<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/sadako_tv/Dasbootepitaph.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Dark Flesmus
Story: Everything has changed. Flesmus could not defeat Gakab Shadowgrudge and was overtaken by his darkness. Now she serves Gakab in their new home in Hell and summoning dark spirits to aid them in the destruction of Faei and the rest of the pathetic world! Including ex-best cousin Eitak Nighthawk! In the wake of her darkness, Fles and Gakab had one child born of darkness, Zurandiya, a faeian-troll mage with a gift of magic, just another spawn from Hell which Flesmus can use in her dark plans. Dark Flesmus' vasy powers grew with darkness and she became the Dark Sailor Vasy to destroy the other sailor vasies, but she failed miserably... Gakab stripped her of her pathetic vasy powers and drove her mad. She began to have dreams of when she was in the light, like it was real, a dream manifestation world... She began to remember of all the memories she had when she was good and it drove her insane. It broke her heart even more that it felt so real, but it was not. Flesmus became confused and betrayed Gakab and the demons of Hell.
                            Dark Fles found a small cavern and met Eitak and Damirath. She travelled with them until they got to the Mirror World where they found Bloody Mary there, bleeding on her damnation prison. Dark Fles had enough of Damirath's foolish talk and destroyed him with immense dark powers. She went back to hell where she found Gakab and was finally destroyed by his darkness for her betrayal in not killed Eitak when she had the chance, so maybe that little light in her still, let Eitaks live. Now she is a lost dark spirit in Hell... Pain... Fear... and hate is all her spirit can feel now, there is no saving her poor soul in this cruel damnation in Hell. Flesmus has failed, her light is gone... Forever...
In memory of my light... Flesmus