
The First BINGHAM BEACON from 1956

(If you know of an earlier one, please let me know)

(A scan of the original page which was very light purple mimeographed sheet)


T A B L E O F C 0 N T E N T S

Staff .......................... 2.
Praise, prayer ................. 3.
Cub Scout Hike #1 .............. 4.
Hospital visit Scout Hike .............. 5.
Birthday Party ................. 6.
Visitors at Bingham ............ 7.
Sports at Bingham .............. 7.
Outdoor Supper ................ 10.
L.A. C. ....................... 11.
Scout Hike # 2 ................ 12.
Field Day ..................... 13.
Poems ......................... 15.


Praise God that all those who were sick are now well.
Praise God we had a nurse all the time any were sick.
Praise God we have special chains for the bag-swings so that the
 bags may be taken off at night.
Praise God for Mr. Hay�s speedy recovery.
Pray that he may soon get his full strength back again.
Pray that the good health of the children may continue.
Pray for another piano, for the pianos are going all day and 
still more want to start lessons.
Pray for a fence, for along with the piano it is one of the 
greatest needs at the moment.


                         page three


We started out Saturday morning March 31 after the shoes were shined.
We followed the river upstream toward the mountain. We saw a lot 
of beautiful colored birds. We followed the river for a long 
way, then we crossed to the other side. Mr. Wallace took some 
pictures of birds and locusts. We found a skull of an animal. We 
went for awhile longer then we went up onto a little hill and 
had a cookie and part of an apple each. We could see the school 
from the hill where we ate.

After we had eaten we started back for home. Mr. Wallace took a 
picture or two of us on the way home. We saw a few more 
beautiful birds on the way home. We got home just a little 
before dinner.

A couple of weeks later we found out that the film in the camera 
was not working properly. Because there were no pictures we were 
promised that on the next hike there would be more pictures 
                                             JOHN TOMLINSON


We, the Cub Scouts, started our hike around 8:30 A.M. of the 
morning of April 28. We went the way of the short cut to the 
lumber mill road. Along the riverbed which we travelled some of 
fell in.Once when we were crossing the river a pair of field 
glasses fell, following a jump, into the water. We got them but 
there was some water in them. Then we unscrewed them to let the 
water out.
Along the riverbed we saw some wild cat tracks. We drew two of 
them on a piece of paper. We also saw many birds. Most the them 
were on the banks but some were drinking water. Most of the 
birds were different kinds and colors. They all flew away when 
we came close to them. On the way back some of us walked along 
the bank instead of along the river bed.

                                               C. HASPELS


May-fifth all the children in Mr. Wallace�s room went to help at 
the hospital.
The serial number and the name needed to be written on the 
outside of the patient�s record. About the middle of the 
afternnon we stopped for refreshments. We had pop and ham 
sandwiches. They tasted very good. When we had worked until 5:00 
o�clock we put the records we hadn�t finihed in the car to do 
when we got back to Bingham.

We had a good time and we were all allowed to talk.

                                              FAITH RUTHERFORD

THE BOY SCOUT HIKE by Howard E Brant.

I could hardly wait until morning came- Saturday morning that 
is. I looked at my watch as the minutes passed slowly. It read 
"Ah we are going soon I thought" and I fell into a doze. Not for 
long did I slumber because I heard someone in the room. It was 
Mr. Wallace.
We got up. That is Paul, Brian, Bob, Andy, and I got up. We 
dressed and ate our breakfast. We then started for the airport. 
We got there and then thought we could get to a mountain that 
"looked close by".
We hiked and hiked and hiked; and still the mountian went 
farther and farther away. We climbed up and down gullies. 
Finally we stopped and had our lunch.

When we came home we were very thirsty and so Mr. Wallace got us 
some pop.
It so happened that Paul W. had gotten new shoes a few days 
before and they were hurting him. We were told, Brian, Paul, and 
myself, to stay at a creek near the road and and after a time 
Mr. Hay came and picked us up and brought us home, (in the car).

In the coin contest there were prizes given, but Andy Rutherford 
got the exciting story of the "Fuzzy Duckling".

Page 5

 THE BIRTHDAY PARTY ...................and

A   T R I P    A R O U N D    T H E    W O R L D

On a Wednesday ( I forget the date ) in April, we had the first 
Birthday party of the year. It was for the months of JANUARY, FEBRUARY, 

"Uncle Ernie Dick showed us some pictures about his trip around
the world while the treats were being prepared.


All those who had birthdays in Jan., Feb., Mar., and April sat at the 
"birthday table" which is the special table. Each of these children 
got a present.

The treats were jelly with butterscotch sauce, coolade, candy, and 
cake. After the treats we had devotions, and then went off to bed.

It was lots of fun and there were good things to eat.
                                                                                                           by JAMES HAY.


For Sunday dinners we usually have some visitors that stay until Mr.
and Mrs. Hay go to the radio station. Some of the children have 
had the measles and other sicknesses. 
We are thankful that Miss Brown, Miss Chennell,
and Miss Longmire stayed with us to help. Each Nurse stayed with us
about a week or more.

Often parents come to see their children and I know the children are 
happy to see them.
                                   R. Van Schmidt

B I N G H A M     S P O R T S 
                             by Dennis Hoekstra and Dan Perkins.

This year we have been doing different things in sports. We have
been riding horses at different days. Jimmy Hay and Dennis made
a jump for the horses about a month ago. No one has fallen off the
horses yet this year. We are trinaing one horse to jump; one horse
already knows how. The names of the the horses are Peggy, Tommy,
and Tinker. Peggy is about twenty five years old and is very gentle
for the younger children.

Mr. Hay is just about finished with the barn and then the horses can
have a better place to stay.

Once in a while we play baseball and volley ball. Some of us play cars
and airplanes. Some make airplanes and boats.

Each Friday night we play pingpong with Mr. Wallace and also among
ourselves. Mr. Wallace has not won yet. Daniel, Howard, and Russell 
are good players.

(Ed. Note) Dennis is not bad either.
Lastly there is swimming. Every Saturday either division One or 
Division. Two or both, go to Haile Selassie Secondary School. Out 
there they have a diving tower and a nice springboard at their pool.

Most of us go there to learn to swim, although some know already.
Mr. Read and Mr. Wallace go out with us.

The swimming pool is about forty feet wide by eighty feet long. At
the shallow end it is about two feet deep. In the deepest part is is about 
twelve to fifteen feet, at least it is far too deep to wade. It is made of 
concrete covered with cement. The pool is steep but swimming is a lot 
of fun.

                                                     D.H & D.P.

O U T D O O R    S U P P E R    by    M. Hodges.

Every Friday or Saturday night if the weather is fine we have an 
outdoor supper.

The food silverwear and dishes are stacked on a table. When it is 
time to eat some of the girls and teachers serve us.

After we have been served we go and sit down anywhere that we want 
outside as long as we don�t go too far away.

After supper we go and play outside until Mr. Hay tells us to come in, 
or else a bell is rung.

Sometimes after we come in we are aloowed to play in our bedrooms.

                                        page ten.
               L. A. C.

L. A. C. stands for LOYAL AMBASSADORS for CHRIST. We have L. A. C.
every Sunday afternoon from 4:45 to 5:45. There are four groups and 
each group takes a turn each Sunday.

The names of the leaders and the groups are:

Van Schmidt ....................Christian Soldiers
Dan Perkins......................Loyalists
Dennis Hoekstra...............Gideons
Murray Hodges................Crusaders

Andy Rutherford is President,
Howard Brant is Vice-President
Tamma Spitler is pianist
Faith Rutherford is Treasurer
Valerie Swart is Secretary

Would you like to come to one the meetings? 
It would be something like this.

The choir sings "The Lord is in His Holy Temple". We would then
all sing the theme song. After that Andy would pray. Someone would 
take up the offering. The choir would then sing the offering song and 
Valerie would read the roll call and minutes.

The choir would then sing a special number. We would all sing a 
special number.

Someone would give the main part of the meeting by giving the 
message or an object lesson.

We close the meeting by singing the closing hymn. Someone would
lead us in prayer and we would all repeat the Ambassador�s
Benediction which is taken from Nubmer 6:24-26.

                                           by Sharon Meckes and Ruth Stokes.

Part of last year�s offering from the L. A. C. Meetings was sent to help
out with the radio ministry of Back to the Bible Broadcast.

                   Page 11

               SCOUT HIKE NUMBER TWO   by J. Paul Wallace

We were up before the sun on May 5th. It was the Saturday 
Holiday of the return of H.I.M. to Addis many years before. 
After a special breakfast including dry cereal, se saddled 
Peggy, and bridled Tommy and Tinker. We Scouts like to ride 
bare-back, you know. It�s more fun.

With Bob, Howard and myself astride the steeds and Scoutmaster, 
Wallace, Brian, and Andy afoot, we started down the road through 
the village of Quolfi and up the pipeline that brings precious 
clean water to the thousands of Addis.

When we arrived at the hollow tree - a big wildfig - we switched 
means of transportation. Following the pipeline through the 
eucalyptus trees or across meadows, taking turns on the horses.

The most fun of the whole trip was crossing cement bridges built 
for the water pipe across little creeks. There the three 
infantry-men could look down on the cavalry who had to ford the 
streams. The longest of these bridges is about as long as 
Bingham playground.

Perhaps we had gone four or five miles up the pipeline when our 
watches told us that we had gone far enough.

We stopped for half an hour to eat lunch. Scouts ate the bananas 
and Peggy and Tinker ate the skins. Tommy was "imbi".

All of us were back at Bingham by noon, tired, but glad we had 
had such a good hike.

ONCE I WAS SICK .............Gayle Swart

Once I
Was sick,
It was not
A trick;
I felt
Very bad,
        y sad.

Page 12
                           FIELD DAY

                         May 31, 1956

                     Winners: Grades 1-4

Girls		Event			Boys

Nancy Zabel				John Russell
Marilyn R.	Straight Running	Tommy Fellows
Gwenny Nunn				John Zabel
Gayle Swart				John Haspels

Nancy Zabel				John Russell
Jean Haspels	Hopping Race		Tommy Fellows
Gayle Swart				John Zabel
Gwenny Nunn				John Haspels

Carolee Hodges			John Russell
Nancy Zabel	Feet-Together	Tommy Fellows
Gayle Swart	Jumping Race		John Zabel
Gwenny Nunn				John Haspels

Nancy Zabel				Mark Perkins
Jean Haspels	Boot and Shoe	John Russell
Gwenny Nunn	Race			John Zabel
Glory Stokes				Philip Perkins
					Rolf Rohm

Carolee Hodges			John Russell
Marilyn R.	High Jump		Mark Perkins
Becky Meckes				John Haspels
Gayle Swart				John Zabel

Nancy Zabel				John Russell
Marilyn R.	Standing Broad	Tommy Fellows
Gwenny Nunn	Jump			John Zabel
Gayle Swart				John Haspels

Nancy Zabel				John Russell
Carolee H.	Running Broad	Tommy Fellows
Becky Meckes	Jump			John Zabel
Joy Healy				John Haspels

	Page 13
 Boys				Girls

Tommy Fellows		Jean Haspels
Mark Perkins	Ball Throw	Marilyn Reimer
John Haspels			Gayle Swart
John Zabel			Glory Stokes

The winners of the Rabbit Hop Race were: Nancy Zabel, 
Carolee Hodges, John Russell, and Tommy Fellows.

The winners of the Slow Bicycle Race were: Becky Meckes, 
Gayle Swart, John Zabel, John Haspels.

The winners of the Skipping (Individual Rope) Race were: 
Nancy Zabel, Valerie Nunn, Gwenny Nunn, and Becky Meckes.

The winners of the Wheelbarrow Race were: John Russell-Mark Perkins, 
Tommy Fellows-Raymond Jones, John Zabel-John Haspels, 
Jimmy Hoekstra-Philip Perkins.

	Inners- Grades 5-8
	(25 yd. dash)

Girls, 10-11 yr.	Girls, 12&over.	Boys,10-11	Boys12, over

	(25 yd. dash)
Valerie Swart	Faith Rutherford	Chuck Haspels	Andy R.
Ruth Stokes	Tamma Spitler		Dennis R.	Murray H.

	(50 yd. dash)
Valerie Swart	Faith R.		Chuck Haspels	Dennis H.
Ruth Stokes	Tamma Spitler		Gerd Rohm	Andy R.

	(Standing Broad Jump)
Ruth Stokes	Tamma Spitler		Chuck H.	Andy R.
Valerie Swart	Faith R.		Dennis R.	Murray H.

	(Running Broad Jump)
Sharon Meckes	Tamma Spitler		Chuck H.	Andy R.
Ruth Stokes	Faith R.		Dennis R.	Van S.

	(Hop, Step, and Jump)
Ruth Stokes	Faith R.		Chuck H. 	Andy R.
Valerie Swart	Tamma S.		Brian Hodges	Murray H.
	(Slow Bicycle Race)	
Valerie Swart	Faith R.		Jim Hay		Bob R.
Sharon Meckes	Tamma Spitler		Brian H.	Andy R.

	Page 14
 The winners of the High Jump were: Chuck Haspels, Dennis Ratzlaff,
Andy Rutherford, and Dan Perkins.

The winners of the Boot and Shoe Race were: Ruth Stokes, Sharon Meckes,
and Tamara Spitler.

The winners of the Wheelbarrow Race were: Jim Hay, Dennis Ratzlaff,
and Brian Hodges, Chuck Haspels.

The winners of the Skipping Races were: John Tomlinson, Brian Hodges,
Sharon Meckes, Valerie Swart, Faith Rutherford and Tamara Spitler.

Andy Rutherford and Murray Hodges won the Obstacle Race.

The winners of the Sack Race were: Sharon Meckes, Valerie Swart,
Faith Rutherford, and Tamma Spitler.

The winners of the Hopping Race were: Ruth Stokes, Sharon Meckes,
Faith Rutherford, and Tamma Spitler.

Andy Rutherford and Howard won the Cross Country Race.

The winners of the Pick-a-Back Race were: Chuck Haspels, Brian Hodges,
and Jim Hay, and Dennis Ratzlaff; Andy R., Dennis Hoekstra, 
and Howard Brant, Bob Ratzlaff.

On Monday the second and third grade girls do sewing. Miss Wollman
teaches the class. We enjoy it very much. We learned to tie knots and to 
sew the running stitch.
		�..Gayle Swart.

I'd like to be a big windmill,
To grind the corn so fine and well,
To make the people happy,
And to enjoy the summer day.        ��.Joy Healy.

Outside the door the bare tree stands,
And catches the snowflakes in it's hands,
And holds them well and holds them high,
Until a puffing wind comes by.              ��..Joy Healy.

L A S T    M I N U T E    N E W S.

Andy R. left us June 2. We wish him God's best at Gowan's.

The overnight hike was a howling success. Ask the hyenas they ought to know. "A Good Time Was Had By All". Many thanks to Al. S. and Bert r.


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