . ."

"No, that's okay, Aunt Lisa, you don't have to finish the sentence, we know," Maggie said, as she rubbed her bottom.

"Okay, girls, have fun. And behave yourselves!" Lisa called after them.

They took the elevator down. Maggie mouthed to Jennifer, "Don't worry, I have a plan."

As soon as they got to the lobby, they pushed open the back doors and ran out to the playground. It was pretty empty. Robin ran straight to the swings. Jennifer started to run, but Maggie held her back.

"Come on, let's go plot our revenge," Maggie said quietly.

Maggie led Jenn to the monkey bars. They both got up on the top monkey bar and looked out at Robin on the swings. Robin was talking to a little girl, and swinging happily. She had no idea that her sister and friend were plotting against her.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Jenn.

"I don't know. But it has to be something good. We have to get her to do something that she knows is wrong, and then get her into trouble," Maggie replied.

"Umm, I don't know about this," Jenn said reluctantly. "What did you have in mind?"

Maggie looked around. She saw the pool covered up on the other side of the fence.

"Hmmm, what if we dared Robin to hop that fence and run around the pool?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, right, what are you, crazy? Robin wouldn't do that. She knows better than to go near an empty pool!" Jenn stated.

"Exactly," Maggie said. "Come on, let's tell her."

Maggie jumped down from the monkey bars and started running in Robin's direction. Jennifer caught up to her, and grabbed her arm.

"Wait. I don't think this is such a good idea, Maggie. Robin might get hurt. She doesn't even know how to hop a fence," Jennifer said.

"So? We'll show her. You want to get back at her for telling on us, don't you?" Maggie egged her on.

"Yeah, but. . . Can't we find another way?" Jenn asked.

"No, this is it. It's perfect. And if we time it right, your mom will catch her doing it, and we won't even have to snitch on her," Maggie laughed.

Jennifer knew it was wrong, but kept her mouth shut. She felt torn between doing the right thing, and Maggie being mad at her, or letting her sister do something dangerous.

Jenn caught up to Maggie. She was standing and talking to Robin by the swings.

"Hey, Robin, you know we're still mad at you. We only told your mom that we forgave you so we could come outside," Maggie teased.

"Oh," Robin said quietly.

"But, if you want us to be your friends again, you have to prove to us that you are worthy of our friendship," Maggie said.

"What's that mean?" Robin asked. She looked at Jenn. Jennifer wouldn't meet her gaze.

Maggie answered, "It means, that you have to do something that you don't want to do, and then we'll trust you again."

"I don't get it," Robin replied honestly.

Maggie pointed. "You see that fence over there? We want you to climb it, and then run around the pool three times, and then hop back over."

"Yeah, right!
No, really?" Robin asked.

"Really. Right, Jenn?" Maggie nudged Jennifer. She said, "Uh, yeah."

"Well, I won't do it. Give me a break. I'm not getting into trouble. Why do you think I didn't go down with you to the basement in the first place?" Robin asked.

"You won't get into trouble. That's the beauty of it. You just do it. We don't mention it. And then you'll be forgiven," Maggie said.

"But I don't understand. Why would me doing something wrong make you forgive me?" Robin asked.

"Just because," Maggie said. "Now, if you don't do it, we'll tell your mother that you did, and you'll be spanked."

"Wait a minute!" Robin yelled. "If I do it, you won't say anything, and you'll be my friend again. But if I don't do it, you'll tell that I did?"

"Yep!" Maggie said.

Now Robin was torn. She didn't want to do it, but she also didn't want a spanking. And she knew how persuasive Maggie could be. If Maggie told her mom that she did something, and had Jennifer to back her up, then Lisa would never believe HER! But she also knew it was wrong to go near the pool.

Robin started to cry. "Please don't do this, Maggie! Jenn!"

Jennifer turned away. Her anger had subsided, and she felt bad hurting her sister. "Okay, forget it!" Jenn said.

"NO! Do it now, Robin!" Maggie said.

"Maggie!" Jenn said.

"Fine, don't do it. And fine, Jenn, be her friend again. I don't care. In fact, maybe both of you should do it. Yeah, that's it. If you don't both do it, I'll tell on both of you!" Maggie shouted.

"Why are you being this way, Maggie?" Robin asked.

"You two are the only real friends I've ever had! And if you don't want to prove it to me, then fine!" Maggie shouted.

She had totally lost it. Now all three girls were crying. None of them knew what had just happened.

"This is so silly. Let's just forget this," Jenn said, trying to be the peacemaker.

"I know. Let's all three do it," Maggie suggested.

"What? Are you crazy?" Robin asked.

"Yeah. Let's do it. All three of us will hop the fence, run around the pool three times and then hop back over. Then we'll all keep our mouths shut. And we'll be the best of friends, again," Maggie replied.

Robin and Jenn just looked at each other. They both thought Maggie was crazy, but knew she would not back down. They wanted to prove to her that they were her friends, so they reluctantly agreed to it.

All three walked slowly over to the fence. There was a big sign in front of it that said, "Pool Closed. No trespassing."

"Um, I don't know about this," Robin said. "Me, neither," said Jenn.

"Oh, don't be such scaredy cats. Come on, I'll do it first," Maggie said.

And before they could stop her, Maggie had climbed up and over and was running around the pool. "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Maggie yelled each time she passed the twins. And before they knew it, Maggie was back over to their side.

"See? It was easy," she said, a little out of breath. "Okay, who's next?"

The twins looked at each other. Neither wanted to be next. Finally, Jennifer said, "Okay, I guess me. Help me up!"

Robin and Maggie helped Jenn up and then soon she was over the fence. She ran around the pool really fast. More because she was scared to death of being caught. Before she knew it, the three times were finished, and she was back on the other side, safe.

Now it was Robin's turn. She knew she had to do it. Reluctantly, she let Maggie and Jenn help her up the fence. She was scared to death. Then she ran around three times. She actually felt better. She felt older and freer. As she was coming back down the fence, she felt big hands on her.


Uh-oh, it was her father. Charlie pulled Robin down from the top of the fence. She looked down at the ground.

"Look at me, young lady. WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING JUST NOW?" he roared.

"Uh, um, uh, I'm sorry, Dadddddeeeee!" Robin sobbed.

Charlie looked at the other two girls. "What's going on here? How could you let Robin do that?"

Before they could say a word, Robin said, "They tried to stop me, Daddy, but I did it anyway. It was a dare!"

Maggie and Jenn were speechless. They truly forgave her now. She had sacrificed herself for them. When they were in the elevator on the way up, Robin wouldn't let them say they had done it, too. She knew they had already been punished once today, and it was because of her. She would take this to her grave.

When they got to their apartment, Charlie opened the door and led the three girls in. Lisa looked up from the dinner she was preparing. She was surprised to see her husband.

"Honey, what are you doing home so early?" Lisa said as she kissed him.

Charlie said, "When we were on the phone and you told me the girls were in the playground, I thought I'd knock off early and go and surprise them, maybe play with them outside for a little bit. Well, everyone was surprised, that's for sure."

Then he turned to Robin and said, "YOU. Go wait for me in your room. I want you on your bed, and nowhere else, is that CLEAR?" Charlie gave her a good smack on the rear end and sent her on her way.

Lisa looked after Robin, then turned to Charlie, "Uh-oh, what was that all about?"

"Well, I told you we were all surprised? Well, when I got to where these two," he motioned Jennifer and Maggie, who hadn't said a word since they walked in to the apartment, "were standing, I looked through the gate and saw Robin running around the pool. Then she climbed up one side and down the other side and that's when I caught her. Literally."

Lisa turned her face up, "What was she doing by the pool? Isn't it closed and covered over?"

"Of course it is," Charle stated.

"Do you two know anything about this?" Lisa asked.

"We, um, uh, we. . ." Jenn began.

Maggie cut her off. "No, we were playing and then we saw Robin go over the fence. We got there right before Uncle Charlie."

"I thought Robin told me you tried to stop her," Charlie pondered.

"Uh, yeah, that's what I meant. I mean, we tried to get her to come back, but it was after she had already done it," Maggie declared.

"Is that what happened, Jennifer?" Lisa asked.

Maggie stared at Jenn. "Yes, Mommy," Jennifer said quietly.

"Well, let's get to the bottom of this," Charlie said, as he took Lisa's hand. Together they went to the twins' room.

"I can't believe I just lied to them," Jenn said.

"Well, you know the alternative, don't you? And anyway, Robin didn't want us to admit we had done it, too. She would have said it, she would have told on us right away. She was saving us," Maggie explained.

"Yeah, but, I should tell. . ." Jenn began.

"NO! You can't. Not now. Then we'd all be in trouble for lying. Right now, Robin's gonna get it. You heard what your dad said, 'he wants to get to the bottom of this'. He meant Robin's bottom," Maggie expressed thoughtfully.

"I know, that's why I should tell the truth. I feel bad," Jennifer said.

"Come on, let's see if we can hear what's going on," Maggie said, as she went over to the twins' door and pressed her ear against it.

Inside, Charlie and Lisa were sitting on Jennifer's bed, facing Robin. She was sitting on her bed, staring at the carpet.

"Look at us, young lady!" Charlie declared.

Robin looked up. "Yes, Daddy?"

"Robin, we need you to tell us what you were doing on the other side of that gate! The pool is closed for the season. You could have been hurt!" Lisa cried.

"What were you doing?" Charlie repeated.

"I told you, Daddy, it was a dare!" Robin replied.

"A dare? Who dared you to do that?" Lisa asked.

"It was, it was, just this boy. You don't know him," Robin said.

"A boy?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah, I don't know his name. I've seen him around, but I don't think he lives here," Robin continued to lie.

"Why were you talking to this boy? Why weren't you playing with your sister and Maggie?" Lisa asked. She didn't understand, and wanted to get to the bottom of this situation.

"I think they were still a little mad at me. But I didn't care. I went on the swings. And I talked to some of the kids there, and. . . "

"Why was Jennifer and Maggie mad at you?" Charlie asked.

"Um, because, well, . . ." Robin didn't know where to begin.

"Robin told on them this morning and they both got spankings. We'll talk about that later, hon," Lisa told Charlie.

"I see. Okay, let's get back to this. Tell me what this boy said to you," Charlie inquired.

And the conversation went on like that for awhile. Charlie and Lisa were asking detailed questions and Robin was making it up as she went along. Maggie was impressed.

"Hey, she's good. I didn't know she had it in her," Maggie said.

"Come on. Let's go to the den and watch t.v. I don't want Mommy or Daddy finding us out here listening," Jenn said as she pulled Maggie away from the door.

Back inside, Charlie said, "Well, I still don't understand, young lady. You know that what you did was wrong, but you did it anyway. And you WILL be punished."

"Yes, Daddy," Robin said.

Lisa left the room. She went back to the kitchen to continue preparing dinner.

Charlie told Robin to come to him. She went and stood in front of her father. "Tell me why you are being punished, little girl!"

"Because I went over the fence and near the pool which is closed," Robin said. "I'm sorry, Daddy, I won't do it again!"

"No you won't! You had better not! Or you will find yourself right where you are right now. Let's go!" he ordered.

Then he pulled her pants and panties down to her ankles and pulled her over his lap. He began to spank hard and fast, alternating cheeks as he hit. He spanked over and over again, until Robin was hysterically sobbing and her bottom was numb from the pain.

Finally, when Charlie knew she had had enough, he stood her up, and hugged her. "Robin, you know that I love you very much, don't you?" he asked. She nodded. "And your mother and I always want you to be safe. I don't ever want to see you doing something so dangerous again. I don't care if it is a dare. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Daddy, I'm sorry!" Robin sobbed.

"Okay, I know you are. You just rest here for a little while until dinner. I love you, sweetheart," Charlie said as he kissed her on her forehead. Then he left the room.

He went into the den, where Maggie and Jenn were watching t.v.

"So, tell me about this morning," Charlie said.

The girls reluctantly told them what they had done that morning in the basement. Charlie, of course, was shocked and surprised, and told them they were lucky they had been punished already. After a while, they asked if they could go see Robin.

"Okay, and then you can help set the table for dinner. Maggie, your mom should be here, too, any minute," Charlie said.

The girls went into the bedroom, and found Robin laying on her stomach on her bed.

"Hey!" Maggie said.

"Hi!" Robin answered.

Jenn put her arm around her sister. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just a little sore. You know how that is," Robin replied.

"Yeah, I do. Why did you do that, Robin? Why didn't you just tell on us?" Jennifer asked.

"Just consider it a present. Let's just drop it, all right?" Robin smiled.

"No, I think I should tell Mommy and Daddy the truth," Jennifer started to get up.

"NO, Jennifer! You can't. Now sit down. We have plans to make. Halloween is coming up. And then Thanksgiving. And we have a lot of planning to do before then!" Robin stated.

Maggie and Jenn just smiled.

to be continued...

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