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Chi and Phi's Garden

Okay, the purpose of this page is just to further explain some things. The first of these is that this page is copyrighted by us, Maggie and Stephanie. All internet pages are like this. That means all the written material on this site belongs to us. We have written it all, except where we got information from sources and then we have cited that. The pictures on this site have been scanned from our personal copies of Sailormoon manga, except where noted, such as the artbook picture. For the pictures in the pictures section, the rules about them are posted on that page. The fanart belongs to the artists, which may or may not be us. The pictures which are not residing in either the Fanart or the Pix section are known as webgraphics and are made especially for this site. That means that they are not up for grabs to put onto someone else's site.
Thank you for your time in reading this,
Chi aka Maggie
last but certainly not least,
Phi aka Stephanie.
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