Duckies…A “Little One” Story (M/f, ageplay)

© 2000 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill


It was a beautiful day and I was home early from work for a change.  I came home and found out, my little one had behaved herself.  It was so nice to come home to that.  I know, that doesn’t sound very nice.  But oftentimes I will come home from work to hear about one misbehavior or another.  I love my little girl and don’t like to have to spank her.  But it seems I do it pretty often.


“I had a good day today, Daddy,” she said.  I picked her up and hugged her.


“That is wonderful, little one.  That's my *good* girl.  Now what would you like to do for fun?”


I could tell she was excited.  It wasn’t too often that we got to spend some quality time together.


I could tell she was thinking real hard.  “Uummm, can we uh, can we go feed the ducks, Daddy?”


Her face lit up when I answered, “Sure, we have some old bread we can give them -- but be careful, little one.  Now get your jacket, in case it rains later.”


She said, “Okay, Daddy,” and ran to get her jacket.  I stooped down to zip it up for her.  Then I took her hand and we walked to the park, which was right down the street.  There was a nice duck pond there, with a path around it and benches to sit on.  My little one could spend her life there if we let her.


When we arrived, I handed her some bread.  “Tear it up and throw small pieces to the ducks, angel.”


“Okay, Daddy.”  She did as I told her.  I noticed she didn’t get too close to the edge.  If I remember correctly, there was this time when she did that, and got in very big trouble.  It’s nice to know that some of my lessons actually sunk in.


I was lost in thought when suddenly she squealed, “Oooh, Daddy, look!  A baby duckie.”


I looked to see where she was pointing.  There, indeed, was a baby duck.  “Yes, isn't it cute?” I asked.


My little one never ceased to surprise and amaze me.  “I want it, Daddy!  Can I have a pet duckie?” she asked, quite seriously.


Oh boy! Here we go!  “No, little one, the ducks are happier in the pond -- they wouldn't really like living with us -- but we can come here and see them a lot, okay?”


She seemed to mull that over.  “Uummm, okay, Daddy.”  She threw the last of the bread into the water and turned to me.  “Daddy? When will it be warm enough to go swimming? Can I swim with the duckies?”


“It won't be warm enough for a while yet, little one.  I don't think this pond is clean enough for you to swim in, but I'll have to check.”


That answer seemed to satisfy her and I took her hand.  We strolled around the pond, admiring the beauty of the place.  Or at least that’s what I was doing.  My little one, on the other hand, had other things on her mind.


Again she was pointing and yelling out, “Oooh, Daddy, the ice cream man!  Can I get some? Pleeease!”


She turned to me and had the cutest eyes.  How could I say no? After all, she had been very well behaved today.  I thought about it.  She was staring at me and wishing with all her might.


“Well, just one, just this once, all right, little one?  But no whining for more, okay?” I said sternly, knowing this is something she often did.


“Okay, Daddy, I want a bomb pop.”


I looked up at the side of the ice cream truck.  A bomb pop was one of those ices with three different colors on it, in the shape of a rocket ship.  I shook my head to myself…it wouldn’t have been my first choice.  “If that's what you want,” I said. 


I paid for the ice pop and handed it to my little girl.  She took it with such delight and thanked me.  We went to sit on a bench.  I watched her as she licked and bit off all the red and white.


By the time she was half-way through with the blue, her mouth was purple.  “Daddy, look!” she said, showing me the inside of her mouth.  I had to laugh.  I took her hand and stood her up.


“Now we need to walk home, little one.”


“Oh, okay.  Can I walk with this, Daddy?” she asked, holding up what was left of the ice pop.


“Sure, but finish it before you come in -- we don't want to make a mess, do we?”


She shook her head and worked on the ice on the short walk home.  We got to the house.  She finished the last of the pop, even licking the stick, to make sure she got every last drop. 


“Thank you, Daddy.”


I had to laugh because aside from her lips, tongue and teeth being purple, my little one had managed to get it all over her face, too.  “Let's get you washed up, little one -- your face is all messy.”


I led her to the bathroom and got her washed up.  It had been a nice outing and we went on with our regular schedules.  I wish all days could be like that.  But they weren’t.  And this was unfortunate.


(A couple days later…)


I was sound asleep in my bed.  It was the middle of the night.  All of a sudden, I heard a loud cry.  I jumped up and listened. 

“Wwwwwwaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!  DADDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!”


Yes, I heard it again.  I went running.  I went into my little one’s room and she was sitting up in bed, crying.  “Little one, what is it?  Daddy's here!”


I’m not sure if she was even awake yet.  She was sobbing.  She reached out and grabbed me.  “DADDDDDY!  DADDDDY!”


I hugged and cuddled her.  “I am here, little one.  What is it?  Was it a bad dream?”


She just nodded.  She looked terrified.  I just continued to hold her and comfort her.  “It was scary, Daddy,” she said through her tears.  “And Daddy, I wet my bed.”


Oh, my poor baby!  She was so miserable.  I felt for her.  She didn’t wet her bed very often, but when she did, she felt ashamed.  I never punished her for a true accident, and she knew it.  But she still felt bad whenever it happened.


I tried to reassure her.  “Oh well, we'll take care of that in just a moment. I am here and it was just a dream.  It can't hurt you at all, little one.  Do you want to tell me about it?  Maybe while we get you cleaned up?”


She nodded.  “Okay, Daddy.”  I picked her up and set her on the floor.  She watched as I changed the sheets, rather quickly.  I noticed she had calmed down a bit, although she was still silently sobbing.  It must have been some dream. 


I brought her into the bathroom and took off her wet pajamas.  Then I put her in the tub and quickly washed her off.  It was the middle of the night and I did not want to give her a full bath.  I then dried her off and put her in fresh panties and pajamas.


“There, now, little one, are you feeling better?  Would you like to talk about it?” I asked my baby.


She shook her head no and put her arms up for me to pick her up.  “I just want you to hold me, Daddy.”  I picked her up and carried her back to her bedroom.  I sat down in the big rocking chair, with her in my lap and just held her.


We rocked and rocked and rocked.  “There, there, little one, it is all right.  I am here, you are safe, and I love you.”


“I love you, Daddy,” she said.  Then she turned around in the chair so that she was sitting the same way as I was.  She laid her head back on my chest and closed her eyes. 


After a few minutes, I thought she was asleep, but then she spoke.  “It was a really scary dream, Daddy.  There was these big monsters and they was coming after me.  I tried to run but I couldn't.”


“Oh, that must have been awful.  Sometimes it is like that in dreams, but you have to know that you are safe here -- no monsters are allowed in the house.”


I thought I was making her feel better, but she was still scared.  “How do you know, Daddy? Maybe they’re hiding under the bed, or in my closet.”  She must have scared herself, because she turned back around and clung to my chest. 


I held my baby tight.  “No, there aren't any there.  Come, I’ll show you.”  It was difficult to walk with her clinging to me, but I managed to do it.  We walked over to her closet and peeked in.  “See.”  I then carried her over and checked under the bed.  “Nothing there either, angel.”


I thought it was enough to satisfy my little one, but I guess not.  She said, “But Daddy, how do you know they're not there?”


I sat back down in her chair and turned her to face me.  For some reason, even though she was truly loved, my little one was so insecure.  I needed to give her lots of reassurances all the time.  I tried a different tactic.  “Because I know monsters, and they won't come into any nice house like ours.  We have a completely monster-proof house, and you are always safe here.”


She thought this over.  “Okay, Daddy.”  I smiled, glad I had finally convinced her.  “But Daddy? Just to be sure, can I sleep in your room for the rest of the night?” she asked quietly.  She was still so scared.


I nodded.  “Okay, little one.  Are you ready to go back to sleep now?”


“Yes, Daddy.”


I led her to my bedroom and helped her into bed, explaining to mommy who only half woke up.  Little one cuddled between the two of us and fell asleep almost immediately.  Thankfully, I fell asleep right away, too.


I woke up in the morning to the sound of clattering bowls.  I looked over.  My wife was still asleep, but there was no sign of my little one.  I grabbed my robe and walked down to the kitchen.  I saw my little girl helping herself to some milk and a bowl of cereal.


“Good morning, little one.  How are you this morning?  No more bad dreams?” I asked, as I leaned down to kiss her.


She looked up at me and smiled.  “No, Daddy, I slept good.”


“That's good, little one.  I am glad that you could get breakfast on your own.  You are getting to be quite the big little girl, you know!”


She just nodded and went back to eating her cereal.  I made myself some coffee and looked out the window.  It was Sunday morning, and it was beautiful out.  I remembered yesterday we had been quite busy running around all day, and thought today maybe we could do something as a family. 


“Did you have a good time outside yesterday? I hardly had a chance to ask you last night.”


Little One said, “Umm, yeah, it was nice.”


And that was it.  When I tried to probe her farther, she pointed to her cereal and explained she couldn’t talk with food in her mouth. 


I heard something in her tone, though.  And her non-chattering of her day made me even more suspicious.  “Is there something about yesterday that you need to tell me, little one?”


I hated to sound so suspicious, but if you knew my little girl, you’d understand.  She just shook her head and said, “No.”


I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something she wasn’t telling me.  “Okay, but if there is, or if there ever is, I want you to feel free to talk to me, just like you called me last night when you had the bad dream. When something is wrong, it can help a lot to talk about it.”


I knew I was giving my girl something to think about.  She got still and stopped eating her breakfast as she took my words in.  “Well, maybe there was something, Daddy.”


I knew it.  I was hoping against hope that it would be something very insignificant to me.  But I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be.  “Oh?  What was it, little one?”


She seemed to hesitate, and then said, “Um, well, uh, Daddy? Remember how cute the duckies were when we went there the other day?”


I nodded.  “Yes, they were very cute -- did you want to see them again?” I asked.


This time she nodded.  “I did.  And I remember you told me that I could see them more often cuz I couldn't have one as a pet.”


She was scoping me out.  I wondered where this was leading.  “Yes, I do, but I think I said 'we’, little one.  What did you do about the ducks?”  I began to suspect what she did, but waited for her to tell me.


She looked up at me with the most innocent eyes and said, “Well, I, uh, ummm, just went to check that they were still there, Daddy.  I didn't get too close to the water, honest.”


Hmm, I thought to myself.  “I see.  You went down there while you were playing outside, right? Did you ask mommy if you could go down to the park?”


She looked at me again and could see that I was frowning.  Very quietly, she said, “No, sir.”


I sighed.  So much for a happy family Sunday.  “Samantha, you are not supposed to leave the yard unless mommy or I knows and has given permission.  You know that rule, don't you?”


“Yes, Daddy, but I only went for a few minutes.  And I didn't get close to the water.  I followed all the safety rules,” she explained to me.


“That's good -- and it is good that you found your way back -- but suppose you got lost?  Or suppose you fell down and needed help? We wouldn't have known where you were.  And you are not supposed to break the rules, not even for 'just a few minutes’.”


She started to cry then.  I think she realized that even though she thought she was doing something that wasn’t so bad, that she was in trouble.  “I'm sorry, Daddy.  I didn't mean to be bad.”


Well, here we go again, with her needing lots of reassurance.  “No, you aren't bad, Samantha, and you weren't bad.  But you did do something just a bit naughty.  Now come here and we'll get that taken care of.”


I was sitting across the table from her.  She looked up at me.  “Oh Daddy, no!  Pleeeease.  Please, don't spank me.” 


“You know the rules, Samantha.  Naughty actions mean punishment.  But since you told on yourself, I will go easier -- unless you make it worse by not doing as I tell you. Now come here.”


She hesitated, but knew better than to disobey me.  She said, “Yes, sir,” and got right up.  She came over to me.  I took her hand and led her into the living room.  I seated myself on the couch and pulled her to my side.


Starting to cry, she begged, “Daddy, please don't!”


I shook my head and said sternly, “You know better than that, Samantha.”  I took down her pajama bottoms but left her panties on for a change.  This was going to be a quick reminder for my little one.  I then lifted her onto my lap. 


I started to hand spank her -- not too hard, by my standards.  {smack} {smack} {smack} {smack} {smack}


She cried and I’m sure it still hurt her little bottom.  “Oowwwwwwwwwww, waaaaaaaaah, I sorry, Daddy!” she cried.


{smack} {smack} “Good, you should be. {smack} You will not {smack} leave the house or yard {smack} without permission.” {smack}


“Okay, Daddy, I sorry, I won't do it again.”


I continued to smack her bottom. {smack} “Good. {smack} This is very important, {smack} Samantha. {smack}  Do you understand that?” {smack}


She wiggled around on my lap and started to kick her little feet.  “Yes, sir. Owwwwwwwwww!” she yelled. 


I wondered how my wife was sleeping through all this.  I wasn’t even smacking her that hard, but my little one was screaming as if I was committing murder.


{smack} {smack} {smack} {smack} “All right, little one, your spanking is over.”


I helped her to stand up and I pulled her to me.  I hugged her tight and stood her back to look at her.  “See, that wasn't *too* bad, was it?”


“Not for you, Daddy,” she said.  I decided to overlook her little comment.  She reached back and rubbed her bottom.  “It still hurt, Daddy,” she said quietly as she put her head in my lap and cried into my chest.


I nodded and I cradled my little one.  “Yes, spankings are supposed to hurt.  That's how they help you remember to behave another time.  But this one is all over and you are forgiven, little one.”


I pulled her up into my lap then and let her cry it out.  She put her head on my shoulder and hugged me tight.


“I love you, Daddy.  I'm sorry you had to spank me again.  I’m sorry I went to see the ducks by myself.  Will I ever learn, Daddy?”


“I surely hope so, little one, for both our sakes.”  I picked her head off my shoulder and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.  She started to smile.


“Daddy? Can you just hold me for a little bit?” she asked.


I nodded.  “Sure, little one.”  I hugged and held her for a long time, trying to make her feel secure, and safe and loved.


She just let me hold her and lay back against my chest.  I sat there thinking of something and looked down at her.


“Little One?”


“Yes, Daddy?” she asked.


“Do you think this is why you had that bad dream last night?” I asked her.


She nodded.  “In the dream, Daddy, there were monsters chasing me.  I felt lost and I couldn’t run.  I couldn’t get back home.”


“Well, you are home now.  And there are no monsters to chase you here.”


“I know, Daddy, I’m glad.”


“Me too,” I told her.


So that was why she had that dream.  She had felt lost and afraid, having left home without permission.  I always knew my little one knew the rules.  For some reason, though, she chose to ignore or disobey them, a lot.  We would have to work on that.  But not today.  That would wait for another day.


The end.



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