
Agingan Bay

Airport Bunkers

Bird Island

Bonzai Cliff

Country Club Beach

Forbidden Island

Garapan Street Market

German Bell Tower

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Invasion Beach

Isley Field

Jeffrey's Beach

Kalabera Cave

Ladder Beach

Lake Susupe

Last Command Post

Lau Lau Bay


Managaha Island

Memorial Park

Micro Beach

Mt. Tapochao

Nafutan Penisula

Noa Victoria

Obyan Beach

Old Japanese Hospital

Old Japanese Jail

Old Man by the Sea


Pau Pau Beach

Sand Castles

Sugar King Park

Suicide Cliff


Talafofo Falls

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Kalabera Cave

The cave is well hidden by the trees.

Continuing on the dirt road beyond Bird Island overlook will take you to Kalabera Cave. This cave is of great historic value. Ancient Chamorros lived there. You can still see very faint drawings on the left side just inside the cave opening. The cave has a large opening and a high roof. It slopes downward and is usually slippery. Not too far inside is a very deep hole.
I heard a story of a Japanese soldier skeleton, still in uniform, at the bottom of that hole. The Japanese soldiers used the cave as a field hospital during the Battle of Saipan. Stories are told of Japanese soldiers, nurses, doctors, and patients crowded around a single grenade to avoid being taken prisoners during the last days of the battle.





Cave drawings.
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