Planes of Power Flag Progression

Find Seer Mal Nae`Shi at /location -40, -200 in the Plane of Knowledge:

Then say 'Unlock memories' until she responds or you see:
'You manage to recover some images from your childhood, but no more recent events spark a memory'.

Now say, ...'guided meditation'.
Listed below are the varieties of response the Seer is capable of giving to you, and an explanation of what each means:

Tier 1

MOB, Zone, Info

Guided Meditation Text


PoJustice The evidence of Mavuin is the only thing that can save him now. You are flagged for Mavuin, but have not yet completed a trial.
PoJustice Having endured the trials, the Tribunal has agreed to reconsider Mavuin's case. You have the preflag, have completed the trial, and have talked to the Tribunal, but have yet to go back and hail Mavuin.

Mavuin, PoJustice Completed

Mavuin is grateful to you for taking his case before the Tribunal. The information provided to you, that Mithaniel Marr and Karana carry information you should seek, could be quite useful. You have saved Mavuin in one of the 6 Trials in PoJustice and are flagged for PoValor / PoStorms.
PoDisease Adler Fuirstel wishes you to obtain the Ward from the Plane of Disease and take it to his ill brother Milyk. You have received the Grummus preflag by saying "What ward" to Adler Fuirstel next to PoDisease entrance, but not yet defeated Grummus.
PoDisease For a moment you pause, sticking your hand into your pocket. Inside you find the small ward that was lying near Grummus' body; perhaps you should bring it to Milyk. You've killed Grummus and hailed the Planar Projection but still need the Grummus preflag.
PoDisease Grummus has been destroyed; about his corpse you found a small ward to protect from disease. Your preflag is done and Grummus has been killed, but you have not returned to the 'hospital' and hailed Elder Fuirstel.

Grummus, PoDisease Completed

Now that Grummus has been destroyed, the entrance to the Crypt of Bertoxxulous should open before your might. Your Grummus line is complete and you have access to the Crypt of Decay.
PoNightmares Thelin, being tormented by the imagery of Terris Thule, needs assistance escaping from the Plane of Nightmares. You have the Hedge maze preflag; you hailed Elder Poxbourne, then hailed Adroha Jezith and said ...'tortured by nightmares'.
PoNightmares Thelin has completed his pact with Terris Thule, but has been refused. The only way to escape his torment now is to destroy Terris Thule. Your Hedge event is done, and you went back to the 'hospital' and hailed Elder Poxbourne and Adroha again, but Terris Thule has not been defeated in PoNb yet.
PoNightmares Terris still haunts your nightmares whenever you attempt to recall your battle with her. Terris Thule was defeated, but the PoN Hedge event and / or the preflags for it are not yet completed.
PoNightmares Terris Thule's grasp over Thelin has been released! Terris Thule has been defeated, the Hedge event and your preflags are complete, but you have yet to hail Elder Poxbourne in the 'hospital' to complete cycle.

Terris Thule, PoNightmares Completed

Saved from a world of eternal nightmares, Thelin is forever in your debt. The Terris Thule Cycle is completed.
PoInnovation You remember Nitram's words - 'three small turns to the right on the bottommost rivet should open the door'. The PoI Junk Dragon has been killed and you have access to The Factory (not required).

Behemoth, PoInnovation Completed

Giwin would like you to find him in Drunder so he can present you to Rallos Zek. You have defeated the Behemoth and have access to the Plane of Tactics (no Zeks have been killed yet).

Tier 2

MOB, Zone, Info

Guided Meditation Text


PoValor You have defeated Aerin`Dar but have yet to learn the true meaning of Justice. Aerin`Dar has been defeated but you have not yet completed a trial in the Plane of Justice.

AD, PoValor Completed

You have bested Aerin`Dar and proven yourself honorable enough to pass into Mithaniel's Halls. Aerin'Dar has been killed and you are flagged for the Halls of Honor,
PoStorms You recall meeting with Karana, but the memory is clouded. You sense that the answer you seek may be in in the Plane of Storms. You have not yet completed the PoStorms key quest for the Bastion of Thunder.
PoStorms You have shown your prowess in battle to Askr; now you must make strides to get to the Bastion of Thunder. You have turned in the Bone, the Beard, and the Sash, but have yet to turn in the Medallions.

PoStorms Completed

No Text PoStorms Cycle Completed; you have BoThunder access,
CoDecay Milyk has been saved from certain death, but is not recovering. Only by destroying the ruler of all things pestilent will his curse be lifted. You have the Bertoxxulous preflag; you killed Grummus, and hailed Adler and Elder Poxbourne in the 'hospital'.
CoDecay Bertoxxulous has been slain. The curse from Milyk has been lifted. Bertoxxulous has been killed and the Planar Projection hailed, but you have not completed the cycle by hailing Adler and Elder Poxbourne.
CoDecay As you recall your memory of your battle against the Plaguebringer, an image of the Fuirstel brothers flashes through your mind. Bertoxxulous has been killed, but you are missing the Grummus flag.

Bertoxx, CoDecay completed

Saved from certain doom, Milyk and Adler are forever in your debt. The Bertoxxulous Cycle is complete.
PoTorment Tylis is being tortured by Saryrn. The only way for him to get away from his misery is to escape from the Plane of Torment. You have the Saryrn Preflag from hailing Fahlia Shadyglade and saying 'I will go'; you must have Terris Thule and Bertoxxulous complete.
PoTorment Although it was kind of you to help him, Tylis still seems to have no idea who you are. You have killed the Keeper of Sorrows, only.
PoTorment You attempt to recall your defeat of Saryrn, but whenever you try to focus you feel a searing pain on your arm. Saryrn was killed, but there is a problem with your Saryrn preflag, Terris Thule chain or Bertoxxulous chain.
PoTorment You feel the searing pain of torment as half of the Cipher of the Gods glows on your arm. Your Saryrn chain is complete, your Mithaniel Marr cycle is incomplete.
PoTorment Saryrn has been bested. An aura surrounds the mystical symbols that have appeared on your arm. Your Saryrn cycle is completed, though you have not hailed the librarian after completing the Mithaniel Marr chain.

Saryrn, PoTorment completed

The Cipher of the Divine Language appears on your arms for a brief moment then fades. You have completed the Saryrn and Mithaniel Marr flag lines and hailed the librarian. (You have completed Grummus, Terris Thule, Bertoxxulous, KoS, Saryrn, HoH Trials, Mithaniel Marr, and all preflagging.

Tier 3

MOB, Zone, Info

Guided Meditation Text


PoTactics The pack of notes from Vallon are scribbled in a language that you cannot comprehend. You have defeated Vallon Zek ( this text disappears after you get MM/Saryrn/TZ/VZ and talk with the librarian).
PoTactics Vallon fell before you with great ease; you seem to remember some strange pouches around his body, but... well, it's probably nothing. You've killed Vallon Zek, but are missing Terris Thule or MM (and / or their preflags).
PoTactics The pack of notes from Tallon are scribbled in a language that you cannot comprehend. You have defeated Tallon Zek (this text disappears after you get MM/Saryrn/TZ/VZ and talk with the librarian).
PoTactics The parchments of Rallos are scribed in a language that you cannot comprehend; they do however have detailed drawings of the Manaetic Behemoth that you have already destroyed. You are flagged for the Elemental Planes, but have not yet been flagged for The Plane of Fire (you need to kill Solusek Ro and 5 mini-bosses).
PoTactics Giwin would like you to find him in Drunder so he can present you to Rallos Zek. You have defeated the Manaetic Behemoth and have access to Tactics (but Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek have not been killed yet).

VZ, TZ, PoTactics Completed

The words of Maelin echo in your mind, 'The Zeks and Solusek are planning an invasion in Norrath; find out more from Rallos if you can.' MM / Saryrn / TZ / VZ have been killed; you've said "new lore" to Maelin in the library, but you have not killed RZ yet. You are flagged for SolRo.

VZ, TZ, PoTactics Completed

Your heart beat speeds as you recall the Warlord's flaming axe, behind the dark sockets of his helm you sense darker intentions. You've defeated Rallos Zek.
Bastion of Thunder You have obtained the Talisman of Thunderous Foyer from Askr; he seeks further assistance in the Bastion of Thunder. You are BoT flagged, but have not yet completed Agnarr.
Bastion of Thunder You recall meeting with Karana, but the memory is clouded. You sense that the answer you seek may be in Storms. You've killed Agnarr, have talked to Karana, but aren't BoT flagged yet.
Bastion of Thunder The information obtained from Karana is written in a language that you cannot comprehend. Your Agnarr flag is done, but you have not yet hailed the librarian after completing the Mithaniel Marr chain.
Bastion of Thunder As you think back to your meeting with Karana the Talisman in your chest warms and a light rain falls from the sky. When you look down, a small book written in a language you can not read, rests in your hands. Agnarr and Karana are completed, but you have not yet said "what lore" to Maelin.

Agnarr, BoT Completed

The History translated for you reveals the fate of Zebuxoruk, trapped in the Plane of Time. You must gain the power of the elements to gain entrance. You have Mithaniel Marrr and Agnar completed, have said "new lore" to Maelin in the library, but do not have RZ.
Halls of Honor You have beaten Rydda`Dar in the first of Honor's trials. You have completed the Rydda'Dar trial (this changes when the the other two are finished and Mithaniel Marr has been defeated).
Halls of Honor You have saved the villagers in the second of Honor's Trials. You completed the Ogre Trial (this changes when the other two are finished and Mithaniel Marr has been defeated).
Halls of Honor You have defeated the nomads in the third of Honor's trials. You have completed the Madmen trial (this changes when the other two are finished and Mithaniel Marr has been defeated).

HoH Trials Completed

You have completed all of Honor's Trials. You have three trials in Honor completed, but Mithaniel Marr is not yet defeated.
Halls of Honor The information obtained from Mithaniel is written in a language that you cannot comprehend. Mithaniel Marr has been defeated, but you have not hailed the librarian after completing the Agnarr cycle.

Mithaniel Marr Completed

The History translated for you reveals the fate of Zebuxoruk, trapped in the Plane of Time. You must gain the power of the elements to gain entrance. Mithaniel Marr and Agnarr have been completed, and you have said "new lore" to Maelin in the library. You do not have RZ.
Halls of Honor Mithaniel has been bested. An aura surrounds the mystical symbols that have appeared on your arm. Mithaniel Marr has been killed, but you have not yet hailed the librarian after completing the Saryrn chain.

Mith Marr, HoH Completed

The Cipher of the Divine Language appears on your arms for a brief moment then fades. You have completed the Saryrn and MM flag lines and hailed the librarian; your Grummus, Terris Thule, Bertoxxulous, KoS, Saryrn, HoH trials, MM, and all preflagging are done.
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