Terms listed:
King Daniel ... King's Forest ... Koka Isle

(if any)
King Daniel(n) (1) Your typical fat, lazy king of Goodheart Castle in Dink Smallwood that only gives orders and do nothing. This holds true in some dmods with a King in it. :)
 (2) redink1
(3) The King of Goodheart Castle. He had victory in the Great Goblin Invasion of the year 23. He sended Milder, as a Royal Guard to the Dark Lands. He later sents Dink after him, when reports tell him that Milder is lost.
Submitted by: DethLord B.S. Lengton (3)
Source: General Dink Term and Webmaster of Dink Network
King's Forest
The forest north of the king's castle. Once guarded by two knights, Dink needs to explore this dangerous forest, which is populated by Stone Giants. Ultimately he needs to fight a giant slayer in the northwest.
Submitted by: B.S. Lengton
Source: Prophecy of the Ancients
Koka Isle The hidden island of ducks, south of windemere. Here Dink finds giant ducks with murderous games. Dink finds here the man with the mighty bow for the cost of 25.000 gold pieces and the hidden place with the beach covered in gold and many potions.
Submitted by: B.S. Lengton
Source: Original Dink Smallwood game
Krog When Dinks visits the first village, after his escape from the island he started on, he needs to kill two goblins. Krog is one of them, the other one is Drog..
Submitted by: B.S. Lengton
Source: Prophecy of the Ancients

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