New Beginnings...Back to the Ranch
Copyright © 1999 by SamPast and Huggedlots
----------------- Chapter 1 ---------------

Back to the Ranch...Where it all began

Charlie looked at the pile of luggage sitting at the door waiting to be brought to the car. He shook his head and thought to himself, "Didn't we just do this?"

But it had been about a year ago, that the family had first set out to the dude ranch. Wow! A year since they had first met Heather and Maggie. It's amazing how things can change so much in one year.

Charlie thought to himself, "If you had told me a year ago that, that brat, Heather, would become my sister-in-law, I never would have believed it." Imagine, that little girl who had run away from him to the stables, was now his niece. Life sure was funny sometimes!

The twins were excited to be going back to the dude ranch. Aside from getting lost in the woods, and Maggie almost falling into the waterfall, all they remembered were the fun times. Oh sure, they had gotten into heaps of trouble at times, but they did at home, too.

And now they were a year older. Only a month before, the twins had turned nine. Now they were the age Maggie was when they had first met her. And, oh, she had been so cool! Now, Maggie was their cousin, and even older. Maggie was ten. Robin and Jennifer couldn't wait until they were ten.

"Girls!" Charlie shouted. "Are you ready?" "Yes, Daddy," Robin said, appearing next to him.

"Ready, Daddy," Jenn said, as well.

Lisa came over, putting down a last minute bag. She looked at Charlie, who said, "Another one? We might not be able to fit the girls in the car! They'll have to sit on the roof. Or in the trunk. Hey, that's not a bad idea. At least it would be quiet." Both Charlie and Lisa laughed.

"Daddy!" Robin exclaimed.

Charlie hugged her. "I'm just kidding, honey. Are we all ready to go?" Both girls nodded. They had been up since five, bouncing around. "Girls, I want both of you to go use the bathroom," Lisa announced. "Don't haveta," Robin said.

Lisa frowned. "Try. Especially you, Jenn."

"Awwww, Mommy!" Jenn whined.

Charlie frowned at her. "Jennifer!" he warned. "Go use the bathroom right now."

"O-kaaaay!" Jenn cried. She walked away.

Finally, ten minutes later, they were all set to go. They were going to be meeting Heather, Bob, and Maggie up at the ranch. With all their stuff, they never would have fit into just one car.

The ride up there seemed longer than last time. The girls brought lots of activities to keep them busy in the car. But after awhile, everything bored them.

"Are we there yet, Daddy?" Robin asked.

"Not far now," came the answer. Robin giggled. This was an old joke. A minute later, she asked, "Are we there yet?"

"Not far now," Charlie sang. Both girls giggled.

"Are we there yet?"

"Not far now!" Neither girl could wait an entire minute to say it again. The suspense was too great.

They both said, "Are we there yet?'

Charlie boomed, "No, we're not! So quit asking!"

Soon the whole car was filled with family laughter. Charlie thought, "Maybe this year we'll have more fun, and less trouble." Yeah, right! Another half hour went by, and they were not even close to being there yet. "Daddy, I'm bored!" Robin complained.

"Me, too," added Jenn.

"Girls, we have awhile yet. Read your books!" Charlie suggested. "I can't. It's giving me a headache," Robin whined.

Charlie decided to overlook the whining for the time being. He knew the girls would be cranky when he heard them up at five a.m.

"Why don't you two play a game?" Lisa asked.

"There's nothing to play," Jenn said.

"How 'bout the alphabet game?" Charlie queried.

"Okay, I'll play. You wanna, Jenn?" Robin asked her sister. "Okay, but no cheating!" she warned.

Robin looked at Jenn. "I never cheat!" she said. "You do." "I do not!" whined Jenn.

"Girls, are you going to play or argue?" Charlie asked. "Play. Okay, let's go over the rules just in case. You have to look for the letters of the alphabet in order. No skipping. And you have to be honest," Robin added.

"And you can't use license plate letters," Jenn called. "Well, except for the words New York, or something, okay?" "Okay," Jenn said.

So, they played for awhile. Robin won the first round. Then they played again, doing the letters in reverse. Robin won again. She always won spelling games.

"Let's play once more," Robin said.

"Why? So you can beat me again?" Jenn cried.

"Honey, don't be a sore loser. It's only a game," Charlie commented. "But Daddy, she always wins!" Jenn sobbed. She was starting to cry for real. Robin didn't want to start a fight, so she said, "I don't always win. Come on, Jenn. One more game!"

"NO!" Jenn spit out. She folded her arms across her chest and pouted. "Fine! Be that way!" Robin spit back.

Charlie and Lisa didn't know whether to intervene or not. In a way, at least if they weren't speaking to each other, the ride would be quiet for a little while.

"Girls, why don't you close your eyes and try to sleep for a while? You were up awfully early this morning," Lisa suggested.

"Don't wanna sleep!" Jenn spat out.

"Jennifer!" Charlie warned. "Don't speak to your mother in that tone!" Charlie looked in the mirror and stared at Jennifer. He waited. "Jennifer!" "I'm sorry, Mommmmmy!" she whined.

Charlie sighed. "Jennifer, if I have to stop this car, to teach you a lesson, you are going to be one very sorry little girl. Do I make myself clear, young lady?"

Jennifer started to cry. "Yes, Daddy. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Mommy." "It's okay, baby. Come on now, why don't you take a nap?" Lisa asked. "Okay," Jenn agreed. She leaned down and closed her eyes. Robin had already fallen asleep.

Jennifer opened her eyes for a second. "Daddy?"

"Yes, honey?"

"If I fall asleep, when I wake up, will we be there?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes, sweetie, I think so. If you take a nice long nap, we'll be there when you wake up. Okay?"

"Okay, Daddy. Nite, Mommy!"

"G'nite, sweetheart," Lisa said.

Within minutes, Jennifer was asleep, too.

And true to his word, when Jennifer opened her eyes, they were pulling up in front of the main building, where it said in big letters, "Registration." "We're here, we're here!" Jenn shouted.

This woke Robin. She opened her eyes and realized they were there. "Yay!" she said, sleepily.

Charlie went in to register the family. Lisa and the girls got out of the car to stretch their legs. Jennifer was wet and needed to be changed, so Lisa did that before Charlie came back with their keys.

"Guess what!" he said.


"What, Daddy?" Robin asked.

Charlie was beaming. "I got us the same cabin we had last year. And Uncle Bob will have the one right next door!"

"YAY!" the girls cheered.

Lisa said, "Isn't the one Heather and Maggie stayed in last year going to be too small for the three of them, hon?"

"Yes, that's why they got the one on the other side of us. The one that's the same size as ours!"

"Oh," was all Lisa could say.

By the time the family had finished unpacking their stuff, they heard a car crunch outside on the gravel. Jennifer went to look out the window. "It's them, they're here!" she shouted.

Both girls began to run outside, but Charlie caught them. "Hold on!" "What?"

"What's the matter, Daddy?"

"Do we ever just run outside without permission? Girls?" Robin looked at the floor and said, "No, Daddy."

Hanging her head, Jenn said, "No, sir."

"Okay, then. Maybe we should go over the rules one more time," he suggested. "No, really, that's okay."

"We'll remember, Daddy," Robin said.

"Can we go out now, Daddy?" Jennifer asked carefully. Charlie smiled. "Yes, go ahead!"

Having permission, the girls ran out to greet Maggie, Heather, and Bob. When they saw Maggie, the girls held hands and jumped up and down and all around in a circle, like they always did. It didn't matter if they had just seen each other the day before, or a week before.

All the adults laughed. Heather commented, "Do you think they'll ever get tired of doing that?"

"No," Charlie said, laughing. "And they just saw each other the other night." Charlie helped his brother, Bob, carry all their bags into the cabin next door. "Wow, and I thought we had lots of stuff!" Charlie commented. "Please, don't go there!" Bob said, feigning annoyance. Charlie just laughed. When everyone was settled and unpacked, the girls said, "Can we take a walk? Can we go to the stables? I'm bored."

Bob said, "Girls! We just got here. Don't you want to just sit back and unwind?"

All three girls looked at each other. "NO!" they all shouted. "Come on, I'll take you down to the stables," Charlie supplied. "Let's go!" "Bye!" Lisa, Heather, and Bob said, waving. The three of them sat on lounge chairs outside of the cabin, watching Charlie walk off with the three girls. Bob turned to Lisa and said, "Think he'll be all right?" "Yea, he's a big boy. He can handle it," she laughed. "Yeah, besides, how much trouble can they possibly be?" Bob asked. Heather and Lisa just stared at him. "You wouldn't believe how much!" they said. Everyone laughed. It was going to be a fun trip.

to be continued...

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