Sablecain's Bit of Fiction
My simple site where you'll find stories from The Magnificent Seven, The Sentinel, and if you follow the link you'll fine my latest obsession...Stargate Atlantis!.
What's New!!!
4/2/09- NEW STORY!!

More than Right

A very belated Christmas story for Vi--Ezra has to spend Christmas Eve away from the team and things don't go right.

I just realized it's been about 3 years since I've posted anything related to m7 and I'm TERRIFIED! *shiver*  This story is the result of a christmas gift exchange between friends.  Violette asked for M7 with Christmas being the focus and there had to be an explosion.

Special thank you to Alyjude- her story "One is the Loneliest Number" from The Sentinel fandom(j/b) sort of kick started this whole idea and she was kind enough to let me share a few similarities. Go read her stuff. It's awesome!
The Magnificent Seven Stories
FAM/ AU  Stories
(aka. sky marshals)
Old West Stories
ATF/ AU Stories
Twister/AU- Stories
Stargate Atlantis Stories
The Sentinel Stories
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