occurrings..1//14:51 09/03/2012
the wellmoviemanor motion picture
- [ Script ]
The Gasman
the scene set - Man deserted. gas boiler repair job,, Acts start. > arrives to do job in a van too - > hello are you the gasman - ( from window above door ) < looking up>/<> > the house was prepared & waiting/ > with the laser finger i caught him in the eye, as he was looking at me catch the mind bleach me old son, him in a despareing roll now too > 22?- thats right, won't be long > dashing out of bedroom steviego was tripped over by woody > And the laser pen went off and refused adam > And the timeportal went into full swing > the phone went off, it was Susan, she was on her way over in the new BMW from gateshead. > And dr reissmans appointement was for 2:00 > time had stopped makeing sense for a minute with the portal open > with the timeportal open everybody included had the ad lib slit, missing the plot lets in dirt. > caveing downstairs, the gasman never paniced and had taken his warning shot to > mr brians a haf t' collect several pc systems today here, he said > just then a group of wino's rose round corner of car bay where his van stood > And said loudly, is this our webstation van daddy's left wuh? > of coarse i said, hey mate, are they serious, and his volition changed colour > what happened next was really terrible > because of them tappering, and opening the doors to i saw. he zoomed off around the house lane, cozzy couldn't jump the wall > the house was safe id closed the door > the van began to race off backward, as i looked along lane to view the gasman was going out of sight > suddenly a loud thud and roadrace sound struck at the silence > this dude from over the road was out to by the time i got there he'd seen it from his bedroom window and was phoneing ambull and polly > its not right to try and descibe it here > the two police that arrived forced in wizard, and the gasman stretchered off and away id to make it up to the pigpit by day t'm > right off my dreams, asda went into town for metro to the electroslim gym in jesmond > i seen wellys tranny van tucked in, him and paul must be in ( the goodnews ) > i was a longstanding good well known member and went straight in past a the little daughter > going down into parlour of house to rocky chair valley, looks in on my seat oafa sofa a solid gold id bracelet dropped > picking it up i couldn't stay with sales in, going out inform paul or welly be in mill tonight > episode 2, the house of concelement > so i dashed straight into town with gold bully on hope that dad would buy > arriveing at the museam he worked in and slipping in it was as though halfa minute had sped > finding him clown ( his retreat ) floor 2, i showed him it he sobered quick > well the car sold., now you know. ( id bought it cheap off a gag, we stuck it into papers no delay ) .. how much? > asking price £750.00 > we spoke over it then the deal esays look give me the bracelet which is like the £200.00 i layed doon you take the £750.00. here. exchanges rapid bothways > i was thinking usual way and knew a good deed. so patin hour then go back uphere this place where i live > id come in cagey. this was the new palace. on aleron made a cream safe > pile on pc. 1st, check old chronicles for car sales'n dates - norms gym mixed that ment wednesday > tanned washed, safe saver all done next... > clock wasn't makeing sense now it was still the same time as before > clambering over pets,. makeing the mill early was out, but the brandling villa well, pop in > the taxi was no mad race i was gonna get used to it > the barmaid knew me and welly scitty, pauls sister was in the lounge bline 2 > ordering a drink though and elaine ( the barmaid 18 ) asked me if id would baby sit with her tomorrow night > it was upstairs for her boss. ( nice news ) > after dates i changed to the lounge yvonne must never be missed > straight she wanted a drink jubilee's 2 a nicer stout now she was unsure about paul and welly fitten > i was a kinda guy than she'd imagined > soon we were off in a taxi to whitley bay for the night > of all the people id never of guessed., julie green, with a new lad ed > he was then a new romantic fashion bug who'd been picked up by her > i didn't have time for anything big when i was with yvonne > by morning me and yvonne had made it forever > episode 3, today > episode title - makeing the remains > well i had t'leave, i pushed her a taxi fare. julie was cutting hair id find her in manor court > coz of elaine i didn't want it short, she knew that an all > when i left she promised uz she could get uz a place,. so id come back > i had a little win on the horses next > and made it over to gossy for elaine > we spent the night baby sitting it was sweet surrender, but had to be out by 10 to > lewi had come in the bar to clear up i had left hutchinsons because of this win, i told him a few things > while we cracked on mary hayes came in suicidel cos of her rose i had to check > id be up in benwell figureing before they knew it > well it all went well i got in the house here everythings the same till next episode > episode title - makeing the remains > the office was in full flare makeing checks was keeping uz busy only 5 minutes had gone > id used the mobile to phone lew, he'd pushed uz his number in pub vault > i told him about julie and a pink car tour > this idea to start a band we talked about one night and he was after uz > i knew all his songs he didn't know he'd rit it was confuseing the fellow > and id even taken them over by now > knowing julie could get uz fixed up anytime i fancied it it was to save Sue > she'd be here by the time i got organized > lewi's sister was gonna haf t'tempt uz this time i was calling over later in the week > she was this nice chick i haddn't got used to seeing > not shy but not playing 2nd, fiddle to him wasn't easy > thats later right now my date was in the pub > lewi was to meet uz there through it , for the pool match > i had to take yvonne in the car park over the wall, before mary seen uz, that kept lewi happy > me and lewi took off to forrest hall club for a game of snooker on the big table with usher > john was there he had some guitars for sale, he was guitarist in residencey > i knew where he lived in a fawdon address coz i had an uncle near it too > that would be after i seen mary that was it for now > mary couldn't face a gym life she was known, i could make her happy > we'd spend weekends at the coast till i got used to this > lew had to sell his motorbike to make cash i couldn't givem any > by then id began meeting his sister > when he got the loot we went to johns > he showed us what he had and we chose 2 > then i got a couple of acoustics cheap they were allways on market > he began learning in his bedroom it was to wimpish > id called in on julie oncemore > episode4, soon. bedsit round > things were different this time namely as id set yvonne mary & elaine into a flat > i wasn't swetting on sundays then like they could.. ed & lewi > finding julie was just as insane > a brisk walk giveing her the idea that i needed a home > if this hadn't been like the best experience in me life, i would of avoided it > she'd seen ed the idea of a band was hot with him, i barely knew him and lewi didn't > maurices welcome speech went on for ages > he ran the place with his mother,, betty > i enjoyed it though and fumbled for me guitar when i got time > he was knocked out when i told him i told him id worked in a garageto, coz of his morris minor custom job > he'd been to grab the keys so we could check it uproad in garage > yes a big enough garage for pace, mind look over the red interior trim and boolers > being the house behind the tennis courts was noble > 20 t' 40 feet away from the sea, i shouldn't remind myself > i never knew about drugs at that age, and how necassery it was to place > lewi had raced over by night time for assembly > it was a few heartbreaking days of remorse > saying hello to people and being sweet > we'd muster our guitar academy us 3, and them in as honours > it was a nice crowd i was getting used to and liked to be in our room daily > everyone played the guitar and was given uz tips, lew had to learn > eddy was still in general command of being 1st, in the room bay but couldn't play even left handed > this is about the time george arrived he'd been camping everyone was always on about it > then introduceing us to smokeing id never tasted tobbaco & needed a pipe over it > this is where i met heaven 2 and righted me guitar ideas > now everything was becomeing magic and id never been so happy, a daily game lo > girls were showing up everywhere and julie got uz fixed up > she'd bought a pair of flats at seaside, and ed took uz round to see how she dressed > it was a big shock her parade means gaga's safe to, just in stockings for alley > her little mate was no easy play but also her tattoo was where it shouldn't be autuh > so i stayed the night through thum, and took to debbie straight away skeeps > we rolled around here and there till it was over coz id seen clare > she was the lowest scandel., more in episode 5, skeepy > the door knocked i was in alone ed had moved in with julie, looking for marraige somehow > lewi was moveing in tonight we'd been made serious now for assault.. it was clare alone > id been on the phone real early after a latenight hash lesson lovelies, and > betty might of heard uz explaining., she came round the corner in silk, at her age that was a sensation I, > stammered, but had to finnish swallowed and looked hard with this future idea id be sure to use > quick i need to use the kitchen betty's in downstairs,, clare explained > clare needed fondeled but i wasn't ready and had been studying her behaiver with amazement lately > she had so often appeared at the door in just a longish tshirt either to squeeze in or seeking maurice > we'd usually be busy it was so distracting, and she loved cards so much i had to win > anyway her idea was to make tea with these mushrooms she'd found > i was all forrit insisting it wouldn't work.,, a magic spell she was adamant like she was a real genius - we halfed it > george made a plan he said if we could get a 1/8 deal out of Mc V. for the night he'd loan me his > mini cooper s. to pick up pete at his home > he left with the blow we'd meet up in bedsit after, i roared away for lewi > we'd had a smoke with Mc V. a real cool guy, i was really happy in this condition all senses plused max > episode6, journey to door. night > not missing an oppertunity to drive i headed here thinking it wise to add jogi as room pet, > check a few dates and news posts about now > this only took a few minutes and i was at lewi's house then > the one about the romans dissapeareing and it being due to a chemical menace was sure add to their stupid tries > he was haveing his last meal, so i was up in his bedroom with silly across the way watching in > we had to race back to get back in time for georges sanity, takeing care to go down through delavel > maurice cleared the pets rule, and everything was ok 2 > turning up at julies next day to see ed, but loxely arrived and had his cannibus resin,, oil our treat > we were beginning to getting known in whitley you could see it, and when i saw this darling in a mini skirt > i nearly flipped > in her mothers pubs one night staying together we were spotted us the window cleaners i neared mads > but then paul clark started showing us how to dance by yourself > he was one of the poker hands we'd established > he turned up again in the beachbar showing us how to show a person he needs to know he's heavy > in the place known as macnasty's caught the cryed riot > we had to catch the library lending next day. i chose my books to have > tully found out about this its only because of fay i let him explain > she's a girl in fishnets form > he was an old friend from gossy who played guitar, yet to venture in the real world.. content with copeing > insisting he could help was a bit of a joke we had to hide see > still we were spreding in the community as far and wide as possible, he had a big house and i new he'd > be a good night out and was very keen see > finding out he had a country cottage in bungalow range woods was goodnews with clare comeing > Sue wood have arrived from durham city about now > to face a life in homeless shelter for liz till she met me i pondered this > i could explain things and i knew she'd take me and 8 years early of 4 beaten > id never been happier with her and mary robson who i could play in > i decided to face this for the good of these people > i bought a car for this purpose > and me and jogi rolled it > comeing along elswick road i knew id see her > next episode Sue tear > it was a little after 10 weathers plucking a new game i spots sah > driveing fierce to turn point she had 2 stops ahead tabshop or tea in rays cafe > i had a catch fraze and pulled up.. hey Susan where's there a garage here i need a lighter > excuse me who are you and thats my name you know how then > oh, what a lovely pussy is it yours are you wanting to sell him > no-point here is that cafe over the road open do they sell tabs > buying are you i'm going too hurry lock up your car i'll see if vera's in she's the boss alright > waitttttttt > oh, vera yes you used to be the icecream assistent in grange est way back when was it that right > reas's that was sometime ago > Tea then for 2 ok sue... takes a seat > thought you wanted a lighter > who told you my name > suzannah, what who the hells that > thats bertha she's the cook why whats it got to do with you. who are you now h'way > well if you'll let uz get a word in > i'm a good friend of danny's your barry's son > we were thinking of playing some music together you know he's a bass player now, have an egg sarnie - vera 2 > barry how is he > him and judy have split up she's got the house with her son and daughter in fife > kirkcauldy > yes in the kingdom of fife there > the wellmoviemanor motion picture was produced and rolled by ATN team plz watch for rworld/.17:10 18/02/2012.