Lithium's Red Arcanine of Ryhka JC
Sire: Ch. Kristull Radium of Ryhka Vet, FCh, JC (WD at 2002 BCOA Nat)
Dam: FC Chromium's Lithium of Ryhka LCM 2, Can FChX, JOR, SC

                          January 13, 2001 - April 3, 2008
Arcanine's true red color is closer to that shown in the top picture (taken this summer) than the bottom picture taken this winter. He was shown a couple of times as a puppy then put up to mature; now he is ready for the show ring. Arcanine is pointed in lure coursing, but prefers to woo the females while running so was retired from the lure coursing field before he was dismissed for playful interference.

Arcanine suddenly became very ill this spring and had to be put down on April 3, 2008. He was found to have cancer that had already spread to several organs. Until we meet again on the other side of Rainbow Bridge, rest well Arcanine.                                      
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