Timothy Dorgan

born Abt. 1715 Whitehall Ireland died Ireland

This information researched and submitted by Sandra Cole.  Please contact her for permission to download or if you have further information on this family

*Information submitted to DORGAN FAMILY REGISTRY is accepted with the expectation that research was done by the person submitting it, and not taken from any copyrighted materials. Before accepting this information as your own, please contact the submitter and check source material very accurately.  We will not be held responsible for inaccurate information or copyright infringement.*


Descendants of Timothy Dorgan


1 Timothy DORGAN b: Abt. 1715 in Whitehall, Co. Cork Ireland, d: in Whitwell

. +JOANNA b: Bet. 1722 - 1735 in Whitewell or Whitehall, County Cork, Ireland m: WFT Est. 1735-1738

........ 2 Joana DORGAN b: Abt. 1736 in Ireland d: in Ireland

........ 2 Timothy DORGAN b: 1740 d: October 1781 in New York, NY

................... 3 John DORGAN

........ 2 John DORGAN b: 1767 in Whitewell, Co. Cork, Ireland d: August 13, 1822 in New York, New York USA

........ 2 Andrew DORGAN b: 1772 in New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia d: June 14, 1817 in Baltimore, Maryland

............ +UNKNOWN

................... 3 Mary DORGAN

....................... +WOOD

................... 3 Timothy DORGAN b: November 11, 1798 in New York', 'New York d: June 09, 1840 in New York, New York

....................... +Margaret SWEENEY b: 1800 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvia d: November 28, 1879 in Navy Cove, Baldwin County, Alabama m: September 30, 1822 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

................... 3 Catherine DORGAN b: 1799 in New York, New York, New York d: Abt. 1879

................... 3 Andrew DORGAN b: May 06, 1800 in Baltimore then AL MOBILE CO. 113 1840 d: August 27, 1857 in Mobile, Alabama

....................... +Mary VAN ARSDALE b: October 09, 1808 in New York City, New York d: October 04, 1849 m: July 08, 1822

................... 3 John Daniel DORGAN b: 1812 in Baltimore, Maryland d: January 25, 1865 in Mobile, Alabama

....................... +Adelaide GRIVET b: 1814 in New York, New York, New York d: October 29, 1888 in Mobile, Alabama m: Abt. 1830

Contact Website Administrator Shirley Dorgan to contribute your Dorgan information to this exciting project!

Updated Monday January 10, 2005

DORGAN FAMILY REGISTRY � 1998-2005 Shirley Dorgan


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