UK/Rest of the World Orders
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Uk Order Form

Ordering in the United Kingdom and the Rest of the World

Ordering contacts are as follows (these details appear on the order form if you choose the print option at the bottom of this page) -

Oakley Data Services,
Lion Buildings, Market Place,
Uttoxeter, Staffs, ST14 8HZ, United Kingdom
Call: +44 (0)1889 565064
Fax: +44 (0)1889 563219
E-Mail: [email protected]

Prices are as follows (all in UK Sterling)-

Per Copy Price License VAT Total
UK and EEC countries £99.00 £17.33 £116.33
Rest of the World £99.00 £00.00 £99.00

As of January 2000 the exchange rate was approximately 1.60 U.S. Dollars to 1.0 Pound Sterling. If your local currency is not UK Sterling, then when we charge your credit card the card company will convert the cost to your local currency at the rate then prevailing and the sum will appear on your bill in your local currency. We can only accept cheques payable in the UK drawn in Sterling. We cannot accept payment in other than UK Sterling or via Credit Card. We do not accept COD orders. We do not accept Purchase Orders for later payment on Invoice except from pre-approved organizations, in other cases we require payment with order.

You can pay by cheque (in UK Sterling, drawn on a UK bank only), or by Credit Card (Visa MasterCard or Amex). We can also accept Direct Wire Transfers to our Bank Account (but we cannot ship until the funds are received). Please contact us at [email protected] for account details.

Either call or email, or order via our Secure Server at, or you can fill in your details on-screen and print an order form to fax or mail to us.