15 July 2002
15 July 2002
House Party
By Julia Timms

With exclusive access to the Big Brother wrap party, NW brings you all the gossip from the big night....

At times, their shenanigans in the house shocked a nation - and out from under 24-hour surveillance, the Big Brother housemates continued their wild ways.

With a theme of 'black, red and white' the show's wrap party at Jupiters Casino in Surfers Paradise was a bright and rowdy affair. Unsurprisingly, Jessica's was the most amazing outfit. Her hair was styled in bizarre plaits, she had a scarf wrapped around her waist and to top it off, she wore a cowboy hat -
perhaps a sign she's ready to visit Marty's farm.

Turkan raised a few eyebrows with her choice of attire. Dressed in a red sequined number that showed off her cleavage, she prompted one exec to ask, "Has she had a boob job?" However, if she was trying to get Peter's attention she failed. He was with his brother and sister.

Consuming the most alcohol on the night was Damian, who was already inebriated when he arrived. Within a couple of hours he was busy amusing all those around with his blunt comments. Luckily, they didn't seem to bother Mirabai, who was spotted leaving arm-in-arm with him in the early hours.

Another housemate who seemed to score in the romance stakes was Keiran.
Although dubbed 'unluckiest man in love' while in the house, he was surrounded by a bevy of women all night.

Intruder Nicole and would-be intruder Nikki were also the subject of much attention from the many single, handsome men at the party. Scantily dressed, it was easy to see why guys flocked to the Ralph covers girls.

The award for cutest couple of the night went to Alex and his girlfriend Kirsty.
While the other HMs carried on, they barely left each other's sides. How sweet!

By 4am the party was officially over, but the games, drinking and all-round fun carried on well after sunrise.
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