Now who do you suppose
wrote these poems, we ask?
To display such talent
i'm sure was no task.

Were there any offended
I don't believe
We all enjoyed them
even me!

To answer these poems
was an impulse I got
From my "cranial nerves"
through my "reflex arc".

Now Buffy Jo and Brenda Lou
may just be enjoying their books
The fox like motive and all the straight B's
just might get them off the hook

Phyllis Duncan and Kathy Martin
you called a congenial pair
To be born together
just don't make sense
To say this wouldn't be fair.

Felicia Williams and Waneta Snell
the happy go lucky gals
Have nothing in common
They're never together
but still I believe they're pals.

Donnie Brent and Jil Macy
are just a gal and a guy
She'll settle for riches without being famous
and Donnie will settle for pie.

Betsy Tiller and Diana Fair
are not just quiet and shy
They laugh and joke and act a fool
Till they're almost ready to cry.

Lisa Simon and Deana Riley
sit side by side in class
You've heard all their gossip
and heard all their jokes
Do you wonder if you're going to pass?

Rita Cain and Alice Hines
are very quiet indeed
You're very observing, and so am I
Which one is in the lead.

Donna Rite and Bessy Winger
are as attentive as all the rest
I couldn't choose from all the class
and say which one is best.

Becky Mouse and Wilma Worst
may be Johnny's on the spot
But who's to say how fast they are
this could be said of a lot.

Donald Buck and Candy Cane
you've noticed how they dress
Now wouldn't it be something
if they were wearing less.

Tina Siggle and Cherry Lee Ramsey,
you say are clowns we know
But what about all the rest
who go outside to put on their show.

Delaney Opar and Bonita Sleek
you say that they do study
Put all the rest of us in a pen
i'm sure the ground would get ruddy.

Now Minnie Glover and Patsy Cline
are to be commended tis true
To put up with a class as looney as us
Would put anyone in the "blue."

� Copyright: Waneta L. Snell
Written: 09-27-74

NOTE: All names are ficticous for privacy.

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