NB: Cradle Time-chapter 7 (M/f)
Copyright © 2000

by SamPast and Huggedlots


It was moving day, for Maggie, Heather, and Bob. They hated leaving their two-bedroom apartment in Brookville, but they knew in a few more short months, there would be a new baby who would need its own room.

Saying good-bye to Mrs. Warner was difficult for Maggie, but Bob promised her they would visit often. Heather and Bob had found a five-bedroom colonial in Rockville Centre. It was a little out of their price range, but Heather had fallen in love with it the moment she laid eyes on it. And Bob was too much in love with Heather to say no. So they bought it.

Maggie loved the new house. And she loved the fact that they would now only be fifteen minutes away from Robin and Jennifer, instead of twenty-five to thirty, (depending on traffic, of course.)

Bob sent Heather and Maggie to spend the day with Charlie and Lisa. All he needed was a ten-year-old and six-month pregnant woman underfoot of movers all day. He told her he would call when everything was settled. Heather understood, but still panicked at the thought of having to unpack all those boxes and set everything up.

She was feeling much better these days, now that her first trimester was over. In fact, her second trimester was almost over, and it had been going fine. She barely felt pregnant at all. Heather was due in February, which was only three months away. She was getting very excited about the prospect of holding her and Bob's baby in her hands. They had started thinking of baby names, but hadn't chosen one set yet.

Bob surprised Heather later that day when he brought her home. It had taken most of the day and part of the night, but he had done it. He had hired people to come in and unpack all the boxes. Sure, Heather would still want to put things in certain places, but most of the hard labor was done.

Heather was so excited, she just cried. Bob was instantly alarmed. Had he not done the right thing?

"What's wrong, sweetie? Don't you like it?" Bob asked.

"Oh, Bob, I love it!" Heather said, looking around. She couldn't believe how much of the work was done. She gave Bob a big hug and a kiss.

Maggie danced around her new room, which was twice as big as her old room. "Oh, Daddy, it's so nice. I love this color." Bob had had the room painted aqua, which was Maggie's new favorite color. It had a dark blue rug, and shelves for Maggie to put up all her toys and stuffed animals.

"Can I arrange them all now?" Maggie asked hopefully.

But Bob shook his head. He looked at his watch. "No, Maggs, it's 10:00 at night, way past your bedtime. Come on, now, into pajamas." He took out a pair and handed them to Maggie. When Maggie didn't move, Bob said, "Now, let's go. The animals can wait until tomorrow."

Reluctantly Maggie took the proffered pajamas and said, "Okay, Daddy." She put them on, went to the bathroom, washed and brushed, and let Heather and Bob tuck her in.

Things had been going much better for Maggie. She was doing better in school; even Mrs. Clarke was impressed with the change in her. Bob was checking Maggie's homework every night. First Heather would check her assignment book every day after school, and sit with her to make sure she did it. Then Bob would check the work every night and sign it.

She was handing in her work, studying and doing well on her tests, and trying hard to pay attention in school. Bob had finally given in to Mrs. Clarke's suggestion of a counselor. Maggie saw Ms. Josephine twice a week at school. Maggie loved Ms. Josephine; she could tell her anything and Ms. Josephine wouldn't laugh or tell her it was silly.

When Mrs. Clarke noticed Maggie drifting off, she would walk by her desk, and gently tap it, reminding Maggie to pay attention. Yes, things were working out well for her. And at home, too.


Heather wasn't ill all the time, so Maggie didn't need to worry as much. She still did a bit, but she talked over these things with Ms. Josephine.

Maggie woke up. It was really late; she knew that. Daddy hadn't plugged in her clock yet, so she wasn't sure of the exact time, but it felt late. Maggie got out of bed, pulled on her slippers, and opened her new bedroom door. She peeked out into the hall. Heather and Bob had left the bathroom light on. She guessed they didn't want Maggie to fall down the steps if she needed to get up in the middle of the night.

Maggie peeked into her parents' bedroom. They were fast asleep. She crept in and looked at their clock. It was 2:36 am. "Wow, that's the middle of the night," she thought to herself.

She crept around the second floor, peeking into all the rooms. "Let's see, this is the baby's room," she said at one door. She crept to the next door and peered in. "This is the guest room."


Then the last door. This was going to be her daddy's study. Maggie wandered in. She picked up her daddy's things, holding and smelling each one. Maggie knew she shouldn't be in there, so she quickly closed the door and headed for the stairs.

Not sure exactly what she was doing, Maggie snuck down the steps and started checking out all the rooms. She walked slowly through the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, and finally the den. This was her most favorite room. There were large shelves in one corner that were going to hold lots of books and games. Maggie sat in one of the easy chairs looking up at the large shelves.

Suddenly, she felt herself get sort of sleepy. She got up and headed back to her room. Once there, she lay down in her bed. She closed her eyes. But the sleepiness she had felt downstairs in the den was gone. Maggie sat up. She looked around the room. She spied the box of stuffed animals.

"That's it!" she said. Maggie jumped up and dumped the animals onto her bed. "It'll look so great, once they're all in their places." Maggie took out the biggest ones and started putting them on the second shelf. She stood back and shook her head. Something wasn't right. "No, they're too low down; they need to be up higher."

Maggie looked around for something to stand on. Nothing. Then she remembered the footstool that her mom kept in the bathroom. Maggie ran to retrieve it. She brought it into her room and climbed on it, and tried to put the animals on the second to top shelf. She knew they would look great up there.

She was almost there. One more little reach and "Teddy" would be at home on his new shelf. But the footstool did not give her the height she needed, and soon Maggie tumbled over.

Bob awoke with a start. He had heard a loud crash. Heather stirred, too. She turned to Bob and said, "Hon, what was that?"


Bob jumped up. "I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out." Bob put his feet into his slippers and pulled on his robe. He turned on the hall light and started looking around.

Finally, he made his way to Maggie's room. He saw his daughter on the floor, surrounded by a million stuffed animals. "MAGGIE!" he shouted. He ran over to her and helped her up. "Are you okay? What are you doing?"

Maggie was scared. She knew she was not supposed to be up in the middle of the night, and she certainly should not have been trying to arrange her animals. Especially since her daddy had said no, not a few hours before.

"I'm okay, Daddy. I just fell off the footstool." Bob righted the footstool and picked up several of the stuffed animals that had fallen and put them back in the box. He carried Maggie back over to her bed and plopped her down.

"Go to sleep, Maggs. It's late. We'll talk in the morning." Bob was much too exhausted and angry to deal with his little girl at 3 a.m. Bob tucked Maggie back into bed and kissed her forehead. He started to walk away, then turned around and said, "I love you, sweetie."

"I love you, too, Daddy," Maggie said, as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Maggie slept late. She had had a busy night. When she finally came down to breakfast, Bob put some pancakes on her plate. "How'd you sleep, Magpie?"

"Good, Daddy. The second time, anyway."

"We will talk after you eat. Here's your juice," Bob said, putting orange juice down in front of her.

Heather just looked at Maggie. No one said a word. Maggie knew there wasn't much to say. She was wrong and she knew it, and she knew her daddy would punish her. There wasn't anything she could do about it. And she also knew that all the whining, protesting, and carrying-on to get out of her impending spanking would do no good. See, she had grown up a little.

After breakfast, Bob and Heather sat Maggie down in the living room. It was the most uncluttered room in the new house. "Okay, Maggs, suppose you tell us what you were doing this morning, at 3 am," Bob said sternly.

"Well, Daddy, I," Maggie paused. She decided to skip her early morning tour of the house. It would only complicate matters. "I couldn't sleep, and I saw the box of animals just sitting there, and I, well, I just wanted to give them each a spot they could call their own."

"At 3 am?" Heather asked.

Maggie nodded. "Yes, Mommy."

"It couldn't have waited, Maggs?" Heather asked.

The little girl looked up at her parents. How could they understand? "Well, I know it could have, but I couldn't sleep anyway. I didn't think I was hurting anything."

Bob said, "Even though I had already told you no?"

Maggie nodded. "Yes, sir."

"So you directly defied me? You know what happens when you do that, don't you, Maggie?" Bob asked.

"Yes, Daddy. You're gonna spank me."

"Yes, I am. Come over here."

Maggie got up and walked over to Bob. Heather stood up then and made an excuse to leave the room. She wanted to give them some privacy. Bob pulled Maggie's pajama bottoms and panties down and lifted her over his lap.

"You're being a big, brave girl, and I'm proud of you," Bob said.

"Thank you, Daddy."

Bob began to spank Maggie; first one cheek and then the other. He only used his hand, but it was large and strong. Maggie tried to continue to be brave as each spank landed on her backside, but after about a dozen, she gave in and started to cry. After two dozen, Maggie's bottom was bright red and Maggie was hysterical.

"Okay, baby, all done." Bob pulled Maggie up and hugged her close. "It's all over, I forgive you. But, don't ever do anything like that again. Do you understand me, young lady?"

"Yes, Daddy. I won't."

Bob comforted Maggie for a long time. He knew it would not be the last spanking he would give her, but it had been the first one in the new house. Bob held Maggie close.
The family spent Thanksgiving together in Heather and Bob's new house. It was wonderful. Even though they had only moved in at the beginning of November, the house was completely set up. Lisa and Charlie could not believe it. The twins loved it, too.

There was a large backyard for Maggie and the twins to run around in. And it was completely fenced in, so the adults did not have to worry about them wandering off. Heather was just glad there were no woods here. Bob had set up a swingset and a little clubhouse for Maggie, too. He knew he spoiled her rotten, but he didn't care.

Lisa was beginning to show now, too. She was only two months behind Heather, as her baby was due in April. Bob said he was glad their kitchen was so big, or he and Charlie would not be able to fit in there with the two pregnant women. There were smiles all around.

Jennifer had eased up a bit on the upcoming arrival of another sibling. She was still moody a lot, but she hadn't initiated any more disappearances like the time when she and Maggie went off to the mall. Robin was still excited and helped Lisa out whenever she could. It was amazing: the difference between the two twins, like night and day.

Chanukah was coming early this year. The Clementes were all sitting around the dining room table discussing the holiday, while Maggie and the twins were out back in the clubhouse. Lisa kept getting up and looking out the window.

"Are you sure it's not too cold for them out there, Bob?" she asked, worriedly.

"They're kids. They're never cold. They'll come in when they want dessert," Bob answered.

Lisa laughed. "I guess you're right."

They decided to celebrate Chanukah at Rose and Harry's house in New Jersey. The kids hadn't seen their grandparents in a few months. Rose and Harry were out of town for Thanksgiving. Also, that way, Rose wouldn't be upset when she saw the Christmas decorations up in Heather and Bob's house.

Even though Bob was Jewish, and Heather had converted, they still wanted to do some Christmas stuff for Maggie. After all, she had always had a Christmas tree growing up at her grandmother's house. Robin and Jennifer didn't think that was fair; Maggie got gifts at Chanukah and at Christmas.

Chanukah arrived. Bob, Heather, and Maggie showed up at Nana and Grampsie's carrying a large plate of potato latkes. Charlie, Lisa, and the twins brought a pot roast. There were lots of presents, but of course, they would wait until after the candles were lit.

They ate first. Maggie liked her latkes with applesauce, while Jennifer liked them with sour cream. Robin liked them plain. And she didn't like pot roast. Lisa tried to make her eat some.

"No, Mommy, it's fatty and it's yucky!" Robin declared.

"Robin!" Charlie said, sternly. "Be polite."

Robin pushed the stringy meat around the plate. She reached for another potato pancake, but Lisa pulled the plate away. "No, Robin. After you've eaten a few bites of your pot roast, you can have another latke."

"I don't want to eat my pot roast!" Robin whined.

Charlie stood up and went over to Robin's side. "Do you and I need to have a little "talk" in Nana's bedroom, young lady?"

Robin knew what her daddy meant by a "talk" and shook her head no. Charlie picked her up and put her in his lap, and fed her some pot roast like a baby. Jennifer and Maggie snickered until both Bob and Charlie gave them dirty looks.

After dinner, the women cleaned up. It was sundown and time to light the candles. Robin put the candles in the menorah. She liked to put them in a certain way.

"Oh, brother!" Jenn exclaimed.

"What?" said Maggie.

Jenn pointed. "Look, Robin put the candles in the menorah in rainbow order. I think I'm gonna be sick." Jenn started to make barfing noises.

Charlie silenced her. "That's enough!" he said. "You know your sister loves rainbows. Come on now, it's time to light the candles."

Bob lit a match and first lighted the shamus candle. He picked it out of its special place and started to light the first candle on the left. Everyone said the blessing, "Baruch atah adonay, elohaynu, melech halom, asher, kidashanu, b'mitzvah suv, vitzy vanu, la hadlik, ner shel Chanukah."

As soon as the last candle was lit, the twins ran to the living room. "Yeah, presents!" they screamed. All the adults laughed. Everyone was happy. Things were going well in the Clemente families. For now.



to be continued...


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