William J. Dorgan

born c 1886 Kentucky, later lived in New Jersey

This researched by Shirley Dorgan from public record and from information submitted by Bill Dorgan February 2004

*Information submitted to DORGAN FAMILY REGISTRY is accepted with the expectation that research was done by the person submitting it, and not taken from any copyrighted materials. Before accepting this information as your own, please contact the submitter and check source material very accurately.  We will not be held responsible for inaccurate information or copyright infringement.*

If you know more about this family, please contact me and I will add the DORGAN family information


Descendants of William J. Dorgan

Generation No. 1


1. WILLIAM J.2 DORGAN (DORGAN1) was born Abt. 1886 in Kentucky. He married JULIA SUSSKIND. She was born Abt. 1890 in New York.



i. WALTER3 DORGAN, b. Abt. 1914, New York.

ii. ANNABELLE DORGAN, b. Abt. 1915, New York.

iii. JOHN DORGAN, b. Abt. 1918, New Jersey.

iv. ELEANOR DORGAN, b. Abt. 1921, New Jersey.

v. JAMES DORGAN, b. Abt. 1924, New Jersey.

vi. FRANCIS DORGAN, b. Abt. 1925, New Jersey.

vii. WILLIAM J. DORGAN, b. Abt. 1927, New Jersey; d. 2004, Deerfield Beach, FL; m. JOSEPHINE G.; b. 1927, New Jersey.

                Mayor of Palisades Park, County Freeholder, NJ State Assemblyman. Died in Deerfield Beach, FL 2003.

Contact Website Administrator Shirley Dorgan to contribute your Dorgan information to this exciting project!

Updated Monday January 10, 2005

DORGAN FAMILY REGISTRY � 1998-2005 Shirley Dorgan



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