
Caballero Special Filter

Updated April 14, 1999

  1. Caballero Filter Lights, box of 25; white/orange/yellow, BS-T (#5 - qty. 7)
  2. Caballero Special Filter, box of 30; white/orange/black/blue+ (Sigaretten) w/warning, BS-T (web page), Gift of Rod Summers (Maastircht)
  3. Ducal Mild, box of 25; w/warning, BG-T, Gift of Francis Van Maele (Luxembourg)
  4. Gauloises Blondes, box of 20; blue/white/red/gold, BS-T, Gift of Hauptbahnhof (Túbimgen, Germany)
  5. Marlboro Filter, box of 20; red w/warning, BS-T, Gift of Ruud Janssen (Tilburg, Holland)
  6. Marlboro Filter Lights, box of 20; whitel/gold/black (sigaretten 598), no foil

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