OK heres a little somethin that I created consider these like  awards except I call them license to recieve one of these lil things just read up on the requirments follow through and give me the information that I ask for its just that simple ok well below are example of ones I created for myself
I know what your thinking this looks the most realistic and if your not thinking that then youve probly never seen a real license or permit  well anyway this is the lowest type u can get mainly because its a temporary permit main thing u have to have for this is a positive tenchi muyo site that doesnt down Ryoko in any way and must have a gallery of at least 20 pics and at least 100 people have visited your site must have a counter or some way to let me check this
Temporary Permit
Members Permit
yes I know this one is a little more colorful but thats why I like it this is the second level or middle type ok for this one you must have a Ryoko site or a Tenchi and Ryoko love site u must have a gallery of at least 40 pics and have at least 250 people have visited your site
Members License
OK here is the highest level the top the true to blue good for you license this makes you a real ryoko lover in my book well the requirements are simple for this one you must have a gallery of 100 pics a site dedicated to Ryoko it would help if it was dedicated yo Ryoko and Tenchi but its not required that it be any way have at least 400 people have vistited your site and must have a link of some type to my site
Ok here  is the info I need from you that will help me create your little license ok I need the following:
Right click select all copy and then paste the following test to a blank e-mail answer all the questions then send it to [email protected]
license and permits u can receive
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