Terms listed:
  Pharmacist ...Pig... Pillbug ... Points ... Point Whore ... POTA

(if any)
A pactisioner of herbs, northeast of Stonebrook. Offers Dink herbal boots. Also known as the cobbler.
Submitted by: B.S. Lengton
Source: Original Dink Smallwood game
Pig(n) Harmless creature with pink skin that can be found at several places in the dink universe. Normally pigs just walk around doing nothing. 
Feeding the pigs is Dinks first task when his adventures begin. He is not a hero yet, but only a small pig farmer who gets laughed at. 
In the Darklands is the only pig that rewards you when slaughtered, a hard-to-kill animal, but brings a lot of experience points. 
Submitted by: Sir_Lightfoot
Source: Original Dink Smallwood game
Pillbug <n> - Small, round, blue insect like creature that is the most common and by far the easiest creature to kill in Dink Smallwood and it's dmods minus ducks, pigs, and Quackers.
Submitted by: DethLord.
Source: General Dink Terminology
Points (n)
Pronounced Pointsss. A now defunct term used to describe the value of an file, D-mod, or utility files maker, based on the files average reviewer score of it, out of 10. This is in addition to any reviews that particular user made, of either long (2) or short (1). Sometimes, people would release absoulute garbage in the quest of points, that is called point whoring. This led to the implementation of negative points, which led to things like Neglected files, an abandonment of the Points system and a recolection of the pioneering achievements in bad D-mods, esp. The Porno D-mod, Short, and The Dink Forever Trilogy. 
Further References:
See Neglected files
See Point Whoring
See various members of the Dink community accused of the former ;-)>br? 
See Short (D-mod)
See The Porno D-mod
See The Dink Forever Trilogy 
Submitted by: Chrispy. 
Source: General Dink Terminology
Point Whore (n) (1) One who submits a useless file to the Dink Network for the sole purpose of obtaining points. (see: Points) 
(2) One who requests that their useless files be removed from the Network after recieving negative points for them. 

Other forms of word:
Point Whore (v.) - To act in the manner of a point whore. eg. 
Submitted by:Allikitten.
Source:  redink1 was the first to take the concept of Karma Whores and apply it to Dink, but it's now a broadly used term.

Prophecy of the Ancients - the epic DMod by Gary&Tony Hertel. The first epic created, IMHO the greatest DMod ever.
Submitted by: Tyrsis
Source: The Dink Network

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