The Diner...a “Little One” Story (M/f)

(c) 2000 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill



I had a bad day at work, I didn’t feel like cooking, and my little one was clamoring around for dinner.  “Little one, what do you say about going to the diner for dinner?”

“The diner? All right!” she said excitedly.  “Can I get a burger with cheese, Daddy?”


“Sure, if that’s what you want.  Please go get ready.  Make sure you use the potty, and put your shoes on.”


“Okay, Daddy,” she said, running off.  Sometimes she could be so agreeable and well-behaved.  I hoped tonight would be one of those times.  Not to sound negative, but my little one could be quite a handful, sometimes.


We drove the short distance to the diner and I parked the car.  I took her hand and looked down at her.  “Little one, I want you to behave tonight, okay?”


She nodded, and we walked inside.  Sure, she nodded!  She always said she’d be good.  Should I hold my breath?


When we went inside, I was dismayed to find a small crowd.  Well, it was Friday night.  But it was still early.  I put my name on the waiting list.


I watched Samantha walk around the tables, while we waited.  I only put a stop to it when I saw her peering at each person’s plates.


I got up, took her hand, and took her with me back to the waiting area.


She looked at me with her cute little face and said, “But Daddy, I’m hungry.  I just wanna see what everyone else is eating.”


She sounded so innocent.  Ahh, to be seven again.


“No, no, little one, that’s rude.  People don’t want you staring at them or their food.  Stay with me now, angel.  It’s almost our turn.”


Soon enough, the hostess began walking us to a table.


“I wanna sit by the window!” my little one practically shouted.  I was quite embarrassed.


“Samantha, quiet down; you are disturbing people.  I don't know if a table by the window is available.”


She got that pouty look on her face and said, “But I wanna sit at the window!”


I looked at the hostess and smiled.  I looked down at my little one and whispered, “Samantha, you keep quiet or you can sit on a sore bottom.  Am I making myself clear?”


She nodded and said, “Yes, Daddy.”


The hostess led us to a table by the window and I just smiled at her.  Well, that would make my evening a little easier.  I let my little one sit at the window and opened the menu for her.  I made sure that the page with the burgers on it was where she could see it, but I was open to her getting another choice.


She looked like a little lady sitting there reading the menu.  She looked up and asked, “Is there a kids’ menu, Daddy?”


I nodded.  “Yes, there it is on the last page,” I said, pointing it out to her.  “It has burgers, and pasta, and chicken fingers.”


“I want a cheeseburger and fries, and can I have a coke, Daddy?” she asked with a big smile.


Now I did not let her have caffeine and she knew that.  I didn’t even like her to have any soda.


I shook my head.  “A burger and fries is all right, but I think that milk or juice would be better, little one.”


She made her face into a big sourpuss and exclaimed, “Milk? I don't want milk, Daddy!  Yuck!”


I was going to stand my guard on this one.  “Well you can have orange or apple or berry juice.  See they have all three,” I said, pointing it out on the menu.


“Oh, okay, I'll take berry, if I gotta,” she said, whining.  She knew I did not tolerate whining.


“Samantha, you could go without any dinner if I hear much more of that tone.”


“I'm sorry, Daddy, I'm just starving to death.  I didn’t have a snack after school.”


“Well then, settle down and no whining.”


Soon enough, the waiter came to take our order.  I was having shrimp and scallops.  I ordered a cheeseburger and fries for my little one.


After maybe five minutes, she said, “When’s the food coming? I'm hungggrrrrry!”


I tried to overlook the whining, even though I had just warned her.  After all, she was very young and she had waited a long time already.


“It will be pretty soon, Samantha.  In the meantime, here is a roll,” I said, offering it to her.


I watched as she took the roll, and took the crust off the top.  She made the middle into a ball and stuffed it into her mouth.  I began to frown but didn’t say anything.  It was when she started opening the sugar packets and pouring them onto the table that I jumped in.


“Samantha! Stop that. Those are for putting into coffee or on food, not for playing with.” 


I swept the mess into a napkin and moved the packets away from her.  I reached into my pocket and pulled out a crayon.  “Here, you may draw on the paper placement, but not on anything else,” I said firmly, now wondering if I should have just made macaroni and cheese for dinner.


She took the crayon and started to draw.  “Do you got any other colors, Daddy?” she asked in a very little voice.  I think she had an idea that I was getting annoyed with her.


I reached into my pocket and found a butt of another color.  “Yes, but only one other.  Here it is,” I said, handing it to her.  She took it, pursed her lips, and began coloring in what she had drawn.  She looked at me and then quickly away.  I felt bad for having scolded her, but I wanted to be firm.  “I love you, little one, but you have to behave, okay?”


She nodded and said, “Yes, Daddy, I'm gonna try harder, but I'm so hungry, when's the food coming?”


“As soon as they get it ready,” I said.  When I looked up, I saw our waiter coming.  “Here it is now, angel.  Move your crayons.”


The waiter came and set up our food.  A plate with the cheeseburger and fries was set in front of my little one, along with a small child’s salad and her drink of juice.


She sneered at the salad and said, “What's this? I don’t want this.  I hate salad.”  She pushed it away. 


“Well, try just a bite or two, please.  It’s good for you, and it comes with your burger,” I explained.


She shook her head no.  “I don't want it, and I not eating it,” she said firmly.  I was surprised.  I watched her pick up her burger and take a bite.  She looked at me out of the corner of her eye to see what I would do.  She was clearly testing me. 


I sighed.  It was going to be one of those nights.  “Samantha, you don't say "I won't" when I tell you to do something.  Now take a bite of salad before your next bite of burger, please, or you will be in trouble.”


I watched as she picked up a piece of lettuce with her hands and looked at it.  She then dipped it into the dressing it came with and licked off the dressing.  Then she put it down.


“Samantha, you eat salad with a fork, as you know perfectly well.  Let’s try that again, shall we?”


She picked up her burger, took a bite, put it down, ate a few fries, and then picked up her burger again.  I was getting exasperated.


“I need ketchup,” she stated, almost spilling her juice, as she reached for the Heinz bottle.  She looked at me.  “Ooops, sorry, Daddy.”


“Try to be more careful,” I said, picking up the bottle of ketchup.  I poured a little on her burger and put some on the side of her plate so she could dip her fries into it.  I regarded her small bowl of salad.  I knew it was a losing battle, but I had to try.  “Please actually eat a bite of salad for me now, Samantha.”


“But I don't want it, Daddy,” she explained to me.   She took another bite of her burger and ate a few more fries.  She drained her juice and announced, “Besides, I'm full.”


“Are you too full for any dessert, Samantha?” I asked.


She looked up at me and her eyes widened.  “Dessert? I can have dessert?” she asked.  She knew they had really great desserts at the diner.


“Yes -- IF you eat most of your salad and a bit more of your burger, and If you behave.  Otherwise not,” I stated.


She began to pout.  “Daddy, you're being mean!”


I was losing it.  I just looked at her and said, “And you are being sassy.  Now are you going to behave, or do we need to make a quick trip outside to warm your rear, young lady?”


She shook her head and said, “Nooo, Daddy, don't wanna spanking!”


She quickly raised her fork and took a bite of the salad.  “Yuck!  I don't like this,” she said, whining.


“It is still good for you.  Take two more bites without whining, and one more bite of burger, and you may be done,” I told her.  I was not going to push it any further than that.


I smiled as I watched her take another bite of burger and swallow it.  She then took two more bites of salad.  I was proud of her.  I turned my head to look for the waiter.  I saw him and signaled for him to come over.


I didn’t see my little one spit her two bites of salad into her napkin.  If I had, I wouldn’t have let her order dessert.


I turned back to see her wiping her mouth on the napkin.  “All right then, that’s a girl.  Now would you like some dessert?”


She nodded just as the waiter came over.  I motioned for her to order herself.  She said very pleasantly, “Can I have chocolate pudding, with whipped cream?”


The waiter wrote down the order and went about clearing the table.  I prompted my little one.  "What do you say to the waiter, Samantha?"


She looked up at me and asked, “Please and thank you, Daddy?”


“That's right, so say it to him like a good girl,” I told her.


She smiled and said, “Please can I have pudding with whipped cream? And thank you for taking away that nasty salad.” 


The waiter laughed as he walked away with our plates.  My little one just turned to me and smiled.  I had to smile back.


“All right, that wasn't quite what I had in mind, but it clearly came from the heart.” 


Soon her pudding was brought to the table by the waiter.  I watched my little one pick up her spoon and dive into that pudding.  You’d think she’d never eaten pudding before.  She had it all over her face.


I frowned.  I know she knew how to eat properly.  As I began to scold her, I grabbed her napkin and proceeded to wipe off her mouth.  My jaw dropped when the partially chewed lettuce fell out of the cloth napkin.


“Samantha!  Is this what you did with your salad? I told you to eat it, not spit it out, and spitting food into your napkin is bad manners anyway.”


She looked up at me, her spoon dangling.  “I'm sorry, Daddy, it was yucky!” she cried. 


“Well, that was quite naughty.  Now you are in trouble, young lady.  And that will be enough pudding,” I said, moving away the bowl which was three quarters finished.


“But Dadddy!  I wanted to finish that!” she cried, reaching for the bowl.


I smacked her hand away.  “I don’t think so, Samantha.  You are coming with me, young lady.”


I began to march my little one to the front door of the diner.  The waiter caught my eye and looked at me.  I called him over.  “We’ll be right back.  Please bring us the check.”


He nodded, and I continued out the door with her.  I led my little one to a bench outside the diner, intended for overflow people waiting for a table.  Luckily, it was now empty.  I sat down and pulled her over my lap.


{Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack}


“Owwwww, DADDDDDY!  Stop!  I'm sorrrry!” she cried.


I sat her up then.  “You will be, young lady.  This was just a warm up -- we will have the real spanking at home.”


Samantha wiped at her tears as we went back into the diner.  I paid for our food and left the waiter a more than generous tip.  Anyone that has to put up with my little one should be paid generously, I thought.


Soon we were in the car, on our way home.  My little one cried and complained most of the way there.  “I’m sorry, Daddy, I was mostly good.  Please don’t spank me.  I didn’t like the salad; it’s not fair!”


I pulled up in front of the house.  I turned to look at my little one carrying on in the back seat.  “Whining is not improving your situation, young lady.  I told you to eat at least some of your salad, and you directly defied me, young lady.  Not only that but you pretended that you obeyed me.”


I led her up to her room and sat down on her bed.  I stood her in front of me and looked into her eyes.  “Do you understand why I am going to spank you, Samantha?"


“NO!” she shouted, which surprised me only a little.  I decided to overlook it this time.


 “Because you whined a lot, and defied me over the salad, and made a mess in your napkin.  That is not acceptable, young lady.” 


I pulled down her pants and panties, and took her over my lap. {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack}


“Owwwwwwwwww!  Waaaaaaah, I'm sorrrry, Dadddy, stoppppp!” she cried.


{Smack}{Smack} “I'll stop {Smack} when I think {Smack} you've learned {Smack} your lesson, {Smack} Samantha. {Smack} You do not {Smack} disobey me. {Smack}{Smack} Is that clear?”



She cried and kicked her feet.  “Owwwww, Yes, sir!  I'm sorrrrry!” 


{Smack}{Smack} “You had better be. {Smack} I don't want {Smack} to have to tell you about this again. {Smack} No sweets or desserts tomorrow {Smack} for you, {Smack} young lady.” {Smack}


She was crying hard now.  “Owwww, yes, sir.”


I finished it up with a few hard smacks to her sit spot.  {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} {Smack} Then I stood her up.  “All right, little one, your spanking is over.  I forgive you,” I said, as I hugged her to me.


She took a step back and began to rub her bottom.  She pouted slightly and said sulkily, “You were hard on me, Daddy.”


I looked down at her.  “Well, you were very defiant, and you tried to hide what you did, Samantha.  You are old enough to know better than that.  But now it is over.”


I opened my arms then and she ran into them and hugged me tight.  I let her cry into my chest as I held her.  Spankings were always very emotional around here.


“Do you still love me, Daddy?” she asked quietly.  She knew the answer but for some reason she needed to hear it after I punished her.


I smiled and said, “Of course I do, little one.  I will always love you, no matter what.  No matter what you do or what may happen, I will always love you, even though I have to punish you sometimes.”


“Promise?” she asked.


 “Yes, I absolutely promise, now and forever.”


She nodded and said, “Okay, Daddy.  I love you, too, even though you gotta spank me.  But Daddy?”


“Yes, little one?”


“Next time, do you think I could skip the salad?”


I looked at her.


“I promise I wouldn’t make a mess.”


I just smiled.  “Let’s worry about that next time.  Fair enough, little one?”


“Yes, Daddy, that’s fair.”


She nestled into my chest then.  I held her tight and rubbed her back.  I soon noticed that she had fallen asleep.  I gently pulled up her panties and carried her over to her bed.  Very carefully, I put her in her pajamas and tucked her in. 


And another evening with my little one was now complete.


The end.



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