Virginia Census Records

To known Virginia Dorgans - sorted by Birth Date

*Information submitted to DORGAN FAMILY REGISTRY is accepted with the expectation that research was done by the person submitting it, and not taken from any copyrighted materials. Before accepting this information as your own, please contact the submitter and check source material very accurately.  We will not be held responsible for inaccurate information or copyright infringement.*

1840 US Federal Census

Fayette Co., Virginia

Dorcas Dorgan

1850 US Federal Census

1860 US Federal Census

Richmond City, Ward 1, Henrico Co., VA, page 15, enumerated June 15, 1860, James Moore, Ass't Marshal

Dwelling # 113
Family # 125

Dargon, Patrick, age 43, male born Ireland
Dargon, Ellen, age 45, female born Ireland
Dargon, Ellen, age 12, female born Ireland
Dargon, Annora, age 6, female born VA
Dargon, Cate, age 4, female born VA


Contact Website Administrator Shirley Dorgan to contribute your Dorgan information to this exciting project!

Updated Wednesday April 27, 2005

DORGAN FAMILY REGISTRY � 1998-2005 Shirley Dorgan



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