Never the Right Reasons

[Eugenie Laffitte is a scullery maid with coarse brownish blonde hair and grey eyes. She is noticeable for her shrill voice, and is prone to chewing tobacco. --Anti-Marie-Suzette Generator.]

Girls like Eugenie Laffitte get noticed, but never for the right reasons. Girls like Eugenie are little and ratty and have grabby hands, and when gentlemen greet them in the streets, it's usually to insult them or ask for favours. Even street urchins don't think they're worth looking at unless to aim a stone, and when they buy things the shopkeepers keep their eyes only on their merchandise, because they know that girls like Eugenie like to steal, claiming that they can't help themselves.

Eugenie has short, ugly, coarse hair the colour of straw, and her eyes are grey like London smoke, though she's never been to London and has no idea. The mistress of the inn she works at is convinced that there's no one less trustworthy than Eugenie in possibly the whole world, which makes her laugh because she knows the Master is even less trustworthy than she is. Her job is to clean pots, but she likes to stop work and tease the Mistress' two little girls.

She whispers dirty secrets to them about the men in town in her shrill little voice, the one that gets her noticed by suspicious policemen and gets her her ears boxed by the Mistress. She offers them tastes of her tobacco, and the little girls chew and spit it out, making faces because it tastes bad. The little one cries.

There's another little maid there, the age of the older one of the Mistress' girls, and Eugenie hits her when no one is looking.

The gentle reader might find it difficult to believe, but Eugenie is perfectly happy. She likes being the kind of girl who only gets noticed for the wrong reasons. She lives an ugly life, but then, she's an ugly girl with an ugly spirit, and it suits her.

Once in a while she has a bad day, and complains that she could have been better, that she hates this. But she knows it's a lie, and she could never have been better, and she remembers that she's happy with her lot. Then she splashes dirty dishwater on the little maid, named Lark; and goes to tell the Mistress' little girls that the mayor of the town was last week known to be in the whorehouse, enjoying the company of the three most beautiful sluts in France.

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