Rutgers Circle K

In This Site

What Is CKI
About RU CKI
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What Is CKI

Circle K International has 3 Pillars: Service, Leadership, Fellowship

New Jersey District website:

Circle K International website:

The Mission

The Mission of Circle K International is to involve college and university students in campus and community service while developing quality leaders and citizens. Circle K inspires people to bet our world. In support of this, we are committed to:

bulletcollaborating with all members of the K-family to achieve our common objectives; 
bulletcontinuing student management of the organization at all levels; 
bulletdeveloping positive role models;
bulletenhancing inter-cultural understanding and cooperation;
bulletincreasing our service potential;
bulletproviding opportunities for fellowship, personal growth, and professional development;
bulletworking toward greater public recognition of the organization.

The Vision

Circle K is the organization that holds the promise of today's college student becoming tomorrow's leader. It exists to meet the personal needs of the individual collegian through the qualities of leadership, the rewards of service, and the unique spirit of friendship. Circle K's potential lies in its ability to positively influence those in our society who are facing ultimate personal decisions, and those who will one day create the vision of mankind for generations to come. Circle K is the embodiment of those qualities necessary to shape the future, realized in the colleges and universities of today.

The Vision of Circle K International is dedicated to the realization of mankind's potential.

The Objects

bulletTo emphasize the advantages of the democratic way of life;
bulletTo provide the opportunity for leadership training in service;
bulletTo serve on the campus and in the community;
bulletTo cooperate with the administrative officers of the educational institutions of which the clubs are a part;
bulletTo encourage participation in group activities;
bulletTo promote good fellowship and high scholarship;
bulletTo develop aggressive citizenship and the spirit of service for improvement of all human relationships;
bulletTo afford useful training in the social graces and personality development;





© 2004 Rutgers Circle K International

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