The STACK actions
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The "STACK" and "STACKF" actions cause the results of the current form to be saved on an internal "stack" and merged with the responses obtained during the processing of a future form that has one of the MAPI, SMTP, PRINT or FILE actions. (You can have multiple forms with STACK actions - usually the last form in a series has one of the other actions).

In this way, the results of multiple input forms can be used to produce a saved file, an E-Mail response or a printed document.

Specify one of these actions as the ACTION parameter of the FORM tag. The field after the ? is used to uniquely identify this particular set of stacked data, so that if the user revisits the form any new entries will replace, and not add to, previous entries. For this reason be careful you don't specify the same value here on two different forms - this may be a reason why some data appears to "go missing".

The HTML page to jump to after stacking is complete may also be specified after a + sign. For example, to specify that you want to stack the current data and then jump to the next.htm page, specify

FORM Method="POST" Action=STACK?inputform1+next.htm

There may however be times when you want the STACK action to be performed but don't want to jump to a new HTML page after stacking is complete, but you do want the user to get some feedback that his action has been completed (maybe adding items to a "shopping cart"?). In these cases use the STACKF action, which works in exactly the same way, but the parameter after the + is used to display a simple message box with an OK button on to the user. An example of this would be

FORM Method="POST" Action=STACKF?inputform1+Item Added to Shopping Cart