Nickname: Jemrock, Jemsi and Jem
22 December 1974
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair: Blonde
Height: 178cm  
Weight: 55kg
Star Sign: On the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn
Occupation: Make-up Artist
Admires: Richard Branson, my mum
Amazing adventures: Being on Big Brother
Favourite memory from the Big Brother house: Christmas Day
Funniest moment: When we dressed the boys up as girls and they performed for us. Benny almost lost his skirt!
Favourite Books: Princess by Jean P Sasson, Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt, Memoirs Of A Geisha
Favourite Clothes: All of them
Favourite Colour: Anything earthy
Favourite Film: Billy Elliott, Harry Potter
Favourite Holiday Destination: Spain, but I can't wait to see Italy
Favourite Songs: Fools Gold by Stone Roses, Falling Down by Sybil
Favourite Sport to Watch: Extreme sports
Hobbies: Disco dancing, keeping fit, hanging out with my friends
Likes to Eat: Anything and everything
Likes to Listen to: Disco music
Pets: None at the moment, unfortunately, but I love animals
The best thing about your job: Being in control of my own destiny
Career highlight: The most recent was having my range of lipgloss accepted into a major department store in the United Kingdom
Born: Perth
Lives: Melbourne
Siblings: Three brothers
Martial Status: Boyfriend

Biography! from
Big Brother and Sunday Telegraph


Other Information

Get your
Jemma Desktop!

What have you been up to? On coming out of the huose I had an endorsement deal with Hey Sister clothing. I then went on to host Search for a Supermodel on Network Ten. There have also been TV and corporate appearances and charity work. Now I'm in the middle of producing my own make-up range - beginning with a lip gloss. I'm also presenting a beauty segment on Good Morning Australia and have also made an appearance on Beauty and the Beast. There's also a number of other media-related projects in the pipeline - so watch this space!

Best and worst aspects of fame? Being given the opportunity to do things you wouldn't normally do, such as charity events. The worst would be losing your privacy.

How are you coping with the attention from the public now? I don't mind it at all. If I ever find myself feeling like I'm over it, I remind myself that without the fans of the show, I wouldn't be where I am today. I think you need to be grateful for that fact.

Are you seeing anyone? Yes, I celebrated my one-year anniversary with my boyfriend, Grant, just recently.

- Jemma's make-up range will be launched at the end of May 2002.

Search for a Supermodel
Jemma Gawned
Big Sister and chaperone of �Big Brother� fame

You got it!
Jemma put her media training into practice to show the girls
how it should be done when it comes to dealing with the
media. How to answer tricky questions or how to avoid them
all together!

Jemma housebound again!
Jemma was happy to sign autographs for fans at all the
shows before she heads into another house � this time no
Johnnie, no 24-hour surveillance, no camera�s in the loo - just
12 wanna be supermodels!

Model House
12 wanna-be supermodels, one house, 2 bathrooms,
2 mirrors and just to confuse matters, 2 Gemma�s and
1 Jemma!

She�s signed a lucrative deal as the spokesperson for
Bendon�s Hey Sister! line of clothing, and is discussions to
possibly do some work with a make-up company. She�ll be
one of the show�s (
Search for a Supermodel) presenters, and
will chat to the girls and capture the backstage gossip. The
program will air in September.

- A self-confessed neatness freak. Can�t stand lipliner that�s darker than lipstick.

Jemma Gawned
Hosted by