

contact: simontmn (at) postmaster.co.uk

This is the home page for all RPG games set on the world of Ea. It is intended to hold all non-game-specific info.

It is the 28th century YE. Southern Ea is in chaos. Following the Bloodhammer Uprising in Imarr, the Albine Emperor has ordered a total withdrawal from the lands of the Old Empire. Some Albine commanders have disobeyed, becoming mercenaries or warlords. Countless regional rulers have declared their own independent states. The Albine administrative infrastructure has collapsed as city-state governments replace Imperial rule. New leaders have arisen, determined to carve out new Empires by the bloody hand of War�

Greatest city of Ea is Imarr: Imarr the Glorious, the Eternal City. Once Imarr was the heart of the Old Empire; now under Overking Tarkane the Usurper, is she destined to rule once more?

Earth Year / Ean Year (approx)
1998 AD / 2735 YE
2005 AD / 2744 YE
2007 AD / 2750 YE
2008 AD / 2751 YE

Map of the northeastern portion of the continent of Imarokia, c 2750 YE

The Ultimate South Ea Map! (920kb)
Ea TimelineCheck the end of this for recent events!

Ea PCs

Players should provide the following data on their PCs. I'll be happy to answer questions on the world background.

Character Name:
Species: (normally human)
Homeland: (default is Imarran Heartlands)
Age: (human minimum 16)
Height: (feet & inches)
Weight: (lbs. Suggestd minimum is STR x 10 lbs)
Colour of - Hair: - Eyes: - Skin:
Appearance: (eg handsome, ugly, fat, voluptuous, imposing)
Clothing: (eg shirt, loincloth, tunic, long dress)
Demeanour: (eg grim, cheerful, studious)
Motivations: (what brings you to the area, what your general goals in life are. Good motivations include plot hooks for the GM, especially ones that can incorporate additional PCs in a scenario!)
Background: (your history and social standing - noble, slave, mercenary et al)
Contacts: you can have up to (1 + CHA bonus) NPCs who your PC is friendly with. You may also propose new NPC contacts if desired, if aproved the GM will stat them out appropriately.

Sample Character Concepts
Warrior Types: Professional Soldier, Tribesman, Noble, Knight, Fop, Savage, Nomad, Gladiator Slave, Outlaw, Thug, Beast Master, Explorer, Last Survivor/Punisher, Fighter-Assassin, Warrior-Priest
Rogue Types: Assassin, Beggar, Barbarian-Thief, Dilettante, Diplomat, Gambler, Inspector, Guide/Pathfinder, Pirate, Scout, Smuggler, Spy, Treasure Hunter

Note for non-d20 semi-freeform games

Under Notable Abilities please list your PC's unusual skills, competencies and powers in order Primary: Secondary: Tertiary:
A Rogue might have Fencing, Thievery, Diplomacy, a Ranger-Knight could have Fighting, Leadership, Wilderness Survival, etc - whatever you like, as broad or narrow as you wish. These can include magical powers if desired. The GM will refer to this list when resolving PC conflicts; the usual mechanism is to roll 1d6 and add an ability modifier - +3 (Primary) +2 (Secondary) or +1 (Tertiary), plus circumstance modifiers as appropriate for all relevant factors, both physical (eg dagger-wielder vs plate armoured foe), and psychological (eg hated enemy). In case of a tied roll it's a draw or inconclusive result. Mutiple PCs in a battle vs a single foe get +1 (flanking) or +2 (rear attack) and the single foe cannot wound more than 1/round.
A result of double the opposing roll is called a Total Success - the winning player will usually be given freedom to describe the result (eg PC A kills PC B). A result less than double the opposing roll is a minor, temporary or partial success (eg PC A wounds PC B and is able to escape the scene). A minor success usually causes a wound which reduces a PC's combat ability by 1, when it reaches 0 they are incapacitated - PCs without special combat ability are automatically incapacitated by any wound.
Groups of NPCs attacking a single PC are usually counted as a single opponent with a combat bonus of 1 per NPC beyond the first (elite troops may have an additional bonus), to a maximum of however many can attack that PC. A success reduces their number by 1 per number by which the PC's combat roll exceeded the NPCs' roll.

C&C and B/X D&D Rules Mechanics

Most Ea games use either Castles & Crusades or B/X D&D rules. Starting PCs should normally be generated according to the B/X rules or C&C Player's Handbook. PBEM PCs are normally generated with 25-point-buy, cost is
1-8: 0, 9: 1, 10: 2, 11: 3, 12: 4, 13: 5, 14: 6, 15: 8, 16: 10, 17: 13, 18: 16.

Or you can use the following 28-point stat array, arranged as desired: 16 14 13 12 10 9.
Tabletop PCs roll best 3 of 4d6 in order, swap any two, reroll any one, can reroll whole set if if net stat bonuses +2 or less). Or use 25 point buy. The available standard PC classes, and (for C&C PBEMs) their starting funds to buy equipment, are as follows:

Barbarian: 100gp
Bard/Skald: 100gp
Fighter: 150gp
Monk: 12gp, 5sp
Paladin: 150gp
Ranger: 150gp
Rogue: 125gp
Wizard: 75gp
Clerics and Druids may be available with GM approval.

For B/X D&D, all PCs normally start with 150 gp of gear, Magic-Users deducting 100 gp for their spell book.

Levelling Up: PCs level up immediately sufficient XP is gained, though additional spells and memorised spells for Wizards are not gained until studied for, and new Wizard spells must still be scribed into spellbook, taking 8 hours/spell. C&C PBEM Characters get x2 max hp at 1st, then gain half-maximum hit points per level above first, eg a Fighter gains 5 hp/level, + CON bonus. Rolled Tabletop PCs can roll or take half-maximum hit points. Tabletop point buy PCs can take max then half-max hit points as for PBEM PCs for hit points gained prior to entering play; then roll as normal.

Wealth for PCs starting above 1st level

The GM may specify a higher starting level than 1st. Some campaigns, not all, use the following starting funds:
Level / Higher Level Starting Money
2 300gp
3 900gp
4 1,800gp
5 3,600gp
6 4,800gp
7 7,200gp
8 9,400gp
9 12,000gp
10 16,000gp
11 21,000gp
12 27,000gp
13 35,000gp
14 45,000gp
15 59,000gp
16 77,000gp
17 100,000gp (max)

Slaves & Companions: A PC may normally begin play accompanied by 1 slave or other dependent companion NPC, such as a servant, spouse, bodyguard, ward or child. This costs 1 of the PC's Contacts. Slaves or companions must be of the Non-PC class Experts, Aristocrats, or Warriors (or Commoners if desired), and acquiring one also costs the following amounts from PC's starting money. Add Level cost to Point Buy cost.

Level 1 - 30gp 2 - 40gp 3 - 50gp 4 (max) - 70gp
14PB - 10gp 16PB - 15gp 20PB - 20gp 24PB (max) - 30gp
Slave or Companion NPCs may be created by the player with GM's approval, and may not be higher level/hd than the PC (usually maximum 4th). They are usually played by the GM, the GM may ask the player to play the NPC eg for combat.

Special Rules - for some Ea games.

Fate Points

For some games I'm using narrative Fate Points similar to those in the Conan RPG. PCs usually start with 3 (4 for Paladins), most commonly they are used on the player character's behalf for the PC to be 'left for dead' after losing a fight (a common occurrence at first level!). They can also be used by GM or on the player's request to get a 'lucky break' in a dire situation, eg help with escaping captivity, a sudden distraction & such. FPs can be gained for major achievements related to the PC's personality & goals, the GM can also award fate points at his discretion if the PC is "screwed over by fate", eg being arrested for a crime they didn't commit.


Ea games usually use 3 Alignments/Allegiances; Lawful, Neutral, and Chaotic, as in Michael Moorcock's Multiverse novels and Basic/Expert D&D. Most humans are Neutral. Lawfuls tend to be honourable, trustworthy, altruistic, and like continuity and stability, while Chaotics are typically free-thinking, erratic, selfish, and like constant change and new experiences.

Magic rules:

These are the standard rules for Ea games, but the GM may vary them as desired for the scenario - check with GM.


Characters receive Age Penalties only (no stat bonuses for age apply). Humans are typically middle-aged at 45, Old at 65, and Venerable at 85. The GM may occasionally award stat bonuses for life experience, these may not bring stats above the racial limit, usually 17, 18 or 19.

PC Classes on Ea

The Following C&C Classes are the primary ones available for Player Characters

Normally these classes are unrestricted for starting characters - all characters must be approved by GM, of course.

Barbarian (Berserker): Uncommon - cultures with a 'berserker' ethos include Makyan, Trafalgic Norse, Rigerian, Nubian, Southland nomads, dwarven Battleragers. The Mongali are generally too disciplined to produce Barbarians. The Marrakeen & Julite Dervishes of the Southlands are religious fanatics who enter ecstatic battle frenzy, use Barbarian stats.

Bard (Skald): Very Rare, though there are Norse Skalds and some tribal Bards. These warrior-poets exalt their comrades and strike fear into the hearts of foes. They are the keepers of much lore, but are not spellcasters per se.
Fighter: Common - any, especially mercenaries and Slayers, bounty-hunting killers-for-hire. Fighters have access to Fighting Styles.

Monk: Very Rare - ascetic philosophies, including Orange Simca, Gnostic of Crisos, Guardians of Hawk & Crane, the Death Monks of Chin Li, and the Ksarulist Blue Light Society and Ndalu Clan. Some Master Monks on Ea can Enter Spirit Trance, at 12th level. They are proficient with half spears and short spears.

Paladin: Very Rare - Lawful deity, including Crisos, Ukko (Imgart), Thrin & Tyr (Norse). The road of the Paladin is a hard one, but many Paladins seem to possess an almost uncanny ability to survive in the face of overwelming odds. Whether this is the favour of their gods, Fate, or an even higher power is unknown. PC Paladins start with +1 Fate Point.

Ranger: Rare - Ea's non-spellcasting Ranger class, if religious they usually follow a nature or protector deity, eg in Northwoods Alidarn's Blood Hand Rangers are devout followers of Crisos.

Rogue: Uncommon - especially urban. Rogues on Ea get BTH +1/2.

The Following Core Classes May Be Available to Player Characters - ask GM

Usually these classes are restricted - they may not be allowed in a campaign, or allowed only in limited numbers, eg 1 arcane caster & 1 divine caster.

Assassin: rare - Consult with GM.

Psionicist: - very, very rare. Most psionicists on Ea are psionically dominated by the arch-psionicist, the Eldren Doomstar, although a secretive order of free psions is rumoured to exist. Not normally available as PC class.

Divine Spellcaster Classes

1. Cleric. Stat: WIS. Spell List: Cleric. Abilities: Turn/Rebuke Undead
2. Druid Stat: WIS Spell List: Druid Abilities: Wild Empathy

Cleric: Rare (most NPC priests are not Clerics but Experts, Adepts, Warriors etc) - any Ean deity. Clerics are seen as agents of the higher powers, regarded with awe by the common populace.

Druid: Very Rare - Ean nature deity - Ki/Mielikki (Albine/common), Nin-Hursag (Albine Earth goddess), Silvanus (Bretanian/common), Eritha (Makyan Herd Goddess), The Elemental Kings (Grom, Sashelas, Oloron, Kakatal). Druids typically operate similarly to Clerics.

Divine Spellcasting on Ea.

Divine spellcasting is empowered primarily by the veneration and knowledge of the worshipper, rather than by power gifted directly from the deity. Thus there is not a strong distinction between arcane & divine magic, it is possible to find divine spellcasters (not necessarily Clerics or Druids) who revere giant spiders or inanimate objects as gods, and cast spells normally. Of course, sufficient amounts of faith may turn that spider or object into a 'true' god. All Divine spellcasters on Ea cast *spontaneously*. Spells per day uses the standard table for the class, Spells Known uses the standard spells/day table, with bonus spells for high Wisdom.

Domains: Cleric domains are optional, Cleric PCs may choose a couple of reasonable ones appropriate to the deity. Many deities have a variety of different sects that worship different aspects of the same god, and may access different domains. Clerics with Domain spells substitute 1/spell level from the normal Cleric list, each castable 1/day.

Arcane Spellcaster Classes

Wizard & Illusionist: Rare - most human wizards belong to a particular wizardly Order, eg the Albine College of Magic, the White Way (any N or L, commonly revere Avanthe), the Blue Light Society(N-L, revere Ksarul), Ndalu Clan (Ksarul, usually C) or Red Wizards (N-C, revere Hel). Usually urban.

Wizard's Spellbooks

C&C Wizard/Illusionist PCs begin at 1st level with the standard C&C 4 0th level spells, and 1 (INT 13+: 2) 1st level spells in their spellbook. As per OD&D they do not automatically gain knowledge of any additional spells per level, all spells gained must be learnt from spellbooks (taking 1 month and an INT check, or 1 automatic spell gained on levelling), granted by a mentor on levelling, or independently researched (generally using 1e Research rules), and be scribed into the book using special inks and vellum. A Wizard may know (to memorise) a number of spells equal to their INT + Level. A known spell may be 'swapped out' on levelling, or after 1 month of study.
0th level spells count as 0.5 of a 'real' spell, for all purposes.

Other Spellcaster classes exist (eg Demonist, Houri, True Necromancer) and may be played with GM approval.

Demonist: Rare - Summoner of diabolical denizens of the Netherworlds! Consult with GM.

Houri: Rare - the Marrakeen 'nymph of paradise' entertainer/seductress. Non-lawful prestige class. Consult with GM.

Notes for Wizards: Wizards don't start with a Familiar, a friendly spirit guide in animal form, unless they have the 100gp to pay for the ceremony, as per the PHB. As they start with an average 75 gp at first level, they don't usually have this. Memories of the horrors inflicted by the Red Wizards during their Empire of Hel mean that magic-users are commonly feared and distrusted on southern Ea, and sometimes persecuted, especially in more rural areas like the Northwoods.
There is no ban on Wizards & Sorcerers learning healing magic.

Arcane Healing

The following Cure spells are available to Wizards at these spell levels: 0th - cure minor wounds 1st - cure light wounds 2nd - cure moderate wounds 3rd - cure serious wounds 4th - cure critical wounds

Frequency of PC Class Characters

No more than 1% of the population belong to the 'elite' (PC) classes - less in peaceful areas. Distribution is as given above. Normally around 50%+ of these are 1st level, with 1 in 4 2nd level, 1 in 8 3rd level, and so on, up through level 9 (Name Level). Of the remainder, typically between 2-10% are Warriors, 2-10% Expert, 1-5% Aristocrat, no more than 1% Adept or other spellcaster, and the rest Commoner. Very few characters exceed 10th level.
Ea Population Demographics. Name Level: Characters of 9th and higher level are often rulers of domains and typically accorded an honorific in accordance with their great power; eg Fighters are termed Lords, Wizards are termed Magus (at 11th level Arch-Mage or Arch-Magus), Clerics are termed Patriarch or High Priest, etc.


Many NPCs have the generic Expert/Tradesman class, which incorporates experts & commoners. Tradesmen vary but typically have 4-6 class skills, d4 or d6 hit die, 1/2 or 1/4 BAB, Primes depending on the focus of their work - mentally focussed NPCs get Mental, labourers or dancers get Physical. Let's get Physical...

Background Information

Ean Races

Most PCs are humans from urban or civilised rural cultures. Rare non-human PCs may be created with GM approval; the most common inhumans in human society are half-elves, half-orcs, female elves, and hill dwarves. There are very very few halflings or gnomes, most people regard them as semi-legendary, like the faerie. Heights in parantheses are for adult males, human females average about 4" shorter.
There are two major strains of 'northern' human, the Cimri and Narish. Each has several sub-groups.

Heartlander (5'8"): The dominant race of the Overkingdom of Imarr are the Imarran Heartlanders, with fair to olive skin and black or brown hair, eyes commonly brown, frequently blue (predominantly Roman-style culture, physically similar to Italian). Language: Imarran Common
Doskani (5'8"): black hair, brown eyes (similar to Spanish), among whom female warriors are common. The Doskani have a macho culture, Doskani knights are noted for their bravery and code of chivalry. Doskani warriors of both genders are often accompanied by a body-slave who serves their needs. Language: Doskani (dialect)
Colladi (5'9"): The native people of Colladel, they have brown, red or fair hair, blue eyes common (similar to Gaelic Irish), the area bordering the wild Sorganzorro marshes to the west is predominantly Colladi. A Cimric people. Language: Imarran Common
Bretanian (5'9"): similar to Colladi (French-Celtic culture), homelands were conquered by the Makyan tribes ca 2732 YE and mostly exiled or reduced to serfdom. A Cimric people. Language: Bretanian (dialect)
Do Chakan (5'9"): The Chakkan plains are a melting-pot of ethnicities, including Makyan, Mongali, Bretanian/Cimri, Albine colonials (dark hair, tall, fair complexion), Imarran Heartlander, etc. Native Do Chakkans tend to slim and fair, with red hair common. Language: Imarran common, Chakkan (dialect)
Unusual human ethniticies and those from the fringes of civilisation include:
Sorgani (5'6"): The native tribal people of the Sorganzorro marshes and Coast Range mountains, they typically have black hair, high cheekbones, dark tan complexion and a short, stocky build (similar to Slavic, culture similar to Amerindian forest tribes). Blond hair from interbreeding with the Nari is not uncommon in many Sorgani clans. The Sorgani are closely related to the Suomi, the pre-Narish people of Imgart proivince. Language: Sorgan.
Norse (Narish) - feudal Narish Imgarters (6') (Teutonic & Finnish) and Trafalgic Norse vikings (6'2"), (Norse mythos), blond, brown or red hair, blue eyes. There are savage Norse tribes in the high Yurons who are ethnically identical but culturally much more primitive, eg not keeping slaves, treating women as equals, etc... Thrinians (6') from across the great ocean are culturally and physically similar, but with a predominantly high-feudal knightly culture based on the worship of Thrin. Many Imgarters in remote areas show the tan complexion and high cheekbones indicative of Suomish ancestry. Language: Trafalgic Norse, closely related Imgart Narish.
Northwoodsmen (5'10") (Crisan) are similar to the Norse/Narish, and closely related, but mixing with Cimric blood means they are somewhat shorter; brown hair and ruddy complexions are common (similar to Anglo-Saxon). Language: Imarran Common
Rigerian (6') - fair-skinned, mostly black-haired & blue eyed mountain barbarian tribes, revere Crom (N). A Cimric people. Language: Rigerian (Cimric)
Duskmoon Mountain Barbarians (5'10") - fair skin, black, brown or red-haired barbarians live on Vantouche's eastern border. The Hawksmen are strongest. A Cimric people. Language: Common, Old Cimric. Sunrissmen (5'10"): The semi-civilised men of the Sunriss Confederacy are tall, of mixed Cimric & Narish blood, with some Imarran.
Mongali (5'5") - yellowish-skinned horse nomads (similar to medieval Mongols), invincible archers, they rule Do Chaka and the Forest of Angar. Ancestor worshippers. Language: Mongal.
Makyan (5'10") - bronze-skinned barbarian beast-worshippers, recently conquered Bretania. Revere Eiritha the Herd-Goddess and their tribal animals (similar to North American Amerindian) Language: Makyan.
Ankan (5'9"): Fair or red hair, blue eyes, strong build. Fierce barbarian-Celtic culture. Blue-eyed, fair-haired barbarians dwelling among the high peaks of the vast Ankan Range. Ethnically close to Beskarni. The Ankan clans bordering the Forest of Angar include many half-elves, the Angarin Sidhe. A Cimric people. Language: Ankan.
Pan Chakkan Highlanders (5'9"): The kilted tribal clans of the Pan Chakka hills are ethnically Chakkan (blue eyes, red, brown, or fair hair) but retain an ancient tribal culture similar to medieval Scots Gaels. A Cimric people. Language: Chakkan (dialect)
Heavenly Mountains Veridoran (5'5") - similar to Mongali in appearance, but fairer complexion and much more civilised. Revere Hawk and Crane, they are believed to originate long ago in far-off Veridor, and speak Veridoran (similar to Japanese). The people of the Sea of Dust (5'5") are mostly of mixed Heavenly Mountains and eastern ancestry.
Kartislander/Nubian (5'11") - black/brown-skinned native of tropical savannas, Kartislanders are descended from a mix of native Nubian and mostly-Imarran colonials. Other related Nubian tribes dwell in the rain forests to the south, some - the Horde of Julah - recently conquered the Van Karti's Land plains, establishing the Kingdom of Julah. Revere the Elemental Kings, especially Olorun, among other gods (similar to African). The Kingdom of Julah has a caste system, darker skin indicating higher status. Language: Imarran Common and Nubian.
Marrakeen (5'9") (Arabic), southern Dosk heights tribes (5'9")(Turkic), - dusky Southlanders, the Marrakeen are by far the most numerous. Language: Marrakeen and dialects.
Aryptian (5'8") - dark, hawk-nosed dwellers amongst the pyramids and ruins of their ancient civilisation (Egyptian mythos). Language: Aryptian.
Azcan (5'4") - mysterious copper-skinned race from the Southern jungles of the deep Mosquito River basin in the far south (similar to central-American Aztec), enemies of the Nubians. Language: Azcan.
Albine (5'11") - fair to olive skin, brown or (rarely) blue eyes, rangy build - the tall, dark-haired Albines are the former colonial rulers of Imarokia. The Albine Empire across the great ocean is falling under attack. Their culture resembles the medieval Byzantine Empire, and is probably the most technologically advanced on Ea. Albines live longer than most other humans, and are not Middle Aged until 50, Old at 75 and Venerable at 100. Language: Albine Common.
Rarely-seen human races from the far West include:
Tantoki (5'5") , from Simcist Tantok (similar to medieval Buddhist Thailand) who resemble the Heavenly Mountains people, Language: Tantoki, which is closely related to Veridoran.
Matushkan (5'7"), from Matushka (similar to medieval Hindu India), Language:Matushkan
Westerlanders (5'9")(mixed, including many of Trafalgic Norse Narish descent), feudal-medieval, cultures resembling east-European Kievan Rus, Lithuanian etc. Language: Westerland Norse (dialects).

Racial Age Categories - this replaces PHB values.

Humans (all): adult 16, middle age 45, old 65, venerable 90.

Dwarves: (females 2" shorter)
dwarf, hill (4'9"): adult 35, middle age 150, old 250, venerable 350
dwarf, mountain (4'10"): 40, 175, 275, 400.

Elves: (females 2" shorter)
elf, gray (5'10"): adult 150, middle age 650, old 1000, venerable 1500.
elf, high (5'6"): 100, 550, 875, 1200.
elf, wood (5'6"): 75, 500, 800, 1100.
half-elf (5'8"): 25, 100, 175, 250.

Half-Orc (6'/5'8") or Hobgoblin (6'6"/females 6'2"): - adult 12, middle age 30, old 45, venerable 60.
Bugbear (7'/6'6"): adult 14 middle age 40 old 55 venerable 75
Goblin (4'6"/4'3"): adult 9 middle age 25 old 35 venerable 50

Bugbear PCs (C&C): +2 STR +1 CON -1 CHA. +3d8 hd, +2 BTH, +2 natural armour, SA: Move Silently. 60' Darkvision. ECL+3
Goblin PCs: -1 STR +1 DEX, -1 CHA, Small. SA: Move Silently. 60' Darkvision. ECL +0
Hobgoblin PCs (3e): +1 CON, 60' Darkvision. ECL+0

Minimum Starting Ages

1. Humans - 1 year/level plus the base age determined by their class:
Cleric: 20 Druid: 17 Fighter: 15 Paladin: 17 Ranger: 20 Wizard: 20
Illusionist: 24 Rogue: 15 Monk: 17 Sorcerer: 15

2. Dwarves & Half-Elves: "adult" age + 1 year/level.

3. Elves: "adult" age + 2 years/level. Due to the destruction of the elven realm of Angarin ca 2515 YE the minimum starting age for a grey or high elf will normally be ca 230, higher if desired.


Nations of South Ea

Population figures are estimates, and include subject and slave populations but may not include uncontrolled groups within claimed borders. Most estimates likely err on the low side.

The Overkingdom of Imarr (17.7 million)

(Tarkane, F11): greatest kingdom of southern Ea, the Overkingdom rules many realms, from the conquered (2738-39) land of Imgart Province in the north, through Gordava (conquered 2735), the Coastal Alliance cities (inc 2736) and the recently incorporated (M11 2739) Scornic League territories in the west, to the great port city of Doskan (conquered 2736) in the south. The Overkingdom's capital is ancient Imarr, by far the greatest city of Ea and said to hold over a million people within its high walls. Population includes: ca 5.2 million Scornic League (1.4 million Northwoods/Relain, 1.7 million Archducy of Vantouche, 1.2 million Scorn'el & Deepwater Kingdom, 0.9 million southern including 0.125 million Borderlands Duchy), 1 million Imgart Province, 3.2 million Archduchy of Colladel, 1.2 million Imarr & suburbs, 1.5 million Do Chakka March, 3.5 million Heartlands, 1 million Gordavan March, 1 million Doskan March, [nominally 0.1 million Sorgani tribesmen in Sorganzorro marsh & Coast Range mts]. Allied or client realms include the Kingdom of Trafalgis, Mount Fire & the Sea of Dust, and the Heavenly Mountains. Slaveholding is very common in most of the Overkingdom, which is culturally a mix of classical Roman and Medieval European Holy Roman Empire, although Thrinians and many Crisans oppose this practice. The Northwoods around Relain is Crisan, with little slavery and a strong fear of magic/witchcraft. The default Imarran culture is mostly somewhat patriarchal, although female warriors are quite common in some areas such as Doskan. The Overkingdom has countless gods; the traditional patron god of the city of Imarr itself is the Sky God Oloron, commonly identified with the Norse Odin and in modern times revered as Odin-Olorun. Languages: Imarran Common, & many other.
Realms of the Overkingdom & Rulers.

Imarran Heartlands - Overking Tarkane. Lush, fertile farms and woods.

Doskan March - Occupied territory (from 2736). Dry, Mediterranean climate.

Imgart - mostly Ocupied territory (from 2738-9) - Duchess Magda Kullervo (Rogue 9), and various Imperial Bloodhammer Knights staking out their fiefs. Cold, damp, forested basin. Archduchy of Colladel - Archduke Ulfius (F12). Lush in south and east, growing colder to north and west, high moors bordering Sorganzorro marshes. Includes Duchy of Gordava to the west, and the Alliance Cities (Westgate, Vanton, Endhome) to the east.

Dominion of Relain - Lords of Relain. Collection of noble domains centred on Relain, including the small Kingdom of Tholkan under Alidarn (Ranger 10). Dense forests and rich farmland.

Archduchy of Vantouche - Archduke Persenex Tarnin III (F10). Rich central plains, hilly terrain on eastern and western borders.

Sunriss Confederacy. Mountainous semi-civilised realm.

Deepwater Kingdom - rich mercantile kingdom north of Deepwater Lake.

Do Chakkan March - including the Forest of Angar, recently reconquered from the Mongali (ca 2744-51 YE).

Dulleaberg Borderlands (Duke Kanor Zerler, Knight 8). Hilly uplands of scattered cities and towns.

Scorn'el. The city of Carthea, goddess of democracy. Scorn'el is a Republic.

The Lost City of Barakus - for information on Endhome area in the Archduchy of Colladel.
The Borderlands Campaign - for information on Borderlands area bordering Makyan Bretania.


These are typical minimum figures, eg a Baron may rule tens of thousands. Title: Rules (typical population) Includes
Overking Everyone Tarkane the Usurper
Archduke Millions Persenex of Vantouche, Ulfius of Colladel
Duke Hundreds of Thousands Kanor of Dulleaberg, King Alidarn of Tholkan
Margrave, Count Tens of Thousands
Graf, Viscount, Baron Thousands
Baronet/Freiherr, untitled Lord Hundreds

Foreign potentates (where recognised), and allies are typically allocated precedence according to the population of domain ruled, with some 'bumping' up in marginal cases, eg the Warmaster of Mt Fire and the Ladies of Hawk & Crane are counted as Dukes, the High King of Trafalgis and the Caliph of Marrak are counted as Archdukes. Currently the Overking recognises no equals, although the Albine Emperor and possibly Mongali Great Khan would be obvious candidates.

Overkingdom Military Forces

The vast, sprawling Overkingdom of Imarr is largely decentralised and feudal. Landed nobles and cities maintain their own forces, committed to the Overking's service in time of war. These feudal forces form the vast majority of forces available to the Overking. The majority of soldiers are professionals, essentially mercenaries, who drift from job to job, looking for the next campaign. Only a small number of warriors enjoy permanent employment as nobles' retainers or city guard. Professional troops are often bulked out by peasant and citizen levies, best used primarily for the defence of hearth and home.

The Overking's personal standing forces comprise the elite Imperial Knights Bloodhammer, of whom he is the Grand Master, and their retainers, the forces of Imarr's City Guard and Marine Guard, plus the Army of the Overking, professional soldiery on the Albine model employed in peacetime primarily as frontier guards and in temporary occupation of conquered realms, though again these are usually parcelled out to feudal overlords (including senior Bloodhammer Knights and Thrinian Knights).

Total Overkingdom Population: approx 17 million (2751 YE).

Number of men suitable for military service: ca 1.7 million

Number of Professional Soldiery: ca 450,000, including around 20%/56,000 Fighters.

Number of Professional Soldiery permanently employed: ca 100,000/ in war 300,000+*

Number of professional soldiers in Army of the Overking: ca 30,000/ in war 60,000+*

Number of professional soldiers in the 2 Knightly Orders' standing forces: ca 20,000 (16,000 IKB, 4,000 Thrinian, 20% Knights)/ additional feudal levies could bring strength to 60,000+.

*Throughout the entire Overkingdom. A practical campaigning army is ca 50-100,000 men, depending on transport, environment, food supply etc. A defensive army including levies could muster up to ca 300,000, as at the Battle of Scorn'el in 2740 YE.

Imarran Coinage ca 2744 YE

1 Gold Crown or Aurus/i (large gold coin, l/10 lb, ca �500) =
10 Denarius/i (small gold piece, 1/100 lb, ca �50)=
100 Sestertius/i (silver piece, 1/100 lb, ca �5) =
1000 copper pieces (1/100 lb, ca 50p)

Territories under Overkingdom Influence

Cyklades Isles (0.4 million)

(no ruler): The Cyklades island chain east of Imarr includes the mysterious Isle of the Shapelings, an invisible race known only to legends. Many Albines colonised the Isles during the Pax Albina. It is now a land of scattered feudal smallholdings, small coastal towns, hidden pirate coves, Trafalgic Norse invaders (renegades from the Imgart invasion of 2729) in the north, and more recently renegade Imgart knights fleeing the Overkingdom's invasion of 2738 YE, all of whom seek to carve out their own domains. The isles are mostly windswept and mineral-poor, with some good farmland. The southern Isles are dry and show much Marrakeen influence. The famous port town of Volto lies here. Languages: Common, Albine, Narish in north, Marrakan in south.

The Chaos Ruins (0.15 million?)

(none): The Destroyer, Dark Lord of Chaos, ruled a twisted realm of nightmarish abominations, the Beast Men of Chaos, and warred constantly against the human lands to the south. In M4 2740 YE a terrible plague struck the Chaos Realm. Rumour has it that the Lady of Crane's Palace, Ling-Da, was responsible, a gift to Lord Alidarn in exchange for the White Spear granted by her to Warmaster Xiang. Language: Abyssal, Common. In 2744 YE a band of heroes under the Blue Light wizard Umayth sacrificed their lives to close the Abyssal Gate, destroying the Chaos Fortress and dispelling the Destroyer from Ea. Yet many Chaos monsters doubtless dwell here still.

Pan Chakka (0.5 million)

(no ruler): The wild hills and woods of Pan Chakka lie along the Do Chakka-Bretanian border east of the Forest of Angar. This is sparsely settled upland territory inhabited by human tribal hill clans of Chakkan Highlanders, hardy frontiersmen in stockaded villages, bandits, renegades and minor nobles - often in exile from more welcoming climes - as well as bands of generally hostile nonhuman races including gnolls, but also goblins, hobgoblins and others. The soil here is generally poor and the limestone hills hold little mineral wealth, so it remains a largely undeveloped buffer zone between more welcoming climes. Language: Common

Mount Fire (0.2 million)

(Warmaster Xiang, F12): the forces of Mount Fire under Xiang control the wastelands of the Sea of Dust, where once were the realms of Cartheos and Kormir. Population is ca 0.2 million in Sea of Dust. Languages: Veridoran, Common. The Warmaster commands an army of 5,000 well-trained killers.

Heavenly Mountains (0.1 million)

(Lady Ling-Da of Crane's Palace Wiz 15, Lady Tsui Yio Cho of Hawk's Palace, Monk 10): Since their restoration in 2740 YE the Hawk & Crane monasteries of fierce female warrior-monks, the Guardians, again fiercely defend the high passes over the Heavenly Mountains from Mongali incursion. The Guardians are girls recruited from the peasant villages of the mountains. The Death Monks of Chin Li (Monk 9) are a group of Chaotic renegades who believe their leader Chin Li, the bearer of the Ebony Horn, is the rightful ruler of Hawk's Palace, and are fighting a vicious guerilla war to place her upon the throne. The black clad Death Monks accept male and female members. Language: Veridoran.

Beskarn (0.16 million)

(Marena Wizard 9, Fjorent Druid 11, War Chiefs, etc): an isolationist forested land of fierce tribesmen and powerful witches. Tribal chiefs are male, but Beskarni Forest Witches are female and hold the true power here. In East Beskarn the Witch-Queen Marena holds much influence. The great witch Fjorent resides further west. Language: Beskarni

The High Kingdom of the Norsemen

Trafalgis & Settlers' Country, plus areas off west of map including Jrebb and client kingdoms Caerns, Korrath, Adrani: population 1.92 million Trafalgis + Settlers only) (High King Sigurd I Ravneskjold, F12): The proud Norse Kingdom of Trafalgis was conquered by Imgart in 2729 YE and freed recently in 2738-39 YE from Imgart occupation with aid from the Overkingdom of Imarr. Generally regarded as a client state of the Overkingdom, though King Sigurd, once a Bloodhammer Knight, is independent-minded and doubtless sees things differently. Settlers' Country had been conquered by the Mongali in 2725 YE, and around 600,000 of its 1.6 million population slain or taken south into slavery. In 2741 YE Sigurd and a Trafalgic army with Overkingdom & Mt Fire support liberated Settlers' Country from the Mongali, and was petitioned by the Jarls to remain as King of a unified Norse realm. In 2743 Sigurd led an expedition west and conquered the Lands of the Priest kings (now Kingdom of the Westerlands), as well as gaining the kingdoms of Adrani, Caerns and Korrath as client states. Population .82 million Trafalgis, 1.1 million Settlers' country. Language: Trafalgic Norse. Further info see: The Chronicles of Sigurd

Other Territories

Mongali Kingdom of Arukai (ca 2.02 million)

(Queen Guliazat Kadai, Cleric 9): the Mongali are an aggressively expansionist race of horse nomads. In 2741 YE the Mongali lost the Norse realm of Settlers' Country, but in 2744 still ruled the Steppes and Do Chakka, although internal dissent threatened this. The Albine warlord Kardus, a former Legion commander, controlled the dusty arid plains of western Do Chakka ca 2736-40 YE. Bitter enemy of the Mongali, he had no love for the Overking either. Kardus was conquered by the Mongali Horde in M4 2740 YE. Following Kadai Khan's defeat at Scorn'el, the Mongali Empire fragmented, a situation exacerbated by the loss of Settlers' Country to the Norse under Sigurd. With Kadai's death in 2751 YE his daughter Guliazat assumed rule of the core holdings around Arukan, establishing the Kingdom of Arukai, and sought peace with the Overkingdom.
Population includes ca 1.52 million Mongali, 0.5 million Norse & Albine slaves in Arukai. Languages: Mongali, Makyan on southern border, Albine and Common on Do Chakka border.

The Shakka Kingdom (Makyan Kingdom of Bretania) (2.7 million)

(Marowa, Bbn 12): the fierce Makyan Barbarians under King Marowa of the Bison Warriors have conquered (2730-32 YE) the once-civilised realm of Bretania, reducing the former inhabitants to serfdom or slavery. To the south Makyan Bretania abuts on the great Ankan Lake, to the south-east meadows become sparsely populated savannahs and fade into the deserts of Marrak, roamed by wild tribesmen and fell beasts. Population includes ca 2 million Bretanian slaves/serfs, 0.7 million Makyan. Languages: Makyan, Common.

The Marrakeen Caliphate (2.9 million: 2.3 million Southlands + 0.6 million Silk Lands)

(Johmuz VI, Knight 4/General Astares, Knight 11): the wealthy and powerful southern desert realm of Marrak is known for its fearsome Zeereshi lizard cavalry. Johmuz, Caliph of Marrak, is of the ancient royal blood but is widely regarded as a virtual puppet, firmly under the control of his great general, Astares, The Victor of Sasan. North of the Dosk river, Marrak controls the Doskani Silk Lands (conquered 2735-36) on its border with the Overkingdom, an important economic resource. To the south Marrak largely dominates Arypt, a virtual client-state. To the east the mighty Mosquito River protects the Caliphate from the fierce Nubians of Julah. Languages: Marrakeen, Common

Arypt (0.5 million)

(Pharoah, Cleric 8): the small desert realm of ancient Arypt lies south of the Marrakeen Caliphate. Once centre of a great empire, it is said to be a land of mighty magics and dreaming sands, little known to the outside world. Languages: Aryptian, Marrakeen, Common. For further information on Arypt see: The Necropolis Campaign Page 2739 YE

The Ankan Range Mountains (0.2 million?)

(no ruler): The great Ankan Range of warm-temperate mountains begins south of Swordsman's Gap in western Do Chakka, and extends hundreds of miles south. The mountains are inhabited by around two hundred thousand Ankan barbarians, a fierce, fair haired and blue-eyed tribal people whose Celtic-style culture closely resembles that of ancient Bretania. Many Ankan tribes bordering the Forest of Angar are now predominantly half-elven, known as the Angarin Sidhe (ca 10,000), and include the Children of Blood, fanatics who revere the vengeance-goddess Morrigun and are dedicated to killing all Mongali and regaining the Forest of Angar (partly achieved in 2751 with the Mongali withdrawal). There are also rumours of a hidden enclave of high elves somewhere in the mountains, ruled by the mysterious elven Archmage Elaith (Wiz 12). Ankan tribes dwelling on the western slopes show some Makyan influence, through trade as well as war and slave-taking. There are high pases through the Ankan mountains, which several of the Makyan Beast Tribes led by the Bison Warriors under King Marowa crossed in 2730-2732 YE, despite resistance from the Ankan tribes, to fall upon the rich lands of Bretania and create a new realm, the Shakka Kingdom. Major Ankan gods include Daghda (rulership), Brigit (fire), Dunatis (mountains) and Lugh (sky). Language: Ankan

Rigeria (0.1 million?)

(King Conn, Ranger 9): The far northern mountain-realm of Rigeria is roamed by tribes of savage black-haired human barbarians, doughty warriors against the beastial orcs and other fell things that contest the high mountain peaks. The Rigerians have recently extended their borders south to the Heavenly Mts and the northwestern borders of the Overkingdom, causing conflict with Overkingdom, Relainese and Vantouchan frontier forces. Rigerians revere the ancient Earth god Crom, also called Grom or Grun. Language: Rigerian.

The Wild Lands (0.1 million?)

(no ruler): the hills and mountains of the Wild Lands east of Settlers' Country and west of Trafalgis are roamed by goblins, giants and an ancient occidental human race, the Wainriders or Gulmen, believed to be related to the Mongali and the Taiga-men of the far west. This barren land has resisted all Trafalgic attempts at colonisation. Languages: Giantish, Gulman

Kingdom of Julah (1.4 million)

(Julah, Bbn 10): the mighty, though now aging, Nubian conqueror Julah rules the broad savannahs of Van Karti's Land (conquered ca 2734-35), east of the Marrakeen Caliphate. The indigeneous Kartislanders have been enslaved, killed or driven away. King Julah commands many regiments of powerful spearmen. Language: Nubian (various), Common

Cirith Ardrad (citadel 8,000, total ca 20,000?)

(Bori, F9): The Last Dwarven Citadel, the ancient mountain dwarf fortress of Cirith Ardrad in the Yuron Mts NW of the Northwoods wars constantly against the Orcs and other foul things of Chaos. The Dwarven Defenders of Cirith Ardrad are among the world's finest warriors. Ardrad has cordial relations with both the Overkingdom and Rigeria. Language: Dwarven

Other lands: Far to the west on Imarokia lie the exotic occidental realms of Tantok, the Westerlands and Matushka, while to the northeast lies the large island-continent of the Albine Empire (west coast) and Thrinia (east), now (2751 YE) dominated by the Mabden invaders - the Drakkarim, Payokar, Tayokar and Helnocar. East of Thrinia lies the oriental island realm of Veridor, north-west of Tantok.

Imarran political factions.

The Bloodhammerists

1. Overking Tarkane the Usurper;
2. Gorrin Marl (F9), Vice-Commander of the Imperial Knights Bloodhammer (IKB).
These are the supporters of Tarkane and his power base from which he launched a successful uprising against Albine rule. Initial support was concentrated among disaffected minor Imarran nobility and the urban poor; nowadays most people would claim to be firm supporters of the Overking, in public at least. The IKB are a militarist order of warrior knights who form Tarkane's personal bodyguard, they recruit more on the basis of dedication to the cause and proven fighting ability than on grounds of breeding and station. The IKB accept men only, although retainers may occasionally be female. There are some 3200 full Imperial Knights Bloodhammer, fielding some 16,000 troops.
They are allied to the Blue Light Society of Wizards, who include Tarkane's consort Zalindra 'The Devastator', half-sister of Duchess Magda Kullervo of Imgart; to the Church of Ksarul, and to the Church of Odin in Imarr. The Bloodhammer Knights are rivals to Archduke Ulfius' Thrinian Knights.

The Cartheanists

Leader: Adam Dickinson, advocate (Merch 6) (imprisoned M3-11 2739 YE)
This faction, primarily derived from the educated urban middle-classes, such as lawyers and merchants, follow the teachings of the Carthean philosopher Plautonus and advocated the replacement of the monarchy by a democratic republic. They are known to be supported by the Church of Carthea which is headquartered in the Free City of Scorn'el, the centre of the Scornic League which includes Dulleaberg. Most Cartheanists objected to Albine colonial rule, initially supported Tarkane, and learned their mistake only after he had seized power. In M3 2739 YE the Imperial Secret Police launched a clampdown on the Cartheanist dissenters, imprisoning many. Dickinson was released and the Cartheanists guaranteed freedom of religion by Tarkane upon the incorporation of the Scornic League into the Overkingdom in M11 2739 YE, in return for undertaking to respect the 'rule of law' and cease subversion against the Crown.
Active Cartheanists in Imarr number at least several thousand.

The Thrinians

Leader: Archduke Ulfius Bloodhammer of Colladel (F12)
Deputy: Sir Per Vartal, 'The Dark' (F9)
The Thrinian Knights are a powerful order of warrior knights revering the war-god Thrin, and supposedly strong supporters of Tarkane, their leader Ulfius is officially Tarkane's deputy. But there are frequent rumours that the Thrinians would like to replace Tarkane with Ulfius as Overking. Ulfius personally possesses the Bloodhammer, the holy artifact of the IKB, believed much to Tarkane's annoyance. Ulfius recently led the Overkingdom's conquest of Imgart and liberation of Trafalgis (2738-39 YE). He was supported by his venerable Archmage, Clarendon of the Singing Sword (RIP). In M10 2739 Ulfius was killed in battle by the frost giant Gungir after slaying Harecules, but subsequently True Resurrected by the Thrinian Archpriest Arkhelt at considerable cost. In 2741 YE he helped lead the defense of Scorn'el against the Mongali Horde, at which time Clarendon died of old age.
The Thrinian Knights accept women, who make up about � of their fighting strength. There are some 800 full Thrinian Knights, fielding around 4,000 troops.

Wizard Factions

"Circle" = maximum spell level castable, eg "6th Circle" = "6th level Spells".
Wizards of the 5th Circle are deemed Mage or Magus.
Wizards of the 6th Circle are deemed Archmage.

The Society of Blue Light

Leaders: Overqueen-Empress Zalindra "the Devastator" (Wiz 10), Mage of the 5th Circle and wife to Overking Tarkane. Lady Krysteel, Arch-Conjuress of the 6th Circle (Wiz 12), Elaith the Elven, Archmage of the 6th Circle (Wiz 12). Minor luminaries include Stylus Kant of Endhome (Wiz 9), a Wizard of the 5th Circle.
This secretive religious order of wizards, monks etc revere Lord Ksarul the Doomed Prince, Master of Magic and Grammarie. It is thought to be ancient in origin. They generally support Overking Tarkane, and some provide magical assistance to the Imperial Knights Bloodhammer. Unlike some other Ksarulist factions, they are not thought to seek His Awakening (and the consequent Apocalypse). The Blue Light have much influence in the Universities, from where they recruit promising candidates. The Blue Light accept men and women on equal terms. The size of the Blue Light Society is unknown, but is thought to be now larger than the White Way, having grown swiftly since 2735 YE with Blue Light Colleges of Magic opening in several cities such as Endhome.

The Ndalu Clan

Leaders: Unknown, but include High Mage Sturlis, Mage of the 5th Circle (Wiz 10).
The Ndalu are said to be fanatical Ksarulists who serve the demipower Gruganu The Knower of Spells, and seek the Ten Keys to free Ksarul from his ancient prison. They have fewer mages than the Blue Light, but include many rogues and assassins.

The Order of the White Way

Leader: Laera the White, Wizardess of the 5th Circle (Wiz 9). Leopold the Mad, Magus of the 6th Circle (retd/insane Wiz 11).
This relatively young Order was founded by the Magus Dovistar ca 2490 YE during the Empire of the Red Wizards, for mages who refused to join the Red order, and practiced their magic in secret under pain of death. Dovistar led the order until his death from old age in 2743 YE, when Laera succeeded him. The Order is generally apolitical and prefers not to get involved in mundane politics, although they are active in the Universities and until recently rivalled the Blue Light for influence. The White Way is a secular Order, many members revere the goddess Avanthe/Isis, and some pray to the demigoddess Darra. The White Way accept men and women on equal terms. There are some 350 members of the White Way across Ea, about 70 within Imarr. The White Way suffered a great loss in prestige when the mad wizard Leopold persuaded them to temporarily relocate from Imarr to Gaxmoor in 2738 YE, and Laera is still trying to heal the political damage incurred.


Mythology, Religion & Deities of south Ea

In the beginning in the days before time
The light was alive with the essence of power
And from that power were born beings who lived on the edge of eternity
And they spread their wings and soared through the ancient air
And the beating of their wings made the winds
And from the winds came the seas
And from the seas came the life of Ea…
- Ancient Creation Myth

According to the teachings of the Imarran Priest-Prophet Pavar, all of Ea, its peoples and all its gods, is a world caught in the battle between Stability and Change, between Law and Chaos. Upon the continuation of this struggle depends the survival of the universe, for without it all would decay into entropy, while the victory of either side would result in utter destruction or endless stasis. According to Pavar, all men are free to choose an allegiance to Law or Chaos, or seek the path of Balance.
Thousands of years ago, Pavar brought word down from Mt Geimod in the Dosk Heights of the war between Law and Chaos embodied in the Ten Great Gods, five of Law, five of Chaos. Of these, only Ksarul (C) and Avanthe (L) are still commonly worshipped in their original forms. Imarrans also commonly worship several "grey" or unaligned powers, such as Grun/Grom (Earth), Oloron (Sky), Daunaan-Silvanus (Nature), Sashelas (Sea) and Kakatal (Fire). The Church of Crisos once dominated the Old Empire and opposes the worship of all other gods. The Albine Colonials brought their own gods from across the sea, the most popular of whom is Girru, a Lawful fire-god.


L: Lawful N: Neutral C: Chaotic

Thrin : L, Norse god of swords and knightly combat. Originates from Thrinia across the Great Ocean. Thrin is patron deity of Ulfius Bloodhammer, Archduke of Colladel and Overking Tarkane's lieutenant, who leads the Thrinian Knights.
Crisos: L, god of mercy, healing and protection. Patron deity of the Old Empire from 1572-2416 YE. Crisans deny the validity of other gods, except Crisos' Father, the One God, known as El ("Lord") (L) and the Holy Spirit that combines Crisos and El in a single divinity. The Northwoods realm is mostly Crisan. Crisos has many Saints, including St Solanus in Endhome.
Ukko: L, god of rulership, protection and the sky, patron god of Imgart, sometimes identified with El.
Girru: L, the Flaming One, popular evangelical Albine god of fire, foe of evil things. Patron god of Kardus (RIP). Cult was persecuted by Tarkane, the Overking has recently offered it guarantees of religious freedom along with that of Carthea (qv).
Kostar the Wolf: L, Marrakeen patron demigod, legendary liberator from the Doskani.
Avanthe: L/N, one of the Imarran Great Gods, popular goddess of fertility, farming, women and the seasons, white magic. As Avanthe-Dlamelish (C) she is worshipped as the goddess of erotic love. Commonly identified with the Aryptian Isis as Avanthe-Isis.
Odin: L/N, Norse god of rulership and the air, a patron deity of Overking Tarkane the Usurper, chief god of Trafalgis. Commonly identified with the Sky-God Oloron, in Imarr worshipped as Odin-Olorun.
Oloron: N/L, 'Sky Lord', god of the air, ancient patron deity of Imarr. One of the Elemental Kings. The Nubians worship him as Olorun. Identified with Odin.
Urnus Gregaria: N, ancient Imarran Empire demigod of travel, patron deity of the reappeared city of Gaxmoor. His cult is very rare outside the Borderlands.
Bragi: N, Norse god of poetry, eloquence and song.
Carthea: N/L, goddess of democracy, former patron goddess of the Cartheos Republic destroyed in the Rain of Colourless Fire 2559 YE, patron goddess of Scorn'el. Cult is popular amongst the Imarran intelligentsia but was persecuted by Tarkane. When the Scornic League incorporated into the Overkingdom in 2739 YE the Church of Carthea received guarantees of religious freedom from Tarkane.
Isis: N, powerful Aryptian goddess of fertility and magic, associated with Avanthe/Avanthe-Dlamelish, likely the same deity. Foe of Set.
Ki/Mielikki: N, Albine/Imgart forest goddess.
Daunaan-Silvanus: N, (Bretanian/common), ancient Imarran Empire forest deity and patron of Bretania, said to have created Corellon Larethian and the elves (most elves disagree).
Ksarul: C/N/L, 'Doomed Prince of the Blue Room', master of magic and grammarie, god of learning and hidden knowledge, patron of the Universities, and the Blue Light (L) and Ndalu (C) secret societies. Favoured by Overking Tarkane. Occasionally identified with the Norse Loki.
Grom: N, 'Rock Lord', ancient god of the earth and mountains. Elemental King. As Grun, known as creator of Moradin and procreator of the Dwarven race. Worshipped by the Rigerians as Crom, Lord of the Mountains.
Boccob: N, "The Uncaring", a mysterious god of high magic, a recent arrival on Ea. Generally known only to wizards and sorcerers.
Serven the Grey: N/C, demigod of rogues, thieves and slavers, patron of the Iron Ring slavers' consortium.
Allase: N/C, Albine demigoddess of assassins, women and conspirators.
The City Spirits: N, ancestral spirits of Imarr's first kings.
Sashelas: N, 'Sea Lord', god of the waters, revered by sailors. Elemental King. Patron of Doskan, chief power in the Cyklades Isles.
The Morrigun: C/N, Vengeance Goddess of the savage Angarin Sidhe half-elves.
Kakatal: N/C, 'Flame Lord', god of fire. Elemental King. Often identified with the Norse Loki.
Inanna-Ishtar: N/C, Albine goddess of Love and War. Occasionally identified with Isis-Avanthe.
Set: C, the Aryptian god of Evil, sometimes identified with the Crisan Satan.
Hel: N-C, Norse 'Dark Goddess', goddess of death, the undead, evil magic and the Red Wizards, formerly patron goddess of the Dark Empire of the Red Wizards (2416-2536 YE). Worship outlawed in most lands. However in her kinder (N) aspect she is still commonly appealed to in the Norse lands as she who oversees the passing from life into death.
Derketo: C, savage Nubian beast-god, with an ecstatic cult.

There are also plenty of minor cults worshipping various ancient powerful Spirit Lords or 'demon lords' : Akresh (N, Thunder in the Mountains, Invincibility), Hragahl (N, Intellect), Sarasathsa (N, Mystery), Umalu (C, Chaos, Pain), Eldyr (C, Deceit, Persuasion), Adelmar (C, Conquest), Tsienra (N, Lightning, Combat), Kojuro (N, The Sword), Kesh (C, Serpents), Engala (C, Undead) and Kyrax (C, Storms/Blizzards, ancient power). These are commonly dealt with by magicians and demonists.

Foreigners in the Overkingdom may worship their own gods such as the Makyan Herd Goddess Eiritha (N) or her son & champion Shakka the Storm Bull (L), the patron of the Bison Warriors. Outlawed cults include that of the Destroyer, once known as Lord Raven - 'the Dark Lord of Chaos' (C), his master Graz'zt, 'Demon King of Chaos' (C) , and the remaining 'Pariah Gods' - the 'One Who Is' and the 'Goddess of the Pale Bone' (both extreme C). The sinister denizens of Mount Fire worship an ancient trinity of darkly evil gods, three of the old Imarran Great Gods - Vimuhla (C, Fire & War), Sarku (C, Death & Decay) and Hry'y (C, Darkness & Evil).

Dead Gods

These are many. Gods no longer widely worshipped anywhere on known Ea include four of the old Lawful Imarran Great Gods: Belkhanu, 'Opener of the Gates of Heaven'; Hnalla, 'Supreme Principle of Stability' (counterpart to Hry'y); Thumis 'the Wise'; and Karakan, 'Lord of War, Master of Heroes', their positions largely taken by Crisos and other Lawful powers. Also largely forgotten are the old Azcan-influenced Marrakeen deities Coatelqueh the Lawful Sky/Life Goddess and her consort/counterpart Nebrovolent the Chaotic Underworld/Death god.

Non-human Gods

The nonhuman races typically worship the universal demihuman gods, such as the dwarven Moradin (L), elven Corellon Larethian (L), Hanali Celanil (N) and orcish Gruumsh (C), as well as their respective pantheons. According to human legend, the dwarf-father Moradin was created from the living rock by the Earth-Lord Grom/Grun; while the elven gods were created by the forest-god Daunaan, identified with the Imarran deity Silvanus.

Equipment Notes

Military technology on 28th century Ea circa 2700 YE generally resembles that of Earth circa 1500 AD (late medieval), minus gunpowder weapons. In recent millenia technology has progressed at about half the rate on Earth. For comparison, Ea circa 2400 YE technology = Earth 1350 AD (medieval - half plate rare, no full plate), circa 1500 YE = Earth ca 900 AD (Dark Ages), circa 300 YE = Earth 300 AD (Roman Empire), and so on back several millenia.


Northwoods Battle Bow: This famous weapon is an Exotic longbow, at least 6' long. Made from a single length of Northwoods yew, it is incredibly powerful, requires a minimum STR 13, base d10 damage, range increment 110', and is always Mighty, from +1 to +4. Northwoods bows lose effectiveness in hot climes (damage d8, range 100'). Other stats as comp longbow, but cannot be fired mounted, and cost the following in Northwoods (only): Mighty +1 40gp, Mighty +2 60gp, Mighty +3 90 gp, Mighty +4 130gp. Outside Northwoods they cost the same as composite longbows.

Light Hunting Bows: These are Simple shortbows commonly used to hunt smaller game, they are of light build with a built in STR dmg reduction, so no additional strength damage penalty for characters of the listed STR or higher.
STR 8 hunting bow: d6-1, cost 10 gp, range 50'
STR 6 woman's bow: d6-2, cost 8 gp, range 40'
STR 4 child's bow: d6-3, cost 6 gp, range 30'

Swords of Ea

Heavy Sword/Broadsword/Greatsword: This is a 2-handed weapon around 5' long, with a broad blade of about 4'-4'6" length, plus a 12" hilt. Originally developed to cut the heads off enemy pikes, it makes a very effective man-killer and is a common primary weapon of knights and heavy infantry. This is the heaviest practical fighting sword, though specialised zweihanders with blades of 5'+ length also exist (6'6" Zweihander: Exotic weapon, use Greatsword stats but 12lb weight, +4 to Sunder attacks and Sunder damage, 5' blade + 18" hilt). The 1st 12" of the blade on most heavy swords is blunt, allowing it to be gripped above the hilt. Uses D&D greatsword stats, cost 50gp.

Bastard sword/Hand-and-a-half sword: This weapon is an uneasy compromise between broadsword & arming sword, around 4' long, with a blade typically 3'-3'6" and a 10"-12" hilt, it is most easily used two-handed, but can with training be an effective though unwieldly single-handed weapon. Unlike the heavy broadsword, it is marginally concealable beneath a long cloak. Uses D&D bastard sword stats, cost 35gp.

Sword/Arming Sword/Longsword: This classic, perhaps somewhat archaic one-handed sword is typically around 3' long, with blade length 30" and 6" hilt, and is often used as a back-up weapon by knights and well-equipped soldiery. It is also favoured by practitioners of the 'Imarran' dueling style such as Erin Wist, which employs sword & buckler or sword & dagger. Uses D&D longsword stats, cost 15gp.

Rapier: This light, narrow blade is edged but primarily employs a piercing point. Rapiers are about 3' long - blades are typically about 31" long with a 5" hilt. Rapiers are favoured by rogues and dandies, they are not generally considered a serious military weapon though in the hands of a skilled practitioner of the 'Bretanian' duelling style they can be exceptionally lethal. Uses D&D Rapier stats.

Old Empire Gladius: The ancient Legionary sword of the Old Imarran Empire, a stabbing weapon famed for its simple lethality. Shorter than modern swords at about 2'5", they have 24" blades with a 5" hilt, they are Light Martial weapons, weight & cost as Rapier, 1d6 damage, crit 18-20. Cost 12gp.

Short blade/shortsword: This is more an oversized dagger than a true sword, around 1'10" in all with a blade of around 18" and a 4" hilt. Short blades are relatively cheap and easily concealable, thus are often wielded by ruffians and vagabonds. Uses D&D shortsword stats.

Dagger/Knife: The ubiquitous utility weapon, daggers and knives can be used to cut the throat (Coup-de-Gras) of a Pinned victim, or anyone unresisting who has the knife to their throat (taking a full round action to set up). Uses D&D Dagger stats.


A progressive development of the heavy winch crossbow, Arbalests are restricted to military use only and may not be sold to private citizens, though they are occasionally available on the black market at considerable cost (several hundred gp).

Light arbalest - the heaviest missile weapon that can be fired without a separate support, the light arbalest weighs around 24 lbs, has a draw weight around 250lbs and takes 2 rounds to load by winch. They do 2d10 damage, with a range increment of 120'. They ignore 5 points of target armour. They cannot be loaded from horseback.

Medium arbalest - the medium arbalest requires a light support 'foot' to fire from; although a strong man can carry both arbalest & support (max spd 15'), they are thus impractical as a skirmish weapon. The medium arbalest weighs around 48lbs + 24 lb foot, has a 400lb draw weight, and does 3d10 damage, ignoring 8 points of target armour, range 120'. They take 3 rounds to reload.

Heavy Arbalest - also known as the Siege Crossbow, this weapon is more a light ballista than a crossbow, it requires a heavy support 'foot' which requires its own bearer and is usually crewed by a two-man team on the battlefield (spd 15'). The heavy arbalest can easily kill a charging warhorse with a single shot. The heavy arbalest weighs around 72 lbs + 36lb foot, has a 700lb draw weight and does 4d10 damage, ignoring 10 points of target armour. It takes 4 rounds to reload.


These armours are generally available at most major trading centres. They may command a premium to the standard price.

Light Armour

Ringmail: +3 AC, Uses steel rings sewn to a leather jerkin. Treat as studded leather.

Medium Armour

Hide, Makyan: Base speed 25' (medium size), otherwise treat as regular Hide, base price 15gp.
Scalemail, Light Marrakeen: Base Speed 25' (medium size), otherwise treat as regular Scalemail, base price 50gp.
Chainmail, Trafalgic: +3 max DEX, otherwise treat as regular Chainmail, base price 150gp. Blessed with high quality iron deposits, the Trafalgic Norse armoursmiths have raised the creation of heavy chainmail to a fine art, although the weight distribution means it remains more encumbring than breastplate armour.
Marrakeen Heavy Scale: +2 max DEX, +5 AC, treat as regular Chainmail but base price only 100gp. This is simply a heavy cavalryman's suit of scale armour, relatively easy to make and favoured by many Zeereshi lizard-riders.

Heavy Armour

Albine Splint Mail: +1 max DEX, +6 AC, otherwise treat as regular Splint. A cheap alternative to Banded mail.
Albine Banded Mail: +2 max DEX, +6 AC, otherwise treat as regular Banded. This is the standard armour of the Albine regular legionary soldier.
Albine Half Plate: +1 max DEX, +7 AC, otherwise treat as regular Half Plate. Cheaper than field plate, commonly worn by Albine cavalry troops and elite infantry.

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The Necropolis Campaign Page 2739 YE


Swords of Imarr PBEM 2736 YE+

Ea: Time of Chaos PBEM 2735 YE

Twilight of the Empire PBEM 2728 YE. My very first PBEM, set in Trafalgis & Imgart before the Albine withdrawal.

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