Nickname: Flash
31 October 1972 - Nauru
Height: 189cm  
Weight: 85kg
Star Sign: Scorpio
Favourite Songs: Lemon by US, Hear Me (vocal remix) by James Truman
Favourite Films: Final Fantasy - the movie, Existenz
Favourite Book: I don't read books

Biography! from
Big Brother


Other Information

What have you been up to since the show ended? Career-wise I'm moving from architecture into 3D animation for the film industry. I'm also looking forward to working in Sydney on a project that Todd and myself are involved with. I'm living in Thailand at the moment, but will return to Sydney soon.

Best and worst aspects of fame? Fame is a word given to people who've overachieved through natural talent and hard work, and gained the respect and admiration of firstly their peer group, then the world. We are not famours or talented. We are popular by exposure so TV networks can sell furniture and breakfast radio gets its sound bits!

Have you ever been hit on by fans? Thousands of girls hit on you, but if you're Blair it's hundreds of thousands. I'm lucky I have a girlfriend.

Who are you seeing? I have a beautiful girlfriend, Natalie, who is living in Thailand with me. We met on New Year's Day at a dance party in Sydney. We've been inseparable ever since and our playful personalities complement each other.

18 December 2001
The Dossiers
Show Pony of the Year

Winner: Gordon from Big Brother
Also known as Donkey Boy, Flash Gordon quickly emerged as the most annoying of Big Brother's housemates - before and after he was turfed from the Gold Coast compound. As one of his housemates said at the time: "A crazy blond hairdo cannot hide a beige personality." Gawd, we wish we'd said that ...
Merit certificates: Simon Lock; Scandal'us; Bessie Bardot.

- Modelling for Fubu and Dangerfield

- THQ Endorsement Deal (August 2001)

- Gordon describes himself as a kind of a guy. Whatever that means.


7 August 2001
Gordon and Onimusha

28 May 2001
Gordon's Gone

23 May 2001
Third Time Unlucky!
Gordon Sloan
Hosted by