(Okinawa - Naha)




Representative =




Naha - Okinawa


Member of the Highest Council of Elder Degrees of Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te Federation

Member of the Highest Council of Elder Degrees of Ryukyu Okinawa Kobudo Association

Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te Federation <=== email ===> [email protected]

Overseas Relationships <=== email ===> [email protected]

Ryukyu Toku In Kan Karate-Bujutsu <=== e mail ===> [email protected]




伝統的 琉球 OKINAWA-TE そして  KOBUDO 連盟

isla   RYUKYU






Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te Federation, and Ryukyu Okinawa Kobudo Association are two very close Organizations that are not interested in publicity. Although many times we train at free air in parks and in forest, in the Dojo we train with closed door.
Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te Federation is one of the most old Martial Arts Organization  of Okinawa, and was born on 19 Century as  “ All Traditional Okinawa Martial Arts Federation “. One of its most important members was Yuchochu Higa.

But after the Second World War, because of the arrival  of sport karate, All Traditional Okinawa Martial Arts Federation was divided in three different Organizations.
One of these organizations took the name Okinawa Karate Federation and became member of World Karate Federation. But some time later some members created a new Organization, and they left WKF and came back again to the true Okinawa Martial Arts, with the name All Okinawa Karate-Do Renmei. 


The others two Organizations changed their names toward Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te Federation, and Ryukyu Okinawa Kobudo Association, and with these names both are legally registered, and recognized, by the Government Organism (Ministry) who rules the Education and the Culture in Okinawa.
Nevertheless, in fact, and popularly, are known as an only Organization with the name Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te and Kobudo Federation. This is our Martial Arts Organization. 

We don’t recognize Karate as our ancient and true Martial Art, but rather Okinawa-te (or Karate Bujutsu), and our Okinawa-te is still taught in several Universities of Okinawa, and in other Teachings Center, not as a sport, but as an Art.
We not agree with sport karate, and we never compete. Even the word karate don’t define, nor represent, our Traditional Okinawa-te. Our Okinawa-te it is a Bujutsu Martial Art, and the True Budo Karate.
Japanese Shitei katas (competition katas) are not the original Traditional Okinawa katas. 

  The Original Traditional forms of Okinawa are "Taikai" katas.
katas are not, and never could be, katas of competition because Taikai katas are not a dance, but rather a real fight. Then, the Traditional Martial Arts of Okinawa not agree to compete.
Most of the Organizations that compete below World Karate Federation rules, they not want to perform, nor to teach, Taikai katas, because WKF don’t recognize Taikai katas executions. 
Day after day, modern karate is advancing to convert in a total sport discipline, and for some time we were afraid that Traditional Okinawa-te, and Taikai katas could disappear, even in Okinawa, because WKF is a very strong international institution, and it is very well organized.

Before second world war the most important Sensei of the true traditional Karate they were born in Okinawa. Although they had their own Dojos, and their own Associations, they joined in the All Traditional Okinawa Martial Arts Federation (the same All Traditional Okinawa Martial Arts Federation that we mentioned above).

At that time All Traditional Okinawa Martial Arts Federation was very strong, but after the war, because many people passed away, the Sensei and their most advanced students were very scattered, and then the Federation lost its strength.  
Then the World Karate Federation, slowly, but firmly, was achieving its target, and several Okinawa Associations began to train sport karate and to participate in tournaments. 
In fact, in many countries of the whole world the true traditional original katas of Okinawa have already almost disappeared.

We fight day after day to preserve our true traditional Martial Arts, and for that we have in Okinawa the "Okinawa-te Ken Kyukai", known also like "Traditional Okinawa Karate-Bujutsu Ken Kyukai" , that it means "Traditional Okinawa Karate-Do preservation Association", and through this Association, our traditional Okinawa Karate-Do was recognized as the "Japanese Budo", by the "Dai Nippon Butoku Kai".

Our Highest Dan degree, Hidehiro Ito Sensei (10 th Dan), Chief of the Council of Elder degrees of Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te and Kobudo Federation , is also recognized by Butoku Kai. And our second Highest Dan degree, Yonamine Juichi Sensei (10 th Dan) is also recognized by Butoku Kai.
Beside this, both are Ikkyu judges. Ikkyu judge it means first rank judge, and they are the only authorized to administer tests for 6th Dan and up.









Before the second world war, the word Kobudo embraced all ancient Martial Arts, but running the time has been only related with the study of traditional weapons. Then,
the empty hand Martial Arts took other names, and in Okinawa the name was Ti.
Ti, or Te, became from Okinawa’s ancient Martial Arts (Bujutsu), and, although was originated in Okinawa, it have a big influence of Chinese Kenpo and other South East Asia's Bujutusu.  
Ti, Chinese Kenpo, and some South East Asia's Bujutsu, were gradually systematized, and evolved into what today is known as Karate.  
During Ryukyu kingdom's era, Karate Bujutsu was kept behind closed doors and was never publicly revealed. 
However, around the mid-Meiji's era, Karate Bujutsu’s physical skills were recognized, and began to be taught in the school system as part of the 
physical education curriculum. 
This way Karate spread, and running the time it traveled overseas, but mainly as a sport discipline. 
Our Organization don't believe in sport Karate, and we only practice Karate as Bujutsu Martial Art
The Karate Bujutsu that we train is the true Karate Budo, and we denominate it as Okinawa-te.  
Then Ti, Te, or Okinawa-te is a technique that evolved from what it was the soldier’s wisdom, and has been able to resist the test of time's step.  
Karate, as Bujutsu Martial Art, requires that we train to be so strong and skillful like to be able to damage, and also to kill, with a single technique. But it also requires to be wise, and to train our soul and mind so to use it always as a defense, and not as an attack. This is Karate Budo, and this is Okinawa-te. 
Today there are three main Schools (Ryuha) of Karate Budo (Shorin-ryu, Goju-ryu and Uechi-ryu), and in our Ryukyu Traditional Okinawa-te and Kobudo Federation are trained these three Styles. 

Sensei Takeo Higa
Okinawa-te and Kobudo 10th Dan




1.Nunti Bo
2. Eku
3. Bo
4. Hoe
5. Surichin
6. Kama
7. Nunchaku
8. Tunkwa
9. Sai
10. Tekko
11. Chizikun Bo
13. Tinbe & Rochin
14. Nunti
15. Sansetsukon




The Bo or Kun is one of the main weapons used in this Ryuha (Dojo) and it is one of the most difficult of dominating with master.   
Although the techniques of Bo (Bo-jutsu) are different to the techniques of sword, it can also be used like a sword.   
Depending on the technique, the Bo can have many things in common with the sword, with the halberd (short spear) and with the spear.  
In our system is used the Rokushaku Bo (shaku is an unity of longitude equivalent to approximately 1 foot, and roku is translated as 6). That is to say that the Rokushaku Bo itmeasures approximately 6 feet (approximately 1mt. 83 cmts.), but its longitude can also be adapted to the performer's height (one hand longer than his height).  
It is manufactured from red oak, or from rattan, and its weight is something more than 900 grams.
Some Bo katas = Shushi no Kon Sho and Dai, Sakugawa no Kon Sho and Dai, Shirotaru No Kun,  Chikin no Bo, Ken Washi no Bo, Chikin Sunakake No Kun, Shukumine No Kun, Sueyoshi no Kon.   
The Sai is another of the most important weapons in our Ryuha (Dojo). This weapon crossed India and China, before entering in the Ryukyu, where it was more deeply developed.  
During the era of the Ryukyu Kingdom was originally used like a police tool for the King's protection and for the high ministers's protection. The handle is called Tsuka and the extreme of the handle is called Tsukagashira. The lateral protectors are called Yoko, the tip of the lateral protectors is called Tsume, and the central point (between the lateral protectors) is called Moto. The blade (sword) it is called Monouchi, and the tip of the blade (sword) is called Saki.
Some Sai katas = Hamahiga no Sai, Tawada No Sai, Tsuken Shitahaku no Sai, Chatanyara no Sai, Yaka no Sai, Manji no Sai (Jigen), Kugusuku (Kojo) no Sai, Hantagwa.
Nunchaku = The legend popular say that the Nunchaku was used as a flail, but this is not true. The flails of Okinawa had longer handle.
Originally the Nunchaku was used like a kind of whip of horses, but later on it was converted in a weapon to mainly confront rivals who used Tonfa or Kama. Although it is not very effective against the sword, if a good level of master is achieved, this weapon can be very effective in personal defense.   
The nearest handle is called Gedan Tsukagashira, and the most distant handle is called Ushiro  
Tsukagashira. The center of the handle is called Moto, and the rope that joins is called Himo.
Some Nunchaku katas = Mezato no Nunchaku, Akamine no Nunchaku, San bon Nunchaku.
The Ekku originally was an oar used by the fishermen, that, the same as so many others 
tools, became a weapon, developed by the own fishermen, to use in the land and in the sea.
It is a very practical and effective weapon, because it can also be used with cut techniques.
The end of the oar is called Ushiro Tsukagashira, the center of the oar is called Moto, the blade is called Monouchi, and the sides of the blade are called Yoko.
Some Ekku kata = Chikin Sunakake (Tsuken Sunakake) no Ekku
Tonfa, Tunfa or Tsuifa (Grinder) it is basically a wooden handle of mill and it is used in pairs (couple). It is a very difficult weapon, that requires a high ability level and master.   
The main part is called Monouchi. The forward extreme is called Gedan Tsukagashira, the end extreme is called Ushiro Tsukagashira, and the round fist of the handle is called Tsukagashira. The sides are called Yoko, the inferior part is called Tasui, and the superior part is called Yoko nage.
Some Tonfa katas = Hama Higa no Tunfa, Yara Guwa no Tunfa.
Kama = Originally the Kama was a sickle that, in an Okinawa where there was a strict prohibition against weapons, quickly it left of being a work tool, and was converted in a weapon.  The techniques (waza) include blockades, cuts and dagger blows, and one of the most important katas is Kanegawa no Nicho Gama Kata.  
The end extreme of the handle is called Ushiro Tukagashira, the highest end of the handle is called Gedan Tsukagashira, and the center of the handle is called Moto.    
The blade is called Monouchi, and the tip of the blade is called Saki.
Some Kama katas = Kanegawa no Nicho Gama, Toyama (Tozan) no Nicho Gama.
There are other less known weapons, as =   
= Tekko (Horseshoe, or Iron Fist) that evolved from a common horseshoe.  
This weapon can be easily hidden, and it can be extracted very quickly for self-defense.
Some Tekko kata = Mezato no Tekko.

= Tinbe, or Tinbi (Shield) and Rochin (Short Spear) - The shield is held as defense with the left hand, while the spear of short blade is in the right hand.
Some Tinbe kata = Kanegawa no Tinbe.   
= Suruchin - originally it was a six feet long piece of rope, with stones in the ends. Running the time the rope was replaced by a chain, and the stones were replaced by elements of more weight.
Some Suruchin kata = Mezato no Suruchin.
= Sansetsukon - similar to nunchaku but with three segments. 
= Nunti - similar to sai, but with one of the lateral protectors toward down.  
= Nunti Bo - bo with a nunti in one of its ends. 
= Kuwa (hoe).  

Sensei Takeo Higa 
Okinawa-te and Kobudo 10 Dan



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