Christina Davis
Nicknames: Christina Ballerina; Bella
7 April 1974
Height: 170cm  
Weight: 55kg
Star Sign: Aries
Occupation: Freelance Dancer, Choreographer, Waitress,
Favourite Song: Like a Bird by Nelly Furtado
Favourite Films: Like Water for Chocolate, American Beauty
Favourite Actors: Kate Hudson, Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett,
Michael Caine
Hobbies: Yoga, Ballet, Languages-Speaks French
Lives: Sydney  NSW
Education: Australian Ballet School, Melbourne &
McDonald College of Arts, Sydney
Career Highlights:
Choreographed for Sydney Olympics
Danced for Monte Carlo Ballet
Danced for The Australian Ballet
Danced for West Australian Ballet
Finalist Helsinki Internationals

Luxury Items for BB House: Chocolate and Magazines

Biography! from
Big Brother


Other Information

3 November 2002
Sun Herald
Lost Brother

Big Brother series graduate Christina Davis made a big impact during Melbourne Cup week last year. Her Derby Day peformance on dance floor at Portland Hotel had jaws dropping and a certain footballer panting. But don't expect to see the petite blonde this carnival. She has moved to LA to seek fame and fortune.

What have you been up to? I've been getting in a lot of acting training over the last few months. At the moment, I'm presenting on Channel 31's The Movie Show, but I'm also keeping my options open for other things. I'm writing my own comedy act as we speak. I've also appeared on Cheez TV and been involved with Planet Ark.

How are you coping with the attention now? Not a day goes by when someone doesn't come up and say, "You're Christina from Big Brother." I've got to admit I got a bit reclusive there for a while, but it has died down now.

Have you ever been hit on by fans? Yeah. People feel like they really know you so they're quite comfortable with coming up and asking you out.

Are you seeing anyone now? No, I'm very happily single.

- Reporting on the Goodwill Games for Brisbane Radio

- Writing comedy for stand-ups

July 2001
�One minute I�m hard up serving bacon and eggs in a caf� in Sydney, and the next I�m being mobbed for autographs and appearing on Rove Live.�
New Idea

- Once was a dancer for a troupe of drag queens.

- Christina has dined with Prince Albert of Monaco when she was going out with a friend of his.

- Former dancer with the Monte Carlo ballet.

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