I'm Unipeg
Below I have a pic of me with my dad  (my sister Faeryshine is swimming in the background)

as well as more things I enjoy.
Neopets Copywrite Link
My main charactor Unipeg
My charactor

~Raising Happy Chickens~
2009 Update
This year we are ordering more babies including ducklings!! I am working my way to selling a few chicks now and then..
The babies pictured are last years order from Ideal-Poultry

Yes, I still name them and know each and every one of them by name..

My newest babies are my goats. Pictured below (with me) is Rhapsody. She was quite shy when she arrived but as you can see, she has mellowed and become a bit spoiled.

My favorite kind of horses  are arabians and pintos
Yahoo! Avatars
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